Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 126: The Price of Alliance (2)

Chapter 126: The Price of Alliance (2)

For the last two weeks, all Kai decided to accomplish was practicing his fuinjutsu with senjutsu chakra. There was a notable increase in the quality of the seals but it never provided a new skill as the seals seemed to perfectly blend in with Senjutsu Chakra... and this was the only reason why Kai waited to practice the fuinjutsu before finally deciding to use staple skills like Hiraishin in his Sage Mode. What Kai found was the fact that aside from the greater quality of the seals, he controlled them... as if they were a part of his body.

Fuinjutsu, for the most part, are like 'switches.' You lay them and activate them and wait for the intended purpose to be achieved. For instance, a sealing fuin would activate and seal an object within the predetermined host or vessel. With Senjutsu Chakra... Kai was 'forced' to experience their nature. To be more precise, his chakra didn't flick a switch but entered the pathway itself and this... Kai realized, was an indirect 'application' of the [Chakra Origin Seal.]

But as if the world just wanted to be more complicated with its mystery, there were a few seals that almost intimidated the grind out of his grasp.

The Space-Time Seals such as the sealing ones including the Strength of Adamantine Sage and the Hiraishin.

The Chakra Origin Seal itself.

And more unorthodox seals such as the four symbol seals, spirit seals, and the kind.

Really, what remained simple were the kind of seals in tune with explosive seals...

For instance, whenever Kai used the storage seal, he felt his control over the seal greater than ever, he noted that no fuin shinobi without the ability to manipulate Senjutsu Chakra will manage to unravel it... and he felt his mind 'tickle' with instinctive knowledge which was irritating.

It's similar to his Kekkei Genkai.

Kai felt the application of space-time ninjutsu through his skin and mind even when he 'activated' the seal on his forehead in his Sage Transformation but he couldn't 'understand' it. It was instinctive. And this sensation was wholly unappreciated... why?

First, he never got a skill because, again, the seals were the same, and the knowledge of how space-time nin worked remained the same. His trait never provided a skill for 'sensation.' But... Kai felt a greater mystery within it. Something that he wished to master...

But that was it. Another mystery. Another grind.

Finally... there was something else Kai wanted to experience and he needed a sacrifice for that.

So, when he was called for another mission and realized the importance of it as they were meant to escort Hiruzen himself... Kai felt distinct that he may get a chance to hunt a sacrificial lamb earlier than necessary.


Sakumo led a team of masked Anbu members that surrounded Hiruzen who was dressed in his Hokage attire consisting of a large gown-like white robe and a top, flattened hat with a fiery red pattern. Taking charge of the rear was the rest of Team Sakumo who kept a serious expression.

[Rank-A Quest: Glorified Escort

Summary: Being the leader of Shinobi Village, the Hokage does not need protection but he shall task one nonetheless.

Reward: 25 SP

Failure: Death of the Hokage.]

Kai viewed the mission and shrugged. It was a somewhat simpler mission once again but they weren't briefed on where they would be going. Given the secrecy and the recent happenings, Kai had to assume this was something related to the budding alliance with Sunagakure but instead of taking the route to Suna, the escort moved in the direction of the Land of Rain instead.

It was a shorter journey and with their only limits being remaining discreet, reaching the Land of Rain was a day's task but setting a disguised camp on the border, the Hokage ordered everyone to rest for the night which translated to guard the region and just as Kai readied himself to do the same, he was called into Hiruzen's tent.

Now, Kai was prepared to tell Hiruzen to go to hell if his palate shifted from Danzo to Kai's own younger and juicier booty... but before that erring conversation came to a pass, Hiruzen, still in his Hokage attire, questioned, "What do you think of the Second Kazekage sacrificing Pakuda of the Scorch?"

Kai blinked and recalled the poor head that the Kazekage provided to verify his sincerity for this matter. Taking a moment to consider the situation since political matters are more convoluted than the sealing formula of Hiraishin itself, Kai frowned, "I think that the seal on the scroll could be better, Lord Third."

Nodding and understanding the meaning of Kai's response, Hiruzen refined his question and posed, "What do you think of the Second Kazekage sacrificing Pakuda just because that man could challenge him for the title?"

"That wasn't something Lord First or Second would have done if I have correctly assumed their natures from the tales with which Sensei wore my ear off in her drunken stupor," Kai responded, still not willing to truly step into this murky pond of misguided interpretation.

Staring at the youth for a moment, Hiruzen questioned, "If you were the Hokage, would you have done it if it meant an alliance with another major power?"

"Since I want to be better than all the previous Kages... no. It seems redundant," Kai shook his head and was much more comfortable with a hypothetical.

"Redundant?" Hiruzen inquired.

"If I am a kage stronger than the God of Shinobi, I would not fear those lesser of me and could protect the village entirely. If I am a kage smarter than the second, I will understand that I am already strong and fearing a potential mutiny that would only result in other like-minded individuals showing themselves is to be celebrated." Looking at Hiruzen, Kai gave a cheeky smirk, "If I am a younger kage than the third, I'd have years to strengthen the village."

Snorting a chuckle at the last bit, Hiruzen nodded, "But you don't fulfill any of those conditions because you're not a Kage."

"I'm not," Kai shrugged.

Letting out a nasal hum, Hiruzen asked, "Have you learned Hiraishin yet?"

"I have."

"I have a mission," Hiruzen informed, "Because of your circumstances, it's a mission you won't be forced into. But if you accept it, only success will be accepted. Failure will result in exile from the village if not death from the enemies."

Kai raised an eyebrow while mulling silently.

"What is the mission?" Kai questioned.

"I cannot reveal the details until you accept it," Hiruzen shook his head with a stern expression.

'Most likely an assassination... if the failure will only lead to exile... it means an S-ranked mission. Now... who would require such a level of threat in our immediate situation? Could it be...'

Kai nodded, "I will do what needs to be done, Lord Third," he agreed with a determined look.

Hiruzen's tone grew softer as he tossed a scroll toward Kai, "This is the map of the route the Kazekage's escorts will be taking Iwagakure's present. I'm sure by now Kazekage will have the information on my route, too."

Kai's lips parted for a moment as Hiruzen continued, "There is no doubt an attempt for my life would be made tonight. An attempt at Kazekage's life is expected. Maybe one of us will die or to the joy of other villages, we both will. That is why, I believe, Shamon would have brought his successor with him and his will known to his guards... as did I."

Hiruzen's gaze bore in Kai, "But if you fail, Sakumo will take the role. I wished to call Sakumo beforehand but... the differences in your age are independent of your skills in this situation."

Kai couldn't help but frown, "Then what about the Alliance?"

"It will continue as expected. The other villages will not sit still and see two experienced Kages join hands. But an alliance is something I want to see come to fruition and... some price must be paid for it. And one of our's death might delay the inevitable third war for a few more years since a balance will be achieved for a while," Hiruzen took out his pipe and inhaled the contents while closing his eyes, "The mission details are all there. You leave in three minutes."

Kai looked at the scroll and nodded. Walking out, Kai didn't stop as he unfurled the scroll before skimming through its contents and activating the self-demolishing seal on it. Once he left for quite a huge distance, he formed two shadow clones that promptly adopted the transformation of a thin strand of hair and then disappeared using Hiraishin, accurately finding themselves on Tsume's and Minato's shoulders each.

As he said, if he can protect, why won't he? Minato is a good grin partner and so is Tsume... in a different sense. Sure, he might act coy and save them only if their life is in fatal danger and not minor injuries like getting crippled... since it's fair game here. But it's the thought that counts, right?

But Kai also had to think of the implications of him assassinating a Kage-level figure. Oh, he did not doubt his success. But... the aftermath would be a mess... if he was in colder terms with Hiruzen the opposite of which will finally pay off.

[Rank-S Quest: Price of Alliance

Summary: Assassinate Shamon, the Second Kazekage of Sunagakure to deal a major blow and weaken the village to force them to be dependent.

Reward: 60 SP

Failure: Exile from Konohagakure.]


Kai didn't expect the location marked by Iwa to be precise since... it's an enemy village but damn! They must really have their claws into Suna, Kai thought, because the map couldn't be more accurate. So, by all means, the informant within Konoha's rank must also have prepared for his life to forfeit since this was, as Kai put it bluntly, a high level of snitching.

The meeting for the alliance would be held in 'secrecy' within a town close to the border of the Land of the Rain so the distance between the two Kage's escorts was not as great as expected.

Kai arrived here in a matter of a dozen minutes and observed from distance. Already in his Sage Transformation, since a regular sensor wouldn't notice anything 'part' of nature and donning a terrifyingly humorous red octopus mask, Kai 'melted' into the ground using [Sage Art: Earth Travel] and silently took note of the number of puppets hidden in the coarse tent with a bald figure silently sitting on his knees and calves over a thin pillow with candles lit around him.

Now Kai was sure that this man was respected in his village. Maybe a lover or two on the side. A passion project, too, since Second Kazekage was one of the greatest Puppet Masters.

But this was no battle.

Just with the virtue of his own grind and Sage Mode, Kai was stronger. More than any of Kage's imaginations. And he didn't intend to appear or enter into a grand discussion.

This was no battle.

Shamon's eyelids trembled, his senses honed by multitudes of battles screamed but when he felt a hand on his back, his vision shifted... it turned alongside his neck quietly as the last thing the Second Kazekage saw was a red octopus mask with extended circular lips.

The candles around him didn't flicker even once and remained calm as if the large figure did not disturb them. The peals of flame remained peaceful, and so did Shamon's body as his soul remained sealed within his corpse and in the next second, his body was sealed in a scroll.

Giving the puppets around a look, Kai silently disarmed the traps and stored all of them. They wouldn't be of use now but someday they will...

Once he was done, Kai took out another scroll and unsealed a dead body Yes, he had a scroll of corpses.

Finally, he filled the place with a large number of explosion seals on the tent itself.

Melting back into the ground and returning to a distance, Kai willed and the seals suddenly interacted with their surroundings


A dust mushroom rose as many shinobi rushed forward. Of them, Kai noted a green-haired young girl similar to Pakuda in more than the color of their hair alongside a young and sharp-looking youth who raised a massive wave of iron... dust?

Kai raised an eyebrow and smiled.

'New things... nice~!'

[Earned 60 SP]


Alternate Title: A Shinobi's Way of Death; Unnecessary Monologue is the Enemy of Assassination; Strength is to be Used


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