Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 127: The Price of Alliance (3)

Chapter 127: The Price of Alliance (3)

"Hahahaha, catch me if you can!" A brown-haired girl gave a toothy smile, revealing that she lacked her front two teeth as she ran away with another girl chasing after her. Sky rarely cleared near the border of the Land of Rain more than the constantly raining country, at the very least. So, the villagers would take the chance to come out more under such pleasant circumstances.

And it was pleasant indeed.

[Earned 25 SP.]

For Kai, at least.

Contrasting to the sunny and boisterous environment outside of one rundown dingy hut on the outskirts of the village, the interior of it was quite... gloomy. The pressure itself was exerted upon the masked individuals as it revolved heavily the most around two individuals.

You may think it would be the old man in a large canopy-like hat with a red flaming pattern and a sharp-eyed, tan-skinned youth in a similar white robe with an equally wide hat No.

Two individuals who stood behind the only two seated individuals across the table watched each other. The masked man, standing tall with his defining feature a white ponytail, stared at a hunched and masked old woman who was a head or two shorter than him. Oh, how Kai would want to wear his octopus mask...


There were two obstacles.

First, that would give his identity as the Dragon Sennin of Konoha to others including the shinobi of Konoha.

Second, he wasn't stationed in this dingy little meeting place.

Only Sakumo tagged along with Hiruzen while the NEW Kazekage was tagged along by an advisor of his. It was very clear by now that this individual was already expected to take up the mantle should anything happen to the Second Kazekage, as Hiruzen predicted.

And while his real body stuck along with Tsume and Minato, his clone stuck along with Sakumo in his shadow as a very tiny version of his own. Again, others couldn't really sense sages due to their ability to naturally blend into the surroundings instinctively.

Adopting his usually calm and peaceful smile, Hiruzen commented in an ostentatiously sincere tone, "It's regretful for the Second Kazekage to pass away... in his sleep."

At least, that's what he'd been informed by the Third Kazekage sitting in front of him... to an Old Kage, older than the Second Kazekage, who had yet to pass in his 'sleep,' too.

The youth still wet behind the ears narrows his eyes at the comment yet keeps to his silence. He'd been informed... to be prepared for the worst, after all. And being one of the best in the village meant acquainting himself with the worst side of this occupation despite his young age.

"Kazekage Shaku," Hiruzen let his hum drift in the damp ditch as if he couldn't see Chiyo's glare from under her mask while Sakumo had a much more severe disposition. That old woman herself was an elite but... Shaku, too, was dangerous. They've heard reports on him.

Not only of his uncanny pioneering talent in chakra but also his nature.

"I'm sure you know why we're here," Looking the youth in the eye, Hiruzen states in a flat tone, "Iwa is breathing down your neck but no matter their harassment... they will NOT attempt to destroy a shinobi village privately... even if they can," this earns the old man a sharper glare from the youth and there it was... the ability to remain calm despite brewing a storm within. This is why Shaku is dangerous despite his unheard abilities.

But Hiruzen continues without feeling the least bit worried, "It shifts the balance. No Daimyo will sleep well knowing that a subordinate dares step into their 'level.' Make no mistake, we are shinobi. A tool. What happens when the wielder of tools finds out that the said tools are... how should I put this in easier words..." the old man narrows his eyes when Shaku moves slowly and takes off his wide hat before ruffling his dark-blue spiky hair till they looked like a controlled mess. Two thick bangs framed his sharp oval face and he commented calmly, "What happens when the swordsman finds out that the handle on the sword was an illusion... and it was a blade entirely from the very beginning? That is simple. That sword returns to the furnace just as the shinobi-kind will fall into the furnace of war... until so little of us remain that we become useful tools once again."

Sakumo glanced at the youth for once and then turned to look at Chiyo.

But... Hiruzen's gaze grows intense by the second before he nods as approval grows more recognizable in his gaze.

"It seems we can truly discuss why we're here then. The conflict of shinobi kind is not only amongst ourselves but with those who are easily threatened by us and for good reason. Although, the latter conflict is a silent one."

The old man also reaches out for his hat and sets it on the table.

"We want to retain our strength," Shaku begins, "The weakening of Suna is beneficial to all but Suna. The Wind Daimyo gets to keep us in check. Iwa recovers some of its strength after losing most of its lower forces against Uzu spectacularly. Due to constant skirmishes, Konoha is most definitely pleased to see us fall further and so are the other villages."

Hiruzen just nodded through Shaku's monologue courtesy to a newbie and all. But Shaku soon approached the main point.

"As you said, no power in this world will sit back and watch Iwa destroy another Shinobi Village. Not without a war. It's a good reason, after all... almost anything is passable during wars," a ghost of a smile flickered over Shaku's otherwise stoic face, "I... and the Late Second Kazekage realized that Iwa's actions, more than sapping our strength, is to cause a war... We are merely the tool to quicken the process. Their aim lay within your village... unlike what they threatened last time. Now, the Land of Whirlpools is understandably touchable. After the war, their business boomed once again and they are a full-fledged country of the same rank as the Land of Fire..."

Unable to hold himself any longer, a soft chuckle escaped Shaku's thin lips, "Everyone can see that after Uzu is Konoha... you guys barely lost anything in the second war. Even your own Daimyo wouldn't mind seeing a few of your best dead. And if rumors are to be believed, a rather popular Dragon joined your ranks not long ago. You need an ally now more than ever. Suna, too, needs an ally. We don't have to like each other. Caution against each other is, most definitely, advised, but just the name of an alliance will delay things for quite a bit."

Shaku stares at Hiruzen without any manner of weakness and grows silent. He is done speaking and understanding this, Hiruzen leans back on the wooden chair of his which creaks given its poor condition.

"You say we need to be allies... but why is that? Konoha already has allies without names. If we flank Sunagakure, we are Iwa's allies. And even if that action will bring another war in a matter of days, it's just better for Suna to go extinct than Konoha."

Shaku nods and replies, "But you will not stand for it. Your reputation as Professor is widely known and we are prepared to make a very lucrative offer."

"My reputation..." Hiruzen repeats and begins to chuckle softly. Shaking his head, Hiruzen resisted the urge to drone on how he was also reputed to not give his family any time, sink into narcotics and let his throat pal roll over him BUT Hiruzen has grown. Surely, this lesson came quite a bit late given his age but what matters is... he is no longer the same Professor who kindly reminds his students of the syllabus.

He is the professor who deals in lessons Lessons of Life.

So, shocking Chiyo the most since she was the oldest in the meeting and privy to Hiruzen, the old man adopts a rather cold smirk and shakes his head, "How is that an alliance? Based on my reputation? If that is your best bet for your village's survival then I am disappointed. And you killed off Pakuda of the Scorch for something so silly..."

Before the opposing party could refute it, Hiruzen continues with a remarkably cold demeanor, "You cannot hope to consider an alliance based on equal value. Not after Pakuda's 'sacrifice' and... the Second Kazekage's sudden, unfortunate demise. The Second Jinchuriki of Ichibi is old, too. Too old, in fact. You may use Konoha's name for appropriate compensation, that much I will grant, but an alliance is not possible."

"You mean to subordinate us?" Shaku made the point Hiruzen played around with, "The other villages, no, even the Daimyos will not stand for it. If you just want war"

"I do not enjoy war," Hiruzen clears his throat as stifling chakra began to leak from his very being. His chakra wasn't that high. His reserves are a bit higher than Sakumo and young KNOWN talents like Fugaku and the current Uzumaki Jinchuriki who are blessed with strong bodies, but his chakra would pale in comparison to the likes of Tsunade.

Still, as things are, his reserves are the highest in the room, and chakra filled the area. It was quite a bit of expenditure for something as simple as an act of intimidation but Hiruzen manages to get his point across when he remarks quietly, "But Konoha is not going to be strong-armed into disadvantageous situations due to the notion of war. If you want to spread the rumors of the alliance, go ahead. I expect 5,00,000 Ryo and 2 A-ranked Wind Style Jutsu known to your nameless Clan."

Shaku's gaze, for the first time, shifted and his eyes widened which elicited Hiruzen to chuckle.

"Did you think I'm not aware of the clan bred by the First Kage of yours? It's a nice idea to not have a last name. However, it's an open secret to other kages that this role in Suna is not as democratic as believed but a monarchy. The First Kage, Reto, was the Second Kage Shamon's first brother. And Shamon is your uncle, or, I believe, WAS your uncle."

Seeing Hiruzen dismantle his secret family line known only to the likes of advisors such as Chiyo made Shaku more stifled than the heavy chakra itself. But... Hiruzen spoke the truth. The Sunagakure was ruled by a monarchy of a clan that has no name. In fact, their Jinchuriki

"Not to mention your Granduncle housing Ichibi," Hiruzen hums softly.

"Insubordination is not an option," Shaku states firmly and cuts off whatever Hiruzen was about to speak as the difference in the duo finally showed. Of course, there were a few well-kept secrets that would make Hiruzen equally flustered but the difference is the fact that Shaku was privy to none.

Still, reigning his anger within, Shaku leans forward and touches his hat, "I believe we can still enter an actual alliance. This was an idea... from Shamon. Your reputation for advocating peace, indeed, is not enough. But... what if Sunagakure supports your claims by... let's say, opening the village to another one?"

Sakumo's and Hiruzen's gaze shifted for a second. Indeed... they were a peace-loving bunch with their hands so red that no sin can turn it any darker... but if it is possible to keep their children's hands from turning equally red...

They are willing to, at the very least, hear the notion out.


Alternate Title: Nameless Monarchy of Suna; Only Danzo Gets to Manhandle Hiruzen; The Red of Peace


A/N: Alright, where do I begin? First, I think that only Konoha truly follows giving the position of Hokage to a somewhat more suitable successor. Other villages are blunter about passing down this power to their children while Suna can be a bit hidden about it? I mean, Rasa, Gaara, and Shaku have magnet release but I don't think it's a bloodline limit as much as it is learned. Boruto's new magnet release user and the other guy in the war who used large shurikens showed that much. And, I have something possibly cool (?) planned to explore other villages since Konoha is almost done save for one, particularly op Kinjutsu.

Second, the name Shaku for the third comes from Jishaku which means magnet according to Google Translate, and also has a hidden tribute to Shukaku The First tail magnet and wind-style beast.


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