Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 125: The Price of Alliance (1)

Chapter 125: The Price of Alliance (1)

Hiruzen unsealed the scroll in front of Team Sakumo to let them see the 'price' of their work and remove the last bits of naive innocence in them if it still remained even now. With the puff of smoke from the unfurled scroll as Kai felt all the other anbu hidden in the ceiling tense for a second, a decapitated head now decorated the Hokage's office.

The cut of the head's green hair about the same height as the head suggested that the individual had long hair which was cut short in one fell swoop and around his pale face, the green locks extended to orange tips. The man's hollow gaze directly fell on Team Sakumo while Hiruzen watched everyone carefully and found the team unfazed. Nodding in satisfaction, he continued, "This man is one of the Elite Jonins of Sunagakure Pakuda of the Scorch. You can say that Konoha 'forced' Suna to eliminate a figure but really, this was something the Second Kazekage implied of us to request in his initial contact. This, however, cements the thought of an alliance. Good work."

[Earned 60 SP.]

Taking a moment, Hiruzen chuckled, "I suppose this mission turned out to be less than exciting but that's a fortunate thing. Enjoy the next three weeks of a break. Minato-kun, Kai-kun, stay for a moment, I have a message from Jiraiya."

Tsume and Sakumo left as the remaining duo waited. Rummaging through his drawers, Hiruzen took out a toad-headed metal cylinder used to contain scrolls and took out a scroll from it. "The Sage of Mount Myoboku may not necessarily be an ally but Jiraiya is the only known shinobi to ever get in their good grace. As such, his sage mode is of utmost importance but he is bound by gratitude and their faith to not reveal its inner workings and threaten the relationship he's managed to establish with one of the three Legendary Locations. Before leaving, he wanted me to tell you that the Sage is in an unusually long hibernation but his first order of action will be to ask about your eligibility to learn the technique."

Handing both of them a scroll each, Hiruzen added, "This is a simple exercise he recommended for you two to perform regularly."

Minato and Kai accepted it and waited for Hiruzen to dismiss them.

"Hmm... Kai-kun, that technique... how far have you come along with it?" Hiruzen questioned and keeping true to the vagueness of the question while realizing he meant Hiraishin that he gifted him a month ago, Kai nodded, "I'm almost done. I suppose a week more and I can at least get it working but using it in combat will still need some time."

Raising an eyebrow to that, Hiruzen complimented, "That's quick. Most cannot even understand the bare start of it..."

"Thank you," revealing a light-hearted smile, Kai added, "It's just that I also wanted to pursue other jutsus."

Chuckling at the response, Hiruzen looked at the duo, "I heard. Helping each other develop jutsus is fine but make sure to integrate them well in combats. After all, heavily chakra-consuming jutsus can end a life just as quick as the tip of a kunai."

The duo nodded, making Hiruzen remark, "Alright, I have something to discuss with Minato-kun. Good work, Kai-kun."

Kai left promptly, leaving Minato, Hiruzen, and the anbu members alone.

"Minato-kun, there is something else I'd like for you to develop while working on your own techniques and Jiraiya's homework," Hiruzen hummed and took out a familiar scroll, "This is a reward for all your hard work and results until now."

Minato reached out for the scroll and once he held it, Hiruzen remarked, "It's a technique I gifted Kai-kun and belongs to the Second Hokage. But I believe that you will master this technique, too, in time. If you have any issues, you can consult Kai-kun about it."

Minato nodded, "Thank you, Lord Third."

"Don't be," Hiruzen chuckled and shook his head, "Every Shinobi understands that 'investments' are made with the hope of beneficial returns. Of the current generation, only you, Kai, Kushina, and Nagato have shown more than unusual interest and talents in fuinjutsu."

Minato blushed slightly and accepted the praise while Hiruzen suddenly questioned, "What do you think of this?"

"I beg your pardon?" Minato looked confused.

"This transaction with Sunagakure," Hiruzen inquired, "I wish to know your response."

Looking a little conflicted, Minato grew quiet and only spoke after Hiruzen's insistence on the matter, "I... would not have given up any power of the village... just because they were threatening to me and not the village."

"Some may say that the threat to a Kage is a threat to the village," Hiruzen smiled.

"I didn't think like that," Minato spoke honestly and shook his head. Accepting the boy's response and after a few more casual inquiries about Jiraiya, Hiruzen dismissed the boy, too.

'Hmm...' he narrowed his eyes and mulled in silence. He just didn't think of sharing Hiraishin with Minato out of a whim. In fact, Hiraishin was a technique shared with other talents in the past INCLUDING Jiraiya and Orochimaru but they never mastered it or managed to come any closer to understanding Space-Time Ninjutsu. Even in the current generation, this was a technique not so easily taught to their Jinchuriki and Hiruzen believed that Nagato did not have the necessary mindset to master this despite his talents and good nature.

That left Minato with Kai revealing that he was making good progress and Hiruzen deliberately provided this technique to Minato due to the blonde's dynamics with the Dragon Sennin of Konoha.

First, Hiruzen believed that this staple technique of the Second Hokage was distinctly dangerous, and no one individual should have it. If Kai masters it, there must be a Minato to restrict it.

Second, With how Rasengan and its variations were working out between Kai and Minato... Hiruzen hoped for the two to make something else out of Hiraishin. Maybe a variation of it. Maybe a better technique. But something more. They could use another Space-Time Ninjutsu, after all.

Sighing and contemplating... Hiruzen wondered if he was overworking Kai. The youth may just be pushing himself by not only helping Tsunade and Orochimaru with their recently gained research but also sending out clones to Minato and Tsume to spar every day during their breaks...

'And... then there is the fact another batch is going to graduate... there will also be our other priority in Suna... and the situation with Uzu as yet another war draws near us... I'm getting too old.'

Hiruzen shook his head and resisted the urge to rummage his pipe out and take a puff of relieving narcotics...

Being sober really was a bad decision.


Kai gazed at the milky orb of chakra in silence for hours, contemplating how to step forward. It's been a week since they returned from Suna. Like usual, a meeting for clan elders is called, some of them attended by Tsunade, too, only if specifically called by Hiruzen else it's just the usual reports on the weekly growth or changes of the village.

The exercise that Jiraiya left was nothing other than a meditation practice and a diet that would make a shinobi barely susceptible to nature energy... which was just useless to Kai at the moment.

One thing to note this week was that Nono was called as a special genjutsu teacher for the day in the Academy since her prowess was known to the three elders largely due to Hizashi once being a regular visitor to the Senju Compound and the fact that Genjutsu was noted to have a decline in interest amongst the current academy students... which just may be the cause of their deaths later down their lives.

And that's what Nono did as she skipped the first day of teaching by trapping not only the students but also the chunin teachers into a Genjutsu while waiting for someone to realize that she wasn't really acting like a clutz but rather sleeping with her head lowered... None broke out of it...

Which really proved to be quite the headache for the Elders and Hokage as they realized the means the current era's Genjutsu Mistress had accomplished. This also made many look at the frightening potential that all the youths of the current era held, more so than the previous generation which held the Three Sannins, Fugaku Uchiha, and Sakumo Hatake.

What Kai did not expect to do by the end of this evening after a fruitless contemplation to advance [Chakra Origin Seal] was to spend time with Mikoto. Well, THAT part was fine... the troublesome thing lay in the form of 7 kilos of babbling little poop machine waving his tiny arms in the crib.

"Tell me again... why did I have to come and take care of Sarachi?" Kai frowned with an annoyed expression as Mikoto looked more pleasant than ever to see her betrothed look so troubled and replied, "Because it is expected of you to take care of your brother-in-law."

"No... I can assure you, no one expects THIS from me..." Kai huffed and pushed the crib slightly to let it swing.

"Well, I do. Who's going to look after our child when I go to missions?" Mikoto smiled, causing Kai's eyelids to jump in surprise, "You think about it."

"I mean," folding the laundry, Mikoto answered, "Someday, right? But we can afford to wait... honestly... given our situation, we should plan it carefully so our entire time isn't just filled with taking care of babies."

Kai settled down and looked at the smiling and squeaking Sarachi, "Don't get me wrong... he looks pleasant to the eye but all that changes when he soils his diaper... maybe our child will force me to develop something similar to a self-cleaning seal?"

Mikoto smirked, "Ah, who would have thought YOU to think of our child."

"Hey, given how we've been humping like rabbits despite the seals on our bodies, that 0.0001% chance might just occur, you know," Kai scoffed. Leaning onto his back and pecking his cheek, Mikoto whispered, "Well, then you better prepare to marry me because I'm not going to be a mother before becoming a wife."

Turning around since Sarachi may have had his 'lunch' but Kai hadn't, he pecked her neck slightly and grinned, "Of course, I will. What kind of man do you think I am?"

"The kind who isn't easily satisfied?" Mikoto raised her eyebrow as Kai scoffed, "The kind who you all are more than satisfied with."

"Well then, you better keep looking after Sarachi. You could use a break," Mikoto smiled.

Surprised, Kai questioned, "Sensei told you?"

"That you kept on looking at your research for hours unblinkingly with a roster of clones and creeping her out, yes, she did," Mikoto whimsically played with the strands of his hair and combed them back as she added, "So, this was easy to arrange since Kyo-san and Father wanted some privacy and they can't really trust others easily."

"There are better distractions than this," Kai remarked, "Sensei and you could really come up with something better," his tone couldn't be more suggestive. Blushing a bit, Mikoto poked his cheek, "Let's give this a shot first. Taking care of a baby is new so it already did distract you well enough."

Kai groaned and reluctantly let Mikoto pry herself out of his grip so that she could complete her chores while he turned to Sarachi and stared at the infant who, in return, stared back unflinchingly.

Extending his hand, Kai decided to use Sage's Palm to boost the sucker's immunity and metabolism to leave Yata and Kyo with one big surprise in the boy's diaper later on and smiled slightly.

It was then a thought hit him.

'Isn't Orochimaru already taking the role of parent for Mitsuki...? Damn, this could be a grind, too. The best dad? Strongest Dad? Harem Dad? Nah, the last one is too weird. Oh, I got it, Dad Sage... Sennin Dad...'


Alternate Title: A Lovely Distraction; Nono Remains a Menace; The Stare of Kai and Clones; The Dad Title Predicament; Hiruzen Laying Strong Administration and Decisions


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