A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 91: The Departure

Chapter 91: The Departure

A minutes later, the space around the building of the Great Sisterhood society warped.

Then Olivia, her vice and many others who were in their rooms meditating on spells suddenly felt the great distortion of the space around their organization. They then rapidly flew out to see what the twist in space.

When they came out of the building, they saw a house which remained afloat many feet in the air.

They burrowed their brows as they didn't know who owned the house.

"At ease mistresses, I mean no harm." Eden's voice rang out from within the room.

Then he came out of the floating house and hovered towards where they were.

Olivia and her vice saw Eden and their eyes narrowed.

"Eden?" Olivia asked.

"Yea. I am the one, Master Olivia" Eden respectfully answered.

"What are you doing here? It definitely can't be seek refuge right?" Olivia asked.

"Haha. Not really Master Olivia." Eden said.

Then he said further "Actually, I am here because of my children."

"Your kids?" Olivia asked.

"Yea. I brought them to be trained here so I can focus on other things, ma'am" Eden replied.

"Oh. I guess they have awakened the abilities of your race that you passed to them, right?" Olivia asked.

"Yes ma'am. Also, I want them to trained in the use of magic and receive instructions on hand-to-hand combat" Eden replied.

"Okay. Where are they? Bring them to us" Olivia said.

Eden nodded his head.

Then he flew back into his floating house.

When he appeared in there and landed before his kids, he said to them "Okay girls. We are already there, the place where you will both be trained"

Then he continued "In here, you will receive hard and rigorous training on combat and magic. Also, they will teach you beautiful girls how to use the magic related to your bloodline. In other words, the power connected to your race which is the Dark Warrior Seraphim race and Heaven Warring race."

"Although they can't unleash the magical powers that belong to your race as it is simply race-related. However, with their vast experiences that they possess, they will help you adorable girls grow and greatly develop the abilities of the two race that I am from."

"Also, the atmosphere in here is an highly competitive one. All the girls in here will try to knock out the other girl and be seen as the best. They will do their best to make the other girl eat the sand that comes from their shoes."

"But I know that my girls are too tough for them to handle. You girls are way powerful than them. And why is that? It's because you both possess the power of two extremely powerful race. So don't let any girl in there think she can thread upon like ant. Instead, you will be the one treading upon them. Make them see themselves as weak and defenseless lambs in the presence of a ferocious and deadly tiger. Make them cower in fear and tremble before you girls. And to do do that, you must be ruthless." Eden said.

Then he asked in a serious tone "Am I clear?"

"Yes dad." Lauren and Deborah both replied.

"Good." Eden said.

Then he wrinkled his brows when he thought of something.

He then decided to tell his girls, even though they might meet no one like that in there.

"And girls, I want you both to know that there is this girl who is mentioned to be enormously powerful than every other person in the world. She is said to have immeasurable power."

"Wow. Is that true father? Can someone have such power?" Lauren asked with an astonished expression written all over her face.

"Yes Lauren" Eden replied.

Then he said further "She is the girl prophesied to bring an end to all the chaos in the world. She will use her unparalleled abilities to restore order to all the regions and kingdoms in the world. And to do that, she will need limitless power. Power that can't be matched by any creature or entity in the universe." Eden replied.

"Wow!!" Eden's daughters couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

They couldn't imagine how vast the power of this girl would be.

Deborah then asked with a curious gaze in her eyes "But dad, why are you suddenly telling us all these?"

Eden grinned.

"Well, I have a feeling that the girl I just spoke about to have boundless power and will be the one to unite the entire world could also be studying magic and learning combat skills in this place" Eden replied.

"Really dad?!" Lauren asked.

"Yes Lauren" Eden replied.

"Wow. So, why did you suddenly tell us about her?" Deborah asked.

"I know I said earlier that you girls should be ferocious because of the power of the two super-strong races that you are from. However, if you girls will meet that girl in there in which the possibility of seeing her is almost zero, I want you to be cool friends with her. She is someone that you girls can't overpower. She is too strong."

"Although I don't know how strong she would be right now, she is however someone you girls won't want to mess with. So, if you meet in there in which the chance is very low, I want you to be her friends. If she has a faction, join it and then do your best to contribute to the growth and development of her faction" Eden said.

"Alright dad. We will do as you said." Deborah said while Eden nodded his head.

He then kissed their foreheads and said "Time to go, girls. The people running the organization are already outside waiting for you girls."

Lauren and Deborah nodded their heads.

Eden then winked at his wife who was at a corner looking sweetly at her husband and children.

Not long, with a simple gesture of his hand, the symbolic inscriptions in the house glowed and when it dimmed in the next instant, it expelled both Eden and his daughters out of it.

When they appeared on the ground before Olivia and the rest of the members who had also lowered themselves from the air to the ground, Eden said "Ma'am, here are my children."

Olivia nodded her head with a heartwarming smile in it.

"Your kids are cute." She said sweetly while Eden nodded his head with a smile.

"So before I leave ma'am, I have another request to make." Eden suddenly said.

"And what request is that? Go on, speak. It shall be granted unto you" Olivia said while Eden nodded his head.

"Not much of a request really. All I want is that you look after my children. I want no harm to come to them. See ma'am, I have boasted about your organization to my wife about how strong and powerful it is. So, I don't want anything to happen to my kids or my wife will tear me apart with excessive rage in her heart. I beg you" Eden said.


Olivia grinned.

"We are still as strong as you might have boasted to your wife, Eden. Till now, we remain unconquerable, despite all the shocking numbers of fiendish spiritual warriors and magical combatants that we have in the world."

"Also, we now have many new members which has caused an increase in the defensive and attacking power of my organization, Eden."

"Furthermore, the White Warrior and her sis who is also really powerful are here with us. So don't you need to worry about the safety of your kids. They would just fine and develop well in here, Eden. That's a promise!" Olivia stated confidently.

"Nice! Now, I can be rest assured that my kids will be safe in here." Eden said while Olivia nodded.

"So, let me introduce my kids to you." Eden said.

Then he placed his hand on Deborah's shoulder and said "This is Deborah. She is my first daughter."

Then he touched Lauren's cheek and said with a smile in his face "This is Lauren. She is kinda sharp-mouthed. Please don't take any offense in anything that she may say."

"Hmm" Olivia nodded her head in understanding.

Eden then said to his children "So kids, that's Senior Olivia. She is the owner of the organization called Great Sisterhood Society. While the person standing besides is her vice. So, if you have trouble with anything, you can go to meet them."

"Yes dad" Lauren and Deborah answered.

But before Eden could say anything further, Olivia suddenly spoke "Actually, they won't be training here. We have no training ground here. It's only a meeting place for us and the rest of our members to discuss about pressing matters and bring up strategic means to conquer it."

"Oh. So where would they be trained?" Eden asked with arching brows.

"A camp that's far away from here. Let's just say, another world." Olivia said and smiled while Eden's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh!" He exclaimed astonishingly.

"Well, that is even better." He said further.

Then he spoke to his daughters "Alright girls. I believe that you both heard that you will be trained in another world. However, don't panic. Dad will surely find a way to come see his girls."

He then said further "Go meet Senior Olivia. It's time you girls left here"

Lauren and Deborah nodded and then went to meet Olivia who smiled sweetly at them. And when they got to her side with her placing her hands on their shoulders, she said to them "Girls, come on. Give me your radiant smiles. See, you will be fine, I promise"

Olivia then looked at Eden and said "We are going back into the building if there is nothing else."

Eden nodded and said "Carry on, ma'am"

Then Olivia, her vice, Eden's kids and the rest of the people that came out with Olivia went back into the building. While Eden flew back to his floating house which then vanished from that spot in the next instant.

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