A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 92: Arrival at the training camp

Chapter 92: Arrival at the training camp

When Olivia went into the building with Eden's daughters, Lauren who was very inquisitive proceeded to ask a question that had been raging in her heart to be asked.

"Uhm.. Senior Olivia" She suddenly called out.

Olivia stopped walking and looked at Lauren.

"Lauren. You don't need to call me Senior Olivia. It's just for formality sake. Instead, you can call me by name. And if that's pretty too much for you since there is an age and power gap between us and might make you feel awkward, you can simply call me ma'am" She said with a smile in her face.

"Alright ma'am." Lauren said while Olivia nodded her head.

"So, you called me. Do you have anything to say to me or to ask me?" Olivia asked as she resumed her walking.

"Yes ma'am. I have a question" Lauren said.

"Alright. Go on, dear" Olivia said.

Lauren nodded and said "Ma'am, when I and my older sister were in my dad's floating house, he told us about a particular girl that will become extremely powerful when she grows to a stage in the future."

"Oh! Your dad really told you that? Hmm! So what about her?" Olivia asked with astonishment in her eyes.

"I just want to ask if she is also being trained in that training camp that you are about to teleport us to?" Lauren asked.

"Yea. She is being trained at that camp." Olivia answered while Deborah and Lauren had shock surface in their hearts.

"Okay. Thank you for telling us, ma'am" Lauren said happily.

"Don't mention, dear. And don't try to thank me next time for anything that I will do for you. Am I clear?" Olivia asked.

"Yes ma'am" Lauren replied.

"Good!" Olivia said.

"Ma'am, please what's her name? And is she truly that powerful?" Lauren asked inquisitively.

"Her name's Helena. And yes, she is very powerful. She is the one said to bring order to our chaotic world. And to do that, she needs matchless and limitless power." Olivia answered.

"Alright ma'am. I understand" Lauren said and then kept quiet.


Not long, they got to where a small group of young women could be seen.

They were meditating on spells at the moment.

But when they detected Olivia's presence, they quickly stood to their feet from their cross-legged sitting position on the ground and respectfully greeted "Good day, ma'am"

Olivia simply nodded her head.

She then said "Alright. I have two new trainees to be sent to that training camp. Now, I want you ladies to open the magical portal to that world where the training camp is located"

The young women nodded their heads and then quickly got into position.

Immediately after they did so, they closed their eyes and began to perform some mysterious gestures. Then at the same time that they performed the mystifying gestures, they began to chant incomprehensible words.

Lauren and Deborah looked at the young women as they fluidly performed hand and finger gestures like they were choreographed and became amazed.

'Wow!' They said inwardly with awe in their hearts.

Then a moment later, an horizontal portal suddenly appeared above the ground that the young women circled about.

And immediately this portal appeared, it began to revolve and emit light of many colors.

Olivia looked at Lauren and Deborah and said "Alright girls, it's time to go. Now, go on to stand directly under that portal so it can suck both of you away and then transport you through space to that world where the training camp is situated."

Lauren and Deborah nodded their heads and then went forward to stand under the revolving horizontal portal.

Immediately they appeared below the portal that endlessly emitted bright and colorful lights, a strong suction force suddenly acted upon the both of them and pulled them towards it center.



These sounds rang out a second after the other when the girls when pulled in into the portal.

Then when they had vanished away from the spot that they previously were, the portal stopped revolving and then rapidly faded away like it was never produced.

"Alright ladies. You can continue with what you were doing" Olivia said.

She and her vice and a few others that followed her here then left the young women's presence to go back to their various rooms to continue their meditation on magical spells.


- Training camp -

A large portal suddenly appeared in a place at the training camp.

Roselyn and Amber who were in their offices immediately flew out of them to see who or what was coming out of the portal.

When they appeared and began to await the emergence of a being or a creature from the portal that had suddenly surfaced at their place, Eden's kids abruptly dropped out of the horizontal portal to the ground.

"Ouch!" They both said and then stood their feet to dust their clothes.

Roselyn and Amber saw the girls and understood that it was Olivia who had brought them here for training.

Amber then said to the girls "Hello girls, welcome"

"Good day, seniors" Deborah and Lauren quickly politely greeted.

Roselyn nodded and said "Girls, come with me."

She then led Eden's daughters to her office where she gave them their uniforms.


- Roselyn's office -

When Roselyn was speaking, telling them about the training ground, Deborah looked at Lauren who had developed a curious look in her face.

She then tapped her sister's arm to draw her attention towards her.

When she successfully pulled her sister's attention towards her, Deborah gave her a stern look that she shouldn't ask the middle-aged woman in front of them any question that she had in mind.

But as a stubborn and persistent girl, Lauren totally ignored her older sister's stern gaze and warning and looked at Roselyn who was totally surprised at the action of the two girls.

Roselyn then decided to ask "Girls, what's it?"

Deborah hurriedly said "Ma'am, please don't answer any question that this annoying sister of mine is going to ask you"

"Oh!" Roselyn exclaimed with a surprised tone in her voice.

She then turned her head to look at Lauren who was looking at her with a curious gaze in her eyes.

"What do you want to ask me?" She surprisingly questioned.

Lauren smiled and looked at her sister with a mocking gaze in her eyes.

She then stared back at Roselyn and said "Ma'am, I was wondering where Helena's room is in this place?"

Roselyn was surprised by the question that Lauren asked her.

"How do you know about Helena?" Roselyn asked.

"Well, my father told us many amazing things about her when he was taking us to the Great Sisterhood society for enrolment in Senior Olivia's magic and combat training program. He additionally said that it's possible that we meet her, Helena, here."

"And when we arrived at the Great Sisterhood society and asked Senior Olivia if she studied here, she said yes and then gave me her name. So that is how I knew about her, ma'am" Lauren answered.

"Hmm!" Roselyn uttered.

Then she looked at the girls in front of her and asked "What's your father's name?"

Deborah answered "Eden"

"Eden? That name surely rings a bell. I think I have heard it somewhere in the past" Roselyn said with a thoughtful expression in her face.

However, in the next second, the thoughtful expression in her face disappeared to be replaced by an expression of astonishment.

"I have recalled who your father is. He is the one known as The Sword Banisher."

"My, so you are his girls? Hmm. That's good. You girls will be well taken care of in here. I assure you." Roselyn said.

She then spoke further "So to the question that you asked me. Helena's room is the ninety-ninth room."

"But don't go knocking on her door. She might think that you want to challenge her for her room and then unrestrainedly rain down magical attacks at you."

"However, If you are really burning to see her, just wait till the next day where everyone will meet on the training ground. Then you can approach her and talk to her. She is really the friendly and accommodating one. And if she likes you girls well enough, she might ask you guys to come to her room."

Deborah and Lauren nodded their heads.

"But why will she want to attack us if we knocked on her door?" Deborah asked in a puzzled tone.

"Well, one of the rules here is that a student of ours can expel another student from a room that she has taken a fancy to."

"Well, It's just to keep the spirit of competition in this place alive. Also, it's to show everyone who really are the strongest or powerful ones in this place since only them will have the best rooms for themselves."

"So if you go knock on her door and she comes out to see the both of you, she might think that you girls teamed up to battle her for her grandly decorated room. Then without exchanging any words with you girls, she might instantly go into her battle mode and then unleash rain of attacks at you girls." Roselyn said and grinned.

"That is why I will advice you girls to be patient till the next day where you will meet her at the training field." She said further.

"Okay ma'am. I guess we will wait to see her tomorrow." Deborah said while Roselyn nodded.

Roselyn could have told them to go meet Helena in her ninety-ninth room. But she didn't want them to disturb Helena's spell-meditation and her self-combat training since she had an incoming dangerous match with Jennifer.

So, she instead made it sound like Helena was going to attack them without even demanding for the reason why they knocked on her door. Anyways, she only did that so they won't disturb her and let her practice without disturbance or interference from anyone.

"So ma'am, we can also fight anyone for a room that we have taken interest in?" Lauren suddenly asked.

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