A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 90: Lydia angered

Chapter 90: Lydia angered

"Deborah, Lauren" Eden called out.

Very quickly, his children appeared before him.

"Dad. You called for us" Deborah said.

"Yes. I called for the both of you" Eden said.

Then he stated further "I called on the both of you because I have something to tell you."

"Okay. What's that father?" Lauren asked.

"I will stop being your instructor. And since I will no longer teach you beautiful girls, I plan to take you to a place where you will meet other girls and be trained better than I train you" Eden said.

"What? Father, we are going nowhere" Deborah hurriedly said.

"And why is that?" Eden asked with arching brows.

"Because we don't want to leave your presence. We don't want to go far away from you and mom." Deborah replied.

Eden and Selena laughed.

Eden then walked towards his kids and knelt on a knee when he got in front of the both of them.

"See kids, I know by now that you understand our world is a ruthless place, and that only the strong, powerful and ruthless can survive in it." Eden said.

"Yes dad. We understand that only with great power and being extremely fierce can one survive in this world that has been totally enshrouded with great evil." Lauren replied.

"Good. My girls are observant and very intelligent." Eden said praising them.

Then he continued by asking "However, have you ever thought that someone who possesses tremendous power can be killed one day?"

"Well, we haven't thought of that. But the only time that someone who is insanely powerful can be killed is when hundreds of his enemies gather around him or her. Due to their great numbers, they might overwhelm him or her and obliterate that power person" Deborah tried her best to give an intelligent reply.

"Good. I like the way that you answered my question." Eden said and then pinched their delicate-feeling faces.

He then spoke further by asking "But what other way do you think a tremendously powerful person can be hurt?"

"Let's say, no matter the number of enemies that would appear and gather round this immensely powerful person, he will still destroy them with the absolute devastating power that he or she possesses."

"But what other way do you think that this person can be hurt and then possibly overwhelmed and killed?" Eden asked his kids who then entered into a deep thoughtful state upon his question.

After thinking for sometime, Lauren said "Maybe through his or her family. They could abduct a member of the person's family and force the person to surrender. Then after the person surrenders and cease the flow of his greatly destructive powers so that they wouldn't harm or kill that member of his family, he or she could then be stabbed or impaled in the heart with swords or spears by his enemies"

"Good. My girls can think fast and smartly" Eden said praising them again.

"Now, with what you have said, make that immensely powerful person me." Eden said.

Then his daughters did and their faces spoiled.

"Yea. That's it, girls. Your father is very powerful that his enemies might not be able to overpower him no matter what they would do. However, he can be overwhelmed and then eliminated when his enemies have a member of his family who he truly loves and adores and then force him to surrender himself into them."

"You wouldn't want your father and your mother to be killed because they have you beautiful girls in their custody, right?" Eden asked.

"No father. We don't want you to be killed" The girls began to sob.

Eden smiled.

"Well, as long as you are not around me and you girls are somewhere safe, then none of my enemies would be able to overpower me and kill me. Instead, I will be the one to bring their deaths unto them." He said confidently.

"Okay dad. We will listen to you." Lauren said.

"Yea. So, I will be taking you girls to a place where you might meet other girls your age and will develop with them through intense competitions." Eden said.

"Competitions?" Deborah asked.

"Yea. That place is very lively. Unlike here that is extremely boring and full of danger which can surface at any time." Eden said.

"So we will really meet other girls our age in there?" Lauren asked.

"Probably. And if you don't meet girls your age and size in there, you will surely come across many other other girls. Probably hundreds of them from many other races." Eden said.

"Wow!" Deborah said.

"Yea. So you girls see that you have been missing?" Eden questioned with a smile in his face.

Lauren and Deborah nodded their heads.

"But dad, will you come to check on us?" Lauren asked.

"Certainly. Even if I don't physically appear before you adorable kittens, I will be up there in the sky, above the clouds, watching your powerful and exhilarating performances" Eden replied.

Lauren and Deborah smiled.

Then they went forward to embrace their father who too them into his embrace and kissed both of them on the cheeks.

When he released them from his embrace, Lauren asked "So dad, when are taking us there?"

"I will take you girls there now. Or will you angels like to go later?" Eden asked.

"No father. You can take us there now" Lauren said.

Eden nodded his head.

Then he closed his eyes and when he opened them, what could be seen in them were incomprehensible patterns that made his children feel amazed.

If one looked into his eyes at the moment, one will see abstruse or glyph-like symbols on the surface of his eyes.

And as soon as these symbols appeared, thousands of symbols surfaced on the interior and exterior walls of the house that they were in.

Then in the next instant, the symbols began to glow with a resplendent light, making the house appear beautiful as they emitted colored rays of light.

A second later after the symbols started glowing, space began to warp around the house.

Then it vanished in the next instant.

Actually, it had launched itself into space and then began to move through a layer of space to the location where the Great Sisterhood society was.


- Anissa'a room -

"Jennifer, how long will it take you to master that evil spell?" Lydia asked with a curious gaze in her eyes.

"You can't wait for me to come out of my secluded magical training, right?" Jennifer who was seated in the cross-legged position on the ground asked with a smile in her face.

"Sure. I can't wait. That bitch is now too arrogant because you aren't there to shut her up. She tries her best to provoke me every now and then. Her boldness and confidence is now so high that she even accosted me one day, beat me up and then asked me that what the hell can Jennifer, our bitchy boss do?" Lydia said.


Jennifer grinned evilly.

"Only if the fool knows the evil things that I have in stock for her. Hahaha!" She said and grinned somewhat maniacally.

"Oh! You have other wicked plans in mind for her?" Lydia asked with arched brows.

"Well, not really. Just that first one were I plan to destroy her Aetha meridian and make her useless to the foolish instructors in this place." Jennifer said.

"Okay. But when exactly are you coming out of magical training in seclusion?" Lydia asked.

"Very soon, Lydia. When I master the spell that I can abruptly unleash it without taking too long by uttering the spellwords for it, then I would appear to bring upon her a totally ruined future. A future full of dread, misery and hopelessness. Hahaha!" Jennifer laughed.

Lydia also broke into laughter too.

However, as she laughed, her heart was frothing with intense worries.

She could imagine Helena being hit by that evil spell and then her future becoming a desolate one. One that will certainly be full of mockery, insults, curses, sadness and anguish.

But she hoped in her heart that Helena would be able to block the spell from striking her. Or it could result in her doom.

"I wonder how those foolish instructors will feel after you have struck that idiot with your evil attack" Lydia said and grinned.

"Haha! Those fools. Of course, they will feel really good" Jennifer laughed and said.

"I also want to learn that spell too, Jennifer. Could you please teach me?" Lydia unexpectedly asked in a begging tone.

"Nope. I can't teach you that. It's exclusively for me and my mom."

"Lydia, being my faction member doesn't mean that you can have what I have, know what I know. Why are you stupid?"

"There should be levels between us, Lydia. I am your boss while you are my bitch. And so as the others of your colleagues. Let that get into your small head." Jennifer harshly said with a visibly annoyed expression written all over her face.

"Oh! I am really sorry for asking, Boss of Bitches. I was only thinking that you could teach me that ruination spell before you would use the spell on Helena on that day and try to escape with your mom. But I was certainly wrong for asking that with the reasons that you provided"

"Also, I am cool with whatever the Lord of Bitches says, even if it might be wrong. Haha!" Lydia said with a broad smile on her face and then grinned, concealing the intense burning anger that had surfaced in her heart.

Jennifer looked at Lydia weirdly and then ignored her.

"Alright. You should leave, Lydia. I think I have spoken enough with you" Jennifer said.

Lydia nodded and then stood to leave the room that Jennifer was in.

And as she walked towards the door to leave Jennifer's room, she said in her heart 'I can't wait for Helena to trample upon your confidence and dignity, you disgusting and overly proud, foolish vile spawn.'

'What's the difference between us? Because you are the boss while we are members of your faction? This is what Helena wouldn't do.'

'Big idiot!'

'Your nemesis, Helena, is waiting for you. I just can't wait to see the stupid look that will appear in your face on that day when your evil attack is blocked or evaded by Helena' 

She then grinned inwardly.

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