A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 89: Adams's Confession

Chapter 89: Adams's Confession

"Alright" Aria said.

Adams nodded his head and then walked towards where Aria's bed was.

When he got there, without her permission, he sat on the bed and said, looking into her eyes with an affectionate gaze within. "Aria, I have a shocking confession to make."

Aria who quickly understood what was coming abruptly stood from the bed and said "Uhm.. Adams, I.... I just remembered that I need to do something. Would you wait here for me to come back. Or you would leave and come back another time?"

"How long is it going take? And what exactly is it that you want to do?" Adams asked in a perplexed tone.

"Well, I.. I.. I think it's none of your concern, Adams." Aria said fiercely.

Then she said further "Adams, I will suggest that you leave and come back another time. I need to leave now."

Adams gave a smile.

He knew what she was trying to do.

"Alright. I would surely visit you again soon." Adams said with a broad smile on his lips.

Then he stood from her bed and walked towards the door to leave her room.

Aria who stood by a side and maintained a smiling face as Adams walked towards the door to leave her room, didn't expect him to suddenly move towards her at a tremendous speed when he was just about to walk past her.

And before she could do anything like dodge or evade him, she was already in Adam's strong arms who also took her lips into his.

Everything happened so fast that she couldn't think of what to do next.

She just remained in his strong muscular arms which wrapped around her back and with a shocked gaze in her eyes. Also, the sudden interlocking of their lips which caught her unaware bedazzled her. She couldn't think straight and quickly with all that suddenly happened.

She however got back her mind which reeled in awe and bedazzlement some moments later and then said somewhat angrily "Adams, what is the meaning of this?"

Adams broke a smile upon her question.

"Aria, I am sorry. I just couldn't control myself." He said and then released her from his embrace with an apologetic look in his face.

Aria who had an expression of anger written visibly on her face asked "Do you want us to go back to being enemies?"

Adams smiled again.

"I am sorry, Aria. It wouldn't ever happen again" He responded with remorsefulness radiating off his speech.

"Alright." Aria said and then exhaled.

However, what she said earlier was only an empty threat.

She wouldn't want to go back to being his adversary.

Then she asked with furrowed brows "I don't really understand why you even tried to do that. What suddenly came over you?"

"Well, to be honest, I have always loved you. It's just that you didn't look in my direction. It was like I wasn't pleasing to the eye enough for you."

"I have always felt bad about this and awaited a day when I would ask you to be my woman. But the war between us started and I had to shatter my thoughts of asking you to come into my world."

"But when I saw how Kale was killed that day and some of our members being slaughtered like chickens, it was then I understood that time was short on us and that any of us could die at any time."

"We could either be killed by bad guys or by some terrible and incurable magical diseases that could suddenly be released into the air to kill off many creatures."

"So it was then that I realized I had to find time to spend beautiful moments with the woman that I really love. And that woman is you, Aria" Adams said, looking at Aria with an affectionate gaze in his eyes that shone sharply.

Aria listened to all these and unexpectedly broke into laughter.

"That woman definitely can't be me, Adams." Aria said.

Then she said further "All the time that people from your race clashed with people from my race and tried to kill them, if you really loved me, you wouldn't have allowed such to happen."

"If truly you had affection and desire for me, you will tell the people of your race to stop slaughtering the people of my race. But you did nothing and allowed the people of your race to clash head-on with mine with them trying to brutalize and kill each other." Aria said.

Adams smiled.

"I knew you would say that. However, don't forget that I was voted for to seat on that throne of power. It wasn't because I was the strongest or because of my amazing and unique werewolf abilities. It was simply because I was the choice of my people, and so they voted me into power."

"Now, if I told them to do nothing while allowing the people of your race to slaughter mine, I would be seen as an emotionally weak ruler. And then I would be impeached and replaced with someone who they feel should be more ruthless than me."

"That person will ascend that throne while I would be asked to step down and worst, might not be given any duty or post. I would be reduced to a commonblood werewolf, Aria"

"So, because of that reason, I didn't stop my people from fighting yours. But while all these happened, I hoped in my heart that you would come to your senses and then stop the war so we could get back together."

"You however didn't and the brutal, blood-spilling war between our two races went for a really long time with our two races suffering so many casualties before Kale invited both of us to his place to help him annihilate the ruler of the Zohrrindane race and the rest of his people"

"Hmm. I see." Aria said.

"However, I don't think I am in love with you. You will have to look for your woman elsewhere. We can only be good friends, Adams. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings" She said further.

Adams smiled.

"Well, I don't expect you to agree so quickly. But know that in this life, you would be my wife. You would be the mother of my kids" He said and then turned around to leave Aria's room.

Aria heard what he said and couldn't help but shake her head with an indescribable expression in her face.

She went to seat back on her bed and began to think of think of all that Adams told her.

Then she tried searching in her heart if she had any kind of affectionate feeling for him. But she couldn't find any.

"Aii!" She sighed.

"Adams, you will only be wasting your time in trying to chase after me. I have no feelings for you at all. Not even a shred of love."

"Although I could be your wife in our next life if such truly exists. But in this life, you can only be my friend. I am sorry" She muttered.





Numerous slash sounds rang out as Helena used a broadsword which she grasped in her dainty hand to cut her imaginary opponent.

She had used a metal-creating spell to form a true metallic weapon she grabbed in one of her delicate-looking hands.

Helena was getting adept at creating any form of solid weapons from her magical energy, Aetha.

However, this consumed a lot of her Aetha energy and she would have to breathe in or relax more to allow her body recover the expended Aetha energy.

When she was done hacking and slashing her imaginary opponent, she stopped.

She then sat in the cross-legged position to continue comprehending many other magical spells that she had branded to her superhumanly powerful memory.


"What decision have you made concerning your children's awakened abilities of your dark warrior seraphim race?" Selena asked.

Eden furrowed his brows when his mind went into a thoughtful state.

"Well, since I plan to take them away to where they will feel more secure and receive lots of training so they could be independent of us, I have to decided to take them to a place called the Great Sisterhood society."

"There is this middle-aged lady I met when a meeting concerning alliance took place between her society and my former organization, The Order of Greater Good. Her name's Olivia, and she runs that Great Sisterhood society." Eden said.

"Hmm. What kind of training would she give to our children? And more importantly, our kids, would they feel really secure there?" Selena asked worriedly.

"Sure. My organization that composes of many dozens of super-strong and powerful warriors that were from many races was destroyed. While theirs haven't up till now."

"And if you ask me how they were able to resist the onslaught of their enemies, it's because the society boasts of hundreds of powerful magical warriors and Summoners."

"To describe their fierceness to you, I don't think I would be able to last in a battle with about thirty of them." Eden said.

"Really? That's how adept they are?" Selena asked with great shock in her tone.

She knew her powerful how husband was. And if they could fight him with that number and then overpower him, that means they were truly strong and powerful.

"Yes. They are highly skilled and tremendously strong. Especially one of their warrior females called Jessica. I don't know where she got her summoning skills from. It can simply be described as out of this universe."

"This lady can summon immensely powerful entities into her body and would single-handedly fight me in a battle in which no winner might appear." Eden said admirably.

"Oh really? Wow!! Then I guess our kids can be taken there then."

"But would they meet this lady, Jessica? Could she be asked to look after our kids and protect them from harm?" Selena asked.

"I don't really know if we would meet her there. She doesn't stay at the society like the others, I think" Eden said.

"Hmm. But babe, how would you know that?" Selena asked with rolling eyes.

"Well, as a very popular freedom fighter who is called the White Warrior because she only adorns white outfits, I curiously asked about her when our two organizations met at the secret meeting place for an alliance between us."

"So I was told there that she doesn't reside in the residence that was given to her. Instead, she is here and there fighting for people from any race who are being oppressed."

"I am very sure that only she in the world still engages in this deadly world-saving thing. Other immensely powerful people have long quitted from this indulgence that could result in their doom"

"And I was told further that it's only when their organization runs into trouble that she will appear to help them. That lady, Jessica, can really be seen as a hundred-man backup."

"So babe, you should understand now that we wouldn't meet her there as she has lot of things to do. However, you don't need to worry too much about the safety of our kids in there. They would do just fine and even develop quickly due to the numerous intense competitions that would take place among them and their peers." Eden said while Selena understandably nodded her head.

"Okay. When are you taking them there?" Selena asked.

"Hmm. I think I should take them there now. And who knows, they could probably meet the girl called the Chosen One in there and develop with her." Eden replied with a thoughtful gaze in his eyes.

Then he said further with a grin "Well, it's a powerful wish I don't think would come true."

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