A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 88: Calling off their unending tribal battles and becoming allies

Chapter 88: Calling off their unending tribal battles and becoming allies

- Vampire Kingdom -

"Blood Queen, the ruler of the werewolf race is here. He wants to speak to you." One of Aria's guard who had come in into her living chamber said.

"Adams is here?" She asked in a puzzled tone.

"Yes ma'am. She's here." Lucas replied.

"Alright. Bring him to me." Aria said.

"I should bring him here?" Lucas asked to confirm what he heard.

"Yes" Aria responded.

Lucas then turned around to go meet Adams where he was made to wait.

Not long, Adams was brought to Aria's room.

"Hello Aria" He greeted when he arrived in Aria's room.

"Hi Adams." Aria greeted back in a friendly tone and with an accommodating smile in her face

Then she asked "I am surprised that you came to my palatial abode. Hope there is nothing?"

"Nothing really. I just came to offer a truce. I want us to stop fighting ourselves. The bloodbath between our tribes has carried on for long and needs to stop now."

"So, I want us to be the good friends that we once were before all the slaughter and massacre between us started." Adams said.

Aria exhaled.

Then she nodded her head.

"Do we need to sign that on paper? That we won't fight each other again?" Aria asked with a teasing smile in her face.

"If you want that, we can do so." Adams responded teasingly too.

"No need to. I was only kidding you." Aria said with a smile.

Then she spoke further "Adams, I am very shocked that your prideful self came to me that we should stop the massacre between ourselves. I still can't believe that you could actually come to me and demand that we stop the bloody and deadly fighting amongst ourselves. It's like I am in a dream. But what really spurred you to come to me that our two races should go back to being the good friends that we once were?"

"Well, I believe you know about the chaos that has descended upon the entire world. Even Kale, the chief of the Fey race, our very good friend, lost his life to this chaos that has clutched our entire world in it ominous claws."

"So, to avoid being killed off like him, now is a very good chance to stand together. United, we can try to stand against all odds. But divided, we will easily fall apart in the presence of our unforgiving enemies."

"Therefore, what I am saying in essence is that we need to bond together and use our combined strength to sweep away all odds that would come to challenge us." Adams said with a determined and resolute tone in his voice.

Aria nodded her head.

"I understand. But not just Kale died. A lot of the members of his race and those of our two races were killed off by those Summoners. I feel sad everyday thinking about their deaths."

"And because of the disastrous event that struck our three races, I am trying to heighten my abilities. I haven't slept in days all in the name of harnessing my other vampiric abilities." She said.

Then she asked "What about you, Adams? Have you awakened a new bloodline ability?"

"Yes. I can now become a Winged Silverback Werewolf. That is the second highest rank for my werewolf transformation. While the first rank is the Two-Winged Red-Eyed Demonwolf."

"So in my Winged Silverback Werewolf form, my entire back becomes completely silvery with long, silvery bony spikes jutting out from it. While my whole body becomes extremely tough, such that it should be able to withstand the cut from a blade condensed from purely magical fire. Also, my fangs and claws have undergone a great transformation. They can now cut apart almost everything." Adams answered with pride in his tone. 

He loved the new abilities that he had gained. 

"Wow. You have awakened a more powerful form, Adams. How long do you think it would take you to awaken that demonwolf form that you mentioned?" Aria asked curiously.

"I don't know. For now, I don't want to think about it, as it is exceedingly far from me" Adams responded.

"Alright." Aria said.

"What about you, Aria? Have you awakened any other vampiric ability yet?" Adams asked.

"Well, not really. Still stuck with the ability I awakened sometimes ago." Aria answered while Adams nodded.

"So, if your race is being attacked by bastards from some other races, how would you be able to quickly contact us for back up if you guys are being overpowered?" Aria asked.

"I don't know for now. But I would think of a way." Adams said while Aria nodded.

Adams then looked at Aria with an indescribable gaze in his eyes and asked "Aria, when are you going to give birth to your own kids? You know, if you get killed someday, your generation would instantly cease to exist."

Aria looked at Adams with surprise in her eyes.

She couldn't believe that he would ask her that kind of question. And the gaze he looked at her with, it gave her the chills.

"Well, I haven't found whom I love yet. Besides, I can't really be killed." Aria said confidently.

"Oh really? You can't be killed? Are you really sure about that?" Adams asked with a heavy surprise in his tone.

"Sure." Aria answered.

Then she furrowed her brows in the next instant when she thought of something.

"Wait a second. I don't mean that if I am thrown into the fire, I wouldn't burn. Or I wouldn't give up the ghost if my heart is fully stabbed or impaled with a sword. What I meant earlier was that, I would run. I have good evasive skills. Once I notice that I can't overwhelm my enemy and kill them off, I would fly away"

"I have a forbidden vampiric evasion skill which would grant me insane burst of speed in flight or on feet. It would however leave me weak for many years since I would be burning my blood to be granted that astronomical increase in my movement speed" Aria said.

"Hmm. I see. Anyways, you still need someone in your life. When I first stepped into your room, I could detect an atmosphere of great loneliness." Adams said.

Then he looked at Aria and asked "Why was that?"

Aria became tongue-tied here.

She didn't know what else to say.

Then now feeling awkward, she adroitly changed the topic.

"I wonder who that little girl was. That girl that saved our races that day from total annihilation by those wicked Summoners. She could actually battle those overpowered bastards at such a really young age." She said.

She then looked at Adams and asked "Do you have an idea of who she is or where she is from?"

Adams shook his head.

"Nope. I don't have even the smallest idea about her." He said.

"Hmm. That day when we left the Fey kingdom to our kingdoms, I have been thinking about a lot of things. And that girl has been one of the things I mostly thought about."

"I want to know who she is and where is from. I believe that when that little girl grows older, she is certainly going to be very powerful. She is going to be able to finish off any Summoner that would appear in her path."

"And since she would be very powerful to that extent of using only magic to contend with those fearsomely powerful Summoners, I have a crazy feeling that she is the Chosen girl prophesied to cancel all the endless brutal wars in the world all by herself and unite all regions." Aria said with a thoughtful gaze.

And as soon as she said so, Aria who had always felt gloomy and morose since the day that she lost Kale and many other members of her race, unexpectedly felt happy within. A feeling of bliss had suddenly bud in her heart.

"The Chosen One? You think that little girl would be chosen one?" Adams asked strangely.

"I am not really sure. But I have a feeling that the little girl that fought those spiritual warriors that day is the chosen one."

"I guess you saw her right? You saw how she contended with those Summoners. So if at that age she could challenge Summoners, what of when she grows older? I believe that when she grows to half my age and becomes very experienced, all shall bow before her." Aria said with happiness beginning to blossom in her heart.

The more she talked about the girl, the more she understood that the girl was near-boundlessly powerful, giving her the absolute feeling that she was the Chosen One that would come to save and liberate the myriad of creatures in the world from the hands of their evil and oppressive captors.

However, Adams didn't believe that the little girl he saw that day was the chosen one. And he was one that didn't like to put his fate in anyone's hand. He always wanted to be in charge of it and control the direction that it would go in.

"Aria, even if she is the Chosen One, what exactly can do she do? If hundreds of Summoners gather around her, only smithereens of her corpse would surface after they barrage her with their powerful, mountain-splintering attacks."

"Forget about any Chosen One and focus on being stronger so that you can protect yourself and your race from the onslaught of the enemies that would appear in your path." Adams said fiercely.

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