A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 87: Horned Fiery Devil Bird

Chapter 87: Horned Fiery Devil Bird

"So birdy, what tyrannical name do I give you?" Helena asked when she got in front of the bird.

The bird only chirped.

Helena smiled.

"I know that you are trying to talk to me. I however can't understand a thing." She said.

Then she said further "Let me call you Horned Crimson Devil Bird"

"Or what do you think?" She asked.

The bird only chirped.

"Hmm. I would take your chirp as a yes I guess. However, your name isn't cast in stone yet. I would make alterations to it or entirely change it when I feel that the name isn't tyrannical enough to scare my bitching enemies." Helena said and grinned.

Then she said further "While the cute name only I can call you is Vinna"

That name sounded feminine, and it was because Helena had discovered the gender of the bird which she kept for herself as a pet.

"Vinna, remain here. I want to recover the energy I used on you to give you a more fearsome appearance" Helena said. 

She then sat where the bird was and began to breathe to recover all the energy she spent on casting that powerful transformation spell that she unleashed upon Vinna.

After many minutes of doing so, which took her approximately ten minutes, she stopped and then stood to her feet.

"I see you are very obedient, Vinna. You didn't even move an inch away from the spot I told you stay at. That's good. And if you continue to be well-behaved, mama is going take care of you well."

"I will take you on a journey in which we would cross the skies of many different worlds. Also, I will make you the Sovereign of all magical creatures, as long as you remain submissive to me and do my bidding." Helena said while the bird chirped.

"I guess your chirp signifies that you clearly understood what I just said" Helena mentioned and gave a smile.

"So, what abilities were you born with? Show me what you can do?" She said further.

The bird then took into the air in Helena's spacious room and expelled a stream of fire from her opened beak which abruptly condensed into a ball of fire and shot towards a wall of her room.

However, before the flaming ball could impact the wall, it abruptly lost it solid spherical form and turned into fire that extinguished itself in an instant.

"Nice." Helena said gladly.

"I see that you are the type that produces flames. But your ability to actually mold the fire that you expelled into a solid ball is actually amazing. I don't think other birds can do this. Can they?" Helena said and asked.

"Well, I guess I have to make alterations to your name again. Let me call you Horned Fiery Devil Bird. This actually sounds more tyrannical" She said and nodded her head agreeably.

Helena then looked at Vinna that remained in the air and asked "What other magical attack can you unleash? Show me"

As soon as Helena asked that question, Vinna's body suddenly erupted tremendous amount of flame. Then the large amount of flame that abruptly discharged from it body actually shaped into a massive flaming bird that actually screeched like it was alive and shot towards a wall of Helena's room.

This attack however lost it bird form some seconds later and then dispersed.

"Nice. Really nice." Helena said happily.

"Come here" She beckoned and put an arm out.

Then Vinna flew towards that arm to rest on it.

However, due to it weight, Helena couldn't keep that arm in the air for even a second. Instantly, it dropped with the bird taking back into the air.

'What? So heavy?' Helena couldn't believe the weight of the bird.

"Alright Vinna. You can land to the ground to rest."

Once she said that, Vinna took to the ground to rest.

"You would have other amazing abilities right?" Helena asked.


Vinna chirped.

Helena's eyes glowed wonderfully.

"I can't wait to see you grow, Vinna. I wanna see some of your other abilities. I guess those would be really bad-ass." She said excitedly while Vinna chirped like it was also excited too.

Helena nodded her head and then stroked Vinna's long and heavy crimson hair.

After stroking it for sometime, she left it and then went to her bed to sit on it.

When she sat on it in the cross-legged position, she tried to recall many of the magical spells that she mastered.

"What if I combine this and that together, what would it give me?" She asked with a thoughtful gaze in her eyes.

Then she tried to carry out what came to her mind.

Therefore, with only one of her hands out, she made Aetha energy flow to it. And when Aetha energy erupted from the surface of that hand, it instantly turned into a pillar-shaped flame when Helena thought of a magical spell. 

Then the flame which had taken the shape of a pillar on her hand continued to grow in size as more Aetha energy flowed into it. 

While the Aetha energy which still erupted from Helena's hand like there was no end to it, had thick bundles of wisps of it break off from the main stream and abruptly turn into thick wooden branches that actually spiraled around the pillar-shaped flame on her hand which continued to increase in size as more Aetha energy flowed into it.

She then tried to make the two different things fuse into one.


The wooden branches which were beginning to burn as they spiraled round the pillar-shaped flame suddenly exploded into hundreds of splinters when Helena thought of fusing them together.

"Ugh!" Helena uttered frustratedly. 

Then she ceased the stable flow of Aetha energy from her Aetha veins into the pillar-shaped flame, cutting off it supply. And as soon as she did so, the flame lost it form and then dispersed in the next instant.

"I guess that won't work then. Let me try something else" She said.

With another thought from her, Aetha energy which had begun flowing out of her hand once again, abruptly turned into water that grew in volume as more Aetha energy was being pumped into it.

Then after reaching a size were Helena deemed it to be okay, she used her will power on it to try to shape it.

Abruptly, the water that floated only some inches above her hand began to flatten as it took the shape of a blade. Then after flattening out, in which it had taken the shape of a blade, Helena tried to grasp it. And to her surprise, she could.

"Wow!" She exclaimed delightedly.

There had never been a case where a magical warrior will be able to create solid constructs from their Aetha energies and actually grasp it like they were actual solid objects.

The water blade in her hand which had a handle that her dainty hand fully grasped, had a blade that it size spanned a width of four inches and a length of four feet.

"This is really cool." Helena said gladly.

"I guess those Heaven-Level spellcasters should be able to easily do this. But this is amazing. I can actually do what a fourth-level spellcaster can do" She mentioned further.

But she didn't know that the feat she just pulled off was impossible to do, even by spellcasters at the sixth and seventh spellcasting rank which were the Mage and Great mage spellcasting level respectively.

None can grasp their attacks except shoot or launch it at their opponents as magical attacks from a long distance.

"I will be able to employ this newfound ability of mine in closed-quarters combat. It would come as a tremendous surprise to my opponent when I totally pierce him or her with my solid water blade or make large and deep cuts in their bodies. Haha." Helena said with a sly smile in her face and then giggled somewhat evilly. It was fun to be evil and mischievous some times.

"The bastards would never expect it." Helena said.

Then she broke off her connection to her water blade which instantly turned to mist and then dispersed, vanishing away like it was never there.

Helena then proceeded to try it with fire.

As soon as she thought so and with her hand out in front of her, a large amount of flame suddenly erupted from her hand which then abruptly solidified in the next instant into a blade that spanned the same size as the water blade that she previously created from her Aetha energy.

She then grasped the pure flaming blade by the handle and then began to play around with it.

She switched it from one hand to the next as she used it to train. And despite the intense heat emanating from it, she wasn't affected by it. It was like there was no heat coming from the blade.

Then as she trained, an idea came to her mind which she proceeded to try out.

Channeling more wisps of Aetha energy into the long fiery blade that she grasped in her hand which then caused the flame burning around the blade to grow in size and become more wild, she abruptly slashed out with the blade at an imaginary target that was at a distance in her spacious room.

And as soon as she did so, a long and focused stream of fire suddenly erupted from the blade and moved along the path that she slashed out at with the blade towards her nonexistent target.


The flame struck a wall of her room and caused cracks to appear with that area charring.

"Oh shit. I have damaged my room's beautiful wall" Helena's facial expression spoiled and her delighted mood turned sour too.

"I guess I don't really have perfect control over my magical attacks yet. Unlike Vinna who could literally put on and off her magical attacks so they wouldn't cause damages to things around her."

"So in that case, I have to put on more effort in controlling my magical attacks. And for me to pull that off, I would have to learn from Vinna by seeing how she does it." Helena said and totally agreed with herself on what she was going to do next.

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