A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 86: Changing her bird's appearance

Chapter 86: Changing her bird's appearance

- Roselyn's office -

"Deylina, there is something we would want you to know. And it's something you mustn't tell any other instructor in this place. We have to be careful" Amber said.

"Oh. What's that?" Deylina asked with surprise in her tone.

It seems it involved a major secret since they didn't want any other instructor other than her to know about what that they were about to tell her.

"It's about Jennifer" Amber said.

"Jennifer? What about her? She is coming out of her secluded magical training soon, right?" Deylina asked in a curious tone.

"Yes. But it's something more than that. She has actually acquired an evil spell from her mom and she is going to use it on Helena. She and her crazy mother are planning to ruin Helena's Aetha meridians. And once Helena is struck with that attack, she wouldn't be able cast spells anymore. You should know what that means, the drowning of our world into the sea of misery and anguish and then it eventual destruction, since the prophesied savior has been ruined" Roselyn said.

Immediately Roselyn completed her speech, Deylina's eyes widened.

"T-They plan to do such evil to her?" She couldn't help but mutter in a stuttering manner.

"Yes, Deylina. They plan to. That's why we invited you here to inform you about their evil plans for Helena since you are her instructor and we feel that we can trust you."

"So it's our job now to look after Helena till that day when she would face off against Jennifer in a spellcasting battle and prevent any evil from being done to her by Jennifer's mom, who would be watching everything that's going on and could attack Helena if she sees that she was able to block or evade the evil magical attack that her daughter, Jennifer, would unleash at Helena." Roselyn said

When Deylina heard this too, she began to breathe heavily.

Then all of a sudden, a sinister light shone in her eyes.

"I am going to kill that woman" Deylina said with burning rage in her heart.

"Amber, hold her down" Roselyn hurriedly said while Amber nodded her head and quickly put out a force that enwrapped Deylina's body and prevented her from moving. That was an inhibiting force that Amber put out to restrict Deylina's body movement.

"Deylina, calm down. We would surely give you the chance to kill that woman on that day when we have apprehended her and her daughter."

"We would ask the Law Enforcement and Punishment department to give you the chance to behead those scheming and evil bastards." Roselyn said to calm Deylina whose eyes were burning with intense fury within.

Deylina then calmed after hearing this.

However, an aura of wrath could still be seen exuding from her. She was only trying to control herself.

"Amber, you can remove the restriction now" Roselyn said.

Amber nodded and then ceased the flow of the invisible constraining force emanating from her hands to allow Deylina regain the movement of her body.

"Why don't we go after them now and kill those bastards? We shouldn't keep them alive, those hateful creatures." Deylina said with fury in her tone.

"We would have gone to apprehend them and do the needful, but because of Helena's plans which we didn't want to ruin, we will hold on till she has successfully carried out her plan and then do what we ought to do" Roselyn said with a smile.

"Oh. What plan does she have?" Deylina asked with burning curiosity.

"Well, it's not really a plan. She just want to deal with Jennifer. She wants her to regret ever picking on her." Amber said.

"Hmm. She plans to humiliate her, right?" Deylina asked to confirm what she heard.

"Yes. She wants to terribly humiliate Jennifer. And we want to give her the chance to do so, or she wouldn't be happy with any of us. So, we will be calm and pretend that everything is fine till after their spellcasting battle. Then we will capture the both of them and then slay them." Roselyn said.

"Alright." Deylina said with a nod of her head.

"What about the Law Enforcement and Punishment department? Have they been informed that Jennifer plans to use an evil magical spell on Helena?" She asked.

"Yes. They have been informed too and are now waiting for the spellcasting battle between them to be over before carrying out any action." Roselyn answered.

"Alright ma'am" Deylina said.

"Yea. And one thing, I want you guys to be very careful. Especially with the apprehension of Jennifer's mom. That old slithering snake will have hundreds of evil magical spells and tons of evil magical artifacts at her disposal which she would unrestrainedly use against any of us when she sees that we plan to capture her." Roselyn said.

"Well understood ma'am" Deylina and Amber said with a nod of their heads.

"Alright. You can go back to your offices." Roselyn said.

Amber and Deylina nodded their heads once again and then turned around to leave Roselyn's office.


- Helena's room -

Helena carried the bird that she took from a cave in one of the mountains that lined the sides of the valley.

She looked at it and softly stroked the hairs on it head.

After stroking it for some time, she dropped it on the floor and said "Don't move, birdy. I want to try something on you."

And the bird which actually possessed slight intelligence since it was a magical creature, didn't move away from the spot that Helena placed it at. It remained there and looked at Helena who had gone backward by some feet.

When Helena got to a few feet away from the bird, she pointed at the bird and uttered a new spell that she just started learning.

That was a transformation spell that she wanted to use on the bird.

"Alvaro" She uttered.

As soon as she uttered that, a cyan ray of magical energy shot out from the tips of her fingers toward the bird on the ground.

Immediately the bird was struck with the cyan energy rays, it body began to glow in a bright cyan light.

Then after a few minutes of glowing and the cyan light emitting from it body receding, what could be seen was a larger, double-horned bird that had cyan-colored wings and blue-colored eyes that had slit-shaped pupils in them.

"Hmm. Does this actually look fearsome? It does. But not very much. I have to change it form to again to make it look more dreadful. I have to make fear surface in the hearts of my opponents upon seeing my bird."

"But the only way to make it extremely dreadful is to make it look hideous. However, I don't want an ugly, abominable-looking bird. I want a bird that is beautiful and at the same looks tremendously fierce that it would cast fear into the hearts of my opponents" Helena said thoughtfully.

She then looked at the bird that still remained at the spot where she put it and said "Birdy, don't move away yet. Let me try another transformation spell on you."

Then she created in her mind how she wanted her bird to look like.

After visualizing it, she prepared to cast another powerful transformation spell on it.

"Galvanomio" She said.

Immediately she said that, and the spell being a powerful spell that belonged to the Sky-Level spellcasting rank, a wide crimson beam of Aetha energy shot out from her entire palm towards the bird.

Then bathing the bird continuously in the large crimson ray of Aetha energy that seemed to unstoppably discharged from her hand, the bird began to grow in size.

After sometime in which Helena couldn't keep up with the beam-like emission of Aetha energy from her hand since it was a Sky-tier transformation spell, she fell to the ground with her knees fully exhausted.

However, the extreme weakness that she felt didn't prevent her from seeing how her bird transformation experiment came to be.

She looked at the bird where she knelt and saw to her amazement that it had grown large in size.

It was now three feet taller.

Then it appearance gave Helena a great sense of satisfaction.

"Finally!" She uttered delightedly.

The bird which had grown taller to a height of three feet now had an appearance that will cause one's heart to turn frozen.

The bird at the moment had wings that gave the feeling that they were forged from steel. They glittered like actual polished metal in the flood of light entering her room. Then around it neck and head was a long and heavy, bright crimson hair.

This heavy hair which wrapped around the bird's head and neck could be likened to that of the mane of a lion. Although this actually made the bird look beautiful, it however invoked the feeling that crimson flame was burning around it neck and head from far. That was the effect Helena wanted by adding the crimson hair to it head and neck. She wanted to give it an intimidating fiery appearance.

Then if one observed further, one would see long crimson horns on both sides of it head, giving it a somewhat dreadful demonic look. While in it intense golden eyes could be seen black-colored, slit-shaped pupils.

"Yea. You look intimidating now. However, I would still modify your appearance. I think I need to still add some things to your appearance to make you look more frightening" Helena said delightedly. 

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