Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 84 Acquiring a Tutor

Chapter 84  Acquiring a Tutor

While Alex was spending the day with Su-Jin, Min-Ah, and Chae-Yeong. Min-Ji was having a conversation with her mother. Hae-won was in a better mood than usual. That's because the divorce between herself and her good-for-nothing husband was about to be finalized. Because of this, she decided to have lunch with her daughter. Who was as per usual in the middle of studying?

This brought something to Hae-won's attention, and that was the fact that Alex had been using his injured hand as an excuse not to do tests and homework assignments. Despite the fact that she knew Alex was lefthanded, he insisted that his writing hand was his right hand, and because of this, he was abusing the disabled resources at the university's expense.

Knowing that her daughter was an excellent student, and could easily be a teacher in her own right, Hae-won decided to approach the girl with an idea she had been having.

"So, Minji… There is something that I wanted to discuss with you… It's about Alex. Since he has been so nice to let us stay here without paying a single expense, I think we should return the favor somehow…"

Min-Ji looked up from her book towards her mother with a particularly disinterested gaze. She knew exactly what her mother was going to stay and was quick to put a pin in it before this grenade could be set off.

"Don't even think about it, mom…"

However, Hae-won did not give up the way that Min-Ji expected her to, and instead frowned before raising her voice ever so slightly.

"Min-Ji, you know as well as I do that Alex's grades are slipping, particularly in the fields of mathematics and science. I want you to get him up to par with the rest of the class. So I intend for you to sit down with the boy and tutor him for at least two hours a day…"

Min-Ji's expression turned to one of terror as she looked away from her mother and utterly refused to do as she was asked.

"Mom… You know what kind of man Alex is… I'm afraid… That is I were to spend some time alone with him, he might use me the way he uses these other women… Please don't make me do this…"

Despite Min-Ji's reluctance, and outright admission of fear towards Alex, Hae-won was not convinced, and became quite adamant that her daughter help repay the debt that they both owed Alex.

"Come on Min-Ji, you should know Alex is not that type of man by now. Sure, he's a playboy, but every woman I have met who he is involved with genuinely seems to be in love with the man. It is not like he is going to force himself on you. So if you don't like Alex, there is nothing to fear!"

Of course, Min-Ji had heard the stories about Alex, and the way he treated the sluts who he pumped and dumped. He was quite ruthless to them, and thus she was still hesitant to do as her mother said. However, knowing how insistent her mother was, and the favor that Alex was doing for the two of them, she sighed heavily before agreeing to her mother's request.

"Alright… I get it… I usually spend about two hours after classes studying in the library, anyway. If you can convince that meathead to actually show up, I will tutor him. But I'm telling you, mom, you are wasting your time with a guy like Alex…."

Hae-won smiled towards her daughter when she accepted this request, which was perhaps the first time Min-ji had actually seen the woman smile in years. This, of course, caused Min-Ji to react with some surprise, that is until the conversation was interrupted by Diana.

"What about Alex? What are you two talking about regarding my son?"

Hae-won had forgotten that Alex's mother was staying with them, or should she say, one of the man's mothers. She honestly did not know which of the two she should inform about this matter, to help her in getting Alex to agree to tutoring.

But since Diana was already here, Hae-won decided to put together a group of the women in Alex's life who were the closest thing to maternal figures he had. After pushing her glasses forward so that she could see better, Hae-won decided to voice her thoughts aloud.

"It's good that you are here, Diana. I have something I want to say to your son, but I'm afraid he won't listen to me. So I am thinking of visiting Alex's home, to have a chat with his other mother…"

It was at this moment that Jung-Hyun entered the room. She heard everything the two women were talking about before forcing her way into this conversation.

"Diana and Chae-Yeong both in the same room while arguing about Alex? Count me in!"

Hae-won was about to protest, but also understood that Alex had some kind of weird relationship going on with Jung-Hyun where she also could be considered a maternal figure, or perhaps maybe closer to a wife…. Thus, the mature brown haired beauty sighed and nodded her head before including Jung-Hyun in this discussion.

"Alright…. That's fine, but since there are three of us, we will need to grab a cab… Alex only has two cars and both are two seaters. Not to mention the fact that he has already taken one of them to God knows where."

Jung-Hyun raised one finger as she pulled out her phone and dialed a number, where she immediately put the call on speaker once it was connected.

"Hey baby, I need a ride… I'm visiting your mother with Diana and Hae-won. There is something we wish to talk with her about. Can you send a limo?"

The voice on the other line 100% belonged to Alex, who was clearly in the middle of making love to one or more of his girls.

"Come on Min-Ji, you should know Alex is not that type of man by now. Sure, he's a playboy, but every woman I have met who he is involved with genuinely seems to be in love with the man. It is not like he is going to force himself on you. So if you don't like Alex, there is nothing to fear!"

Jung-Hyun raised one finger as she pulled out her phone and dialed a number, where she immediately put the call on speaker once it was connected.

"Hey baby, I need a ride… I'm visiting your mother with Diana and Hae-won. There is something we wish to talk with her about. Can you send a limo?"

The voice on the other line 100% belonged to Alex, who was clearly in the middle of making love to one or more of his girls.

"Shit… Mom's a bit occupied right now… Give us like thirty minutes and I'll call a friend, they should be willing to send a limo to pick the three of you up…"

After saying this, a load moan could be heard on the other end, which belonged to none other than Chae-Yeong. Evidently she was too far gone in her lust filled state to realize that Alex was on the phone, or what was being said. Thus, the shameful words she said were clearly audible to all the women who were listening on the other end.

"Yes, Alex! Give it your mommy! Get your mommy pregnant with your beautiful white babies!"

This remark caused Diana to react in shock as she stared at the phone in Jung-Hyun's hands with their jaws practically dropped to the floor. The busty blonde milf had no idea that her son was fucking his stepmother. But she had always feared it was a possibility. Now that her worst fears were realized she could not help but be devastated. Jung-Hyun, of course, knew about this relationship a long time ago, and simply smiled as she hung up on Alex.

"Okay baby, I'll let you get back to it. We'll be waiting for the limo to arrive!"

After saying this, Jung-Hyun hung up and looked over at the other two mature beauties, who were staring at her in shock. Ultimately, it was Diana who first voiced her thoughts aloud.

"That's not… Actually, his stepmother, is it? I mean, it's just another woman he calls mommy, right?"

Jung-Hyun wore a mischievous smirk as responded to the blonde milf with a deliberately obtuse response.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

After saying this, she ran off and took a shower before getting properly dressed for the occasion. As for Diana, she felt incredibly frustrated, as well as an intense desire to know the truth about just who the woman on the other end of the line was.

After all, Alex had already admitted to having an intimate relationship with his stepsisters. Was it really that much crazier to believe that he was sexually involved with his stepmother as well? But wait? What about John?

Did he know that Alex was screwing his wife? No, none of this made sense. The woman on the other end had to be someone else. Or so Diana told herself. The reality was that Alex was currently having an orgy with his two stepsisters and his stepmother.


By the time Jung-Hyun finished preparing, there was a limo waiting for them outside the apartment complex, where the three women stepped inside, only to find another mature beauty waiting for them in the back seat. It was, of course, Hee-Young, the silver-haired beauty who ran a multimillion dollar company. She looked her prettiest, as she saw a new and unfamiliar woman who was practically her own age step into the vehicle.

Considering she thought that most foreigners looked alike, and the visible resemblance that existed between Alex and Diana, such as their golden blonde hair, their sky-blue eyes, and their anglo-saxon facial features. The woman could not help but come to the conclusion that Diana was Alex's mother. Which she quickly reached out her hand to welcome the woman into her limousine. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"You must be Alex's mother. I am Hee-Young, your son's employer. I must say it is a pleasure to finally meet you…"

Diana was also from high-society, or at least she had married into it, and thus, she was quick to shake the woman's hand and respond with the appropriate amount of courtesy.

However, Hee-Young surprised Diana with a rather casual remark in the next moment as she commented on Alex's character.

"Thank you for taking care of my son. I know he can be a handful at times, so you have my sympathy."

However, Hee-Young surprised Diana with a rather casual remark in the next moment as she commented on Alex's character.

"Strange, I didn't expect that boy to have a mother who appears to have some class. After all, he is an absolute barbarian at the worst of times, and a lowly thug at the best of them… Still, if I'm being honest, that is what I find so enthralling about him.... I must say it is so refreshing to deal with such a primal force of nature… Oh, I'm sorry. I believe I have said too much. Please, feel free to partake of the champagne."

Hae-won frowned when she realized another woman was forcing her way into this meeting that was supposed to be about Alex's poor academics. But since Hee-Young was supposedly the young man's employer, she might actually be the best woman to convince Alex to undergo tutoring.

Thus, the mother hens all began to speak about Alex and how they knew him. It became abundantly clear to Diana after some discussion that Alex was actually fucking his boss as well, which caused her to become incredibly upset, even if she did not reveal it on her gorgeous face.


Soon enough, the limousine arrived outside Alex's home, and the group of mature beauties rang the doorbell, which was soon answered by none other than Chae-Yeong. When she saw that Jung-Hyun was not alone, and was instead surrounded by the group of women she despised more than anyone else. The Korean beauty was not the least bit happy.

Especially not when she laid eyes on Diana. Chae-Yeong was about to scream at the blonde milf to get the hell away from her home when Alex stepped forward and inquired about who was at the door.

"Hey mom, is that Jung-Hyun? She said she had something to speak with you about…"

Chae-Yeong's murderous expression quickly changed to one of pure motherly love when Alex entered the room, and she was quick to offer the man something to eat and drink while she entertained her guests.

"Yes, it is Alex. Why don't I make you and your sisters a snack while you allow us to speak in private?"

Alex noticed that Diana was among the group of women, and wore a sadistic smirk as he quickly grabbed hold of his stepmother's behind, groped the beautiful woman in front of the others, as if to mentally torture his mother. While he did this, he whispered something in Chae-Yeong's ear that made her change her tone.

"Oh? And leave you and Diana alone to have a little cat fight? Nah, I think I will stay and listen to whatever you women plan on talking about. After all, it clearly involves me…"

Chae-Yeong was about to debate with Alex about this matter when she looked over at his face and saw his stern gaze. Thus, she immediately relented and allowed the group of women into her home with a forced smile on her face.

"Please make yourselves at home. Would you like anything to eat or drink? I was just about to prepare a snack for Alex…"

Knowing that it was better not to overstep their bounds, especially after World War Milf, which had only happened a few days ago, the group of women was quick to shake their heads. And thus, Chae-Yeong simply cracked open a beer for Alex while preparing him some nachos.

After all, as his new mother Chae-Yeong had long since begun learning how to cook all the western cuisine that Alex enjoyed while growing up in America. Whether that was Mexican, German, Italian, or stereotypical "American" food, most of which actually came from elsewhere.

With a plate of restaurant style nachos, and a beer in his hand, Alex sat back and monitored the discussion in order to ensure that World War Milf Two didn't break out. And thus, it was ultimately Hae-won who broke the awkward silence. After all, this was not exactly how she had planned for this meeting to go.

"Alright, well, I wanted to speak with… you all about Alex's recent grades. He has, for some time now, been struggling with mathematics and science. Because of this, I wanted to set him up with a tutor. My daughter Min-Ji is an excellent student, and I believe she has the ability to properly teach Alex what he is failing to understand from my lectures and those of his other professors.

The reason, I wanted to speak with all of you about this, is because no matter what I say, Alex tends to do the exact opposite, and thus I felt it was necessary to have someone close to him convince him to accept my proposition."

Alex scoffed and rolled his eyes. There was no way he was going to waste his precious time with a tutor. However, Chae-Yeong quickly voiced her support for this proposition, which shocked him.

"I think that is a splendid idea. Now that Alex can't train at the MMA gym due to his injury, he really should be dedicating that time to studying. Isn't that right?"

Alex was flabbergasted that Chae-Yeong of all people would take Hae-won's side. But it was not just his stepmother who agreed with his professor's assessment. All the other women, including his other mother and his employer, nodded their heads in agreement before expressing their opinion on the matter.

"Absolutely! Alex, you really need to keep up your grades, or you won't graduate. You really should not underestimate how important a college degree is!"

"Alex, you may currently work as private security for me, and have ambitions to become a professional mixed martial artist, but you have to be realistic about your dreams. College only lasts a few years, and a degree would go a long way, especially when you finally retire from fighting. If you are going to get a degree, then you will need to meet the bare minimum requirements in mathematics and science, regardless of what field you pursue!"

The rest of the mature beauties stared at Alex with intense expressions, while he sighed heavily before admitting defeat.

"Fine… I'll accept the damn tutor… I've been meaning to get closer to Min-Ji anyway, so I guess it isn't all bad…."

Though Hae-won raised her brow in suspicion of Alex's words, she left it be in fear that he might reverse his decision in the next moment if he pressured him any further. Thus with this all said, Alex would now begin spending two hours a day in the library with Min-Ji. Of course, nobody would expect him to learn at the rapid speed he was now capable of due to his skill [Retention].

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