Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 83 Goodbye Ji-Min...

Chapter 83  Goodbye Ji-Min...

While Alex slept he activated his ability [Nightmare] which he had not used in some time and connected his dreams to Nari's as well as the guy from her Judo team who appeared to be the "main character" which he was forced to compete with.

It had been days since Alex last saw the girl. After all, he had decided to give her some space after their last encounter, which resulted in him claiming her virginity. But the time had come to finally stake his claim. Thus, Alex entered the girl's dreams.

Interestingly enough, she dreamt of competing for the Gold medal in the Olympics for the sport of Judo. Thus, the moment Alex spawned into the dream, he decided to take the place of the girl's coach.

Nari competed head to head with her fictitious opponents, scoring an ippon left and right, until she finally stood there with a gold medal wrapped around her neck, and the anthem of South Korea playing in the background.

When she went to speak with her coach who had helped her achieve this path, she found that it was not the man who had mentored her since childhood, but rather was none other than the bastard who had claimed her virginity.

Nari immediately scowled when she saw Alex, and was just about to lash out at him violently, when he grabbed hold of her, and restrained her. Nari was surprised to find she was powerless in the moment Alex touched her and when he shamelessly slipped his hand into her gi to touch her petite breasts, she felt as if her entire body had been shocked with electricity.

After all, this was the ability [Incubus] at work. For every time Alex touched a woman in a sensual manner, her body would be overcome with lust, and yes, this ability transferred into his dreams. Thus, Nari could only grit her teeth as her pussy began to drip with her love juices. Alex noticed this and wore a sadistic smile as he whispered something in her ears.

"Well, isn't my little Olympian excited?"

He then grabbed hold of her dainty chin with his free hand and forced the girl to gaze at the crowd. Look at them? Tens of thousands of spectators, here to watch the powerful and proud gold medalist get railed by her coach? I wonder how they will react!"

Nari instantly hurled insults at Alex, but he simply shifted her face so that she could see something horrifying.

"You fucking bastard! You won't get away with th-"

The moment Nari saw Chunho standing there with a dumbfounded expression on her face, she instantly screamed out in agony, not wanting the young man to know that this foreign bastard had already stolen her virtue.

"No! Chunho don't look!"

However, Alex instantly began to assault the woman's lips with his own, which only further turned her on. She was completely and utterly helpless to resist, as Alex Pushed to the ground and pulled down her pants. In a way that did not reveal her naked lower body to his rival. He then ruthlessly skewered the woman's womb with his cock, as if he were shoving a spear through an unarmored opponent's heart.

For reasons she did not understand, Nari squealed like a pig when she felt the enormous white cock pierce her womb. This was, of course, the result of Alex's incubus ability, which made any sexual act with a woman result in an overwhelming sense of pleasure.

Alex continued to thrust his hips into the girl, and fuck her senseless in front of the spectators who had gathered to watch the Olympics, as well as Chunho who couldn't help but call out to Nari despite not being able to help her. After all, his body felt like it was wrapped in steel chains, and no matter how much he might desire to help the girl, he could not.

"No! Nari! You fiend! Stop this!"

Alex, however, chuckled, as he thrust his hips in and out of the woman's tight and moist pussy while groping her breasts through her gi top. All of which caused her to moan like a whore, as her eyes filled with hearts and her tongue escaped from her mouth. Without even realizing it, Nari had begun to beg for more.

"More! More! More!"

Alex did not mind obliging the girl, and thus increased the intensity of his thrusts while mocking Chunho for his own inferiority.

"See this! A girl like Nari needs a real man, a real fighter! A pathetic little whelp like you could never compare to someone like me! Isn't that right, Nari?"

Chunho could only cry like a bitch, as he watched the girl he had a crush on be ravaged by another man. The worst part of all was he did not even get to see her naked body as it was completely concealed from his eyes. Yet with each thrust, Nari's affection for Alex continued to rise to new heights. "I'm sorry Chunho.... But Alex's big white cock is just too good!"

[Nari's Affection: -95/100]

[Nari's Affection: -90 /100]

[Nari's Affection: -85/100]

After all, one of the girl's biggest turn on was Sexual Aggression, and nobody was more aggressive than Alex when he wanted to be. It was because of this that Alex pressed the girl further onto the floor, and wrapped her up in a rear-naked choke as he applied the pressure that would normally make a man or woman of any size fall unconscious in a matter of seconds. Yet she did not do so. Perhaps it was because of this dreamlike world, but she felt the man's muscular arms constrict around her neck as if they were a long, extinct Titanoboa.

Her body could not help but seize up and convulse as she came over and over again from Alex's thrusts and his fierce chokehold. After Cumming all over Alex's cock, Nari woke up in fright within her room. Realizing that she had completely wet the bed. The girl was completely dismayed, not only about the terrible dream she just had, but the fact that she had done something that only a young child would do.

She instantly struggled out of her sheets in an attempt to clean them before her parents woke up. All while thinking about Alex, and why she had such lewd thoughts about the man.


At the same time, Chunho awoke in his bed covered in tears. He had been crying both in the dream, and in real life, when he saw what Alex did to Nari. The absolute fiend! To do such a thing, it was simply outrageous. The young man wiped his tears from his eyes and steeled his resolve. In all honesty, since entering university, Chunho had been slacking in his training and competition. Sure, he kept winning medals in national competitions, but if he wanted to win the heart of a fiercely competitive young woman like Nari, he needed to do better. He needed to win the gold medal in the Olympics!

Thus, this dream had been a wake up call, one that had lit a fire in the young man's heart, that few things in this world could put out. He had three goals now. One, was to work hard and become an Olympic gold medalist in the sport of Judo. Two was to win Nari's heart, and three was to beat Alex fair and square on the mat.

The last time he had been defeated, it was Chunho's fault. Or so he believed. After all, he had not taken Alex seriously as an opponent, and because of his hubris, he found himself humiliated in defeat. Worst of all, Nari had watched him fail so spectacularly. And in doing so, he had foolishly allowed Alex to take Nari on a date.

Though Nari had not spoken about what happened on her outing with Alex, Chunho suspected it did not go well by the sheer look of hatred in her eyes whenever he brought it up.  Thus Chunho would now be doing his best, to defeat Alex at the one thing the man prided himself on the most: his fighting prowess. One way or another, it would be Alex getting slammed on the mat the next time the two of them competed.


Alex awoke at the same time as the others to find that Jung-Hyun had decided to wake him up the way he preferred, with a good morning kiss and a blowjob to match. He sat back and allowed the woman to finish the job that Nari had failed to do while he slept. All the while thinking about how much he wanted to fuck the girl's tight pussy for real.

Eventually he shot a load into the beautiful green-haired milf's mouth, which she swallowed entirely before thanking her man for the treat.

"Thanks for the meal!"

Alex then got out of bed, and took a shower with Jung-Hyun where the two of them would continue to go out at it like rabbits in heat, until an hour later when they descended from the second floor, and found themselves in the kitchen, where Diana, Kristina, and Madison, were all staring at Alex with complicated expressions on their pretty faces.

By the time they were able to get some sleep, it was already early in the morning, and they were exhausted. Each of the three women was forced to lie in their beds and listen to Alex fuck his lover for well over an hour. Only to wake up to the sounds of the two of them going at it again. Despite how visibly tired these women were, Alex was quick to ask if they had a good night's sleep. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"Did the three of you sleep well?"

The three women looked at each other, and then at Hae-won and Min-Ji, who appeared completely unphased by what had happened the night before, and because of this they chose to remain silent. It was ultimately the shy and introverted Min-Ji who spoke up in a sympathetic voice to the three women who had arrived in the previous night.

"Trust me... You get used to it…."

The three women did not know what to say, but simply nodded towards Min-Ji while Alex grabbed a cup of coffee and looked at his messages. His eyes widened as he saw a text from his Noona, who was asking him to meet up with her. He quickly grabbed a piece of toasted dark rye, which had been smeared with peanut butter and chose that as his breakfast to go, before kissing Jung-Hyun goodbye for the day.

"Something has come up. I've got to head out. I'll see you all later."

Without even explaining where he was headed, Alex left the penthouse and drove off back to his family's home, where he found Su-Jin waiting for him at the kitchen counter with a glum expression on her face. The young raven haired beauty's jet-black eyes immediately lit up when she saw her lover enter the room. She rushed forward and hugged the man, while kissing him as if she had not seen him in weeks.

Alex was not surprised in the slightest. Su-Jin and Min-Ah were the first of his two girls, and they often liked to consider themselves the two most important women in his life. She was quick to announce why she had requested Alex to meet with her.

"Alex… I've been getting some messages from that dork Ji-Min… He has been requesting we meet up and talk about 'our relationship'. I already told him we were done a long time ago, but he seems adamant. I want you to come with me so we can get it through this dopes' thick head once and for all. Will you please come with me? He wants to meet at McDonalds..."

Alex scoffed when he heard this. Really? Ji-Min wanted to meet a girl at a fast-food restaurant? How pathetic was he? Then again, Alex hadn't had anything to eat other than a piece of toast on his way here. But what was more important to him was the fact that Su-Jin needed him right now, and thus he grabbed hold of her dainty chin and kissed her back before assuring he would always be there for her.

"Anything for you, Noona…"

This caused Su-Jin to blush and wear a loving smile as she rolled her cheek over into Alex's large and firm hands. Knowing that he was there for her was all she needed, and thus she followed Alex into the garage, where he drove her to the meeting spot with his Mclaren Senna.

Once they entered the establishment, Alex ordered some breakfast for him and his girl, before sitting down at a spot where they waited for Ji-Min to arrive. By the time Ji-Min actually showed up, they had already devoured the breakfast, with only their large drinks remaining. And when the man showed up on his huffy, neither Su-Jin nor Alex could hold back their laughter. As the young couple openly mocked the man as he entered the building.

"I can't believe I used to date a dweeb like him…"

Alex chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Su-Jin's shoulders and dragged her in close to him as they sat in the booth. He then mocked her as well as Su-Jin, reminding her of the time Ji-Min first showed up on the huffy.

"I had forgotten about that stupid bike! Oh man, you should have seen your face when you first laid eyes on it. I bet you wanted to kill the poor kid, didn't you, Noona?"

Despite Alex making fun of her, Su-Jin simply giggled, reflecting back on how stupid she had been. It was only after the two were done with their snide remarks did Ji-Min sit down in front of them. Where he looked at Alex with a slightly intimidated expression before shifting his gaze to his ex-girlfriend.

"Su-Jin… Did you really need to bring him here?"

Su-Jin's expression dropped when she heard Ji-Min's remarks. Her voice even turned cold as she addressed her ex boyfriend, a man she had never even held hands with.

"Anything you have to say, you can say to Alex. I'm not the kind of girl to meet up with another man behind my boyfriend's back!"

These words stung Ji-Min's heart, partially because he still believed Su-Jin was his girlfriend and not Alex's, but also because she had done exactly that when they were dating. Alex, of course, smirked when he heard these words, and kissed Su-Jin on the forehead while the girl berated her ex.

"Now, are you going to tell me why you called me here or not?"

Ji-Min took a deep breath and exhaled deeply before expressing his desires.

"At first, I decided to give you some space so that you could experiment with other guys. Hoping that you would come back to me in the end. But now that I see that, I was close-minded. I have come to terms with the idea of us being in an open relationship. You will be free to pursue other guys, while I will remain faithful to you…. What do you think, Su-Jin, is this acceptable?"

Alex was drinking his diet coke when he heard this, and was caught so unprepared by how much of a cuck Ji-Min was that he nearly spit his soda all over the guy's face. As for Su-Jin, she looked at her ex with complete and utter disgust on her otherwise flawless face. She even scoffed and shook her head before expressing exactly how she felt, in the most vicious way possible.

"God… You really are pathetic, aren't you? Get it through your thick skull already! We are over! Hell, I don't even know if we even really had a relationship to begin with! I am with Alex now! Didn't you realize it was over when you came to my house and heard Alex and I together?

How worthless of a man are you? You would actually allow your girl to sleep around while you remain loyal like a trained dog? It is absolutely pitiful… I almost feel sorry for you Ji-Min…. Please don't contact me again. If you do, I will be forced to put out a restraining order against you… Goodbye Ji-Min…."

Alex grabbed hold of his drink and headed out the door with one arm wrapped around Su-Jin's shoulder. Leaving Ji-Min alone in the booth, bawling his eyes out. He had truly thought that Su-Jin would come back to him, and even when she had brought Alex with her, he was open to the idea of her sleeping around with other men. So why? Why didn't she accept him?

As for Alex and Su-Jin, they returned to their home, where they would spend the rest of the day together as a couple. After what had happened, Alex wanted to reward his Noona for her loyalty, especially since he had not been paying too much attention to her lately.


A slight change was made in the novel. I replaced the term "Favorability" with "Affection" as it sounds better to me. I have gone back and edited all previous chapters, which included the term to have the change. And the term "Affection" will be used going forward. So if you were confused by the sudden change to the Favorability system, that is why. 

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