The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 299

Chapter 299: TU-0

After the phone call, Cake pulled out her interface and began working, contacting, and getting the procedures ready. Sat next to Shadow’s office, the door closed, blinders shut, empty with only a table, chair, and a flowerpot next to the window.

‘First order of business,’ a picture of Renaud came onto the screen. [Call]

“If it’s not Shadow’s strategist, how may I be of help?” loud and clear, gunfire and screams could be heard in the background. The accent and voice sufficed to take the caller’s attention away from the noise.

“Sorry to interrupt, Godfather, I’ve got a business proposal,” composed, her voice held authority.

“A proposal you say,” he paused, “aye, shut the fuck up, I’m on the phone. Kill them all, we’ve got the money already,” muffled, vague was what happened overseas transferred over the phone. After a loud crash, which she presumed him entering a vehicle, the rumbling of the engine grew to be constant. “Sorry for the wait,” returned, “-what’s the deal about?”

“I’m sure you’ve heard of the conflict between the Eastern Dragons versus the Western Dragons. In the coming days, a team will be dispatched from Phantom. I was wondering if you could send over some men and vehicles for transport. We’re looking to share 10% of the profits if the deal goes according to plan.”

“I see,” he said with a blissful tone, “-how much is the 10% exactly?”


“75,000 Gold.”

“I see,” the voice deepened, “-what is the job exactly?”

“I do apologize, we only need a team to ensure the safety of my men. We’ll be transferring cargo from one province to another; that’s about it,” secretive, she gave enough info to have a basic idea.

“Understandable,” he laughed, “-since it’s a job from Phantom, I’ll accept no questions asked. Shadow has been my number one money maker for a long time – I got to repay the favor. A word of advice,” from laughter, it turned somber, “-you best use the money to hire a few talented individuals. The arms trade is riddled with death, surely you know. Get weapons, vehicles, planes, ships, anything that can be weaponized. An arms dealer must always have the upper hand in any and all trade. You’re representing the Dark-guild, as long as it’s for Shadow; I’m willing to give a hand. The other Godfathers are not keen on a simple alchemist having such favors. Watch your backs.”

“I appreciate thy concern,” she smiled, “-I’d not have started this business if we knew not how to defend ourselves. Worry not, Godfather, Shadow is our last line of defense; if the day comes when the boss has to take to the battlefield, I’m sure nothing will remain in his wake. That is a certainty, no assumption nor prediction, the man is a born killer and cunning in the art of deception,” proud and with confidence, those words reassured Renaud.

“Lovely, send over the information of when the deal is to happen – we’ll send out the elite troupes.”

“Will do, Godfather will do,” the call ended.

‘Escort and transportation are taken care of, now for our associates,’ the interface displayed the world map. ‘Easel Run-Gard,’ she thought. Following that, numerous calls ensued, amongst which the delivery of the TU-03.

Meanwhile, in Arda, the castle’s chaos spread onto the streets. People ran around since a festival was to be hosted by the Royal Family in the town square on the second floor. Footstalls, opportunistic merchants, and even a podium for musicians to perform. Planned a week in advance, the festivities had the whole capital in anticipation.

“Not over there, you idiot,” yelled Youst, the head-butler, a demi-human with goat’s horns, a goatee, and whitetail. They stood shy of the entrance into the palace, a giant room leading further inside. A staircase at the back with Xula and Staxius in portrait overlooked the area. Said staircase broke into two a third of the way up. Aligned with decorations and protected by warm-colored railings, the first floor was but a pathway of which opened into empty rooms. The purpose of the doors was for the Overseer to assign portals for visiting guests. Most of the doors never worked for they were fakes and illusions. A red carpet rolled from the staircase and ended at the entryway. From there, the guest would go right or left, right was a portal to the throne-room, left was to the ball-room, where refreshments were served. The outer-palace, where a fountain stood, was also readied in case of the guest wanting to have a stroll in the uniqueness of the area.

“Are you going somewhere?”

“Yes,” stood Staxius, “-I’ve to handle and check-up on the plane.”

“What do you mean plane?” asked Xula, the duo had worked hand in hand, her wish of staying close was fulfilled. Happily, he accepted and the cause of upheaval squandered without trouble. As for Lizzie, she laid peacefully in the company of Adete and Prophecy who took a liking to the babe. Glee and rosy cheeks, both shone as if young girls getting their first flower or declaration of love.

“I know we don’t have a landing strip, that’s why,” as if planned, a loud boom, echoed from the outside, “-that’s why I’ve asked for a platform to be built. It’s hanging off the side of the tree and connected to the outer pathway system. Don’t worry, it’s made of wood and purely friendly materials – it doesn’t stand out. Well not until the craft lands on it,” he winked.

“I see, guess it’s a good thing,” her voice trailed off in worry.

“I sense it,” he turned, “-you’re doubtful. It’s something Phantom bought as an investment for future travels, ye a little faith.”

“I’ll go check on our vestment,” she stood and picked Lizzie, “-do make it back before dinner, tis already 15:00.”

“Y-yeah...” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

Stood in line as if a platoon of soldiers, the Phantom guards waited with hands behind their back. Cake took to the front, “-good afternoon,” spoke Staxius. Void was parked further back.

“Good afternoon, Boss,” she turned and gave a firm handshake. Not unusual, he returned the greeting with a firmer grip. “Where’s the lady in question?”

“She should be arriving soon,” pointing towards the command center, “-I know not if you can see, they’re busy at work.”

Deep, the sound of air getting cut in half, each rotation sent shivers. The plane flew overhead, close to the ground, the tail held the emblem of Phantom – nothing. Proving its agility, the pilot turned sharply, the craft could but obey the orders. A show of prowess, the plane demonstrated all its strength and weaknesses. Half and hour later, the engine switched to hover, then landed vertically as if a helicopter. White on the bottom and red at the top, large and spacious with weapons fitted under the nose and edge of the wings. “Bigger than I would have imagined,” commented Staxius.

“Let’s take a tour,” Cake led the front. Outback it opened with the space to fit two cars and arms. Retractable seats lined on the sides of about twenty each row. Walking to the front, a staircase led into a cabin with seats for 30 people, a large, very elegant design with leather seats. A carpet led from front to back. After the cabin, a door that opened into the cargo bay. As for the weapons, it would be controlled by one of three crewmen.

“Boss,” turned the pilot with sunglasses, “-she flies amazingly well,” a member of Phantom as well.

“Very impressive,” Staxius patted his shoulder, “-you displayed the art of flight,” happy, he turned and walked out. “Get it to the hanger, make preparations for the arrival of Royalty – she’ll be flying to Arda tomorrow.”

“Yes, Boss,” it taxied opposite the office.

As for the guests; Josiah gave Eira special permission to head out to meet her little sister. Of course, the old man and Sophie would join as well. As for Sophie’s husband and daughter, they’d already returned to Iqeavea. A few more invitations, one to Claudia, who phoned to say that she’d be unable to attend, was received. Not bothered, Staxius replied with, “-take care.” Surprisingly, when the invitation reached the Imperial palace, Ernis took to it sharply. Tis was a gamble, one that Ernis accepted – he and Lucy would fly over for the occasion. Paradus, on the other hand, read the invitation, raised an eyebrow, then decided to ignore it.

In Dorchester: Undrar, and Julius received the note as well. Only Undrar and Fenrir answered the call, Julius spoke about an important event; the marriage of Ayleth. As for Oxshield, Queen Gallienne, Queen Mother Sely, and Guild Master Serlo would join. Avon, Achilles, Deadeyes, the Lymsey sisters, would not make it. Auic was obliged as it was her duty.

Readied and examined, Staxius returned to Arda where the anticipation grew ten-fold. Breaking into dusk, he arrived to a cry filled hallway. “What’s the matter?” he asked once entering the throne room.

“I’ve no idea,” sat on her throne, Xula held the crying babe. Nobles and representatives knelt on the ground. Some made the trip early to have a glimpse at the princess.

“Greetings, your majesty,” they voiced as Staxius marched forth. Unwilling to respond, “-what’s the matter?” touching the babe’s cheek, her eyes opened faintly. Grabbing onto his finger, her cries amplified, a blinding light shot out. Forced, ‘I see,’ he closed his eyes, ‘-her magical element has begun to affect her physical body.’

“If you would,” mumbled, he picked up Lizzie and walked away, “-please continue thine audience with her majesty, I shall care for the princess.” Away from prying eyes, teleported on the slated roof of one of the guard towers, “-you have a strong magical element, don’t you,” he smiled, “-I’ll give thy what my father gave me so long ago,” touching her belly, a chant followed by magical symbol written on air. *Snap,* it hovered and merged into her body, “-that should help in caring for the growth of the element. It’s a limiter, one I gave Eira when she was a babe – it will help to nurture all you’re potential,” her tiny arms held the Scythe of the death reaper, “-Princess of Death,” he chuckled. “I wonder what you’ve inherited from me, still too early to say,” cradled, the babe’s cries turned peaceful, “-precious aren’t you.” Under, gradually, every building turned on their lights, held in such a way that she’d be able to see, they lit as if candles. “Tomorrow is the day you’re to become known to all as the princess of Arda. Sorry for everything, Lizzie, this is the only thing I could think of doing,” a heavy, woeful expression settled onto his face.

Her eyes shone as if the stars. “You’re right,” he smiled, “-it’s bad for a man to look so sad all the time. We’ve been out for long, your mother must be looking for you,” teleported inside, Lizzie gave cues of being hungry.

The 26th came, “-I’m going to meet my sister today,” excited, Eira rose with a smile. The blinders opened letting the sun in, “-Master Josiah,” she entered the Director’s office where the old man wore a classy suit. “Are you ready?” she asked with a key in hand.

“Yes,” he smiled; “-you’re headed first I presume?”

“Father said to come to a mansion in Rosespire,” reaching for the door, “-I’ll see you later,” she smiled.

“Long time no see,” spoke the Red-Fury.

“Yeah, long time no see,” she smiled, “-glad to see you’re not rusted.”

“Don’t underestimate me,” mana injected. “Full speed to Rosespire,” she voiced loudly, the car roared for the first time in ages – it caught many by surprise. Jumping off the hill, it sped towards the Capital.

Out in Arda, preparations were complete, the festival started.

‘Guess it’s today,’ stepped into the mansion after an hour – the gate opened with a fiery red car honking. Pulling up to the porch, Eira got out with a perplexed look. “What is this?” she asked.

“It’s my mansion,” leaned against a pillar, “-like it?”

“Like it?” she mumbled as Red-fury drove itself into the garage, “-I don’t dare to think how much it might have cost.”

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