The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 298

Chapter 298: Continent of Easel Run-Gard

“Is that all?” conflicted, Xula stood with Lizzie held in a cradle, “-you’re going to walk away without saying anything,” she paused, “-take care, and rest...”

“What else do you want?” he turned, “-I said this before, you need rest.”

“What do you mean I need rest,” taking a strong foot forward, “-what about you, disfigured and hurt beyond recognition.”

“Don’t,” he interrupted, “-you’ve done enough.”

“I’ve done enough,” sighing, “-I’VE DONE ENOUGH?” the pitch rose, “-do you know the reason why I work so hard?” crinkled in anger, her eyebrows tightened.

“Of course, I do,” he said with a stoic face, “-you work hard to forget, listen to me,” barely standing, “-I’m doing this because I want to. I know you worry, still, let me be selfish.”

“Selfish,” a not so healthy giggle escaped, “-what about me, can I be selfish?” she asked.


“Selfish, selfish, selfish,” tired, “-could you drop the act,” an instant change in persona, “-I’ve no idea why you’re acting up,” Staxius’s face and aura changed, the body healed with stomach-turning noises. “How long has it been since I’ve taken control,” twisted, the head tilted ominously, “-you sure are na?ve,” the arm healed.

“Majesty,” re-summoned, Prophecy brought two of the star-shaped barriers, “-please step back,” she stood in the middle whilst shielding the babe and queen.

“Dearest wife,” taking a step to the left as graceful as abled, he teleported behind Xula, “-I’ve got an idea of what you’re thinking. Playing the role of the bad and selfish wife to try and force the Death Reaper to rest. I’d say it’s a good plan,” touching her neck with sharpened nails, “-he may look dense and emotionless, he’s indeed weak. You, Eira, and now Lizzie, you’re his weakness,” threatened, Xula could but gulp – petrified by fear, Prophecy had no other options than to attack.

“Don’t,” holding out a hand on which a pentagram rotated, “-starting a fight here might wake the babe,” he winked. “I’ll leave with this word of advice, don’t try to be too heavy a burden. He’s sorry and wants to make up for all the lost time. I’d honestly want to have the weaknesses eliminated,” hovered and eyeing the babe, “-it’s not the time yet. Divinity comes with more price than he knows, soon enough, Xula, your husband will change,” laughter followed, the body healed fully.


“No,” eyes as dark as the abyss glared, “-Daemonum Gladio is my name. The true God of Death – the day will come when I’m unleashed, until then...” a separate aura shot out the body, an identical clone. “Go back to sleep,” strangled from behind, “-BAHAHAHA, I’LL BE BACK SOON,” squeezed, the dark-purple aura returned to naught.

“Sorry about that,” came too, “-is it too late to introduce my alter-ego?” he asked nonchalantly and checked on the body that felt lighter.

“...” fallen to her knees, “-divinity?” asked Xula, Prophecy stood in place without an ounce of courage. All her strength seemed to have been forcefully dragged out. “Majesty,” she breathed, “-are you ok?”

“Yeah,” spoke Xula, ignoring Staxius who stared into the distance. An aura of differing hue hovered above Lizzie; protection spells the newborn cast.

“Now then,” sat back to back to Xula, “-I’m sorry. I should have paid more attention; I know I should have. Still, I hoped that you remembered the vow we made. I trust you wholeheartedly, no matter what happens, I’ll do my best.”

A few steps away unable to keep her material form, Prophecy returned to Xula. The latter sat dumbfounded by a truth that was meant to never be revealed. “Those eyes,” managing to speak, “-I’ve seen them before. Gazing into the abyss, entrancing and frightening at the same time. I thought I would have been lost in its complexities.”

“Don’t worry about what the other self said,” he reached out and grabbed her hand, “-Lizzie, you and Eira are my strengths. I’ll never blame you, girls, for my shortcomings. You do realize, despite how I look, I’m still technically in my early twenties.”

“Was that supposed to be a joke?” chuckled Xula, the cold wind blew in from the broken window. “I still haven’t forgiven you,” breathing a humph, “-don’t ask why I’m angry,” she stood.

“Do forgive mine indiscretion, I wish not to incur thine ire, my queen,” knelt as if a knight, “-would you find it in thy overabundance generosity to forgive said mishap.”

“Theatrical,” mumbled, “-sadly,” holding her forehead, “-my generosity has run dry,” she moved with one hand holding Lizzie whilst the other held by Staxius.

“Please my queen,” he pulled, “-don’t turn away from what has transpired,” he stood and used more force. Sharply, she stumbled into his arms with Lizzie laid in rest comfortably, “-thou art mine family,” nibbling his nose on her messy hair, “-do what you want. I won’t force anything anymore, be selfish, abuse thy power as a wife – I’ll do what is must to please thy heart.”

‘I thought of trying to start a fight,’ tired, ‘-turns out, you understand me more than you let on, dearest husband. Daemonum Gladio was just an excuse; you did that to bring me to my senses. I’ve got the boon of our love in my arms, what else can I want.’

“Is something the matter?” he asked, “-you’ve got a sort of glow, literally,” her hair levitated, pinkish light emanated from her chest out, the eyes changed from green to pink. “You’re getting hotter,” he said in jest, “-go stand on the balcony,” pushing her and locking the door; a gentle wave with Lizzie sleeping peacefully.

“COME ON,” her screamed entered through the broken window, “-can’t you see the passion I’m visually emanating,” pouted with eyes squinted, Staxius laughed. An eccentric couple was the best description – a would be argument turned into a melodramatic scene then into her standing outside for a few minutes. Ignored, the door blasted with her eyes cold blue, “-you’re going to pay,” she jumped onto the bed fully intent on punching.

Uninterested, Lizzie swayed gently in her cradle – she slept with a smile as her parents fought as if kids.

Knocking as if a friendly neighbor, the sun rose with a few shy rays into the room. The temperature dropped sharply at night; the wind kept on blowing into the room. Awake a few times to care for Lizzie; as Xula shuffled to try and sleep – grabbing a bra, the window was fixed. It looked as if the glass had a pimple – rosy red with flowers, ‘-very feminine,’ he thought whilst stretching.

“Mmhm,” slithering across the bed, “-don’t go,” drooling, Xula wrapped her arms around his waist, “-it’s too early.”

“Time stops for no one,” unlocking her grasp, “-sleep in,” he tucked her in bed and checked onto Lizzie. “Come on then,” picking her up, “-let’s get you changed,” he headed into the hall where half-awake maids waited.

“Good morning, majesty,” one yawned as she greeted. Elbowed quickly by Rosetta, they laughed.

“Good morning,” he replied with the attention solely on the babe. Between breakfast, cleaning the girl, giving instructions to the maids who cleaned. Preparations neared completion. Last night was very eventful, to say the least. Playing with Lizzie, he sat in the office and worked, Interfaces knocked against one another and traveled around a certain distance. Incall with a few potential business partners, Cake urged him to negotiate a deal about an import of semi-automatic rifles. The seller, based overseas, were reluctant to sell in fear of reverse engineering.

“I do understand your concern,” said Staxius with a serious tone, “-our clientele isn’t going to wait around for thy insecurities. Isn’t the country going through a recession, I fail to see how an influx of money will do them harm. We’re asking for 2000 rifles at 350 Gold each. The transportation will be handled by Phantom, all you have to do is be present and take the money,” mid-negotiations, the door barged opened.

“I’m here,” winked Xula.

“Wait,” he held out the index ominously.

“2000 rifles for 350 is a good price, and what you say about the recession is true. You must know these were stolen from the royal-army. Do you really think we’re na?ve enough to allow a foreign craft to land? The country is at war.”

“As I’ve said before, my associates will handle the extraction of the arms. I need a definite answer else Phantom is backing out of the offer. Good luck selling the weapons on the black market, the worst that you can expect is to be hanged.”

“F-fine, 2000 for 350,” the voice seemed fed-up.

“No, 2000 for 325, you’ve wasted my time enough,” in control. “It’s a deal.”

“Pleasure to be doing business, someone should be there soon enough for the transaction. Use 2034-ST, as the deal code; they’ll understand,” the phone cut.

“Finally, off the phone,” Xula marched in.

“Give me a moment,” he nodded and engage in another call, “-Hello, Cake, the deal is 2000 for 325. I’d say give them 300 for each, the country is already at war. We don’t have to care about ethics. Send in one of the elite-troupes, if they don’t agree, kill them, and rob the warehouse. They seemed to be run-away soldiers, not that organized if you ask me.”

“Really?” laughed Cake, “-drop the price to 300 and if they don’t agree, kill them and rob the warehouse.”

“The Kingdom of Twin-Dragons don’t stand a chance if they keep on fighting. The sea over there is tough enough to navigate, I guess that’s why no one has attempted to invade them. East versus West; people fighting against themselves. We’re dealing with the East who are more docile than the West. It should be fine, Renaud already has a team – we’ll share 10% of the profit, that should help to compensate for the trouble.”

“Are you serious, I’ll send a unit out tonight – we’re exporting God’s ale. Buying that airplane might come in handy faster than we expect. About the client, who you selling it too?” asked Cake intently.

“I’ve considered our friends in the empire, however, it seems they’re just going to horde the weapons. The report says that the West is losing the war. Who do you think might want to pay more for a chance at the battle?” he smirked.

“You’re despicable, what rate?”

“If they sell for 300 without causing trouble, then we re-sell it for 400. If they cause trouble and we get it for free, then drop it to 375.”

“Understood, this will be a fun escapade. Phantom is truly a fun place,” she laughed.

“Don’t get overly excited, the Western Kingdom will be hard to deal with. Especially since a kid sits at the throne, a puppet for the nobles.”

Fueled by conflict, the continent of Easel Run-Gard, a little smaller than Hidros was once a closed-off country with a diverse culture. The arrival of a not so inviting kingdom sowed the seed of conflict. Divide and conquer, pitting the family against one another, Eastern Dragon versus the Western Dragon. Now a breeding ground for chaos – Phantom, mainly Cake; managed to sneak a few members into the continent. One by one, Godfather Renaud and Stanley, carried out jobs for both factions. Neutral, it took a few years to be accepted. Sensing the opportunity for profit, Cake proposed the idea, one that took a few months to be readied. Initially, the Western Dragon came forth as a potential buyer, they sought after massive weapons of destruction. Whispering the name Phantom into the general’s ear, a double-spy eased the process. Adamant, Phantom didn’t have the inventory to sell. As a stroke of good luck, a spy working for a rogue faction overheard the General’s call and contacted Phantom.

“What were you discussing?” asked Xula with a suspicious look.

“It’s business,” he smiled, “-a business that is unrelated to Arda. Remember me starting over at Rosespire, tis the result – I’m the leader of Phantom, an Arms-dealing company.”

“You make money off war,” she sighed, “-not that I’m impressed. You were always one to follow the dark side of things. It’s your company, I’m not intent on knowing anymore.”

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