The Red Hand

Chapter 343.5 – Hedging One’s Bets.

Chapter 343.5 – Hedging One’s Bets.

"Who does that dammned woman think she is?!?" Bathrumd growled as he slammed his fist against the conference table. "She dares to think that she can command our armies into glorious battle herself?!? Why, I'm half a mind to go out there and-"

"That's enough." Ariel's words cut through his rant. "We both know that there's nothing we can do about this situation, Bath." She sighed. After Penelope had given them the Divine Command, she'd called an emergency meeting of the Elector-Kings to discuss the situation. "A Divine Command carries the full authority of the Gods, and if we refuse, then we're going to be in for something that I don't think I need to describe." Those who refused to follow Divine Commands were typically punished in some way, and while the Gods themselves rarely came down to administer said punishment there were plenty of other ways mortals could be forced to comply or brought to point that they regretted not.

{And also, do you really think you can win against a Demi-God, Bath? Penelope isn't exactly weak, and she wields a Divine Weapon of her own. She may not be as powerful as some of her siblings, but Penelope is still not someone I'd want to fight with if at all possible. A conflict like this is not what we need!} (Ariel)

"Yes, I'd rather us not end up like the Dark Elves, thank you very much." Delora commented about their dark fate in partial jest. "Penelope already has a dislike for our kind, so I'd rather her not escalate things further. We cannot afford to add more enemies to our list. The Empire and Northwind are already posturing on our borders."

{Though they did withdraw some of their coastal forces. Is it in preparation for an attack or to assure us they don't intend on striking while the battle in the South takes place? I could see that dammed Emperor doing both.} (Delora)

"I've already detected agents from both the Empire and Northwind sneaking around the Capital." Phima said, providing a few examples of teleportation and long-distance magical communications that she'd intercepted and decoded. "It would seem they are both probing us in an attempt to find out what we're doing with our forces, so they'll become aware of any discord between us and the Gods swiftly."

"And if that wasn't bad enough, let me remind you that we're still dealing with rebellious lords in the East." Melifous said as he flittered a deck of cards in his hand. "They're passive at the moment but if word got out that we refused a Divine Command then I'd imagine they're going to go from passive to active really quickly. The last thing we need is giving them the perfect excuse to start causing issues again."

{Especially with the traitor down South stoking fires. Fucking Canora! His defection to the Alliance has done nothing but make things worse!} (Melifous)

"And to add another problem to that already long list, if we defy a Demi-God it's going to have serious impacts on our legitimacy as leaders of the Kingdom." Balour commented as he downed a chocolate danish in one bite. "The Gods may have a dim view of us, but our people generally support them. Being openly hostile to their will, even if it's that of clearly of a single individual rather than the pantheon as a whole, will not go well for us." He noted that uprisings of pious citizens could happen in such a situation and that it would threaten to destabilize the Kingdom.

"The consequences for refusal are bad to be sure, but I'm staunchly against giving that woman command of our Army." Jerome said through folded hands. "That woman cares not for our people, and will likely use them poorly during battle." He figured they'd be treated like fodder and sent to their deaths if Penelope had her way.

"Not to mention that she has no real experience with something like this." Melifous commented with a wry smile. "She's liable to issue a charge order like a certain somebody I know." He said with a side eye toward Bathrumd.

"Hey, I at least understand tactics. Charging head-on is sometimes effective and sometimes not." Bathrumd rolled his eyes at the comment. "I've got a cool enough head to understand that it's not always a good idea to just rush your foe."

"You? Cool-headed?" Delora said with fake surprise and a chuckle. "I think I've seen Dragon's Fire cooler than you."

"Yeah, I think even my Ice magic would fail to cool you off, Bath." Phima said with a giggle.

"Pfff." Melifous barely contained his laughter.

"Funny, but remember who went out there and fought to keep your little boats from being sunk." Bathrumd replied to Delora with a grumble. "For all the money you have perhaps you should recall that couldn't do a damn thing without guys like me, Delora." She had no real combat ability and her magical power, while larger than the average person did not enable her to do much beyond simple self-defense. "And as for the little freaky witches, I won't even dignify you with a response." He brushed her off.

"Yes, yes. " Delora sighed, not wanting to get into it with him. "I'll make sure to send you some extra meat for all your hard work. I know those muscles require a great deal of sustenance to maintain. Phima, be a dear and help me with the preservation and transport."

"I think I've got enough magic to move a few mountains of preserved food around." Phima laughed.

{Too bad that none of that muscle of his can be found between his ears.} (Ariel)

"Anyway..." Ariel cleared her throat, ending the bickering. "We are in agreement then? The Divine Command will be accepted?" She said scanning her eyes over the others.

"Against my better judgment, yes." Melifous nodded, though it was clear he didn't want to.

"We really have no choice, do we?" Delora replied with a nod of her own.

"No, we do not." Balour shook his head but ultimately accepted what had to be done.

"Well, I hate it." Bathrumd said as he tightened his fist. "But fine..."

"As long as she doesn't try and order the mages around carelessly, then I'm fine with it." Both Phimas nodded.

"Jerome?" Ariel looked at the last holdout. They had enough to go over his objection, but she preferred unanimity on this vote.

"I abstain." Jerome said with audible disgust and displeasure. "That woman is going to lead our men to their deaths, but I also know better than to dissent in this matter openly."

{I know we have no choice, but I refuse to give my approval for what is about to happen. That woman is a disgusting pig who treats mortals like worthless insects. I can never abide by someone like that having command over my forces.} (Jerome)

"Thank you." Ariel said with a sigh of relief. She'd been worried that the discussion would break down into arguments and she wouldn't be able to convince the others to go along with the Command. As Regent her power was still constrained by the other Elector-Kings and she couldn't transfer control of the Demon Army without a majority of them approving.

{Luckily there are enough of us here to satisfy our laws for quorum on the matter. Though the others are likely to be none too pleased when they find out, but its their fault for not being here or sending a representative.} (Ariel)

"Then, it's agreed." Ariel said as she slowly stood up. "I'll deliver our response to Penelope. I can't imagine she'll be pleased that we had to take this long to give her the answer she expected, but it should at least pacify her somewhat."

{Though even with her aid I fear that we may have to use the literal trump card that was given to us...} (Ariel)

"She'll be placated for about five minutes." Melifous said with a light chuckle. "I have no doubt that she'll come complaining to us about other issues in due time."

{If we're lucky maybe she'll get what she wants and be on her way soon enough...} ( Melifous)

"I mean, she was already telling Phima to prep some crazy high-end spell to use." Delora said. “So she's probably going to start barking orders soon enough.”

"Annihlation Cannon." Phima said the spell's name. "We're going to gather up as many mages as we can to power the spell. She wants it as the opening salvo in the battle."

“Well, that's one way to open things up.” Melifous said with a whistle.

"Please remind her that she is not to go having the mages give their life force to power it." Ariel said with a visible vein on her forehead from frustration. "I refuse to allow our best and brightest to be sacrificed in such a stupid manner."

{That spell is already a strain on the best of mages, and its use is as close to taboo as it gets. There's a reason its use is generally restricted or prohibited informally during war.} (Ariel)

"I would've refused regardless of your wishes on the matter." Phima shrugged. "I'm not letting my mages die for her stupidity." Her curt words took the others off guard since she was usually not one to speak that way.

"Oh! The pipsqueak is mad!" Melifous laughed as he was blasted across the room with wind magic from said pipsqueak.

"Next time you call me that I'll make you regret it." Phima grumbled as all but Delora and Balour slowly exited the conference room. A moment of silence passed between the two before they began talking with each other.

"It seems that things are progressing as we feared." Delora said as she tapped her fingers on the table. “The drums of war have already begun beating and there's nothing we can do to stop it.”

"Not to mention the appearance of a Demi-God. I never imagined that Penelope would show up to command this folly." Balour chuckled. "A Demi-God leading an Army to fight the Demon Lord. I'd find it funny if it wasn't such a morbid thought."

The two non-combat-oriented Elector-Kings weren't in favor of a war with the Demon Lord, and in private they'd discussed ways to de-escalate things and perhaps come to an agreement with Akag. Though they knew that was also extremely unlikely and had been keeping such thoughts to themselves, and the appearance of Penelope ended all hope of a peaceful solution.

"I understand the position that Lady Ariel is in. Acquiescing to this Demon Lord's demands would place us in direct conflict with the Gods but at the same time..." Delora paused as she leaned back in her chair and letting out a deep sigh. "If this Demon Lord is anywhere near as powerful as we believe, then there is reason to believe that the Demon Army... It's walking into the jaws of a hungry predator."

"One that already showed what happens to those who defy it." Balour said as his face darkened. "The destruction of Riftwood... It was... interesting."

"Your report stated that it was measured yet brutal." Delora commented. “I don't even want to imagine something like that happening to Bettletree.”

"Nor would I like to see my city of Lindur burned to the ground. But from what I've been told this Demon Lord deliberately held back her forces and held back from the level of destruction that we could've seen." Balour estimated that Black Company could've leveled Riftwood if they wanted. "What concerns me is that if that was a limited strike... Then what can she do if she goes all out? Could the Demon Lord herself level nation? A continent? There are so many unknowns."

{And if my reports are to be believed this Demon Lord may have directly assassinated Lady Tahena herself and then proceeded to toy with Hadrus when he fought her! Such a being is far beyond what this world can handle and yet here we are sending mortal men to fight it in open combat.} (Balour)

"I know it's probably in poor taste to say..." Delora said as she folded her hands. "But perhaps we need to hedge our bets here a bit, Balour." Her implication obvious to her fellow Elector-King.

"You know its funny that you say that because I had the same idea." Balour nodded as they began discussing things that, had they been overheard, would've been considered treasonous. Though, perhaps they were not as alone as they thought as the large mirror that hung at the conference room's back wall seemed to shine and shimmer like water for a moment before returning to normal.

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