The Red Hand

Chapter 343 -Divine Command.

Chapter 343 -Divine Command.

"Hmm... Preparations are on schedule, but the Wyvern riders are running late." Ariel sighed as she looked down at the large array of tents and temporary structures below. She was standing right outside a large tent that had become her makeshift war room, and from the top of the small hill it sat on she could see almost everything.

{We're going to need them to ensure aerial supremacy.} (Ariel)

As the Demons readied for war against Dumetor, Ariel and some of her officers were going over plans for the impending attack, and after a while, she decided to step out for a bit of air. Demons had gathered for war many times over the recent years, but the colossal army below was truly a sight to behold. There were plenty of foot soldiers, each a disciplined professional that made the Imperial Conscripts look like greenhorns, as well as a wide array of beasts and tamed monsters, some of which were gathered in dedicated shock cores. The Royal Wyvern Corp was the most powerful mounted unit in the Demon military, and they were scheduled to arrive soon, and were an important part of battle plans.

{We've managed to bring together nearly a hundred thousand troops, the largest gathering of the Demon Army in a century, and yet... Why do I feel uneasy? Nothing should be able to withstand the coming onslaught, and even the Cult won't be able to win against this many of us, but something...} (Ariel)

"Why the look of displeasure?" Bathrumd's words pulled Ariel out of her inner monologue. "Don't tell me that you're still worried about the Cult?" He asked as he walked out from inside the tent.

"That's part of why I'm a bit tense. After all, they managed to lay a curse upon my father, so I believe it unwise to underestimate them." Ariel answered as he walked up next to her, mug of ale in hand.

"Rest assured that we'll crush those bastards for what they did to him." Bathrumd replied as he took a swig. "His Majesty was truly among the best of us, to think that they would do something so underhanded and rob him of his strength in such a cowardly manner." He grumbled.

{I would've at least liked to challenge him for his throne. I'd always wanted to see him use his full power, but now that is impossible.} (Bathrumd)

"Was? No, is." Ariel corrected him. "My father is still very much alive, so do not go speaking of him in the past tense until such a time as is appropriate." She didn't appreciate the untimely killing off of her father.

"Ariel, let's be real here. His Majesty is already a dead man." Bathrumd's bluntness caused Ariel to flinch in surprise momentarily. As much of a brute as the large man was, he tended to take formality seriously when it came down to it. “That his is technically still living is merely a technicality and one that will not last much longer.”

"As long as he's still alive-" Ariel started to rebut him but was cut off.

"As much as I know that you want to believe it... The reality is that His Majesty's condition is fatal." Bathrumd said curtly. "I know how much you want him to get better, and as someone who idolized his own father for all his life, I understand why you want to hope for his recovery. But I'm sorry, this has gone on long enough." He took a swig of ale as he crushed the mug in his massive hand. “We cannot remain shackled to a walking corpse any longer.

"Don't tell me that you agree with some of the others?" Ariel was trying hard to hide her displeasure with him.

"No, even as he is now, I would never support the mercy killing of His Majesty." Bathrumd replied, shaking his head. "However, be that as it may I've decided to call for an election of a new Demon King once we handle the Cult." His words cut through Ariel like a blade.

"You can't just-" Ariel was cut off by him again.

"Ariel, I have the support of the Elector-Kings." Bathrumd side-eyed her. "I'm well aware that it will be a close battle for which of us succeeds your father, but I've spoken to the others, and we've all agreed that it's time for the Regency to end." His words poured over her like ice-cold water, and deep down she knew that he was right. Her father's condition was almost certain to worsen until he died, and her time as Regent had long gone past what could be considered reasonable. "Redrud is in favor of this too, so don't go thinking this is some kind of coup on my part.” He chuckled. “ Know that regardless of what comes next His Majesty is and will always be a man I respect and admire, but my loyalty to the Kingdom demands that I do what's right by our people." He turned to walk away, pausing after he moved a few steps. "I'd like it if you and your faction would get behind me, Ariel. It won't do our people any good to have a contested succession, so do me a favor and think about it." He headed off down the hill, where he began yelling at some soldiers for slacking off.

"That bastard." Ariel tightened her fist in irritation as she turned and went back into her tent in a huff. The other officers had disbursed to carry out other tasks, and she was left alone with nothing more than a table with a large map of Enoris on it and her own thoughts.

{While you make your actions sound all Noble and honorable, I know for a fact that your version of 'duty' Bathrumd will see our people pushed to the brink of destruction! I know exactly what you want to do once you get the reins of power, and I can assure you that a war with the Empire will not go as you expect! Our people are powerful, well trained and our officers are top-class, but we simply lack the numbers to overwhelm the Humans in an all out war. The Empire's population is ten times our own, and Northwind is likely even more than that due to the Beastkin population. I have no doubt that war with one will drag in the other, and once that happens, it's only a matter of time until the City State Alliance joins in against us. Not to mention that the Lords along the Tarpine Ocean are already unreliable, and I know that they've been in contact with those traitors in Miretown! It is almost certain that a large conflict like Bathrumd wants will see a revolt from those cities and their Lords.} (Ariel)

"But..." Ariel let out a deep sigh as she leaned over the table. "Bathrumd is right about one thing..." She closed her eyes. "We do need a new King... My father... He's not going to get better..." She shook her head.

{I'm sorry father... Forgive me for not being able to save you and forgive me for not being strong enough to hold our people together in your absence.} (Ariel)

As she stood on the verge of tears, a soldier called out to her from the threshold of the tent.

"Your Highness." The soldier saluted her.

"What is it?" Ariel turned around after steadying herself so as to not reveal her inner turmoil. "Have the preparations that I asked for already been completed?"

{No rest for the wicked. I've got a job to do, I can mourn and feel sorry for myself later.} (Ariel)

"My apologize Mam, but that's not why I called out to you." The soldier replied with a slightly nervous voice.

"What is it? I'm quite busy, so make it quick." Ariel replied with a bit more venom than she intended, which made the soldier flinch.

"I... Well... There's someone here to see you..." The soldier said with a twinge of worry and fear in his voice.

"Then tell whoever they are to leave. I'm not in the mood to-" Ariel paused as Penelope pushed past the guard and entered the tent. "I see... Let no one in under any circumstances." She motioned to the guard, who nodded before leaving.

"It's been a while since we last met, Ariel." Penelope's gaze bore down on the Demon Princess, who didn't relent. "I do hope that you've been well."

{This...} (Ariel)

"I have a war to wage, Penelope, so I'll ask you to cut to the chase rather than do your usual blustering. I have no time for your usual games so lets cut the chase." Ariel had dealt with the Demi-God many times in the past, and the two never got along, largely because Penelope subscribed to the belief that the Demon Race was no different than the Demons that they descended from. Such was an all too common belief among many of the people of Enoris, including some of the Gods and their children, which caused no small amount of animosity.

"No games this time, Princess." Arcas spoke from Penelope's back. "And Penny, let's drop the smart comments and passive aggressiveness for a bit, please." He sighed. "We've got a lot to discuss, Princess, and please forgive this idiot. I've been trying to train her for centuries, but she's a lost cause."

"Arcus I'm going to turn you into an Ogre's toothpick if you don't can it!" Penelope hissed while Arcus laughed.

"I'd imagine if you're here, then something is a miss. Refila's favorite enforcer isn't one to wonder aimlessly or move without her approval." Ariel said as she leaned against the table.

{Her being here is not a good sign. Every time she appears its always at the start of some massive headache.} (Ariel)

"I'm here because Mother has sent me on an important mission, and from what I've been told, it looks like we're both after the same target." Penelope answered as she ignored Arcus' prodding and harassment.

"The Cult." Ariel replied curtly.

{I suppose it makes sense that she'd be here if that's her target, what with this so-called Demon Lord and its cult declaring war on the Gods.} (Ariel)

"Yeah, we went and checked out their base, and it's full of some pretty serious nasties." Arcas chuckled. "And there was this one really scary lady that flew off not long after we started scouting, but the ones left behind to guard it weren't much better."

{I wonder if that was this Akagi I've heard about?} (Ariel)

"So you want to work together?" Ariel asked. “I won't exactly turn down the help.}

"Less 'work together' and more I'm taking command of the troops you've gathered here." Penelope reached into a bag on her hip and pulled out a white scroll, which she unfurled and showed to Ariel.


Ariel clicked her tongue in disgust as she read the scroll. "You'd really bring out a Divine Command for this?" A Divine Command was basically like Eminent Domain in that it gave the Gods the absolute command to seize whatever they wanted or have their agents do so on their behalf. Technically, it was only to be used in a very specific set of circumstances and even then only in an emergency, but Penelope and some of the other Demi-Gods had a very bad habit of treating it as a blank check to get what they wanted.

{You just couldn't work together with me peacefully, can you? No, you have to fucking take command of my army and march my people to war.} (Ariel)

"Look, I really don't care about your opinion on the matter. I have my orders, and this army will march to crush the Demon Cult and its so-called Demon Lord." Penelope said as she put the scroll back into her bag.

"You realize that we were already going to do that, right?" Ariel rolled her eyes. “There's no reason to take direct command of my forces when we're already going to war with the Cult!”

"I'm fully aware of that, but the thing is I don't trust you idiots not to fuck this up." Penelope's use of harsh language told Ariel that the Demi-God was quite irritated since she didn't tend to speak in such a manner. "Mother has tasked me with handling this problem, and that's what I'm going to do. So, are you going to comply, or do I have to force your hand?"

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