The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 509, 510

Chapter 509, 510

509: Together, Finally

Anything that endangered the continent had to be destroyed so Ming Xi was busy studying and trying to find the issue with the seal. The problem with the seal was a strange one. He remembered using Xiao Chuns purification ability to clear away all the blood people last time. Everything had been purified and the seal reinforced. He even kept the weak points secret.

And yet the seal broke, from the human side no less. This was what made it so incomprehensible to Ming Xi. Few people could break a barrier he created. Amongst those known, none of them would have helped the Blood clan, so who had done it was even more of a mystery.

Ming Xi had been consulting the classic texts in order to devise an unbreakable seal. He had made some progress by the time Feng Wu arrived.

Feng Wu approached when she saw him raise his head.

Senior Ming Xi. Feng Wu said before slowly stepping inside. Her steps were firm and her eyes clearly expressed her attachment.

Ming Xi waved to her and said, Come here.

Feng Wu walked over obediently. She stood in front before squatting down to his level. She held up his injured hand and inspected it. It was still cold, but now it wasnt stiff and could flex a little.

Does it hurt? Feng Wu held his hand like it was a treasure.

It doesnt hurt. Do not worry. Ming Xi patted her lightly on the head.

I miss you. Feng Wu spoke seriously as she turned to look up at him. She had missed him and thought about him every day. Was this love?

Feng Wu didnt know. All she knew was that Ming Xi was a very important person to her. She wanted him to be Xiao Yes father and the three of them to be a family together forever.

It was just how Feng Wu was: simple and direct.

Ming Xis eyes trembled slightly when he heard her. I. . .  missed you too.

Yes, he had missed her. In fact, not a day went by when he didnt think of her and her expressionless face. There was no expression on her face now, but somehow he thought it was really cute.

Xiao Wu... Ming Xi whispered her name softly.

What? Feng Wu blinked her eyes which were a little misty.

Would you like to be my sweetheart? Ming Xi could feel the sweat forming on his hands. His heart was racing and thudding so loudly it was like a drum in his ears.

If we're sweethearts, then well definitely get married! Feng Wus voice was filled with expectation as she looked at Ming Xi, her face utterly seriously.

Marriage?! This... was a little fast!

Jier was on Feng Wu as soon as she returned to the camp area. He knew shed gone to see Ming Xi and he wasnt optimistic about the couples prospects. Ming Xi would be the future ruler of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom, and his wife would therefore be the future queen. With Feng Wus temperament, would she make a good queen?

Honestly, as long as Ming Xi was willing to spoil her, Feng Wu could live a good life as queen even if she chose not to participate in worldly affairs.

Wasnt the current queen doing just that? After she gave birth to Ming Xi, the youngest prince, she moved and lived alone in a different courtyard and spent her days gardening and raising birds. The king accompanied her every day and their relationship was still going strong.

Maybe Feng Wu could live her life privately behind closed doors away from the public eye, like the current queen.

Jier was thinking of ways to help Feng Wu, but Ming Xi had to accept her, and perhaps just as important, the people of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom had to accept her as well.

Feng Wu had a rough background and she wasnt your average girl. Then there was Xiao Ye; this little guy was part of the package. Would the people of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom accept her as their queen?

The odds were low.

Jier couldnt bear it when he thought how cruel reality would be for Feng Wu. He didnt want to watch her jump into the vortex, but he didnt know how to stop it. Honestly, if it wasnt for Ming Xis status, they would have made a perfectly fine couple.

Feng Wu didnt understand human social interactions, but she was simple and pure. Ming Xi was clever and open-minded with a big heart. Jier had no doubt Ming Xi would take good care of Feng Wu if they got together.

But Ming Xis background was too high! And Feng Wu already had a child. For Feng Wu to be together with Ming Xi would be incredibly difficult!

The more Jier thought about it, the more his head ached. It was too early to think about it now, but it would be too late to think about later.

Jier had been chatting with Feng Wu for a while when it suddenly hit him. The nearly impossible had happened! They had gotten together!

Jier was so shocked when he realized it. This was too scary! There were no warning signs! My goodness, this was purposefully scaring people to death!

Jier could see Feng Wu was in a good mood. It looked like she had made progress with Ming Xi.

Jier couldnt bear to burst her bubble, so he kept his concerns to himself.

Forget it, just let her be happy for a while. Telling her would only give her problems.

Jier ran back to his tent after finishing his conversation with Feng Wu. He needed time to digest everything.

He was sighing so much, his roommates had to ask if something was wrong.

Xiao Wu finally got together with Senior Ming Xi. Jier sighed after sharing.

Isnt that a good thing? Feng Wu has liked Senior Ming Xi for so long now, and now her wish is fulfilled. I bet shes probably dying of happiness right now.

Whats there to be happy about?! Those two arent suited for each other at all. Im afraid Feng Wu is going to get hurt later on. Jier bemoaned.

Theres nothing to worry about. Senior Ming Xi knows proper moderation. If hes decided to be with Feng Wu, then for sure, he wont make her sad.

Ming Xi was one of the few seniors who didnt have any romantic drama attached to his name, and yet, was still loved by so many female students.

Huh? How can things be that simple? You guys dont get it. Jier stopped caring what his roommates thought. He sighed and walked away.

The confused roommates: How can we understand if you dont explain!

510: Feng Familys Father and Son Worry

Everyone was busy preparing for the next big battle, so only those close to Feng Wu were interested in watching the romance between the couple.

Feng Tianhang and Feng Juntian were both there on behalf of the Feng family clan to support the war efforts. Feng Ting had also tagged along, hoping to earn some merits in battle and improve her reputation in the family.

Feng Ting and Feng Yanran had stayed together since arriving at Blood Moon forest. They didnt know what was going on, but they kept getting closer to the action in the forest.

They had arrived a day earlier, but had been too busy to meet with Feng Wu, but today Feng Wus father finally found some time to meet with his daughter.

Tianhang loved his daughter, but he was a serious man and was uncomfortable showing affection. Juntian was like his father and was also a serious brother and had not been close to the original Feng Wu.

Brother! Feng Wu rushed into her brother's arms as soon as she saw him coming. She received a nice head rub as a result.

After patting her head, Juntian took her to the tent he was sharing with his father.

Originally, Tianhang could have lived in the house, but he chose to live in a tent with his son instead. He was so busy, he didnt have time to take care of the kids. It was rare for him to have free time, so when he did, he liked to share meals with them.

The cook was just setting up the food when Feng Wu arrived. Feng Wu obediently greeted her father before sitting down between him and Juntian to eat. All three ate silently.

Tianhang wanted to talk to his daughter, unfortunately she was not cooperating. Feng Wu had been focused solely on her bowl from the moment she sat down. She hadnt even bothered to spare him a glance.

He was so sad! Didnt his daughter love him anymore?!

While his father was lamenting the situation, Juntian didnt even give it a thought. He even helped Feng Wu with a dish here and there from time to time. Neither siblings were talkative. Communicating with just looks was sufficient.

Xiao Wu, Xiao Ye is slowly growing up. You should start thinking about the important things in life. Your grandfather has selected a few good candidates from the families in the ancient east. You should go and see them next time you come home. Pick the right person and start settling down.

The people on the continent were accustomed to late marriages and childbearing, but Feng Wus situation was a little different. Her already having a child would make things more difficult. Things wouldnt be as bad since Little Bun was still so small, but things would only become more difficult as he grew bigger, so Feng Wu really needed to marry soon.

Young children were easier to raise, and as they got older, they would come to understand and inevitably have their own thoughts on not being a biological child.

Tianhang wanted to have Feng Wu marry before Xiao Ye could recognize people.

Unfortunately, Tianhang had no idea his small grandson already recognized people and was speaking.

Hm? Feng Wu didnt understand, and her eyes were filled with question marks.

What was the right person and what was settling down? She didnt understand.

Father wants to find a marriage partner for you, that way Xiao Ye can have a father. Don't worry about choosing the wrong person. The whole family is behind you. No matter who you pick, the person wont dare treat you poorly.

Juntian could see his little sister was confused so he explained the situation in blunt, clear terms.

No need. Xiao Ye has a father and I have found someone to marry. Feng Wu swallowed the last bite of her meal before replying. She looked at her father with big, bright, serious eyes.

You have a boyfriend? Which boy is so discerning? Tianhang was worried about the boy having bad intentions.

Despite his thoughts, Tianhang kept his face neutral.

Its Senior Ming Xi. Senior and I are sweethearts now. I will marry him in the future. Feng Wu was very serious when she said this.

What?! Father and son were dumbstruck. Who did she just say she was going to marry?! Wasnt Ming Xi the name of the future ruler of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom? Was she talking about the same Ming Xi? It had to be.

They had to admit, Feng Wu was very cute. But this was the heir to an empire they were talking about here. How could he associate with a woman who already had a child? No way! On second thought, it was too hard to believe!

Haha. Xiao Wu, you really know how to choose them. This person actually has the same name as Prince Ming Xi of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom. Haha... He laughed a few times to hide his discomfort.

Father and son looked at each other, feeling as though their hearts were quaking.

Ming Xi seems to be the prince of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom, yes. Feng Wu confirmed.

No way! It was the same person!

No, absolutely not. I dont agree with you two being together. Xiao Wu, that kind of royal family is no good. What they do best is play around with nave girls like you. So you must break up with him immediately, and afterwards keep your distance!

Tianhang nearly yelled, but he restrained himself. He did not want some princeling to play around with his precious daughter. He was afraid that once Ming Xi was done playing around, he would wash his hands of her and walk away. His daughter would be left all alone. How could he, as a father, bear that?!

People will point their fingers mercilessly at her. What if she died from the pain and left Xiao Ye without a mother?!

The picture in Tianhangs imagination grew worse and worse. Ming Xi had no idea he was being painted as a scumbag by his future father-in-law.

Father is right. Ming Xis status is too high. Youll have a lot of pressure when youre with him; plus, his family and clansmen arent likely to accept you and Xiao Ye either. Juntian spoke solemnly in agreement with his father.

Feng Wus reply was unexpected. Why should I have Ming Xis parents accept me? What does this have to do with his parents? Feng Wu blinked doubtfully. She had never learned about these things. White had never taught.

White never thought anyone could bully his little disciple as long as he was alive. So for the mans parents, it didnt matter if they agreed or not to the marriage. White wasnt concerned at all. As long as Feng Wu took a liking to the young man, White had planned on just kidnapping the guy and bringing him to the mountain. After all, who wouldnt like his adorable disciple?

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