The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 507, 508

Chapter 507, 508

507: The Greatest War is About to Start

Feng Wus suitemates along with most of her friends had signed up as well. And now they, along with everyone else who signed up, were on their way to Blood Moon forest.

A powerful barrier seal was laid in the forest at the junction between the two worlds, but because the seal was damaged, high numbers of Blood clan people were flooding into the human world and feasting on human blood. It was a dangerous situation for humanity.

Ming Xi had participated in the repair work for the previous barrier seal, and though it had been successful, problems came up later.

The barrier being destroyed again only meant one thing: a human traitor. Someone was sabotaging the barrier from the human side and allowing the bloods to escape into the human world.

Many Blood clan members were taking advantage of the severely damaged enchantment lines and attacking and mutilating humans. The major forces and families on the continent put aside their differences and assembled people to fight the Blood clan.

So many people were there, including the elites of the major families. Even if they had differences and disagreements, the one thing all the families agreed on was fighting against the Blood clan. They couldnt let the enemy take advantage of them, so they had to show a united front.

By the time Feng Wu and the others reached the forest, the aura of blood in the forest was thick and heavy with casualties from both sides. Who knew how much blood had already seeped into the soil.

The students had to stay on the outskirts of the forest. There was a house used to accommodate the patrol who watched the forest, but there were far too many people to all fit inside. Only those with the highest status used it. Everyone else had to set up tents outside or find some other accommodation.

Feng Wus group had arrived later, so they stayed in tents on the outskirts of the forest.

Someone called out to Feng Wu just as she finished setting up her tent.

It was Yi Lin, who she hadnt seen in a long time.

Feng Wu, come here. My mother says she has something to tell you. Yi Lin had been torn about passing on the word. She and Feng Wu werent friendly and had in fact left on bad terms with each other.

Yi Lin hadnt seen Feng Wu since their last botched encounter, but she had heard gossip that Feng Wu was doing well.

Feng Wu thought it had to be Feng Tianjiao. The two of them didnt have much interaction so Feng Wu had a neutral opinion of Tianjiao. She thought about it only for a moment before following Yi Lin to Tianjiaos tent.

In fact, Tianjiao was only there because she was afraid something would happen. She had an inexplicable feeling the blood issue was related to Tianxing. So despite not being welcomed, she still came to the forest. She didnt care what anyone else thought about her. Her only goal was Tianxing.

Auntie. Feng Wu blinked and called out expressionlessly upon entering the tent and seeing Tianjiao in full battle armor.

Hm. Tianjiao nodded and the words, Youre too young to be in a place like this, suddenly came out of her lips, but she quickly followed them with, Forget it. Since youre already here, just lay low and dont stupidly rush forward to fight. There are so many other people here already. How can they make a little girl rush to the front lines? Remember this well, stay in the back and gain merit from there. . . 

Also be careful of your little aunt. Shes not as harmless as she makes herself appear. If she calls out to you, just ignore her. If she wants to meet in a secluded place, reject her.

Tianjiao didnt like her brother, who was biased, and she didnt care for her father, who was devoted to Tianxing, but she nevertheless, still tried to protect her niece and nephew.

She didnt know what her sister was up to, but she knew her Tianxing would do something big soon. She came to obstruct whatever those plans were.

In the meantime, afraid that her dense niece would be fooled by Tianxing, Tianjiao had asked Yi Lin to fetch Feng Wu so she could give the little girl some words of warning.

Feng Wu blinked. Little aunt? Did she mean Feng Tianxing?

Xiao Wu has remembered well Big Aunties words. Feng Wu looked at Tianjiao seriously.

That was it? Shouldnt this little girl be going on about how her little aunt was a good person and would never do her harm and yadda yadda? Tianjiao was taken aback by the agreeable answer from Feng Wu.

It didnt feel right.

Tianjiao coughed uncomfortably, feeling awkward at how easy it was to talk to Feng Wu. She had only warned the little girl out of duty and never expected Feng Wu to believe her.

After saying a few more words, Tianjiao had Yi Lin take Feng Wu back. But before Feng Wu left, she told Feng Wu to come find her if she needed to talk. Feng Wu obediently responded.

It was a pleasant conversation with zero issues.

Feng Wu returned to her tent and found some dried food to eat with the others. They obeyed orders from the higher ups and pulled out a map to familiarize themselves with the environment.

Soon enough the first day ended without Feng Wu even realizing it. She hadnt even had the chance to find Ming Xi.

A battle strategy meeting with several extremely powerful people was being held in the house outside the Blood Moon forest. There were teachers from the academy, saints from Star Marshall hall, elders from the various powerful families, and a few high-level representatives of the trade houses. In total, there were more than a dozen people.

Seated in the main seat was the vice principal of Xingguang Holy academy. Since the two races were fighting, it was only natural a representative of the school attend. Star Marshall hall sent four saints, but they were young and newly appointed, so having the vice principal preside over the meeting was appropriate.

Ming Xi sat silently next to the vice principal, while behind him stood Tian Ya. It was natural for Tian Ya to be there since he was Ming Xis personal bodyguard.

508: A Suspicious Person

The Ancient Silver Moon kingdom was the most powerful amongst the four empires when it came to enchantments and seals, so it was expected they would send a representative.

This slot was given to Ming Xi.

In ancient times, the war between the gods and demons affected all the races: from the humans, to the bloods, to the Asura and more. The races all suffered a tremendous amount of damage from the battle.

The Asura king of the Asura people and the Blood emperor of the Blood clan got together and created a world for the two races to hide away from the fight between gods and demons. The Asura king and the Blood emperor took their people and departed to that world which they named Asura world.

However, there were blood people who were comfortable living in the human world drinking human blood. They were reluctant to leave and go to live in a smaller world.

The ones in the forest now were not these. These were the descendants of the ones who left, and after such a long time, their population had grown considerably.

The human world would fall into chaos if they entered through the broken seal, especially now with their mastery of sun protection.

There must be a traitor. If we dont find who it is soon, it wont matter if we repair the barrier; itll just break again! An adventurer representing the Adventurers guild slapped the table angrily.

Elder Roys words are reasonable. This traitor must be found as soon as possible, otherwise we will surely suffer at the hands of our enemy! Elder Al of the Magicians guild spoke up.

Who is the traitor? Do you have any clues? An elder of the Jia clan was concerned about the same issue.

Everyone knew finding the traitor was far more important than killing the bloods. Whoever the traitor was, the person was familiar with Blood Moon forest and knew the weak points in the enchantment. A dangerous person like that had to be found, otherwise there wouldnt be peace and their current military campaign would be in jeopardy.

Teacher Feng Tianxing, youve guarded Blood Moon forest for so many years, do you have any ideas? asked the vice principal.

This. . .  Tianxing looked at the elders with some embarrassment. I do have a suspect in mind, but I hope it is not him.

Youre referring to your senior brother Lunza? The vice principal asked.

Only a small number of people knew about Lunza. He disappeared without a trace, along with their master and the four elemental elder protectors.

Essentially all the powerful masters who guarded Blood Moon forest had disappeared, likely having met with misfortune. The only one who avoided the calamity was Tianxing.

Lunza was the main suspect in the disappearances so there was file on him at the academy and at Star Marshall hall. His relationship with a blood woman had come to light in the course of a detailed investigation. This was why he was the most likely suspect.

I dont think its Lunza. He was already gone by the time the first barrier was damaged. I made this second one. Being gone, how could he know where the weak points were? Ming Xi raised an objection to it being Lunza. He was the most likely culprit, but that didnt mean it couldnt be someone else. In his opinion, everyone who guarded Blood Moon were possible culprits. They were in the best position to contact the Blood clan; plus, it would have been impossible to tell if any of them had been brainwashed.

His Royal Highness Ming Xi is correct. We shouldnt only look at one person. I also dont think Lunza could have destroyed the barrier this time, said another elder. This elder was very old and was a half-step from reaching saint level. But considering his age, it was unlikely he would be able to break through, which was why he volunteered to lead the expedition for his clan. He wanted to fight for his juniors.

Several elders also voiced their support for Ming Xis view. By the end of the meeting, it was clear the older people who guarded the forest would be locked away in custody for a time.

Lunza was suspicious, but he was missing. Feng Tianxing, on the other hand, was the only high-level guard still present. Everyone placed her on the list of suspects mentally but refrained from saying anything out loud out of respect. They would not speak their suspicions in public but they would investigate her privately.

It didnt look like she would be part of any important future meetings, but Tianxing wasnt worried. If they wanted to investigate, then let them. She doubted they had the ability to find anything. If they had, she would never have been able to stay at the academy for so long.

She wasnt fooled. She knew the people at Star Marshall hall had arranged for her to teach at the academy so they could keep her close by. They hadnt found anything after shed been there for so long. Another investigation wasnt going to give them any new information.

Of course, Feng Wu and the other students didnt know anything about the contents of the meeting. The next day Feng Wu took Rui Baby with her to go and see Ming Xi. She was so excited. She hadnt seen him in a long time and missed him terribly.

Ming Xi was staying in the house on the outskirts of the forest. It was the house the forest guards and Tianxing had lived in while guarding the forest. That Ming Xi was staying there showed how important he was.

Because all the important people were staying in the house, guards stood watch outside. It was obvious at a glance the guards were from the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom based on their uniform.

This didnt register with Feng Wu at all. She just told the guard she was there to see Ming Xi and she was let in.

Ming Xi was inside reading a book.

The seal had never been so damaged before. And this time it would be a lot harder to repair. At this point, the only bloods that couldnt leave the sealed lands were the prince-level powerhouses.

They would have to push the bloods that entered the human world back inside before redoing the seal. It wouldnt be easy, but it would be catastrophic if they closed the barrier with the Blood clan people still free in the human world.

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