The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 457-458: Lost; The Reappearance of the Robbery Trio

Chapter 457-458: Lost; The Reappearance of the Robbery Trio

457: Lost

The method of delivery was obviously murder.

Feng Wu turned back when she heard. These are mine.

It was clear she didnt intend to hand anything over.

It doesnt seem like were going to get anywhere talking to you. He suddenly notched an arrow and aimed it at Feng Wu as he looked at her contemptuously, certain her dodge earlier was luck and not skill.

Do you want to fight me? Feng Wu was a little excited. She had recently broken through a new level and was looking for someone to practice her skills with. Now here was someone right at her door. She squinted her eyes in happiness, feeling pretty good.

Was he seeing things? Why did the expressionless girl in front of him suddenly look happy? He shook his head. It had to be an illusion. Yes, definitely. There was nothing to be afraid of.

The man with the sword was disdainful. Fight? As if you are worthy of fighting us. This is just us unilaterally killing you!

The woman in the middle giggled so hard she had a difficult time talking. Hahaha, oh my god, Im gonna laugh to death. Who does this girl think she is? Actually wants to fight. Hahaha. What nerve!

Feng Wu wasnt annoyed at the ridicule; she was just distressed at their ambiguity. Did they want to fight or not?

Since you dont want to fight, Im going to leave. Feng Wu cherished her time. This time she wanted to get first place. Master had said she could try hard and do well so she wasnt going to let her master down.

Thinking of this, she realized she was wasting time. Other people may have already passed her! She turned around and ran in the direction she picked earlier.

The robbing trio didnt expect someone to run away right under their noses. Of the three, the two men were in the Sword division while the woman was in the Pharmacy division. After they formed a party, they were able to target a lot of other competitors using their bow and arrow. It worked to intimidate and steal because everyone had their abilities sealed.

They didnt steal from just anyone; they picked their targets carefully and made sure to avoid any well-known figures or masters in the school. Though it was easy to steal while inside the arena, they had to consider the possibility they would suffer retaliation once they left the arena.

After observing Feng Wu for a while, they were certain she was a lone contestant with weak strength; at most she was a second or third year, so their robbery would be a surefire success. What they never expected was for her to be uncooperative and immediately leave.

Go after her or not? The man with the bow and arrow asked the woman calling the shots.

She gritted her teeth. After her!

The three of them immediately gave chase, but after travelling a certain distance, they realized they were lost.

Look for her footprints. Its only been a little bit so they should still be visible. The woman spoke through gritted teeth.

They looked all around but failed to find any. Their faces were a little ugly when they proclaimed, Cant find any!

The woman screamed, How is that possible?!

How could the girl have left no footprints in such thick snow? Looking around, it was clear the only footprints around were their own. None of the prints were from the girl they were chasing.

How absolutely absurd and ridiculous!

The trio had to give up.

Quit searching. We go back! The woman hated to give up but they had to.

Go back... go back... the bow and arrow guy had an odd look on his face.

Without noticing, they had somehow gotten lost.

Whats wrong? asked the woman when she noticed his strange look.

We seem to be lost...

Feng Wu had no idea three fools got lost because they were chasing after her. She was, herself, running farther and farther down the wrong direction. Without someone giving her directions, she would have gotten lost all the way to the other end of the world.

A group of people watching her on the screen wondered about her.

If Im not mistaken, that junior sister has circled the same place three times already. A fourth-year boy said incredulously as he pointed to her on screen.

You just figured that out? I realized she had a lousy sense of direction a while ago. Another brother boasted pridefully.

What was there to be proud of? Tamansha was speechless as she silently listened to the conversation between the two guys. But the little girl, Feng Wu, was really interesting.

As a broadcaster, it was impossible for Tamansha to focus on only one person, but when another scene appeared a moment later, she took the opportunity presented to narrate with charm and mystery, broadcasting the challenge with lively flair.

Feng Wu didnt actually have a bad sense of direction. She had grown up in the mountains and had never gotten lost before; it was just that the map was too abstract for her. She studied it for a long time, but still couldnt understand it, so she gave up and picked a random direction to go in. That was why she was lost.

She did realize she was walking in circles. Once she noticed, she stopped by the edge of a frozen river. Her eyes lit up because if there was a river, then there was food.

She knocked a hole in the ice then stood happily watching the water through the hole as it flowed.

How to catch fish. Feng Wu thought about the usual ways.

Method One: Catch them in the water. However, this method involved taking her clothes off and getting into the water. With qi, she wouldnt have cared and would have jumped right in, but right now even if she did have a really fit physique, she was still just an ordinary girl. She had enough self-awareness to know it would be a bad idea to go in the water.

Method Two: Fishing. It wasnt a bad method, but the sad news was she had no fishing rod.

Feng Wu lowered her head and bit her lip. After thinking about it, she came to a solution and ten minutes later she managed to fill her dimensional storage with lots of fish.

458: The Reappearance of the Robbery Trio

Feng Wu had warm clothes on her body, warm boots on her feet, and plenty of food in storage, so being lost didnt make her feel any panic.

She walked for two more hours before finally breaking free of her endless circle. Three hours after that she was sitting atop an alpaca and relaxing her feet. Another hour later and she was finally on the right path, but ny now she was far behind everyone else.

Xiao Wu, the place you want to go to is very far away. You have to climb over the Great Snowy mountain in front of us. I dont know whats beyond it so, once you get to that point, Im afraid youll have to find someone else to ask for directions. The little alpaca beast spoke to Feng Wu.

To everyone else it just sounded like the little beast was making some trumpeting sounds. They would not have understood what the little beast was saying.

Thank you, Flower. Flower was the name of the little alpaca sister. She had been thrown there by the virtual god; it would not have been easy for the her to go to a land of snow and ice otherwise.

Luckily she made friends with Xiao Wu. A lost Feng Wu and a lonely confused alpaca unexpectedly met each other. One human and one beast quickly bridged the divide between species and became good friends.

Feng Wu happily enjoyed some jerky and bread as she sat atop Flower. It felt good not having to walk alone. Feng Wu nodded earnestly at the sentiment.

Other contestants did not have it as easy. They didnt find a magical beast to travel with so they had to walk on their own two feet. Wading through deep snow took a lot of time and energy. It was tiring!

Somewhere nearby, the trio of robbers was at it again. They picked a girl who was clearly traveling solo. The girl was a third-year water magician with low offensive powers but she made up for it with excellent potion refinement abilities.

In fact, her refinement abilities were so good, they were on par with serious third-year pharmacy students. She had quite a reputation amongst the third-years because of it.

It was just a pity that she came from a family with little consequence. They were a small noble clan with no power or influence, so they were no better than an ordinary family when compared to other aristocrats.

She had been on a mission and single-mindedly focused since she entered the academy. She, like other people, entered the academy for a chance to make it. In order to achieve her goal, she put in tremendous effort toward her studies and work. It was not in vain as she was relatively successful.

Though she claimed to be as skilled as a third-year pharmacy student when it came to refining potions, her family knew better. Her strength wasnt as strong as she pretended them to be.

Pharmacy was an expensive endeavor in the early stages, so she had been refining potions with simple methods and formulas using inexpensive materials. Those more costly, high-valued herbs? She had never touched them, never mind practiced with them. It was just too expensive and impossible for her to do without support from someone with more resources.

She was rushing so she could be a part of the quota for entering Star Marshall hall. She was being really sneaky as she moved about the arena because she knew her combat strength was weaker than a chicken. She still entered the challenge despite knowing full well her water magic abilities would be useless in a cutthroat arena like this. She entered because it was a one in a million opportunity; getting into Star Marshall hall would open up so many more doors for her.

She never expected to be blocked by bad-intentioned people on the second day.

What do you want to do?! She screamed; her voice sharp with panic.

Stop talking nonsense. Hand over the keys and everything you got from the chest. The guy with the bow and arrow said impatiently as he notched his arrow.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. You guys want to steal?! Youre not afraid of being disqualified?!

Disqualified! Hahaha!

Shes funny, hahaha!

Shes an idiot. What a stupid question.

The robbers were laughing so hard they nearly had to hug their stomachs. Was this girl sent to be funny?

She glared angrily at them with her beautiful apricot eyes. It was true she couldnt compare to the dazzling geniuses at school, but she was still an ordinary genius in her own right. She wasnt that famous, but she would never be lost in a crowd.

The little beauty who had always been loved by her classmates and teachers, suddenly felt that the world was thick with malice.

Once they trio finished laughing, they got back to business; thieves had to thief after all. If they were determined enough, they would definitely get their loot.

All right, were done playing. Hand everything over! The bow and arrow guy was getting impatient.

Stop wasting time and just get to it already. The woman in the middle was worried about encountering another runaway like last time. It was only a few hours ago, so the feeling of loss was still fresh in her heart.

Anxiety flashed in the girls eyes as soon as she heard this. She promptly turned around and ran away.

Running away?! Do you think a magician can outrun a swordsman?!

Both the sword and bow and arrow guy chased after her. Their last robbery failed so they couldnt let another target escape and lose any more face in front of their goddess!

The girl ran desperately ahead as the two guys chased her from behind. Her face dripped with sweat and her breathing became labored from running in the thick snow. Luckily, her body was light, so she didnt get bogged down, unlike the two guys chasing after her; however their strength more than made up for any disadvantage. They certainly had more stamina than a magician and would be able to outlast her.

A gust of cold wind blew and she shivered.

She was running out of strength but she knew she couldnt stop. She couldnt let herself be defeated here if she wanted to get into Star Marshall hall.

She could not lose. . . 

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