The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 455-456: Treasure Chest; Lucky Girl

Chapter 455-456: Treasure Chest; Lucky Girl

455: Lucky Girl

The teachers figure disappeared, leaving the contestants to look at each other in dismay. Most found it troublesome to only have access to what they used in the team challenge. At the time, they had chosen things that werent suitable because of inexperience, but now they knew better and were looking forward to picking better items. Unexpectedly, they wouldnt have the chance.

Feng Wu was not hit hard by it though. She had chosen things that were useful to her and she would have picked the same items again if given the choice.

She and the others were teleported to the arena. It was a cold location filled with ice and snow. The contestants would freeze like popsicles.

As you can see, our challengers have landed on the challenge field. The temperature is very low and our contestants have had their magic an qi sealed so they are just ordinary people now. Can they withstand such a terrible place and survive the challenge in a place that is 10 degrees below 0?

Tamansha looked at the black people specks on the screen. Her voice was filled with excitement and worry.

Possibly, but wait! What was that that just flew down?

Keys and large iron chests suddenly appeared on the viewing screen, falling from the sky.

Vice Principal, can you explain to everyone if those chests and keys will be useful to our contestants? Tamansha turned to the vice principal and asked.

Of course. Within those chests are thermal supplies and other daily necessities. They can only be opened with the keys.

Contestants who want warmer clothes will have to use the keys to open the chests in order to get the items they want. Not all the chests are filled with supplies however; it is possible to find nothing at all or just useless junk.

The audience understood what the chests were for after the vice principals explanation. If they understood it correctly, there were more participants than chests, so a war would likely break out as participants fought for limited resources.

At the time, Feng Wu was standing on top of a frozen lake. She had hard ice beneath her feet and an endless field of white around her.

Its so cold. Feng Wu frowned. She had no inner qi to protect herself from the cold but her physique was better than ordinary people, so the cold was bearable.

She took out the map and puzzled over it for several minutes. It was a clearly drawn map, but Feng Wu didnt know how to read it.

She bit her lip before muttering. I dont understand.

After looking at the map, she chose a direction and started walking. As soon as she did, an iron chest and key landed directly in front of her.

Feng Wu stupidly looked at the key then at the chest. She clumsily grabbed the key and walked around the chest. . .  and kept walking. . . 

The audience nearly fell over at the sight.

Sister! Dont you want to open the chest and check out if it has any supplies inside? There might be clothes in there! If theres a chest, and you have the key, why wouldnt you open it?!

Feng Wu kept walking in the direction she picked and came upon another chest not long after. She glanced at the chest, then at the key, then back at the chest again. It turns out the chest can be opened! Feng Wu said suddenly.

Girl, can you be any more dense, muttered the audience. They watched as she used her key to open the chest. Inside was a thick cloak made from fire fox fur. It promised to be a very warm accessory!

The corner of Feng Wus mouth bent just a little bit. Her lips were a little purple from the cold, but the image was still cute.

She wrapped the cloak around her and put the hood up and immediately felt warmer. She walked away with lips still slightly bent in a smile.

Shortly after she left the area, a tall man walked to the spot she had first landed.

Shit! A chest! exclaimed the man excitedly. His face was full of happiness as he held the key up, ready to open the chest. My luck is good to have found a chest so soon. There must be something good inside!

The audience gathered to watch were also very curious. What good things did the sister leave behind?

The box opened to reveal, shocking to every one there, a zombie, the kind encountered during the team challenge! The tall guy had his throat bit before he could even react.

It was tragic; it had only been ten minutes into the challenge, and he was the first person to get knocked out.

What kind of luck was that! The audience sighed in shock.

Luck is also a kind of strength. Someone else said.

That girl was lucky.

So, unbeknownst to Feng Wu, she became a lucky girl in the eyes of the audience.

But what was the lucky girl currently doing? She was going in the wrong direction. . . 

The person who drew the map made it too complicated so it was beyond Feng Wus understanding.

She encountered two more chests ten minutes later. One had a large box of jerky and bread; it was the kind of thing contestants were desperate for. Feng Wu wanted to open the other box, but her key didnt fit, so she regretfully left.

Another girl came by soon after Feng Wu left and she opened the remaining chest. Inside was a cotton coat, though it wasnt near as warm as the fire fox cape Feng Wu found, it was still a welcome addition.

Because the key didnt open both chests earlier, Feng Wu knew her key wouldnt be able to open every chest. She didnt come across any other chests after an hour of walking.

This made her a little sad. She found that she liked this game of opening chests. There were many people playing the game, and a chest disappeared soon after it was opened.

Feng Wu had seen several people near her opening chests. She would turn around and leave, but had it been anyone else, a fight for possession would have ensued.

456: Treasure Chest

The chests fell from the sky with much needed supplies, but it wasnt without risks. The possibility of death, though small, was very real.

So far, five people had died from opening the chests. Each of the five had carelessly opened the chests and were subsequently bitten to death by the zombies that erupted out.

Feng Wu didnt know about the zombies, no one did really, except for a few people who witnessed one of the five dying. They knew it was a risk and that they could die opening one of those chests.

Some people were lucky and found warm clothes while others found food. They wouldnt have to worry about freezing to death or dying of starvation.

It was hard to get a bearing in all the snow and ice. Food was also scarce because there were no wild plants to harvest or animals to hunt. It was freezing and most of the animals were sleeping in their burrows. Which of them would want to come out and be food for humans?

It began to snow, and as the storm intensified, visibility dropped. The contestants had no magic or qi so it became difficult for them to continue.

Feng Wu found a place and set her tent up. The inside was nice and cozy when compared to the outside storm. Feng Wu had lots of pillows and quilts to keep warm while she chewed on her jerky.

She was lucky she could use her equipment to escape the snow; unfortunately, Ming Xi was not as lucky. Although he didnt have a tent, he did have food and clothing appropriate for the climate, having found a set of warm fur clothes and a bag of dried biscuits and water inside two different chests. For housing, he built a thick igloo out of snow cubes. He successfully kept himself insulated from the snow and cold outside.

Most people werent as lucky as Feng Wu or as smart as Ming Xi. The rest of the people found holes and caves to shelter away from the wind and cold, otherwise if they stay exposed to the elements, they would surely become human popsicles.

It snowed all night but Feng Wu slept restfully and awoke refreshed.

When some of the audience members saw how their seniors were abused by the weather, turning into popsicles, an interesting feeling arose in their hearts, but they were smart and didnt voice anything out loud. After all, they didnt know if anyone around them were fans of some of those very same senior competitors. It was best to be careful. The lesson learned from the vice president was still fresh in their minds.

Look everyone, chests are falling from the sky again! Vice Principal, we want to know, will chests fall from the sky every day or will they only fall at certain times? Tamansha asked a question everyone wanted to know.

There were too many unknown variables in the individual challenge. The participants had to explore and discover on their own. Though the secrecy made the challenge more interesting, it also made those watching hunger for more inside intel. Or at the very least know a little more than those participating.

How could the audience feel superior if they only knew as much as the participants?

The vice president laughed. The chests are benefits we gave to all participants and will be available for the first three days. In those days, chests randomly drop. There will be no more chests beyond the third day.

The audience was satisfied with his explanation. It turned out the chests would only drop once a day for three days. That was good. If the chests dropped every day, then they would have signed up!

The contestants did not know the chest drops were a limited time event that would stop after the third day. But there were some smart people in the group who suspected it wouldnt last indefinitely.

Whether they suspected or not, the contestants were enthusiastic when it came to opening the chests. Often times this would lead to fights between contestants.

Feng Wu had kept her chest and taken cared of two big guys who thought she would be an easy target to bully.

The situation with the chests became more pronounced on the second day. Yesterday, everyone was still getting accustomed to the arena, but now that they knew about the contents of the chest, they were eager to get their hands on as many as they could.

The chest drops werent limited to a specific location; they fell all over the arena, so if you wanted to get them you had to have the strength and stamina to do so.

Feng Wu opened one of the three chests in front of her. The other two would not open with the key she had.

Fortunately though, the chest she opened had snow boots inside. She immediately swapped her leather shoes for the snow boots. Her old shoes were doing OK in the cold, but they werent near as cozy as the new boots. Both her feet felt like they were encased in warmth as soon as she put them on and it was wonderful walking in them.

Feng Wu was satisfied even though she couldnt open the other two chests. She was putting her old shoes away in her dimensional storage space when she felt murderous aura behind her. She jumped to the side and neatly dodged.

She looked down after dodging to find an arrow lodged in the ice where she had originally stood. She would have been knocked out of the challenge if the arrow had hit her.

You dodged! said a voice from behind. Feng Wu turned around to see a girl and two guys, one of which had a bow and arrow, walking to her. It was obvious he was the one that shot.

What are you staring for? Hurry up and hand over your keys. Do we need to shoot at you again? The woman ordered Feng Wu.

All three had on leather jackets, but the woman had a leather hat as well. Based on how the two guys were looking at the woman, it was obvious she was the leader.

Feng Wu blinked, then ignoring them altogether, raised one foot in front of the other to keep walking.

Stop! Who said you could leave?! Hand over your keys right now. And all the things you got from the chests too, otherwise we are going to send you out of the arena. This came from the man standing next to the woman. He was holding a sword.

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