The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 363: Pure-bloods & Bloodlines

Chapter 363: Pure-bloods & Bloodlines

After taking another five steps, the scorching increased as a large part of his skin got flayed; the boy was truly roasting

He shut his eyes tightly to contain the pain, and when he snapped them open, they were already pitch-black with a golden serpentine slit right at its center

"Man, how I hate this godforsaken place!" He gritted his teeth as one could already see them gradually protruding even as much as the boy feared what was about to happen

He looked back at his wife and could see tears streaming out of her eyes, then looking back ahead, he gritted his teeth and moved ahead taking another three steps before another portion of his skin was flayed open once again

This time, the girl could see the pulsing muscles beneath it and everything was blood jade in color, the boy's painful growl intensified, and instantly, the girl turned around unable to bear the horror her husband was going through

The boy took another three steps further and completely transformed, and with a resounding roar that could shred even a saint stage expert to pieces, the boy took ten consecutive steps further and was forced to halt as he was now sizzling even in this current form of his... [Lol You were looking for spoilers Not yet!]

'Just three more steps!'

The boy who had now transformed into something from an Asura's worst nightmare, bellowed within his mind as he took one step forward, and just like a CAT-5 Tornado ripping a paper house to shreds, this monster [or boy] saw every patch of flesh and muscle on his body flayed off, leaving only his skeleton, and the rapidly pulsing organs within them

"Roooaarrr!" The boy [or monster] roared defiantly at the heavens as he took the second of three steps;

This time around his bones which were shimmering like diamond began to glow and glitter intensely, as the thousands of runes etched onto the began to light up one after the other, as they pulsed with increasing might, and with one final roar, he took the final step and the moment his foot landed;



The girl cried out in agony after she heard the explosion and the sound of bones clattering on the floor She understood what that meant, and didn't want to look back, as she just knelt there, weeping for about half an hour straight

She then stood up and finally turned around, and just as she looked to the entrance, she gasped, as another set of tears washed down her face, but now, this tears where one of joy rather than sorrow...

There at the entrance was a hideous figure; only bones, organs, some blood vessels and muscles covering his skeletal frame at a speed visible to the naked eye

The boy gave a creepy but smug grin to the girls who burst into laughter in the middle of her tears;

"Wait for me, I will be back" The boy said as turned around and entered this bungalow looking structure

Within this structure was actually winding tunnels which looked like a maze that led to a throne room, after another hour or so of sensing [yes, sensing, not finding] his way to the throne room, the boy saw an old man with a cane in hand just stepping out of a portal

The old man with the cane stepped out of the portal and saw the boy, and was instantly taken aback

Undeniable and immense level of shock was etched on the old man's wrinkled face;


The boy who had now returned to the hateful handsomeness of his human form greeted with a strong bow;

"Why are you here?" The boy added in surprise this time around

The old man who had just stepped out of the void quickly recovered and chuckled at the boy;

"Have you forgotten that this place used to be our ancestral throne room, before your Tribe built your Clan on top of it?"

"I'm sorry, father-in-law That was not what I meant" The boy apologized, a little frightened of the old man;

"Come on! You are the Emperor of an Ancient Tribe, you should act like it whenever you stand in the presence of Patriarchs like us" The man said as he waved his cane at the boy

"So, you have managed to pay for the sins of an entire generation"

"I have to say, I am truly impressed" The man nodded his head in approval, as the boy chuckled self depreciatingly;

"I honestly wouldn't have dared to, if not for him"

The boy replied whilst the old man simply stared at him as they floated...

"So you sensed it too You keep growing ever stronger, your tribe's bloodline is truly monstrous" The man said as they flew on;

"True But sadly, as I have sensed it, father would have also done so, and he might awaken from slumber and come looking"

The boy sighed with furrowed brows and deep worry, whilst the old man beside him trembled slightly at the mention of the boy's father;

"If it's your father, we should be able to stand a chance But if for any reason, your clan's patriarchs come knocking, then we will be truly done for"

The old man's voice was quaking at the mention of the people he referred to as the 'Old Demons'

Those ancient figures had strengths and might that were of apocalyptic and cataclysmic proportions

"They will have to step over my shredded corpse and faded bloodlines if they want to get my boy"

The boy spoke with conviction and a protective flames of fury burning within his eyes;

"Good Good" The old man nodded as they finally got to the end of this maze and stepped into the throne room

This place was about three stories tall, with several statues of previous leaders erected on both sides

In here, were several lamps with tongues of golden flames flickering atop it, thought the amount of lamps that were still lit were less than a hundred, but they were all in good condition and radiance

But that was not what they came her for, rather it was the three lamps placed on the altar behind the throne

Three lamps stood there, one was blood-red at the top and pitch-black at the base where the lamp wick should be located, and when the man saw this lamp, he looked to the boy beside him with a mysterious gaze, but there was no denying the fear that was veiled behind that mysterious stare

The second lamp had a flame that was snow-white at the top, and golden where the wick was supposed to be, and when the man saw that, he asked;

"How is she coping with everything?"

"She is here... just outside the edge of the ancient archives"

The boy replied as the man furrowed his brows;

"Does she know?"

"I guess she does... But if she doesn't, I will probably tell her when she comes asking" The boy replied as they looked towards the third lamp

This lamp was at the highest position in this room, and on it was a tongue of multi-colored flames from the tip to base

The tip of this flame was snow-white, then changed to a shade of sun-gold as it went lower, and then midnight-blue, demon-purple, blood-red and finally pitch-black at the base where the wick is supposed to be

But at this moment, the pitch-black base was already tainting the blood-red part of the flame and was gradually turning the red part, black

"It is just like I feared, he is awakening ours first" The boy blanched at the sight;

"How is that possible, the last time I was down there, he was still in the Peak Emperor Stage, and I have not seen any vision of him trying to breakthrough for at least another year" The Old Man with the cane spoke;

"The next stage after the Emperor Stage is the Awakening Stage The seal locking his bloodline might have been breached"

"Afterall, he is an hybrid pure-blood of ours and your bloodline combined, such a seal will definitely be too weak to contain it" The boy replied;

"True Look the runes are already fading faster than before"

The Old Man pointed to the middle lamp and the runes on its body that were gradually fading

"We have already been warned that the more he approached the Awakening Stage, the weaker the seal would become"

"But we had anticipated the seal breaking around the Ancestor Stage, and that would have still bought us enough time for him to find the cloak I sent down earlier"

"If he awakens that bloodline before he finds the cloak, not only would we have to worry about the people from your tribe, we will also have to fend off those devils and asura's" The Old Man added grimly;

"We are being watched right now, and we can't send anyone down there to help We can only pray and hope that doesn't happen"

The boy said with a sigh as he turned around and prepared to return;

"I don't want her to know I was here, it would only increase her suspicions, are you going to be okay on your way back?" The Old Man asked with slight concern;

"Our bloodlines allows us to adapt to any life threatening situation we pass through, as long as we manage to survive it So, returning should be a walk in the park"

The boy spoke like it was nothing and the Old Man was once again emotionally disturbed

These people were harbingers of doom itself

There was a rumor that this boy's father had once snapped the neck of a Demi-god by just simply frowning at him, and this boy was supposed to have a stronger talent and purer bloodline than that old demon

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