The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 362: A Sinister, Dark & Primordial Necropolis!

Chapter 362: A Sinister, Dark & Primordial Necropolis!


Min Hong let out another tragic scream, as he began to swim up with all his might, but all that came out of his mouth was an even more intense bubbling sound

Min Hong's hands were almost paddling as fast as the propeller within a jet engine

"Oh, he's swimming!"

Qing Tan exclaimed in delight as she saw the hands of Min Hong on the bed begin to paddle as the other two began to smile once again

Several eyes began to snap open beneath Min Hong and for some reasons, his mind began to think about the kind of teeth these demons would have

Then for the third time in thirty minutes, Min Hong picked a direction;

'Up Ahead!' as he paddled for his poor little life

He had been encountering so many deadly situations that he began to feel weak, and tender when compared with the kind of world he was currently within

He swam upwards frantically as he began to see these eyes close in on him, of which they now numbered over 3,000 from a rough glance

The more he paddled, the more he ran out of breath for some reason, and soon enough, he began to hear some muffled noises, and began to feel the water he was swimming up to roil chaotically, and then Min Hong realized he must be approaching the surface, albeit right beneath what had now seemed to be the waterfall

He swam faster as these marine beasts closed in on him, and just as he reached the surface, one of this marine animals clamped their massive jaws, with sharp rows of serrated teeth...


It sounded like throwing a 250KG bag of cement on the ground


Min Hong gasped out the remaining air within his body, as the marine beast dragged him to the depths of the pitch black lake

Min Hong gradually lost all the air within his lungs the deeper he drowned, as he saw a particular pair of eyes close in at a faster rate, and for the first time, Min Hong saw the mouths of these marine beasts

It was a mouth that was in no way proportional to the size of these beasts eyes

The mouth was large enough to swallow him a hundred times over without choking the beast...

The mouth, just like the eyes, glowed with blood red light and he could see the black serrated rows of teeth that numbered over a thousand

Then what followed the stench of blood coming out of the mouth, which was so potent that it knocked Min Hong out, and just as he consciousness was about to fade completely, the beast zoomed over and clamped its jaws on the upper half of his body


Min Hong screamed to life in the outside world startling the trio so hard, that Min Qing who was the weakest and smallest amongst them fainted

Even Min Rou and Min Qing also received mental and spiritual damage

There was this aura; one they have never felt before from anyone, including Min Hong himself ripple outwards and slam into them

Qing Tan was instantly knocked out whilst the remaining two saw blood trickle out of the sides of their mouth

Meanwhile, the moment Min Hong screamed to life, he suddenly felt all the pain from within his dream hit him altogether, at once, and he fainted

The two maids [inner court female disciples], and the two guards [enforcement hall enforcers] also heard the scream as they were also hit with a substantial spiritual damage, and they also saw blood trickle out of their mouths, but despite that, they still scrambled to their feet and ran towards the main house

"What happened!?" One of the boys asked the girls as they met themselves at the entrance;

"I don't know, but we heard a very loud scream one that felt sinister" The girl replied as she hushed the boy;

"But what are they doing in there?" The second maid asked the second guard;

"How do you expect me to know that?" The second guard whispered annoyingly;

"I'm sorry But from that voice, it seemed to be the young master's voice" The second maid apologized and brought to their attention;

"Yes, it is But what do we do?"

The second guard whispered back as he looked to the trio

But when he gazed into their eyes, he could see fear, and reluctance written within them, and at that moment, he knew he was the only person thinking of a 'rescue mission'

Meanwhile, within another dimension, and another pocket of space within this dimension, was a paradise

Right at the center of this paradise, and about 10,000 meters into the sky, was another paradise; one that looked and felt to this paradise like a super paradise

In the middle of this floating super paradise was a mansion built atop a very massive mountain, with steps running from the base of the mountain, to its peak where this mansion stood proudly and firmly

Within this mansion, was a secret room, and within this secret room was a door with so many otherworldly and supernatural runes carved onto it

A boy and girl who seemed to be in their mid-twenties were currently rushing towards this door with flaming lamp-sticks in their hands;

"Dear, what is it!?" The girl asked;

"I need to confirm something first"

The boy replied with his eyes closed, as he slammed his palm into the door, sending a massive surge of Qi into it in a single burst

The amount of Qi this man sent into this formation could flatten a Peak Nascent Soul expert into a flat paste of flesh, gore and blood

The door sucked this Qi as the runes began to light up and squirm into each other and after a while a small hand sized hole appeared on the door

The man didn't even waste any second before plunging his entire arm into this hole;

"With the sacrifice of my bloodline, I request access into the ancestral archives!"

The boy spoke, and then after furrowing his brows slightly in pain, the boy removed his hands and there was a gaping hole in his palm that blood was still leaking from


The boy shook as a certain kind of bloodthirsty and hungry aura burst forth from him


The boy groaned slightly with furrowed brows, seemingly resisting something sealed within him from breaking out

Then this boy's hand healed instantly within the blink of an eye as the door finally rumbled open

The duo hurriedly stepped past the door, and came into a primordial, ethereal and sinister necropolis, where several ten story tall and there were over a hundred of them

But what made this place sinister wasn't the silence or the spine tingling feeling that one felt

Neither was it the demonic aura or the atmosphere of bloodlust that was weighing down in the area

It was the fact that all these several structures were made out of thousands upon thousands of coffins

These coffins were only between six to ten feet tall, so I will leave you all to calculate how many of them it would take to build a ten story building, and then hundreds of such buildings

All these multitude of coffins were all transparent, and within them lied the skeletons of different species of beings, ranging from young children, to teens, the middle aged, and the old which was obvious because their bones were hunched

But all those were just humans, there were also some of them which had wing bones protruding from their backs

There were some which were not humanoid at all, and what was eerie about the entire scene was that, there were massive runes etched on the floor of this necropolis too, and at least, three percent of all this coffins had tongues of flames flickering within them

The flames within the coffins at the top were all abyss-black, then a little downwards were the demon-purple ones, followed by blood-red flames, and then night-blue flames

It was like some sort of hierarchy of some sort, but this boy didn't even wait at these outer edges, nope, instead he went deeper into this tomb and reached the center where a massive circle was located, then when he got there, he handed the flaming lamp-stick in his hands to the girl beside him and looked into her eyes before solemnly speaking;

"I have to begin the rights of passage to the ancestral archives"


"Isn't that where only the descendants of the purest bloodlines are allowed to enter!?"

"You might lose your life Do you want me to lose you after losing our son!?"

The girl grabbed the boy's robes and began to tug it in agony as she wept;

"I am doing this for him!" The boy growled as he grabbed the lady's hands and tugged her into concentration;

"I really need to check what is going on, and I need you to stay here If they sense your presence and catch a whiff of your scent, we are both dead!"

The boy spoke as the girl managed to stand and took the lamp-stick from the hands of who seemed to be her husband

The boy then grabbed her face and planted a kiss on her face before steeling his nerves and walking towards the bungalow right at the center of this necropolis which was sitting on a massive formation of primordial runes itself

The boy had barely reached ten meters away from the bungalow when his clothes turned to ashes and scorching marks appeared on his skin


The boy took his a slit-load of air as his skin roasted with smoke coming out of it;


He trembled slightly as groaned in pain seemingly forcing what was within him to say within

After taking another five steps, the scorching increased as a large part of his skin got flayed; the boy was truly roasting

He shut his eyes tightly to contain the pain, and when he snapped them open, they were already pitch-black with a golden serpentine slit within them

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