The First Evolution

Chapter 53: A Strange Combination of Circumstances

Chapter 53: A Strange Combination of Circumstances

“In the real world, the greatest use of this person’s talent is to be able to clean the toilet happily, dig out feces, etc., but he is lucky to become the chosen one. The reason is simple. No matter how glamorous skyscrapers are, there will be sewage pipes. In the huge Nightmare Space, some sub-areas are also full of terrible stench that even gas masks and chemical suits are useless. They directly affect people on the soul level. No one can really bear such pressure to stay there.”

“When these sub-areas are not cleaned for a long time, some weird mutated void spirits will be produced. Their existence is like eczema. Although they are not fatal, they will cause a lot of trouble to the Space. The creator didn’t imagine such a thing to happen when he designed this space. Therefore, this person with strange talent became the most wanted person by the Space. He can ignore the terrible stench around him, remove those mutated void spirits, and clean up the Space.”


Looking at this information, Fang Linyan finally sketched a rough outline in his mind. Simply put, he was like a 17th century navigator at this time, and he had almost obtained a mysterious world nautical map. This map has outlined the outline of the entire world, allowing him to have a general understanding of the overall situation of the world.

However, there were still too many unknown areas on this map, and there were also large mysterious areas waiting for him to explore.

“Finally, I’m not being kept in the dark anymore. So that’s the case.” Fang Linyan muttered.

At this time, the black antique phone trembled again; the battery was almost completely blank, then a lot of text messages were received.

“The third way is also the easiest way for ordinary people to become contractors. That is to join a joint trial and stand out from the crowd! After a brutal and bloody elimination, the few people who remain in the end may gain recognition from the Space.

However, there is no fixed time limit for a joint trial. Normally, after a certain Space or multiple Spaces have suffered severe damage, they will initiate the trial when they need to replenish new blood in a hurry. Of course, the remaining survivors will be also selected by several Spaces. “

“In history, we can often see some reports about ghost ships. That is, the ship is intact, there is no shortage of food and water, but there is no one on it. Even with the high technology like the satellites that can identify the height of the flyer on the ground, the plan that disappeared mysteriously had no way to be found. Where did these passengers go? They were directly involved in the joint trial and were unfortunately eliminated.”

Seeing these sensational secrets, Fang Linyan was also a little dumbfounded. He had heard a lot about ghost ships. Even the year before last, he heard that a similar incident happened on a giant cruise ship. He even condemned the editor for being heartless to fabricate any kind of rumors to gain views.

As for the mysterious disappearance of a large passenger plane, he had really never heard of it. He had heard of the crash, but he never expected that behind these weird and mysterious events, the driving force was actually the Space!

At this time, the message sent by the mobile phone seemed to be almost over here. After Fang Linyan thought about it, he felt the black antique phone was leading him to join the joint trial. Moreover, it seemed that it should be a group of people who survived until the end instead of 1 person, otherwise how could the several Spaces choose?

Under this circumstance, I should still be sure to be among those who survive. After all, I have killed two of the contractors now, right?

However, just when Fang Linyan made the above judgment, the black antique phone sent another message. This message was stating very clearly which was in contrast with the previous messages,

“You have passed my test. If you can see this text message alive, it means that you have the potential to become a contractor, and this action is extremely important, so I will explain it to you clearly. This time, you need to rent a car first, then you drive to Zolton Avenue No. 4 at 2 pm 3 days later.”

“Between 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm, there will be a person wearing a gray rain cape and riding a Harley-Davidson motorboat waiting for a red light at the intersection. This person is the contractor who just gets out of the joint trial. He is still in a state of being seriously injured, so crush him to death! Then you will get a bloody key, choose the option that lets you obtain the item he carries, and you will get the joint trial badge he got.”

“In this mobile phone, there is a Bisca data stream that I have sealed. This data stream contains a trace of the strange fate power which can help you overcome difficulties and successfully conceal your identity. The Judah’s Dinar you got from Evil Zen is a very special item. After you combine the 2, with the joint trial badge you get, you can replace this person and successfully join the Nightmare Space!”

“If I tell you all this directly, then you will probably just ignore it. But now, you should believe every word I say. Become stronger as soon as possible. You don’t have to thank me, maybe in the future, you will even hate me. Because for you, it may be a better ending to be killed by a heavy truck that is out of control!”

After confirming that no new text message, Fang Linyan also covered his temples and sighed. Faced with so many intricate messages, and every word could not be missed, his brain couldn’t process all the information for a while. In fact, he initially thought the mysterious text messages would make him find a way to participate in the joint trial. Unexpectedly, it was asking him to ​​directly kill someone to obtain the badge!

Of course, this was not the biggest difficulty Fang Linyan faced now. He had already killed several contractors, so he of course didn’t care about killing 1 more. From the perspective of the mysterious message, the most difficult step to kill the contractor was easy for Fang Linyan. However, after killing the contractor riding Harley-Davidson, Fang Linyan couldn’t bring out another key item.

That was “Judah’s Dinar”!

According to the arrangement of the mysterious text message, Fang Linyan should easily exchange it from Evil Zen with that weird black wallet.

But he overslept that day! ! Now let’s not say whether he could find Evil Zen or not. Even if he could find him, what could he do? Cheat him? Or exchange the item with his head?

Not only that, Fang Linyan was also very suspicious of 1 thing, that was, the Bisca data stream sealed in the mobile phone was probably not enough.

Because in the 811 world, he encountered an extremely dangerous condition when completing the milestone. This thing should have sensed his situation, so the data stream was consumed a lot to unlock his talent.

Since then, this mysterious mobile phone had been on the verge of power failure. It was not uncommon for it to shut down directly in the next second. Therefore, even if he had “Judah’s Dinar” in his hand at this time, and he also got the so-called joint trial badge, he didn’t have the courage to impersonate.

Hoo…” After a long breath, Fang Linyan’s eyes became firm again.

Because after he had calculated the causes and consequences clearly at this time, he realized that if he wanted to continue to live at this time, then there was only 1 way to go. No matter there were how many difficulties and obstacles on this path, it was his only path! He had no choice but to walk to the end!

Needless to say, this path was to participate in the joint trial as an ordinary person!

The black antique phone can predict the future, but why can’t it notice the future has changed? Are these text messages left to Fang Linyan by someone from the future?

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