The First Evolution

Chapter 52: Another Text Message

Chapter 52: Another Text Message

After watching this video several times over and over again, Fang Linyan suddenly remembered something. Such a strange matter, wouldn’t Customer Service Xiao Li associate it as a big matter? Why would she just send it to me?

So he went to chat with Customer Service Xiao Li again to probe her tentatively. Customer Service Xiao Li was obviously not a patient and shrewd person, she quickly exposed herself,

She told Fang Linyan that Thai City was a free port city, and the management and supervision were quite lax. She could receive dozens of similar orders a day, especially the secret photography materials that required pinhole cameras.

The source of their orders was through “gray channels” which were hackers. The videos that customers wanted are often for several hours. How would these technical nerds have the time to watch these boring things?

The main task of these hackers was to break through the firewall, then they would let the artificial intelligence such as SIRI do the rest of the work. In the end, they would capture the signal and integrate it with the unique KPS intelligent technology so that the definition of the video data would be higher and the sound could be restored.

In this situation, Fang Linyan was relieved finally. He thought for a moment, then he wrote the name in his notebook,

Evil Zen!

This seemingly ordinary man in gray clothes had a calm temperament even if he was facing death. Not only that, the power he showed was only the tip of the iceberg; his actual strength was unfathomable. He deserved to be called the most powerful contractor.

Although the explosion in the cafe was fierce, Fang Linyan believed that Evil Zen was not dead.

He couldn’t help but think of another thing. The mysterious black antique phone’s text message asked me to take this abnormal black wallet, then what would happen?

There was a high probability of being found by the guy named Evil Zen. It was not difficult to see from the video that Evil Zen should have been following this black wallet; he seemed to be determined to get it.

So in other words, the final intention of the mysterious black antique phone is to let me meet Evil Zen?

So far, the messages of the black antique phone have been asking me to do things that are beneficial to me, instead of asking me to seek death.

So it can be inferred that Evil Zen’s acting style should be biased toward the lawful style, not the kind of person who will kill to get what he wants.

However, since his name has the word “evil” in it, it is mostly evil lawful. He belongs to the kind of person who acts with extreme evil means, but he will abide by his own style of behavior.

Then it can be further inferred that the next thing development is most likely:

Evil Zen wants to take the black wallet from my hand, and I can’t fight back.

After Evil Zen got this thing that he aspires to get, he should be in a good mood, so he will give me some benefits or a promise. Is the intention of the mysterious black antique phone based on the benefits or promises given by Evil Zen?

Fang Linyan wrote all the things he reasoned out, but there was one more thing he didn’t want to understand, that was, the woman in a long skirt obviously attached great importance to the black wallet, why did she leave it on the bar?

Of course, it could be seen from various reports that careless people who lost valuables or large sums of money in taxis, but this kind of small probability incident couldn’t be applied to the woman in a long skirt. It was like using the word “lucky” to explain the success of those superiors, it would be too biased.

After pondering for a while, Fang Linyan wrote 3 words on the paper and then drew a circle: female shop assistant!

Yes, the breakthrough in this incident was actually the fat female shop assistant who had been in contact with the mysterious black wallet, so if Fang Linyan wanted to continue the investigation, then she would be a good clue.

But Fang Linyan hesitated about this because he couldn’t guarantee to save himself now. The cancer in his body was only “controlled”. If there was no opportunity, he would still be a terminal cancer patient in a month.

Investigating female shop assistants was time-consuming and energy-consuming. The most terrible thing was that even if the results of the investigation came out, the benefits he could get were illusory and unpredictable. Even if he adhered to the principle of “the more you know, the more dangerous”, then maybe it would cause him extra trouble.

Therefore, Fang Linyan only thought for 3 seconds before choosing to give up, then he sealed up the information, put it in the box next to it, and went to the toilet next to it.

However, when going to the toilet, he suddenly felt a vibration in his pocket. Fang Linyan hadn’t recovered from his senses at first, then he took a breath and immediately took out the mysterious the black antique phone!

At this time, the surface of this mysterious black antique phone was already full of cracks, and the battery left was only a little. Even the screen was darkened as if it would turn off at any time, but there was still 1 unread text message that could barely be identified.

Fang Linyan took a deep breath, then clicked on the text message,

“Do you want to cure your disease? Do you want to live like a healthy person? Do you want to gain powerful strength? Do you want to change your own destiny? As long as you join the Space, all this is not a problem!”

“The full name of Space is called Nightmare Space. It is a war machine made by the legendary creator to select powerful fighters. It is almost omnipotent! However, there are only 3 ways to be selected as a contractor by the Space.”

“In the first way, when some people suddenly face death or an extremely dangerous situation, they will explode with unprecedented potential. It may be their resentment has broken through the sky or the brain waves have reached an astonishing level in an instant, so they have fit the Space’s requirement and are captured to be a contractor.”

“The second way is the other way around. The person has a very unusual talent. This talent may seem ordinary to others, but the Space needs it very much! This kind of person is called the chosen one. Of course, such people are very rare.”

“This may be difficult to understand, but there is a well-known example. A person has epilepsy since he was a child. The cause of this disease is the infection in the brain. Therefore, the olfactory area of ​​his brain has abnormalities which let his smell have a strange change. Things that are nice to smell to normal people are very smelly to him; things that people feel smelly are nice to smell to him like he is in a garden.”

Fang Linyan is obviously not the first case. Can he be the second case? His cancer will let him be the chosen one maybe?

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