The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 292: albert the billionaire son

Chapter 292: albert the billionaire son

Are you sure that you dont know who this guy is? King asked as he curiously examined the so-called thiefs face.

No, Ive never heard of him. Clark had an exasperated expression on his face. I think hes a foreigner, I would have recognized someone like him if he was from these environs.

I envy him.


Are you deaf? I said I envy him. King looked up with a real expression of envy on his face. To use so many top-notch gadgets of high-grade country standards, it means that his father is a freaking billionaire.

Oh, what I would sacrifice to be born to a billionaire dad! Then, I will have access to all the bombs that I want.

Thats even little. If I want, I can spend billions lavishly just to build a bomb research base, and spend even more billions to hire the best of the best experts to help me cook out all the bombs of my dreams.

Clark had an aghast expression on his face; he shook his head. Youre not serious.

Youll never understand Clark, its only natural that you dont understand now. When you grow big enough, youll understand then. King had a sage-like look on his face.

Suppressing his irritation at seeing the look on this dickheads face, Clark asked curiously. Is Master not rich enough for you? From the little that I know about him, theres no way that he can be poor.

King scoffed. That old man, hes freakishly rich but hes just too much of a stingy bastard to spend it on his first student.

You just insulted Master, you have no right to threaten me again for some time, or else I can just send a message now if you want. Clark smiled, raising the special communication device.

King waved his hands like he already expected it. Fine.

Oh! Hes waking up! Boss, hes waking up!

Yikes, Rose! Must you make such a fuss over something so trivial? Clark turned to face his assistant with an irritated expression on his face.

Ah! Sorry boss, Im sorry, but hes waking up! Rose had an innocent expression on her face as she exclaimed, her round eyes blinking repeatedly.

Just dont startle me next time. Clark relented on seeing this face, he already knew that she did this on purpose but he couldnt help it every time.

After knowing and relating with him for so long, despite their brief separation of a few months Rose already knew him to a textbook level. She could now even deduce his thoughts from just one gesture that he made.

Ugh! Shit, my back hurts!

Hearing this, every eye in the room turned to face the person who made the sound. The young man stiffened as soon as he felt the stares on him, his head rapidly recalling everything that transpired till now.

Suppressing the pain waves that just hit him, he shot up from the floor where he laid down and knelt on his knees immediately.

He raised both his hands to the air in surrender before spouting out a bunch of absolute nonsense.

Major Clark, the great leader of Vatican, the terror of all terrorist Commanders, please have mercy on this useless soul. Forgive my foolishness for not recognizing a lion when I am a mere dog.

I overstepped my boundaries. I deserve death, but mercy Major! Mercy!

As soon as this was said, silence descended immediately. Rose almost choked on her saliva, the look on Kings face was like he just saw a ghost, Clark had a peculiar expression on his face.

Simultaneously, they thought. What the hell!

Clark recovered himself after a few minutes of being stunned, he finally asked. Youre the thief, right?

I think youre mistaken, sir.


Yes, Im the thief!


Clark didnt know if he should cry or laugh, Rose was the one who actually slapped the young man on the back of his head and she was now looking at him with a smug look on her face.

A look that said, I did right, now pat me and give me a reward.

He really wanted to smack her on her head too. Do you know that this young man can end your life in a second?

Youre here beside me, so he cant.

As the boss and assistant faced themselves, engaging in a baffling staring contest at such a moment, King finally stepped forward to face the young man.

Young man, can you please remove your suit so we can have a proper gentleman conversation?

The young man hesitated. Promise me that you wont kill me immediately, I still have a long life to enjoy on this earth you know.

It felt shocking but despite trying all the measures that they had, Clark and King were unable to hack into the ninja-like outfit of the young man to bring him out of his cocoon.

This was once again another tangible proof that this young bastard was freakishly rich, they were both sincerely left speechless.

The only reason why they could see and speak with the young man was that the black suit became transparent after he passed out, but it was still diligently protecting him.

During the few minutes since they returned, the suit was constantly pumping healing meds into the young mans blood and he was now more or less healed completely.

Both soldiers could only guess how outrageously expensive such a suit would be, they felt complicated seeing this.

After glancing at Clark to get reassurance, King finally turned to face the young man. Dont worry. Be at rest and open up, I assure you that nothing will happen to you.

Ok, I believe you.

Before Clark, King, and Roses astonished gazes, the ninja suit flickered before disappearing out of existence.

Suppressing the urge to ask the technology that was just used much to the disappointment of the young man, Clark opened his mouth to speak but Rose beat him to it.

So youre the young man whos been terrorizing the city? Now youre finally under custody, do you know how much depression you caused my boss?

Ahem, thats enough. Clark clasped her mouth before she could continue embarrassing him.

He turned to face the young man. Whats your name?


Clarks face darkened. I want your real name, you dont want to piss me off. His tone deepened threateningly.

The young man gulped. My name is Albert.

Hearing this, Clark secretly gave himself a thump up inwardly. He was finally improving a lot in his imposing and interrogation techniques.

Which country did you come from?

The Vladimir republic.

Hell! Who the f*ck gives the name of his country so easily?. Clark cursed softly to himself before hardening his gaze. Are you lying to me?

I swear to my ancestors, Major, Im saying the truth.

Scoffing, Clark turned to look at King who smiled at him while raising a device. Hes saying the truth.

Cursing softly again, he turned to face the young man. His tone deepened further this time, making the atmosphere tense up all of a sudden. What is your purpose?

The young man was stunned by the sudden change in tone. Coughing a bit, he twisted his head left and right, cleared his throat before whispering.

Im sorry, Major. Please dont be offended, I just cant hold it in. Are all Spartan soldiers so awful at interrogation or is it just you?

Hihihi. Rose clasped her mouth on feeling the burning gaze of her boss.

Clark turned back to look at the young boy. You think this is funny right? You really need a beating.

Im sorry! Thwack!

Please! Thwack!


Ill say everything now, I promise.


After having a taste of Clarks palms, the young man finally became pliable and diligently answered all other questions that Clark asked.

After an intense 30 minutes section of question and answer where King was already yawning and Rose was already lying on the couch lazily, Clark finally ended his interrogation with a satisfied look on his face.

It was boring, yeah, but he got every single piece of information that he needed.

He didnt know if the boy was just foolish or because he was too young- just 18 years old, but the bastard answered all his questions truthfully.

He now had a comprehensive compilation about the boys identity.

Yeah, King was right, the boy was the only son of a freaking billionaire. Being the last born and only son in a billionaire family of 8 girls, and being just 18, the young bastard had the leisure to do anything he liked.

Unlike in the 21st century where billionaire sons loved living lazy lives, in this era, every kid longed to be a soldier and a really good one too.

Albert, being the lucky bastard that he was, not only was he from a billionaire family, he was also talented as a soldier. He was still 18 but he was already a 2nd rank high-grade soldier.

After doing a little research on the spot, Clark finally knew where the Vladimir republic was.

Albert was the son of the famous billionaire mineral mining don, Maxim Alexander. The man was a billionaire who was a don in the mining industry, he mined exotics for a living.

As for why Albert came to the Spartan republic, Clark already guessed the answer even before the boy said it, it was just to catch some cruise and spend his fathers money traveling all around the world.

Clark could only blush in shame when the boy laid down his story.

As old as he was, apart from the Spartan republic and a few neighboring countries, he had not visited anywhere. But a young boy of 18 dwarfed him, having visited 122 different countries already.

When he asked what made him travel so much. The boy was like. To find beautiful places of course, to explore the world, find and spar with experts, and of course to find beautiful girls.

Clark didnt know why, but Rose blushed so much on hearing this that she stormed out of the room after ditching a harsh slap to the boys face.

The sorry thing was that the boy didnt seem to care about the slap, he still smiled foolishly as though he enjoyed it.

With the lots of other minor information that Albert released, Clark and King now had a comprehensive understanding of this young man.

Ok, so where are the Spartan resources that you looted?

Dont worry, they are safely kept in my warehouse.

Clarks eyes widened. You even have a warehouse here already, and why the hell are you behaving like this is your home? Youre my captive!

When did you break through? Ignoring what Clark said, the boy suddenly asked, his eyes sparkling like stars.

Clark got distracted a bit. What do you mean?

Youre my hero, Major Clark. Ive visited a lot of countries, even some super high-grade organizations but I can beat my chest and say that youre the best soldier of your rank that Ive ever met.

Youre my role model, sir. Before, I wanted to spar with you, but youre ahead already. Please can you be my master?

Ok, ok, please stop. Are you insane? Who chooses a master so casually?

I can accept being insane just to become your student. I want to be as strong as you are, I promise to be loyal.

An intense discussion began immediately where King became an amused spectator. Clark was even shocked at himself but surprisingly after another 15 minutes, he was now someones master.

He felt like he was hallucinating.

Putting this thought aside, for now, he finally asked something that hes always been curious about. How much is this your ninja suit?

The boy started calculating with his fingers. If converted to Spartan credits, I think thats 328 million credits.

Clark almost fainted immediately.

King stood up, went to the boys side, and placed a hand over his shoulders. Dont worry, even if Clark does not want, I can be your teacher you know. Do you have any bomb samples?

Clark was speechless.

[Sorry for the late chapter release, I've been a little busy.]

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