The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 291: nabbing the thief

Chapter 291: nabbing the thief

After Clark made up his mind, his conscience became free again. Enjoying the feeling of freedom from guilt, he continued speeding across the road, straight in the direction of the highway.

The forest reserve surrounding this road was among the smallest sized in the city, despite this it was still a few kilometers big. This meant that the road going through it was also long, over 2 kilometers.

Clark estimated that he would get to the highway in just a few minutes so he was currently relaxed, listening to the music that was blasting from his cars hidden sound amplifiers.

As the song played, this was when he deduced that it was a long time ago since he last listened to a piece of music. He was stunned by this discovery, was he so cut off from society now?

Hey! Who is the trending musician now?

Hmm? King turned to him with a lazy expression on his face as he chewed on a pack of chocolate.

I asked who the current trending musician was.

How would I know? King shrugged, feeling a little irritated at being asked such a pointless question by his younger mate.

As he turned his head back to his chocolate, his eyes briefly caught sight of something on the road. He ignored it at first, focusing back on his chocolate but his brain clicked after a few seconds.

Whats that? He raised his head.

What? Clark also had a lazy expression on his face as payback. To his surprise, King did not answer immediately.

The car was moving at an extremely fast speed so they were closing the distance to the black object upfront very fast but King was still quiet, a small frown on his face like he was contemplating something.

Whats with you? Thats just a trash bottle. Clark was puzzled.

When they were only a few meters from the black substance that looked like a littered bottle, King suddenly yelled. Hit the brakes, now! Enemy attack!

Clark was shocked but he was able to comprehend what King meant immediately, smashing hard on the brakes as the car suddenly started drifting to a stop, the sudden change in inertia hitting him inside hard.

This was when he saw it clearly. The black substance was just a square-shaped object, the only irregularity was that a barely visible rope was tied to it which was now facing the car directly.

Just a meter forward and the rope would have caught them.

Reverse immediately, thats a pressure-filled bomb.

A bomb? Clark was shocked.

Forgetting about the fact why someone would have the guts to attack him on his turf, he quickly changed gears and attempted to reverse. He was fast but whoever the person was that was in the shadows was faster.

Only the irritating sound of something like gas being released by a giggling baby sounded. Clark almost covered his nose on instinct after hearing the sound, but the bullet moved faster than he did.

Its sound was barely audible as it cut through the barely visible rope like a hot knife cutting through butter, then


With the eruption of the bomb, all the energy that was compressed and stored inside was released energetically, visibly pushing the air as ripples spread everywhere.

The area around where Clarks car stopped became engulfed in something like a fierce artificial windstorm immediately, the exotic car was picked up from the ground in just a few seconds after the pressure was released.

The air howled at extremely high decibels as the compressed pressure release made the originally harmless air become a sharp weapon, attempting to compress and squeeze the exotic car.

Somersaulting at rapid frequencies, the car was thrown harshly to the side, rotating dozens of times in the air before being dropped down heavily with a ruthless crash sound accompanying it.

During the process that all these happened, inside the car was already chaotic and spinning like the insides of an actively operating watching machine.

Despite the rapid swings and chaotic spins, Clarks eyes still shone like lanterns without being affected as a lot of calculations quickly went through his mind to deduce the situation.

After he fused with the bean quadrant enhancer, in the few battle experiences that he had, he already noticed the tangible increase in any ability related to his mental prowess.

Though King suffered much more from distorted orientation than Clark, the little that he saw were able to make his eyes gleam in excitement. What a high-tier bomb! I bet one of this is worth millions of your countrys currencies!

The pressure was so strong that a few parts of the exotic car were wrenched and pulled out, dismembering it and rendering it partly damaged to Clarks astonished gaze.

It was like the fierce wrap, twist, and squeeze pressure exerted by a python attempting to suffocate its prey.

Damage notifications kept being sent to Clark but he hardly paid attention to them, all his attention was focused on observing to analyze his situation and how to react appropriately.

He was now a little worried. Who is this?

The car already fell on the floor heavily, spreading shockwaves that made the road cave-in but the aftereffects of the fierce wind were still making it somersault across without pause like a rolling football.

It took more than 2 minutes before the cars forward momentum died down. At the same time that it stopped, Clark and King heard the footsteps of a person rushing forward in their direction.

From the rhythmic footsteps, the steady pace, and well-kept speed, they easily deduced that it was either a soldier or a mercenary. And to their surprise, their opponent seemed to be one person.

I didnt bring any of my alternative weapons, and I dont want to use my bombs here. King whispered to Clark after re-orienting himself.

Me too, I only have an exotic dagger with me. Clark replied- a serious expression now on his face.

Ok, take the lead.

Bam! Clark quickly kicked the door of the car open, his heads poked out before quickly being followed by his body the next moment as his eyes started rapidly scanning the area around him.

As soon as he rushed out, his armor also activated as flickering blue energy surrounded him before solidifying the next moment.


As soon as his face showed up, he felt a cold wind brushing past his face followed by brief wind pressure. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a figure that was dressed in black clothes and hood like a ninja.

Though this was an urgent situation, he still cursed. Bro, do you think this is some childs play? A ninja costume! Really?

He ducked swiftly as the spear stabbed past his head, leaving his long hair flying. Before the owner of the spear could retrieve it for a follow-up attack, his left hand swept upward to contend for ownership.

The black-dressed stranger wanted to retaliate but with a well-placed jab and body shove, Clark easily made him lose his weapon. This was when he confirmed that this opponent was just a 2nd rank high-grade soldier.

Which witch bewitched this guy and gave him the guts to attack me? Clark was now even more puzzled, feeling the urge to spank whoever this kid was.

This discovery doused his excitement by a lot but he was still not letting the mischievous fellow leave so easily.

Extending his left hand forward, he aimed to grab the fellow on the head but to his surprise a blue glow erupted from his ninja costume, visibly adding more energy output to it as he now felt a completely different vibe from the fellow.

Take that! The fellow yelled before lunging at him again.

As he attacked, another spear appeared on his hand, gun ports opened up in his ninja costume, saws emerged out of his black boots, and spikes erupted- surrounding his body from every possible angle.

Bam! Bam!

Clark was shocked by this sudden transformation, causing him to lag in reaction by a few minutes as the convergence of so many weapons overpowered his armor, throwing him back.

He quickly did a roll in mid-air and landed on his feet. Turning his head back to look at his opponent who was obviously a young man, a scene started reemerging back inside his head.

A scene of a young man who frustrated him with higher tier gadgets, a scene of a young man with that expensive-looking bike, a scene of a young man who kept on irritating him.

Youre the thief! He suddenly demanded explosively.

Oops! Im busted, but we still have to fight today to see the strongest.

Hearing this familiar voice made Clarks fists tighten in glee. This was a young man that frustrated him for weeks, he always craved the day he would spank him and it seems that it was today.

Good! I was always worried that I would not see you again, but it seems that youre foolish enough to come yourself.

Cracking his neck left and right, he kept his exotic dagger back inside his armors storage port before cracking his knuckles audibly. Bring it on!

Bam! Ouch!

The young thief reeled back from the force of the punch that just impacted his head, his head suddenly becoming heavy as stars started revolving around his brain.

What just happened? He didnt know.


Dodging his lunging kick, Clark grabbed him like a rag doll with one hand. Took hold of his spear and threw it away before launching a ruthless sideways kick at the thiefs abdomen.

Despite the protection from his armor, the sheer kinetic force went through.

The audible sound of ribs being broken and vomit reverberated but Clark did not relent. As the young thief grabbed his abdomen painfully, his leg already kicked hard at the fellows legs.

He always timed his attacks in ways that they avoided the spikes shooting out of the young thiefs costume.

The dozens of gadgets and the guns attached to the fellows ninja costume kept on working at maximum efficiency as their owner was being bullied and battered like he was a real thief.

Clark dodged over 80% of the gunshots directed at him, he was too lazy so he left the remaining 20% for his armor to absolve.

After making sure that he already wrecked the thief completely on every part of his body, his 2 palms finally separated before closing back with a loud banging sound at the fellows ears.

The thief staggered like a drunk thief; his vision blurred as Clark became thousands of Clarks before his eyes. He fell down the next moment.

Seeing the annoying opponent that bugged him for weeks before his feet, Clark felt a proud feeling engulf his heart. His chest shot out a little exaggeratedly, but he didnt seem to notice.

Clap! Clap!

Clark turned his head to see who it was only to see King sitting comfortably on top of his partly wrecked car. The expression on his face was like he just watched the best blockbuster movie.

Thats awesome, Clark!

Get lost!

[Thanks for reading.]

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