Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc X Chapter 9

Arc X Chapter 9



Arc X Chapter 9


“Hurry up, Sandayu, I want to leave this wretched place as fast as possible. I can't stand the sight of this damned palace any second longer.“ Koyuki clicked her tongue from inside the carriage. How she hated this place.

Sandayu was quick to apologise. “Of course, Lady Yukie, just a moment, my lady. We need to load all the luggage before departing.“

Koyuki grumbled in annoyance. “Then do what's necessary ...“

“Not so fast!“ A certain girl interrupted their departure, accompanied by her little sister and a cat.

Asami made her entrance, shaking her head in open disappointment. “Lady Yukie, departing without even saying goodbye. I am dismayed. What crimes did I commit to deserve such cold treatment? Aren't we friends?  

Koyuki clicked her tongue. The annoying girl didn't stop pestering her. “No, we aren't. We are most definitely NOT friends!“

Asami sighed, deeply disappointed. “Such a shame. I guess that's something we must agree upon, right, Princess Koyuki?“




Koyuki ceased to move, sat there like petrified. Her blood froze in her veins and Asami enjoyed her fair share

Sandayu gulped. “How ... How do you know this name ...“

Asami offered a soft giggle. “As an emissary of Amegakure's name, I have my sources.

Anyway, I think we all have much to discuss, don't we? “

A suave smile adorned Asami's face, paired an offer Koyuki and Sandayu could  hardly decline.


Koyuki sighed. “That was my entire story. My uncle killed my father to claim the throne. Meanwhile, I escaped with my life in the cover of the night. I survived the massacre. These days, I travel together with Sandayu while playing princess Gale. Are you satisfied now?“

Asami was listening. For no reason, she was met with unwarranted and unfounded hostility. Koyuki's words betrayed her disdain.

Seriously, who did this illiterate provincial peasant of a princess think she was?

Asami masked her less than friendly thoughts behind a diplomatic smile. “More or less, Princess Koyuki.

You have my sympathies for your loss. It isn't the tragedy that befell your father ...“

Koyuki clicked her tongue. “What does a little girl like you understand about tragedy ...“

Yuki couldn't stand her words any longer and pouted. “Stop insulting nee-san! Who do you think you are to insult nee-san, you evil ...“

Asami intercepted Yuki, interrupting her sister's vengeful tirade.

“Nee-san ...“ Yuki was confused, puzzled. The evil witch of a woman was insulting nee-san. As nee-san's little sister, it was her sacred duty to defend nee-san's honour. So why was nee-san stopping her?

Asami rewarded Yuki with a gentle head pat and a tender kiss on her cheek. The sight of Yuki defending her warmed Asami's heart. Such a faithful sister.

“My cute little Yuki, no need to get angry on my behalf. Nee-san will solve this matter on her own.“

Asami glared at the principal offender. “Princess Koyuki, ... tell me, ... WHO do you think YOU are? Because I STRONGLY advise you to consider your position.

You might be a princess, but you are not a child any more. Your actions carry consequence, Princess Koyuki. You should better understand whom you can afford to offend, and whom not.

Yet you are overstepping your boundaries, time and time again ...

I am warning you, one day your thoughtless temper will cost you dearly. We are living in a dangerous world. We cannot always say, or even think what we want.“

The meaning was clear, know your place.

Koyuki disregarded her warning. “Is this supposed to be a threat?“




Asami glared. “No, not at all, it's a sincere piece of advice on my part, Princess Koyuki. I am even giving it to you for free. “

Her words finally showed some semblance of effect. No snarky comment. No frown. No eye roll. No futile show of defiance. Did she finally reach the stubborn fool of a princess?

Asami continued, “Politeness aside, I have a question for you, Princess Koyuki.

Tell me, what do you want?“

Koyuki stared at Asami. “What do you mean?“

“Princess, man is by nature a creature of ambition. Some evil tongues might even say of boundless greed. I would disagree.

We all beings longing for purpose, shaped by our dreams, our desires, our aspirations. In the end, it is us who forge our very own destiny in life. Some of more. Some of less.

Princess, have you never asked yourself, what do you want from in life?“




“...“ Silence. Koyuki lowered her gaze.

“Thought so ...“ Asami folded her hands. “Princess, I am not here to judge you, nor is it my place to berate you. I am not you, nor do I share your pain, your suffering.

Yet I can't that you were meant to travel the land as an actress, far from home and  without happiness,

Is that truly what you want? Do you truly wish to continue this ill-conceived charade for the rest of your life?“


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