Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc X Chapter 8

Arc X Chapter 8



Arc X Chapter 8


Yuki was tugging at nee-san's sleeves, begging for attention. “Nee-san, this ... banquette is boring.“

Asami sighed. “I know ...“

“Nee-san, can't we finally leave?“

Asami calmed her cute little sister, rewarding Yuki with a head pat. “Patience, bear with it. , we will play our roles as long as necessary. we will leave soon.“

Yuki nodded. “Understood.“

Princess Gale ...

Asami had seen many things in life, an imbecilic drama about the illusionary powers of friendship, companionship, and comradeship, and whatever else, wasn't one of them.

Asami detested the play from the depth of her heart.

I will never give up ... As long as I draw breath, I will muster all my strength and forge a path! Rainbow chakra ...

Such idiocy ... foolish nonsense destined for the naive and ignorant, a veritable insult to her intellect and intelligence, but the daimyo's niece appreciated the spectacle.

Among the crowd, Asami identified the roaming silhouette of Princess Gale, Fujikaze Yukie, her actress. All alone, and only accompanied by a stranger, an older man.  Possibly her producer? Her manager?

“Yuki, let's go.“ Asami took hold of Yuki's hand and approached the actress for a final polite goodbye before leaving.

“Greetings, Princess Gale. Fujikaze-san, your acting was all but exquisite. A marvellous performance if I might say.“

The princess reacted in a most unrefined and undignified manner, Yukie scoffed. Not very princess like and missing any sort of noble decorum.

Yukie crossed her arms. “And who are you?“

Asami smiled. “Such a cold reception ... I am Miyumi, daughter of the Hattori clan, and this is my cute sister, Yuki.“

Yuki waved with her hand.

Yukie clicked her tongue. “Good for you. What do you want from me?“

Asami giggled. “Nothing. Why would we want anything from you?“

Yukie snarled. “Stop lying. Nobody wants nothing. It's a lesson I learned well in life. Everyone wants something. “

“Well, not in this case ...“

“Enough, you are wasting my time, Lady Miyumi. I have better things to do than entertaining two children.“ Yukie disappeared among the crowd.

Yuki grumbled. “What a mean woman.“

Asami glared at Yukie's retreating figure. “I must confer. Terrible manners. Hardly befitting a princess.“

The old man accompanying her was quick to profusely apologise. “My apologies, you must forgive her. My Lady just a bad day.“

My Lady ... A peculiar choice of words for a mere actress.

Asami overlooked Yukie's slight for now. “I guess we all have our bad days from time to time. No need to dramatise, ...“

The man lowered his gaze. “Asama Sandayu, my name is Asama Sandayu.“

Asami studied the man. “ ... ... ... Asama ... The name sounds familiar. The Asama clan, I presume ... Land of Snow, unless I am mistaken?“

Sandayu offered a smile. “I see Your Ladyship is well versed in the field of politics.“

Asami returned his smile. “Hardly impressive. As an emissary of Amegakure, I am merely servicing my village to the best of my abilities. Geographical and politcal knowledge are necessaries prerequisites.“

Sandayu chuckled. “Your Ladyship speaks with wisdom beyond her years.“

“Asama-san, where does destiny lead you and your lady next? I heard you are about to leave early in the morning.“

“You are correct. We are planning to return to the Land of Snow: After such a long time abroad, we finally return home.“

We? Finally? Asami furrowed her eyebrow.

“Are you sure that's a good idea? The Land o Snow ... I heard little good about the country in recent times, Sandayu-san. In fact, the country finds itself in a state of constant turmoil and instability following Doto's coup. The Land of Snow is a cold and dangerous place these days.“

Sandayu flinched for the fraction of a second. The name Doto caught him off-guard. “Your concerns are appreciated, but unnecessary, Lady Miyumi. We are aware of the dangers. Thus, we decided to employ the services of Konoha. We are currently trying to hire the famous Hatake Kakashi.“

Asami's eyes widened. Kakashi ... Suddenly, Sandayu enjoyed her complete undivided attention. “Hatake Kakashi? The Copy Ninja, I presume?“

“Correct, the Copy Ninja. His strength is known across the lands. He will provide us with adequate protection ...“

Asami giggled. “As has to be expected. Kakashi, the Copy Ninja, the second coming of the White Fang of Konoha, is a without a doubt capable ninja of extraordinary skill. You will find yourself undoubtedly in good hands, although I hope you won't need them.“

Hatake Kakashi. The Copy Ninja. Former ANBU captain. Veteran of countless mission and battles. The very epitome of an elite ninja ...

Why on earth would, of all people, a mere theatre crew require his services specifically? The entire mission ... made little sense.  


The banqueted had ended. Together, Asami and Yuki returned to their room and were now preparing for sleep, wearing their matching satin pyjamas.

The land of dreams claimed Yuki early. Meanwhile, her busy nee-san was still awake. The night was the time to plot and scheme.

“Yuriko ...“

Yuriko appeared from the shadows, always prepared to serve. “At your service, Lady Asami.“

“Yuriko, unless I am mistaken, you are specialised in intelligence gathering, aren't you?

“Correct. Intelligence division. Specilisation, intelligence gathering.“

Yuriko's answer pleased Asami. Like father, like daughter. “Gather your men, Yuriko. Investigate Fujikaze Yukieand her assistant, Sandayu. I want to know everything about them. And when I say everything, i mean everything. You have until tomorrow. Be quick. We have little time. “

“Any leads?“

“... Land of Snow. Asama clan. As far as I remember, the Asama clan fell from grace following Doto's takeover. Doto killed his brother and seized power. The Asama clan was among his brother's most loyal retainers. Investigate potential connections between her assistant and the former daimyo .“

“Understood.“ Yuriko disappeared.

Asami stared at the sky above. It was a clear night and the star shone bright.

Fujikaze Yukie, who are you?


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