Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 127: You Hit Like a Truck

Chapter 127: You Hit Like a Truck

A/N:- Enjoy the weekend with this small mass release.



A gust of wind blows Izuna's hair and A's robe. Both of them confront each other in an open field.

A has a tense expression on his face. He is seriously contemplating a way to beat Izuna.

'Since it is a bet, I have to propose something which will give me an advantage. But he has to agree with my condition and allow me to state the terms of the bet.'

A's head is drenched in sweat as he glares at Izuna.

'I have to save Karai at all costs. Even if I have to lower my head and abandon my pride.'

Izuna nonchalantly stares at A.

'I know he wants to save his comrade, but we aren't allies. Konoha and Kumo only signed a peace treaty. I don't care about his comrade.

But if we want to save his friend, then he better get ready to pay a hefty price. I will give him a chance to fight.'

"Since you proposed a bet, then it is only fair for me to pick up the terms of the bet. But I am a generous guy, I won't bully you. Just pick up and condition and I will play along." Izuna calmy looks at A.

"Your conditions aren't wait, what? You are allowing me to pick up the conditions." A look at Izuna with wide eyes.

Izuna nods his head in affirmation.

'I can't ask for anything better. Now, I have to just think of something in which I can defeat him.'

A ponders on his strengths and weaknesses.

'Ninjutsu! No, Izuna Uchiha is a genius if it comes to ninjutsu, he has the fabled Sharingan. He can easily overpower anyone. In terms of speed, I am no match for him. He has learned the 'Flying Thunder God' Jutsu of Fourth Hokage.

Wait Physical strength and endurance.'

A look at the lean and compact body of Izuna.

'He doesn't have much of a muscle mass. I doubt his endurance is higher than me. I should propose a test of endurance.'

He stares Izuna in the eyes and speaks in his hoarse voice.

"Very well then, it will be a contest of Endurance. Both of us will punch each other. The one who could stand after taking a hit would be the winner."

A smirk at Izuna while flexing his large muscles.


'He is too desperate to dig his own grave.'

Tsunade and Shizune silently stare at A and closes their eyes to pay their respect.

'I have punched this guy multiple times with my full strength. But he just stands up and swaggers away with no hint of any pain or injury.'

"Good, I have no qualms with your condition. Why don't you punch me first? I will just stand at a spot and take a hit from you." Izuna curls his fingers and taunts A.

A's blood pressure shots up.

"Don't underestimate me, you bastard!" A remove his garb and clenches his fists tightly.


A's entire body is covered in a lightning cloak. His hairs stand up from electricity and he continues to pump more chakra in his lightning cloak.

"I will make you regret your decision."

He bends a little to gather momentum in his attack.

'This lightning cloak provides enhanced strength and speed. The absolute defense is a bonus. With this, I would be able to easily win against him.

Even if I am not as strong as him, I will show him not to underestimate the strength of a Raikage.'


A riles up his chakra. Dust and debris rise in the air.


A disappear from his position and appear right in front of Izuna.

"Lightning Straight"

'Let me see how long you will be able to maintain that uncouth smirk on your face?'


A punch Izuna right into the gut.


The ground beneath Izuna crumbles and creates a small crater.

'Metal Release: Adamantine Skin'

'Shock Release: Force Transfer'

Izuna's skin turns black at the point of impact. He transfers the shock from the punch to the earth. The ground beneath him crumbles from the attack.

'Damn! He hit like a car, though I don't know how hard does a car hit. If he hit like a truck, then I would have reincarnated.'


A continue to apply more force to his punch.

'I will see how long you would last. My speed and physical strength far surpass anyone else.'

He riles up more chakra and his muscles inflate.

'What what's going on? He should be sent flying from my attack, but he isn't even budging from his position.'

A notice the peculiarity as his momentum slowly dies down.

"I think you had enough."

Izuna cracks his neck and stretches his muscles.

Izuna wipes his clothes.

"No way"

The rest of the Kumo ninja look at Izuna with wide- eyes.

'That didn't even make him flinch, much less sent him flying.'

A look at Izuna with disbelief.

As if sensing A's dilemma. Izuna slowly walks up to him and pats him on the shoulder.

"That was quite a punch. I felt it, it was able to loosen up some of my stomach muscles. Maybe next time, I should book a special message from you.

Now prepare yourself, it's my turn next."

Izuna cracks his knuckles and flexes his arm.

'I don't know how he managed to take that hit, but I won't allow him to win in terms of endurance.'

A coat his body in Lightning Cloak and increases the density of the cloak near his stomach.

'A is giving his all, I won't disappoint this guy. I will also enhance my physical strength to the maximum. His body is tough, right? he should be able to handle the punch.'

Izuna clenches his fist.


"Eight Inner Gates Seventh Gate of Wonder OPEN!"

A blue aura surrounds Izuna's body. The opening of the gate releases a shock wave that pushes the nearby Kumo ninjas.

"This what kind of technique is this? I can feel a large amount of pressure from him." One of the Kumo ninjas gulps his saliva.

"Raikage-sama will be fine, right?"

Another Kumo ninja question.

"Raikage-sama has the strongest defense in the Shinobi World. Nothing will happen to him. That Shinigami may be proficient in Ninjutsu but he is not a match for Raikage-sama in physical strength." Togai assures his fellow Kumo shinobis.


"Power Release: Asura's Robe"

Dark red flames surround Izuna's body. Red lightning flickers from his eyes and zooms around him.

"This is it is the same it is that technique"

Amai panics.

"It is the same technique he used against us. This devilish cloak, there is no mistake in it."

"Raikage-sama, please back down. You can't fight against him." Amai yells in fear.

'I won't use Senjutsu. It will be an overkill. I just want to rough him up a little, I have no intention of killing this guy.'

"Are you ready, Unruly A of the cloud?" Izuna taunts A.

"I was born ready. Let's get it down. Karai can't wait for long."

Swoosh whoosh. Bam

Izuna flickers towards A. His speed creates a supersonic wave that split apart the ground and sends Kumo ninja flying. Shizune takes cover behind Tsunade.

"This kid has improved a lot. He has long surpassed me. I had some confidence with Sage Mode but now when I look at him like this sigh.."

Tsunade shakes her head and sighs.

'Guess he won't leave my side until my death. I don't want to see another important person pass away.'

Izuna appears in front of A and gets ready to punch him.

"Fast, he is so fast. I can't catch up with his speed. He is faster than me."

A's eye widens. He folds his arms to brace himself.


Izuna punches him right in the gut. A feels dizzy and the inside of stomach churns.


He throws out a mouthful of blood and passes out.

'Even Pops punch did not hurt this much.' These were A's last thoughts before he passes out.


A is sent flying by the punch. He rams through multiple walls and slams into a large boulder. His body lodges itself deeply into the boulder.

"Raikage-sama" Kumo ninjas hurriedly run towards A.

"So, I guess it's my win."

Izuna whistles and walks towards Karai.

"So, you are the patient who needs help." Izuna notices a large spider-shaped bug lodged in Karai's chest.

"I will relieve your condition now. We will proceed with matters after your Raikage wakes up."

"I don't need your help Augh" Karai grimaces in pain as he struggles to even breathe.

"Let him help Karai." Amai convinces him.

Chirp chii

Izuna gathers lightning chakra in his palm.

"What what are you trying to do?" Togai asks fearfully.

"I am treating him. If you make as much as a squeak then I will first chop off your tongue." Izuna is annoyed with the constant blabber of this guy.

He makes an ultra-thin senbon using the lightning chakra and stabs it in Karai's chest.


The lightning zaps the large insect.

Wriggle. Wriggle

The insects wriggle in pain before it stops completely.

"I have neutralized the 'Exploding Insect'. It won't suck your chakra anymore, you need surgery to remove the insect. But keep in mind, one slight error in operation and you will blow up."

Karai gulps his saliva and lays down on the bed.

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