Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 126: Side Story: Dance of the Shinigami

Chapter 126: Side Story: Dance of the Shinigami

Hiashi immediately dashes after the Head Ninja.

Swoosh Swoosh

Izuna and Yugao appear in front of him.

"There is no need to worry about Hinata." Izuna waves his hand and stops Hiashi.

Hiashi frowns and angrily question him.

"What do you mean? That Kumo bastard kidnapped my daughter and you are preventing me from saving her. What's the meaning of this?"

Hiashi takes a Taijutsu stance as he gets ready to fight Izuna and Yugao.

"Calm down Clan Leader check your daughter's room again she is fine." Izuna removes his Anbu mask and reveals his identity.

"Izuna-kun It's you."

Hiashi trusts Izuna and dashes towards Izuna's room.

He notices Hinata soundly sleeping on the bed.


Many questions pop up in his mind as he turns to Izuna for answers.

"Don't be surprised Hiashi-san. She is indeed the Real Hinata the one the Kumo ninja kidnapped is a doll which I made using Fuinjutsu. I suspected the Kumo group from the very start so I silently monitored their activity and found their intention of kidnapping Hinata.

So I acted in advance and made the necessary arrangements. You just need to play along."

Izuna reveals the truth to Hiashi.

"Thank you Izuna-kun. I will be forever grateful to you as for the plan I will follow your arrangements."

Hiashi nods his head in agreement.

Izuna and Yugao chase after the Head Ninja.


Inside the forest near the border of Land of Fire and Land of Hot Water,

The Head Ninja's subordinates meet up with the Raikage's group. The two ninjas bows in front of A and reports to him.

"Raikage-sama Captain has infiltrated the Hyuga compound. Soon, he will kidnap the Hyuga princess and the Byakugan will fall in our possession."


A clench his fist as he stares towards Konoha.

"We paid a heavy price during the Third Shinobi War it is time for payback of the debt."

At some distance away from their camp,

Whistle whistle

Kakashi is resting against a tree as he monitors the troops of Kumo.

"Vice-Captain! When should we make our move?" One of the masked figures asks him.

"It's still too soon Tenzo. Just wait for Captain's signal he must be on his way by now." Kakashi replies to him.

"Captain ordered us to maintain a distance from the sensory range of their sensors we will act once Captain arrives till then just monitor their every activity."

"Yes Vice-Captain!" Tenzo nods his head.


Inside the forest of Land of Fire,

The Head Ninja continues to carry the unconscious 'Hinata' on her back.

"I am almost there. After completion of this mission the position of elder in the village council will be mine." He grins to himself.


Izuna stares at the back of Head Ninja and thinks to himself.

'Looks like after Third Raikage's death the level of Shinobis in Kumo has degraded. If only the Fourth Raikage has some brain cells.'

Izuna is silently following the Head Ninja while cloaked in light style jutsu.

They soon reach near the border of the Land of Fire. Izuna makes some hand signs and makes a fuinjutsu seal.


Kakashi who is resting against the tree frowns. He immediately takes out a scroll from his pocket and notices the glowing sealing formula.

"Prepare yourself for the incoming fight"

He orders his team.

Tenzo and the rest of the group raise their guard.

Fwoosh Fwoosh

The Head Ninja crosses the borders and notices the Raikage's camp.


He quickly enters Raikage's camp and lays Hinata in front of the Raikage.

"Raikage-sama I have completed my mission. Now Byakugan is in our possession."

"Well done" A nod his head.

He turns towards Amai and signals him.

"Amai go and inspect the Byakugan."

Amai approaches 'Hinata' body and stretches his hand near her eyes.


A flash blinds their vision.

"Haha with this the movie is complete."


Izuna appears inside the Raikage's camp. There is a camera in his hand as he smiles at the group.

"What the"

The eyes of the Kumo ninjas widen as they stare at Izuna.


Izuna takes another picture of the group.

"Now this is the icing on the cake."

"Quick Kill him he has recorded our entire conversation." A yell to his men.

"Lightning Release: Lariat"

He quickly coats his entire body in Lightning chakra and dashes towards Izuna to smash him into a pulp.


An enormous explosion occurs inside the camp as everything gets blown away.

"Now is our time."

Kakashi jumps from the tree and dashes towards Kumo camps.

The rest of the group follows him as they surround the Kumo camps.


Dust and debris settle down to reveal a giant crater in place of Raikage's camp.

Izuna is standing in the middle of the camp with a serious expression.

Cough cough

At a distance away A pushes a boulder as he stands from the rubble.

He coughs out a mouthful of blood as he stares at Izuna with wide-eyes.

"You are you are the same kid who was with Minato during the Third Shinobi War I remember you I fought against you during the war six years ago. How how are you so strong now?" A question.

"Oh! It's just that I was nerfed back then. Anyway on to the main point, I have collected enough proof against Kumo for violating the peace treaty."

Izuna waves the camera in his hand.

"I will make a movie on it. I will name it 'The Journey of a Lone Hero'" Izuna stares at the Head Ninja and smirks.

"No no, perhaps this name is too good for the likes of you. Haha" Izuna jokes with them.

"Quick kill him before he reveals the proof to the rest of the world. Cough"

A coughs a little as he orders his troops. Amai walks towards A and treats his injuries.

"We are here, Captain!" Kakashi and the rest of the Team Ro stand beside Izuna.

"Kill them don't leave any trace of them."


A punch the doll into smithereens.

"Konoha played us like a fiddle. But they will pay for it. We heavily outnumber them kill them and wash away this humiliation."

A roar in anger.

"The enemy outnumber us but we are no weaklings. Let's give Kumo a taste of their own medicine." Kakashi commands Team Ro.

"No need I alone am enough."

Izuna stretches his arm and blocks Kakashi.

"Just watch and learn"

Crack Crack

Izuna cracks his neck and walks towards the Kumo group.

"They are almost fifty fifty elite ninjas it has been a while since I let myself loose in a battle it's time to go all out."

Izuna confronts the Kumo group and taunts them.

"Come on, then Let's dance."

"Kill kill this bastard"

"He dares underestimate the strength of Kumo." The group of elite Kumo shinobi yells in a frenzy as they throw multiple shurikens and kunais towards Izuna.


Izuna crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"Eight Inner Gates: Sixth Gate: Gate of View Open"


A shock wave release of chakra releases from his body and pushes the group of Kumo ninja backward repelling their attacks

"Power Release: Asura's robe"

Dark Red flames engulf Izuna. Lightning flickers through his eyes as it crackles and snaps. A red aura rises from his body and solidifies into a dark red chakra cloak behind him.


Izuna punches the ground.


A large explosion with Izuna as epicenter engulfs the entire Kumo group.

All the fifty elite shinobis of Kumo are thrown in the air. The shinobi summersault and make multiple hand signs.

"Co-operation Ninjutsu: Calamity Lightning Discharge Jutsu"

The water users and lightning users summons a giant pool of water and lightning. The lightning flickers in the pool and creates a gigantic storm.


Izuna stretches his hand and takes a Taijutsu stance.

"Asakujaku lightning stream"

He rapidly punches the air multiple times in quick succession. The friction and the air resistance set his fists on fire and his cloak adds lightning chakra to the swathes of flames released from his hand.


Both techniques collide together and Izuna's technique overwhelms the co-operation jutsu.

"Swift Release: Flash Step"

He disappears and reappears in front of the Kumo ninja.


His punch shatters the entire skeletal system of the shinobi and turns his body into mush.

Bang Bang

Izuna continues to punch one enemy after another.

Amai looks at the entire slaughter with terror in his eyes.

"This is this is the dance of the Shinigami- a dance of death and despair."

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