Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 68: Tiger's History

Chapter 68: Tiger's History

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Patre /Fanharem


'It would have been good if they taught me some courtly etiquettes in the carriage,' Ja Sun remarked internally but he wasn't offended. He happily screwed with a Titled Douluo, he already expected some form of retaliation.

Suddenly, Ja Sun felt powerful gazes sweeping over him.

'One... two... three... no, more, more than ten at once converged with oppressive intentions,' Ja Sun glanced to his side. Aside from the Blonde Emperor and the dark-haired Empress, there were five more individuals present in the throne room with hidden guards all around the throne.

Stepping up, Ja Sun calmly placed his left palm over his right chest and bent his waist. Every move was made silently but despite all the pressure and intrusive gazes, he moved without a hint of fluster or anxiety. If Yue Guan could be said to be filled with elegance so great that it would creep those around him, and Bibi Dong was filled with a sense of indifference despite standing in front of the Emperor then Ja Sun remained utterly ordinary. But who would bring someone in a discussion of this magnitude if they were an ordinary individual?

"If it isn't the Swordmaster Chen," Yue Guan looked at one particular man sitting to the left side of the hall alongside the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of the Empire. Silver white hair with sharp features and a piercing gaze. Unlike the handsome youth sitting next to this man who wore cyan robes and had his long brown hair carefully combed straight, the Swordmaster wore a simple white robe and a beautiful blue crystal sword placed over his lap.

"Guan," The man nodded plainly.

"Please, Elder Yue, honor us by taking a seat. Bibi Dong, I hope your master still lives a good health," the Emperor smiled and spoke up.

"Yes, I'm grateful for your concern, your Senior Dai."

With that, Yue Guan led the two towards the empty seats towards one of the two brothers who Ja Sun scammed last year. There were only two seats and when Yue Guan sat on one of them next to the middle-aged man wearing a spiked trench coat and dark hair swept back with a short beard over his face, he smiled and inquired calmly, "It is a delight to see one of the Clear Sky Twin Stars in the flesh."

Ja Sun already knew who those two brothers were. The young masters of the Clear Sky Clan already had more than one altercation with the Spirit Hall as they established their dominance in the world of spirit masters.

"That title is something made by the public on a whim," Tang Xiao smiled and replied.

Meanwhile, Bibi Dong hesitated but seeing Ja Sun standing behind the seat silently, Bibi Dong herself sat down as her voice entered Ja Sun's ears.

"The one next to us is Tang Xiao. A rank 80 Spirit Sage and only lacks his eighth spirit ring to ascend to the higher realm. He is also the eldest son of Clear Sky Clan's patriarch. The four sitting in front of us, closest to Emperor Dai Laohu and Empress Zhu Yin are the Crown Prince and Princess Dai Taiyin, Zhu Ning. Next to her is the successor of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan Ning Fengzhi who is a Spirit King. Next to him is his Sworn Protector and one of the Douluos of the Clan Sword Douluo Chen Xin," Bibi Dong introduced everyone present as Ja Sun remained silent.

"Bring another seat for our guests," Dai Laohu spoke calmly before gazing at Yue Guan, "I was led to believe that the ambassador from Spirit Hall will only be accompanied by one elder."

"We are most embarrassed," Yue Guan smiled, "But our Little Miss wishes to bring her most prized student alongside to broaden his horizons. I hope that the Emperor doesn't take any offense."

"No offense," Dai Laohu narrowed his eyes, "Broadminded youths are already quite low in number in the continent. It is heartwarming to see that Bibi Dong is willing to go to such great lengths for her student."

Soon, another chair of the same quality was brought in Ja Sun took his seat.

While this happened, Yue Guan took the initiative to converse with others. Aside from Bibi Dong, Zhu Yin, and Chen Xin, others would speak every now and then. Ning Fengzhi gave a sense of gentleness not present with others while Dai Taiyin had a naturally oppressive tone about him, as if he was nurtured and cultivated in the most dangerous environment and Zhu Ning seemed to be the same.

On the other hand, although Ja Sun felt a few curious glances towards him, it wasn't until he obtained a chair that Dai Taiyin finally looked at Ja Sun and smiled at Bibi Dong.

"Bibi Dong, why won't you introduce your student? In fact, I am like you. We should exchange pointers in teaching."

Bibi Dong glanced at Dai Taiyin and then observed the dangerous look in Zhu Ning's eyes before facing in Ja Sun's direction and speaking calmly.

"His name is Ka-ul. It was by... chance that I found him in Heaven Dou Empire. As for comparing notes on teaching, I would be disappointing Prince Dai," glancing sideways, she also matched Tang Xiao's gaze, "and Brother Tang. In reality, aside from bringing Ka-ul to a few locations and leaving him alone, I have not taught him anything. He learns by himself."

This was a lie in Ja Sun's eyes. The amount of material Bibi Dong had prepared can only be considered massive. Knowledge about every location she had long planned to visit was ready in her hands. Of course, Ja Sun was self-sufficient but added knowledge made his life easier. He also knew that Bibi Dong was low-key bragging.

"Oh, please don't mind me," Tang Xiao chuckled, "I'm not a good teacher. Neither is my younger brother. We are just training every day however we like."

Taiyin felt his mother's stare before he blinked and smiled, "We are here to discuss important things. Naturally, it will take a long time to accomplish our objectives. We're all sincere in here so there is no need to lose ourselves in formalities. Since Ka-ul is here, let me also call one of my students. The best way to compare notes in teaching is by comparing students."

'No, you dumbfuck... that doesn't make any sense.'

Ja Sun sighed softly.

Looking towards him, Bibi Dong inquired with her eyes as Ja Sun shook his head. He wasn't going to fight just because someone was interested in a display of force. The shake of his head made others frown, including Yue Guan, but unknown to others, he was even more restricted in disciplining the youth.

"I apologize. My student is unwilling," Bibi Dong also shook her head.

"May I inquire why?" Taiyin furrowed his brows.

"Why don't you wish to spar with Prince Dai's student, Ka-ul?" Bibi Dong inquired quite openly.

"It's not worth it."

Ja Sun, at this point, somewhat understood Qian Daoliu's intentions. In the beginning, he asked Ja Sun and Ah Yin what they thought about politics. Ja Sun's answer to it was as long as it helped his growth, he wouldn't mind it. Him sending Ja Sun into this political mess wasn't for an odd display, but to allow Ja Sun to find his own trigger in growth. If he finds it here, well and good. If not, Ja Sun wasn't going to easily step into the mess.

As he said, it wouldn't be worth it.

This was also the reason why Ah Yin wasn't asked to tag along with the group.

"As they say, the silent ones are usually with the sharpest tongue, isn't that right, Sword Douluo?" Yue Guan smiled to relieve the tension but Chen Xin only glanced at Ja Sun before closing his eyes once again.

However, his voice entered Ja Sun's ears.

"An amazing pair of gauntlets. Don't lose them."

"Bibi Dong, I thought you were his teacher," Zhu Ning gazed at Ja Sun.

"I teach him, yes, Princess Zhu, but I'm not his master. He is not obligated to represent me," Bibi Dong smiled. Instead of the titled Douluos, only the Imperial family held titled while others can be regarded by their names.

"If I may," Ning Fengzhi smiled gently, "The wording of Bibi Dong's student revolves around the worth. It can be said that he isn't willing to display his might maybe it's not worth it just for our entertainment and his time. I agree with this sentiment. A capable heart finds worth not in mundane values, but extraordinary goals.

Instead of letting ourselves get distracted, we should begin the discussions."

He spoke fluently and Tang Xiao pursed his lips. He wasn't going to refute the successor of one of the upper three clans.

Taiyin's expression turned severe momentarily before easing up and he nodded with a collected smile, "I have embarrassed myself with such a hasty display. It is well said, untouched by mundane values but one with the path to extraordinary goals. However, it would be the mark of a terrible host if we did not let all of you experience our culture.

Lord Father, may I bring our guests to the Sage's Mural."

Smilingly, Dai Laohu nodded, "Ah, it has been a long time. Go. Give this old tiger a face and let my son guide all of you. Tang Xiao, go, bring your family. This tour is a must for little Yuehua."

Nodding, Tang Xiao gave a polite bow before leaving. Once again, the situation fell to a standstill as Ning Fengzhi sighed softly.

"Ka-ul," he looked towards Ja Sun, "From what region of the Heaven Dou Empire do you originate from."

"Balak City, Brother Ning," Ja Sun replied faintly. Since he didn't know how to address the man without being rude, so he chose the most usual form of it.

"Balak City?" Taiyin smiled, "Then, Bibi Dong, your student must have entered that amazing war," an exciting glimmer flashed through his eyes.

"He did. His accomplishments were only so-so."

Ja Sun glanced at Bibi Dong.

'How about that, she is just as petty as Ah Yin.'

"So-so?" Zhu Yin smiled but her expression had a natural chill to herself that made Yue Guan's heart shudder, too.

"Yes, Senior Zhu," Bibi Dong smiled refreshingly, "Coming only second in merit points."

"Ah," realization flashed in Ning Fengzhi's eyes as he shook his head. He, of course, knew the top rankers of the war and aside from Liu Erlong who took the initiative to join Spirit Hall, Ultimate Grandson was the focus of attention until he chose to side with Spirit Hall, too.

"You know him, Fengzhi?" Chen Xin's voice echoed in Fengzhi's voice as Ning Fengzhi replied in a similarly compressed voice but was interrupted by Emperor's chuckled, "Bibi Dong, don't keep this old man in such a suspense. Go on, out with it. Who here wouldn't end up finding about this youth later on?"

His words were clear Since you have exposed the boy's achievements slightly, all of them would surely investigate him later on.

"Senior Dai, there is nothing much to discuss. His talents are somewhat better and just broke into rank 40," Bibi Dong replied.

"Hmm?" An involuntary sneer appeared over Zhu Ning's lips that she hid quickly while Dai Taiyin's eyes narrowed. He wouldn't underestimate a rank 40 individual who could sit beside the successor of the Supreme Pontiff. His experiences wouldn't allow that.

"Uncle Dai!" A bold and loud voice broke the calm atmosphere as Ja Sun's heart contracted momentarily. Not because of the youth with a big smile walking in with great strides but because of the blue, almost silver-haired woman walking behind him. It was an extremely faint sense but Ja Sun did feel it. Next to her walked Tang Xiao and alongside the youth with a bright grin walked a young and lithe blonde woman following with a brisk pace. Her eyes, just like the imperial family, being heterochromia with a right crimson eye and left cold blue eye.

"Sigh, Tang Hao. You will frustrate me to death!" Dai Laohu smiled and introduced everyone to the group and once the introductions were complete, Dai Taiyin stood and led everyone out of the throne room. Once they left, Dai Laohu remained in his seat beside Zhu Yin.

"Thoughts?" He inquired calmly.

"Yue Guan still disgusts me. His skin is better than mine," Zhu Yin narrowed her eyes, "Aside from that... it doesn't matter at all. The successor of Seven Treasures is weaker than his father. He has adopted economy than martial path."

"Not many hearts can bear one's path being blocked by a martial soul. His father is a marvel, that doesn't necessarily mean that his future generations will be, too," Dai Laohu sighed, "The same is with our generation. They lack too much."

A hint of dismay flashed through Zhu Yin's cold eyes.

"Let's not talk about it. But there is only Old Tang and Qian Xunji with worthy successors."

"It would seem so," Dai Laohu pursed his lips. An incomprehensible light flashing through his eyes.


Dai Taiyin proved himself capable as he spoke fluently about the much-revealed knowledge on the history of the Palace while adding a few details that changed the understanding of the group entirely. Yue Guan and Chen Xin walked behind the group and kept a small distance. Taiyin and Zhu Ning led, also keeping a small distance between them as it allowed the group in the middle to divide themselves naturally.

Ning Fengzhi walked ahead, alone. Despite being alone, his graceful attitude made him look like more like an accomplished scholar than a spirit master. His hand was set behind and his stepping measured. Behind him walked the Two Tang siblings Tang Xiao and Tang Yuehua. While the eldest sibling remained silent, Tang Yuehua would take the initiative to make contact with Ning Fengzhi, her queries based on the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, making her intentions clear. Of course, they conversed only when Taiyin stopped speaking.

Behind them were Tang Hao and Taiyin's sister. The Imperial Princess Dai Mu. She would constantly add a few more things to her brother's words and leaned slightly towards Tang Hao with a wide smile on her lips. Though she acted slightly pampered, her charm as a woman wasn't the slightest bit diminished.

Only a little further away walked Bibi Dong. She had planned to walk ahead, establish more contacts but seeing Ja Sun silently walk behind the group without any hint of impatience, she sighed and walked next to him.

"Teacher... you should have taught me a few court etiquettes."

"And you shouldn't have mocked Uncle Yue time and again," Bibi Dong shook her head.

"That's fair," Ja Sun sighed.

"Why didn't you accept the challenge?" Bibi Dong inquired.

"If it is someone below Spirit Emperor, I won't spar with any of them," he replied candidly. The easiest way to get more difficult missions was from those two ranks above him.

After a few rounds, Taiyin led the group into a small hall. The moment everyone entered this hall, they were all affected by the somber environment. The walls were filled with colorful murals that projected man, tigers, and a scene of bloody war. The ceiling was fashioned into a colorful crystal dome from which the shine of sun parted in colors and fell on the murals.

The scene of war covered with a crimson glow while the scene of the majestic Three-eyed Tiger was glazed by a golden glow.

This time, Taiyin, Mu, and Ning stepped forward and walked towards the mural of the three-eyed white tiger covering the entirety of the wall in front of them and kowtowed with a reverent expression. Their eyes full of worship and then kowtowed three times. Their foreheads issuing forceful thumps against the floor as everyone felt the entire hall turning cool after their third kowtow. Even the two Titled Douluos bodies tensed momentarily.

Slowly, the trio stood up and gave another bow before the coldness disappeared.

"The truth is, everyone knows about the legends of the White Tiger Clan but there are not many who can boast seeing the Tiger God himself."

Tianyi turned back and gave a smile as everyone's gaze was attracted to the mural of the white tiger.

Zhu Ning and Dai Mu silently returned to the group as Tianyi walked towards the scene of the small group of stick figures painted around the mural of a fire.

"The White Tiger's true clan name is long lost in history. We were more like a pack than a tribe or a clan. Caring for young until they could learn to hunt, live a bountiful life, and move where the winds take us."

Stepping forward, Tianyi's skin was basked in the variety of colorful glows and he began describing the conditions of the past until he stopped in front of a single stick figure bowing towards the mural of the white tiger in the adjacent wall.

"One day, the eldest son of the strongest hunter of the pack fell into a cave. Within the cave, he met our God. His name, even I'm not told. Three evil eyes that could strip a person's soul with a mere gaze. He took a liking to the intruder. Gave this intruder its own blood and turned mortal into the divine.

The intruder was none other than the founder of the White Tiger Clan Dai Yu. With blood also came conditions. He was to bring the newly created White Tiger Clan from his blood into the glory that none could achieve. To achieve this one true objective, the God made the man compete against his own blood to temper himself.

From then on, every heir of the pack needed to compete with every contender and slowly, the tribe flourished. It turned into a large power and entered into wars. Expanding territory," Taiyin now gazed at the mural of war glowing in crimson with a deep sense of longing. "The White Tiger Clan led the establishment of the Star Luo Empire. From then, the customs still remained. Any contender of the throne fights his brother, his father, his whole family. Elders may not die, young ones may not either. But the contenders aside from the current Crown himself will have their spirit crippled. Exiled and made to live the life of a nomad."

A pained look in his eyes was concealed with venomous cruelty.

"Brother Dai, you called that Tiger a God," Tang Hao suddenly spoke. Though he felt the pressure, his gaze revealed unconcealed fascination, "What are Gods?"

His question pure. Not filled with the lust of power or desire but the curiosity in his eyes made others question internally.

What really is a God?

Bibi Dong narrowed her eyes. Yue Guan looked sad for a moment while Chen Xin released a sigh for once.

"Brother Hao..." Dai Taiyin gave an embarrassed smile when Ja Sun answered calmly in his heart.

'Just a more powerful beast.'

His eyes were closed as he recalled his experience last night. There were many things he considered at this moment. But why would he find answers for being a god when he himself wasn't a Titled Douluo?

Even with his body, spirit, and mental energy changing for the better, he was pathetically weak.

"Just a more powerful being," Bibi Dong stated softly and Ja Sun blinked. He found her looking in his direction as she had a small smile hanging over her lips.

"What?" Tang Hao turned around and inquired with sparkling eyes.

"To mortals, a Titled Douluo is a god. A higher mountain after every trek. The road of cultivation, who can say it really ends at rank 99?" Bibi Dong gave a calm reply and everyone frowned at her words. If only it was so easy...

"Your words hold no sincerity," Zhu Ning narrowed her eyes.

"I need to be sincere for casual words, too? I'm the successor of the Pontiff, the next Pope. Not a nun unable to cultivate. However, if my words offended you, then it was not my intention, Princess Zhu."

Bibi Dong smiled and Zhu Ning's expression changed.

"Sister Zhu, let's calm down," Dai Mu hurriedly held the dark-haired woman's hand as Zhu Ning gave a wry smirk at Dai Mu before shaking her head.

"I'm calm, silly girl."

"Hahaha, a higher being. I believe that, too," Dai Taiyin smiled broadly.

"Brother Hao, I don't know what a God is. But as Bibi Dong just answered, what else could title mean aside from being more powerful than Titled Douluos? If I can't reach it, then my children will. If not them, and our future generations."

Taiyin smilingly led everyone out of the Hall as Ja Sun remained silent.

'Bibi Dong... you're a petty bitch,' Ja Sun's thoughts started to turn even viler as he glanced at Bibi Dong but seeing her calm expression, confusion flickered in Ja Sun's eyes.


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