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6 months ago
Willingly dying at the hands of his only teacher to repay all his debt, Jason simultaneously plans... Read more Willingly dying at the hands of his only teacher to repay all his debt, Jason simultaneously plans his reincarnation and finds himself in the body of an 'evil' cultivator named Ja Sun wanted by one of the three strongest power of the Douluo Continent— Spirit Hall.But hope isn't lost. His trait from his previous life never left his side and now he will make missions in the Douluo Continent and live another life, this time, a life not owed to anybody.***Note: I do not own the cover art.Timeline: The events of this fanfics take place eleven years before the start of the main novel.Of course, I do not own the Douluo Dalu universe. Since I am writing about the timeline never covered in the major timeline to completion, many things may be a part of the fanfiction but not mentioned in canon.***Ps: After seeing a few complaints, I realized to add two warnings. The mc is definitely a trained fighter and not innocent since he can kill but he doesn't go around killing that much even when others love to do it. I know, it's strange since it's a cn novel but honestly we have enough men who love to cut roots.And, the character of the individuals from main novel will be slightly AU. For instance, Xiao Wu would only hug and keep chirping Ge, Ge. (Spoilers) The fem mc and others, well, I tried to put more personality, make their tongues sharper but it turned out AU. I accept that and realized that it needed to be mentioned, too.Hope you all enjoy the fanfic. Collapse R-18, Transmigration, Cultivation, Beautiful Female Lead, Evil Organizations, Previous Life Talent, Martial Spirits, Handsome Male Lead, Gods, Fast Cultivation, Beasts, Beast Companions, World Travel, Strong to Stronger, Souls, Spirits, Male Protagonist, Ancient China, Fanfiction, Douluo Dalu Hay algún link del original en chino?. O no es una traducción y es de creación propia del autor ?. This isnt really translated, sentence structure is all scrambled, sometimes the setting or direction is missing conpletely, main focus of the chapter is almost always covered by redundant ramblings. Grammar is so bad TTS becomes confused and becomes bad FOB poetry. The writing itself is just as bad since npcs, main characters, and even plot are all implied instead of told or shown. This is so badly done its making everyone look down on the tragic cn novel scene. worst off this is my third cn novel with similar issue these months and iam a veteran. Got a question What does the author mean when he says that characters turned AU? Alternate Universe. It means the characters wont be exactly as they are in the original story thnx Can it be read and completely understood without reading the original novel? Yap... It can. Settings or cultivation system of the Soul Land in this novel is being re-introduce by author. Because in this story the MC has zero clue about Soul Land.Even though like that, it still confuses me sometimes. About how much stronger MC in the power structure of Soul Land. Because maybe in the authors mind, the reader had basic understanding of cultivation system of Soul Land. And that is the problem for me that have zero clue about Soul Land. A blasted 5/5!As a story itself, this is great. As fanfic, this is damn wonderful.In resume: if you liked - or like me, loved - Soul Land's world this novel will be quite fascinating, so give it a try. (Personally, I HATE how every MC from SL is forced by all kinds of bs plots to have the harder way, so with this work's MC being a 'f*ck you all' kind, we get to explore far more of SL world than in the original work)-A nice MC with proper character and emotional development even with his previous life's personality being quite strong already. -Slow but present growth of side characters, INCLUDING former enemies and well... 'Scammed Party' members.-Interesting and not rushed romance. No dramas of MC saving girls and one-hit 100/100 affection, but a slow and nice romance that complements the development of the parties involved.-Great use of the original work (Soul Land (slightly changed) + details/lore of SL 2~4). No MC following the original work's protagonist path but with far more cheats but instead, a 'f*ck the plot and let the MC live this world' level of quality.-Only bad point... is that this seems around 100~200 chapters to get completed and the author releases more than a novel at the same time, so slow release for our pathetic and mortal selves T.T Unexplained power system and irregular progress report makes the story progression hard to understand. this is a fanfic of soul land. the power system is the same. so just go to a wiki for soul land and you can understand everything you need. Recommendations for fanfics please.I'm searching for fanfics similar to this one where MC doesn't know the plot of the original series. The other example is 'Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat'. Or maybe fanfics where MC knew about the original plot but gives zero f#ck about it.And I also want some fanfics that will destroy my childhood the way 'In Naruto: Reborn with Talent' does. know some like "A Nerubian's Journey" by fizzick (WOW fanfiction), "My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong, as Expected" is a Crossover fanfic by Sage_Of_Eyes (oregairu/danmachi),The Last Prayer (naruto) and Chain of Ascension (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer) by graefoxx try and u wont regret it I gonna dive in and bring back results wish me luck Update ? He's Dead. He Fell To Deep When's the funeral?🤣 Really bruh This novel isn't that deep to drown there but I suffered for sure at least in some chapters so yeah no funeral since am talking Our HERO .... Resurrected.... Well starting was somehow okish and for some time it kept me hooked but then waves of bullshit drown me when he started playing dick dick with mokey so yeah that was it for me but still it's okish to read not much bad but hey everyone have diff tastes so try it and sorry I forgot to reply Its fine bro. As long as its not that bad I'll read it lmao I dont have anything left to read Thanks for the reply! Same feelings brother nothing left to read every single novel looks like bullshit you're not alone brother. nice nickname you have brother(Google translate) he started playing dick dick with mokeyHold up, what does this mean? Currently on chapter 270 and its definitely worth reading. Maybe like a 4-ish star out of 5? I never read any soul lands fanfic or know what soul lands is so take this like a grain of salt or whatever. The MC is neat too Not 4 but 3 or 3.5 cause I have checked other fanfiction but diff tastes again Willingly dying you already lost me there wth, who would choose that kind of mc. Author needs help