Kill the Sun

Chapter 152 152 – Sneaking

Chapter 152 Chapter 152 – Sneaking

Nick silently jumped from building to building.

Whenever his blades stuck into one of the buildings, they made a little sound, but the sound was barely noticeable.


Suddenly, Nick silently jumped through a window into a house.

He had heard someone.

As Nick looked through the window of the house he was in, he could see a person wearing a black cloak carefully jumping from place to place as they were passing through the alley.

Nick narrowed his eyes as he looked at the person.

'No rifle,' Nick realized. 'That's not the sniper.'

A moment later, Nick saw the person's hands, and he saw a gun in each of them.

That was when Nick remembered that woman with the two guns he had seen during the meeting, the one that had exploded more than once.

'Most likely her,' Nick thought.

For a moment, Nick thought about killing her.

After all, she was an enemy.

'No,' Nick thought. 'If I kill her, the sniper will know where I am.'

'The sniper is far more dangerous than her.'

As Nick watched her pass, he thought about something.

'If I were the sniper, would I let her just run through an alley without any supervision?'

Nick narrowed his eyes.

'No, I wouldn't.'

The next moment, Nick held one of his hands out of the window.

The sunlight reflected off Nick's polished blade, and Nick saw the silhouette of the end of the alley.

That was when Nick saw a bright spot on top of one of the buildings, and he immediately pulled his arm back.

Nick's ability immediately deactivated!

However, Nick didn't move, and his ability quickly reactivated.

'They probably saw something glimmer in the alley and looked over,' Nick thought. 'They think I'm just a random piece of metal that reflected some of the light.'

'That means they still don't know I'm here!'

Nick quickly shot away from the window and silently ran through the house until he arrived at the other side.

Nick knew exactly on which building the sniper was now, and he also knew how to get there.

After jumping out of the window, Nick put his blade into-

Nick stopped moving.

Just five meters away, on the rooftop of the neighboring building, someone wearing a black cloak had stopped running.

The person was looking at Nick from just five to ten meters away.

Nick looked back.

None of them had expected to see someone here.

And they were just looking at each other.

Three seconds of silence passed, during which nobody moved.

Clink! Clink!

Two small gauntlets fell onto the roof of the building as the cloaked person lifted their hands in surrender while also falling to their knees.

Nick furrowed his brows.

A moment later, Nick put his finger to his lips and gestured for the other person to stay quiet.

The other person rapidly nodded several times.

Nick slowly nodded as well.

Then, Nick quietly jumped to the building where the cloaked person was.

The cloaked person became terrified when Nick came close to them.

However, they had already committed to their choice, and their life was now up to Nick.

They only hoped that Nick would consider accepting them into Dark Dream instead of killing them.

Luckily, Nick quickly ran past them.

"Nothing will happen to you," Nick said as he passed them. "Don't look at me. If you see my ability, I will have to kill you."

The heartbeat of the person became even faster, and they didn't dare to say anything or do anything.

Right now, they were just on their knees, looking away from Nick.

Nick rapidly ran along the roof with all of his speed.

A couple of seconds later, Nick arrived behind the building where the sniper was on.

Very quietly, Nick climbed up the building.

There he was.

Right in front of him was a cloaked person, lying on their huge belly while aiming towards the training spot with a huge rifle.

Nick immediately knew who that was.

He remembered the fat man with the eyepatch, whom he had seen during the meeting.

'This should be their Chief Zephyx Extractor, the second John,' Nick thought.

Nick narrowed his eyes and slowly moved forward.

"I can't see Jonathan!"

At that moment, a female voice shouted from the other end of the alleyway.

"Jonathan, report!" the fat guy in front of Nick shouted as he turned to look towards his left.


Stephen, the fat man, furrowed his brows.

Did the enemy get Jonathan?

However, the enemy should still be within the training ground.

The only way to get here without being noticed would take at least two minutes.

A moment later, Stephen suddenly lay in the shade.

Something had covered the sun.

Stephen's eyes widened in shock.


A metallic blade violently rammed through the fat man's thick neck, decapitating him.

Stephen's last thought was, 'Why didn't my Barrier activate?!'

Well, Barriers without an AI chip weren't that great in dealing with surprise attacks.

While Stephen had a Barrier that could activate and deactivate itself on its own, it didn't have an intelligent way to deal with a subtle attack.

Stephen's Barrier was definitely more expensive than Nick's, but it still wasn't good enough to save Stephen.

Nick knew how to exploit these Barriers since his own Barrier had the same fault.

If something moved very slowly through the Barrier's proximity, the Barrier wouldn't view that as an attack.

So, Nick had simply moved forward very slowly, entering Stephen's Barrier.

When he was directly on top of Stephen, Nick slammed his blade down.

Stephen was dead.

Nick just looked at the corpse for about a second before he jumped down the building.

A moment later, Nick saw Jonathan, who didn't dare to look in Nick's direction.

Nick quickly arrived behind Jonathan, and he could tell that Jonathan had noticed him.

"The fat guy is dead," Nick said.

Jonathan's body shook, but he didn't dare to move.

"How many are here?"

"Three," a scared male voice answered.

"Including the fat guy?" Nick asked.

"Yes," Jonathan said.

Nick nodded.

"If you can convince the girl to surrender, she doesn't have to die," Nick said.

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