Kill the Sun

Chapter 151 151 – Running

Chapter 151 Chapter 151 – Running

As Nick rolled into the training area, his ability activated again.

Even though it had seemed that Nick had only blindly moved around, he had actually approximated the sniper's location.

Since Nick had been coming here for months, he was very familiar with the area, and he knew how to get there.

And he also knew that it would be very difficult.

'It will be extremely difficult to get close to the sniper without them noticing me,' Nick thought with furrowed brows as he slid down the building.

'There are too many even and low rooftops.'

'The sniper is probably at a high location, and I can't get to them without being seen. Even if I run through the streets.'


Nick rammed the blade on his right hand into the wall in front of him.

Naturally, Nick had his fist weapons with him due to the upcoming war.

Nick's blade easily punched through the wall, and Nick used it to create a huge hole, allowing him to enter the home.

It was quite loud, but the sound was too distant for the sniper to properly hear.

As Nick slipped into the building, the map of the surrounding areas shot through his mind again.

There was no good way to get to the sniper.

But then, Nick got an idea.


Nick rammed his blade into the floor and created a circular cut around his position, which resulted in him falling down a floor.

One had to remember that Nick was incredibly powerful right now and that his blade was extremely sharp and durable.

Cutting a circular hole in some metal flooring wasn't difficult.

Nick did the same thing another floor lower.

After that, Nick grabbed the edge of the floor he had just fallen through.

Below him was darkness.

The sewers.

Luckily, some light came through the holes, and Nick could see a bit.

When Nick saw a rooftop that came out of the water, he immediately jumped onto it.

As soon as Nick landed, he took out a spear and threw it into the distance with all of his power.


The spear hit something in the distance, and Nick pulled a bit on the Ghost Wire.

If he really wanted to, he could pull the spear back, but that was not what he wanted.

As long as the spear could withstand a bit of pull, it would work.

The next moment, Nick narrowed his eyes and jumped forward with all of his power.


Nick quickly hit the dark ceiling, but he used his two blades to cut into it in a diagonal fashion.

Now, Nick hung from the top of the dark sewers.

His two blades were stuck in the ceiling, and Nick used their flat sides to support his body.

A moment later, the world around Nick transformed.

One person wearing a black cloak after the other appeared, and they were all targeting Nick with long rifles.


All the shots hit Nick and tore parts out of his body.

However, Nick just closed his eyes and pulled one of his blades out before stabbing it into the ceiling a bit further away.





The dark voices that the Nightmare created shouted at Nick with hatred.

Nick was in the darkness, and the darkness was the Nightmare's domain.

But Nick just gritted his teeth and moved forward.

The pain was almost unbearable, but Nick's desire to prove to himself that he wasn't worthless was just too strong.

After moving forward a bit, Nick pulled slightly on the Ghost Wire of the spear and noted that he was facing in the wrong direction.

A moment later, corpses began to fall from the dark sky, screaming at Nick to come with them.

Trevor and Jenny were disemboweled in front of Nick, and their organs covered his body, constricting it.

But Nick just continued moving forward.

It was horrible, but Nick just kept going.

Finally, Nick realized that he had arrived at the location where his spear was stuck in the ceiling.

Immediately, Nick started to dig through the ceiling, and a moment later, he saw a bit of light.

It was still pretty dark, but the light made it far more difficult for the Nightmare to fool him.

Nick retrieved his spear and went through the hole he had created, appearing on the ground floor of a building.

When Nick realized that he had arrived, a fire of determination appeared in his eyes.

Now, he would be the attacker!

The last shot from the sniper had happened not even 30 seconds ago.

That was how fast and determined Nick had moved through the buildings and the sewers.

The sniper should still be in the same area as before.

'They're most likely surveying their surroundings while looking at the training area,' Nick thought.

'They think I'm still there.'

'Maybe one of their colleagues is currently searching the places where I should be while the sniper keeps an eye out.'

Nick looked back at the hole and approximated the direction he was facing.

He remembered in which direction he had thrown the spear, and by looking at the rooftop in the sewers through the hole, Nick could tell with quite some confidence where the sniper was.

'I moved over 50 meters forward, which means I passed the low spot where the sniper could see me.'

Nick silently ran through the building and rolled out of a window.

The streets were in horrible condition, but not everything was broken.

Right now, Nick was in an alley with more holes than street, surrounded by tall buildings on both sides.

Nick looked up and saw some kind of metallic flag hanging from one of the buildings.

'So, I'm here,' Nick thought.

Naturally, buildings all had their own special marks that identified them, and Nick remembered that strange metallic flag.

He knew exactly where he was now.

With narrowed eyes, Nick looked down one way of the alley.

Ding! Ding!

Nick jumped forward and buried his two blades in one side of the building to grab onto it before jumping forward to the other wall.

Like this, Nick moved forward through the alley.

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