Horizon of War Series

Chapter 76: Dancing Shadows

Chapter 76: Dancing Shadows

Just for precaution. This chapter contains a slight and toned-down explicit scene.

I want no trouble. I understand that many have trouble with explicit scene.

If you don't want to read it, don't open the Spoiler.

Dancing Shadows

Fleeting memories of conversations with Hannei about women’s fertility came into Lansius’ mind uninvited. He began to realize that her concerns likely stemmed from the fear that it might be difficult for them to have children. Unlike Hannei, whom Lansius suspected had been transported into this world, body, and soul; his situation remained a mystery.

Is this my body or am I inside someone else‘s body...? But what are the chances that I ended up as a foreigner?

Everywhere he went, Lansius had never seen a man with black hair. Black hair wasn’t even mentioned in any documents. Sadly, Lansius couldn’t even recall his origin, even his own hair color.

The crux of the matter was that Lansius, and Audrey could belong to different species. Similar as they were, but they might not be compatible.

Mmm… cold?!

Things started to fade, and Lansius awoke abruptly.

...Was that a dream?

He was about to recall what the dream had been about when a sensation from his lower body drew his attention. It felt as if he had gone to sleep without a blanket or, more eerily, without pants. Fighting off the haziness, Lansius looked down.

The room was dim, lit only by a lantern on the table. Still, he could make out the silhouette of someone on top of him. Blinking, he recognized his newlywed wife. He was stunned by her actions, a single blanket draped over her shoulder serving as her only covering.

Audrey seemed to notice and spoke, “J-just lay still. Oh, and keep it erect.”

Lansius was rendered speechless by the absurdity, at the same time captivated by her lithe, yet toned body. Then she got it right. “Oh~,” he moaned, his hand flying to his mouth a moment too late.

Audrey looked thrilled. “See, see, I can do it! I was just too tired last time,” she said proudly while wincing from pain.

So this is what it‘s all about...

“S-slowly,” he warned her, not wanting her to get hurt.

Just a few hours ago, it had been their wedding night. After a feast that began at lunchtime and didn’t conclude until dinner, both were exhausted. They had been so weary and nervous that they couldn’t consummate their marriage. Lansius hadn’t given it much thought, but it seemed Audrey blamed herself and was trying to make amends.

As she began to move, awkward at first, the blanket slid away, illuminating her form under the dim light of the lantern. Her face flushed, she closed her eyes but persisted.

“Easy... let’s do it slowly,” he guided her as she gently turned his world upside down.

“What time is it?” Lansius asked as they cuddled afterward.

“Not long after the fourth watch,” Audrey replied, her eyelids feeling heavy and her mind so relaxed.

“Still far from dawn,” said Lansius as he rose from the bed, immediately conscious of the tightness in his thighs. He might have overdone it, but definitely had no regrets.

“Mm... Lans, where are you going?” Audrey asked from the bed.

“I’m thirsty. Aren’t you?”

She shook her sleepy head. “Just a bit.”

He walked over to a nearby table, poured himself a cup from a silver jug, and took a sip. "... Why is it spicy?"

She stifled a laugh and answered, “That must be the spiced wine.”

“Welp, we’re out of water,” he muttered after finding the other jugs empty.

“I think I emptied the last one before sleep,” she answered while sitting up on the bed.

“Ah, okay, that’s quite alright,” he said while taking another sip of the spiced wine.

“Hey, want to go out and grab some water and snacks?” Audrey turned lively and started to dress. “There should be plenty in the main hall.”

Lansius furrowed his brows. “Sneaking out? I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

"Come on, Lans, it should be fun." She grinned and was about to take his hands, but halted after only a few steps.

“What’s the matter?” he asked with concern.

“Mm, it stings...”

Realizing what she was getting at, he quickly apologized, “Sorry.”

“Don’t be, you dummy... Hey, Lans, I can call you dummy again, right?”

Lansius chuckled. “Well, I’m feeling rather generous tonight.”

Audrey grinned happily like a little girl. “Oh, I almost forgot to fold the bedsheet,” she said rather urgently as if remembering something important.

“Why?” Lansius asked.

“It’s a tradition. The bride keeps the bedsheet as proof that the marriage has been consummated,” she explained without hesitation.

Lansius nodded and asked, “Did Felis teach you that?”

“Yep,” she said, looking smug.

He couldn't help but erase her smugness with another kiss. They concluded their wedding night by sneaking around the mansion to quietly secure a jug of water, roast meat, and puddings. Oddly enough, this clandestine adventure felt rather enjoyable. They had the chance to observe the aftermath of the celebration.

The hall was filled with servants, staff, and even guests, all sleeping off their drunkenness. Lansius was pleased to see that everyone had enjoyed themselves.


This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.


On top of the green hills, three days away from Eclipse Castle, there was a famous bathhouse. Since ages ago, its natural hot springs have been known to have healing properties. Two centuries ago, the Healers Guild bought the adjacent villa and opened their headquarters there.

People seeking treatment would come there as if on a pilgrimage. Several years ago, the late Sir Callahan had visited the place when he was an envoy in Midlandia.

However, Hannei bypassed the famed location and ordered her carriage to go straight to Cascasonne. She knew of a friendly, unlicensed healer connected to Bengrieve.

Sterling, who was under her care, was recovering. But as Hannei had feared, his leg was causing him all sorts of pain. Magic could only boost the body’s natural recovery abilities. A wound that would normally take a day to heal could be hastened to just a few hours through magical intervention. However, it was powerless to correct the position of broken bones, which could grow haphazardly.

That was why Hannei needed a healer, who typically was also a bone physician and had enough knowledge about anesthesia.

Upon arriving at a small rustic villa that grew grapevines, Hannei met with several people before Sterling was admitted to their private hospice.

“Thank you for your kind help, My Lady,” said Sterling as he settled into his new bed.

“Don’t mention it. Just understand that the treatment will tax both your mind and body. But don’t lose hope,” Hannei advised.

“Fight on!” little Tia also encouraged Sterling.

Their words made Sterling chuckle. “Will we meet again, My Lady?” His sharp instincts told him that Hannei lived in a different social class and could easily disappear.

“I’ll see what I can do. Just focus on your treatment,” Hannei reassured him.

Sterling exhaled deeply and turned his gaze to the little girl. “Tia, take care of Lady Hannei for me.”

The little girl grinned, “I’ll be with Master Hannei unless she orders me not to.”

The squire was pleased. Tia was the star of their journey; she cooked, cleaned, and took care of their needs without a single complaint.


With Sterling and several other men under the care of reliable hands, Hannei took the carriage to Chateau de Cascasonne. She had prepared for this journey, already changing into her usual brown servant attire. She had also wore a brown hair wig before departing.

Tia was surprised by the change, and Hannei concocted a story to convince her to keep her hair and magical abilities a secret. The little girl seemed to take Hannei’s explanation at face value and took it to heart.

Truthfully, Hannei had left her natural hair uncovered in Korelia because of Felis. She didn’t want Felis to stand out alone, so she willingly made herself another target to confuse any potential attack or kidnappers.

Without Felis around, she was more comfortable with the wig to blend in with other people. Just like Lansius, she hated to be on the spotlight.

Arriving at the chateau just before sundown, her carriage was stopped at the gatehouse. Hannei noticed the heightened security and found it unusual. Still, she merely attributed it to the ongoing succession crisis.

Like servants, Hannei and Tia approached the main courtyard on foot, under the watchful eyes of the guardsmen.

As they moved along and passed the inner curtain wall, something piqued Hannei’s interest. Beside the garden, on a plot of land used to grow vegetables and herbs, a girl with golden blonde hair stood up.

Tia looked at Hannei with a questioning eye, but Hannei shrugged. She had never seen her before and decided to approach.

The bubbly and energetic girl noticed them and asked, “Are you two guests at the chateau?”

“I work here but have just returned from an errand,” Hannei answered.

“Ah, nice to meet you. My name is Tanya; my mother and I arrived here several days ago,” she introduced herself happily.

Hannei nodded and couldn’t help but smile. She knew who they were and was pleased with their arrival. “Nice to meet you too. You can call me Hannei, I’m not a Lady.”

Hannei then glanced at Tia, gesturing that it was okay for her to speak. “I’m Tia, nice to meet you,” she said with a little bow.

Tanya was excited with the little girl. “I rarely see someone around my age.”

“What are you planting here? Is this your garden?” Tia matched her energy.

Tanya giggled watching Tia’s curiosity.

“Do you or your mother need anything?” asked Hannei.

“We’re pretty well-off here; maybe just some clothing for winter. But I heard the generous and benevolent Lord is going to provide for us,” Tanya said.

Hannei smiled at Tanya’s cheerful nature. “I’m sure the Lord of the chateau will take care of you.”

Tanya tilted her head a little. “Although, I am quite curious. Why is he so keen to help us? It’s not like we’re worthy of his attention.”

Tia nodded in agreement. Even she knew it was an uncanny situation.

Hannei was pleased with Tanya's critical thinking. “Smart girl. Would you like to go to school? Tia is only a few years younger. It’ll be fun to have friends at school.”

“Friends, school? I’d love to,” Tanya said ecstatically, while Tia’s eyes beamed with joy.

Hannei kept smiling, but inside she was concerned for Tanya and her mother. Lord Bengrieve didn’t usually do something like this. And certainly not without a good reason.

Bidding farewell to Tanya, Hannei and Tia proceeded to the main keep's entrance, where they found a staff member who recognized her. The man escorted them straight to the servants' quarters, where Hannei found a small waiting room

There, she left Tia with her bags, promising that she wouldn't be long. Still under escort, Hannei then navigated the keep's long and winding passageways, passing additional guards stationed seemingly at every door.

She finally reached the corridor where Lord Bengrieve’s study was located. Unlike anything she had ever seen in her years of service, the place was now a beehive of activity. Squires, messengers, and other staff waited in the corridors with reddened eyes and tired expressions. Cups of roasted cherry black drink that smelled like coffee were being refilled regularly. Incense was being burned to mask any smells.

Many saw Hannei and made gestures to acknowledge her presence. The Steward noticed the gestures, found the newcomer, and approached. “Maester Hannei, this is most unfortunate timing.”

“Master Steward, what happened?” Hannei quickly added, “I don’t wish to bother. I’m only here to report.”

“Many things happened while you were away,” the old man replied with a fatherly smile. “Please wait in your quarters; I’m sure the Lord will want to discuss something with you, but probably not tonight.”

“Gratitude. Then I’ll bother you no more,” Hannei bowed her head to the old man who had done much to help her over the years.

She left the busy corridor and headed to her quarters at the far end of the complex. Despite her servant attire, the maids knew perfectly well where Hannei stood in the hierarchy. They allowed her to enter the lavish compound in the chateau, a place reserved for high-ranking retainers.


Two days after Hannei's arrival, a summons arrived at her door. She prepared herself and told Tia to continue studying and to sleep if the meeting took too long.

Unescorted, Hannei entered one of the private chambers inside the chateau. The maids opened the door, revealing Bengrieve with reddened eyes and a tired expression.

As usual, Bengrieve was preoccupied with his dinner. It was the Steward who gestured for Hannei to take her seat. She pulled up a chair at the far end of the table and sat quietly.

A maid poured spiced wine and brought some snacks. Hannei pretended to sip her wine but didn't actually swallow, fearing it being laced with truth nectar. This was why she had hydrated sufficiently beforehand.

She waited patiently, rehearsing her reports in her mind in case Bengrieve asked for it.

"I hear you've brought a child. A servant or an adoption?" Bengrieve finally asked.

"I haven't thought that far ahead, My Lord, but I intend to protect her and provide for her," Hannei answered.

Bengrieve nodded and took a sip of his water.

"When will you return Lansius' family?" Hannei asked. She suspected that Bengrieve was aware of her visit to the garden. To avoid arousing suspicion, she decided to be upfront.

"I have yet to find the brother," Bengrieve said plainly.

The Lord turned silent, seemingly allowing Hannei to ask another question. She took the cue. "My Lord, if you don't mind, what is the status of the succession crisis?"

"Ask the Steward," Bengrieve replied. This small gesture allowed the Steward to brief Hannei on the latest developments. "But you'll be disappointed," he warned.

Hannei squinted, trying to discern his meaning.

Bengrieve had expected such reaction and spoke, "It's not the succession. It's outside of Midlandia." Despite using a napkin to cover his mouth, Hannei noticed that her host was smirking, as if unable to contain his excitement. "We finally have the opportunity we've been waiting for."

His words struck Hannei. She understood that the last seams of the Imperium had finally frayed.


Korimor, Lowlandia

The arrival of the joint forces from Korelia and White Lake sent shockwaves through Korimor. Panic ensued as the defenders barred the gates and manned their walls and towers. However, to their surprise, the joint forces did nothing more than set up camps and forage for firewood and timber for blockades.

For the next two days, the troops outside the walls refrained from setting up any siege engines or tunneling. They contented themselves with patrolling, keeping sentries, and observing the city from a safe distance.

The invaders didn't construct ladders or attempt other typical siege methods, unsettling the defenders. By the third day, not even a herald had approached the walls to announce the invading forces' intentions. The city finally raised a flag, signaling a request for parley.

Still, the joint forces made no response. Their camp showed little activity as if they were reluctant to even meet and make demands.

While the invader's action continued to baffle Korimor's defenders, the situation was well-received by the populace, who felt fortunate that there was no violence at their gates. They feared being drafted or expelled from the city to stave off hunger.

However, before midday on the fourth day, more troops arrived from the south, clearly a reinforcement for the joint forces. This turn of events disturbed the defenders' morale. Pushing them to risk sending an envoy to the enemy's camp.

The discussion between the two parties had barely concluded when, from the west, an even larger group arrived—men and carts marching toward the city, outnumbering even the invading force. The flags were unlike any ever seen in Lowlandia.


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