Horizon of War Series

Chapter 75: Fates Entwined

Chapter 75: Fates Entwined

Fates Entwined

Korelia Castle

As the aftermath of the war largely subsided, the Lord of Korelia resumed his court. For three days, the court and council focused on matters of war, hostages, the new masons’ guild, accommodations for a thousand laborers, and new alliances. However, today Lansius would address a lighter matter vying for his attention.

Hand in hand, Cecile and Calub stood before Lansius, seeking his approval for their marriage. Rather than make an immediate decision, he invited them for a walk in the adjacent garden. Once they were out of prying eyes, he asked them to make their case.

Although Audrey was present, she remained neutral, not wishing to influence Lansius’ judgment. Eventually, he invited Cecile aside for a private conversation.

Under the shade of a poplar tree, he inquired about her true feelings for the marriage, even assuring her that her late father's achievement was enough to secure the future of her House.

However, Cecile was adamant. The young woman’s confident and mature answer did not surprise Lansius. He knew that people in this world often married and started families at a young age.

With no further reservations, Lansius led everyone back to the Great Hall and contentedly granted his approval. As tradition dictated, he formally blessed the new couple before closing the court. Thus, Calub and Cecile were officially engaged.

When the possibility of a double wedding was raised, the new couple politely declined. It was a courteous decision, as no one wanted to overshadow the Lord’s upcoming marriage.

After the court was over, in a secluded corridor, Calub shared his deepest fear with Cecile. “I hope you’ll forgive me if our children aren’t blond or fair skinned, but dark-skinned like me.”

His comment, after such a weighty court session, sent Cecile into a fit of giggles. Amid all the pressing matters, the skin or hair color of their future children was the least of her concerns.

A wise man once said that having a partner who could make you laugh was a good omen. That day, the halls of Korelia Castle were filled with laughter once again.


Lord Omin

Omin was in high spirits as the city of Three Hills loomed on the horizon. Despite his anxieties, Lansius had failed to give chase.

What a moron! That Lansius must’ve been getting his hands full with the prisoners and disillusioned with the ransom.

He snickered against the imaginary opponent. This had become Omin’s favorite diversion to pass the time.

Although relentlessly pursued by the nomads, the Coalition’s sheer numbers protected them from being tracked. Omin had sacrificed several of his valuable carts as a diversion, buying himself the time he needed to escape.

He openly mocked Lansius for using the nomads' assistance to chase them down. The nomads were after all comprised of numerous tribes, many of which were undisciplined and too eager to collect trophies. Thus, Omin’s ragged convoy managed to escape and reached the Three Hills.

The Nicopolan bodyguard rode ahead to announce Lord Omin’s arrival. Unlike Korelia, Three Hills was a walled city. Despite the announcement, the soldiers at the gate asked Omin to wait.

Fifteen long minutes passed before a city official appeared above the gatehouse. “Under Lord Jorge’s command, the city gates of Three Hills are to remain closed until his return. No exceptions,” the official shouted.

Omin yelled back, “Please tell your Lord that Baron Omin is here and wishes to meet him.”

“Lord Jorge is not here. He’s in Korelia,” explained the official.

Confused, Omin said, “I’m not sure I follow. Explain yourself.”

“We received a message two days ago stating that Lord Jorge is being welcomed in Korelia.”

“T-that’s Korelians’ trickery!” Omin exclaimed, a cold sweat forming on his back as he realized that Jorge might have been captured.

That incompetent idiot! He got the Black Knights and my Nicopolan cavalry and still got captured?

“We checked the writing and the signet stamp; they’re authentic. Lord Omin, please leave. We can’t open the gate.”

Omin, now desperate, resorted to threats. “Open the gate, don't force my hand!”

His convoy looked on in disbelief. Even with lucky stragglers who had joined them, their numbers barely reached a hundred. They were in no condition to do anything.

“Lord Omin, I urge you to reconsider,” the city official replied indifferently.

“The Korimors are retreating in an orderly fashion; they’ll arrive in three days,” Omin countered, aiming to sound assertive.

However, his words had no impact. Troops atop the wall were already readying their crossbows.

“State your terms, then. Come down so we can discuss,” Omin said, softening his tone.

However, another figure appeared atop the gatehouse, and everyone instantly recognized his face.

"Sir Arius," the Nicopolan bodyguard whispered. Omin, along with everyone else, was shocked to see him standing there.

"Lord Omin, please leave for now. I’m sure you have other matters to attend to," Sir Arius replied coldly.

Omin's shock quickly turned to rage. The fact that Sir Arius was there instead of Lord Jorge strongly suggested that a deal had been struck between him and Lord Lansius. Although Arius and his escort could travel light and use spare horses to overtake Omin's slow-moving, horse-drawn carriage, they would still have had to evade the nomads.

This seemed unlikely unless Arius had been escorted by Lord Lansius' men and had taken a direct route to Three Hill.

Convinced his suspicions were correct yet powerless to retaliate, Omin clenched his fist. The city walls were tall and thick; the ramparts were deep. He turned away, his fist still clenched.


Korelia Castle

A man in grand and beautiful black armor, hastily fitted in just five days by an armorer, entered the chamber. Today was a special day and Lansius was flanked by his honored entourage in their best attire. The rich colors and their dashing attire exuded their charisma.

None other than the Marshal himself, Sir Justin, had accompanied Lord Lansius in this procession. Alongside Margo, he had collected Lansius from the Eastern Mansion that morning and escorted him through the town, finally arriving at the castle in a grand procession.

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Tens of knights served as the honor guards, while thousands of townsmen followed and gathered patiently outside the castle.

Inside the castle, the bridegroom was finally allowed to meet his would-be wife after several days of separation. The maids in their best attire escorted Lansius into a chamber where a Lady in a fine ivory white dress was waiting.

The morning sun gently shone on the dress's silky surface, the small tiara, and the large golden ornaments, lending them a grand and majestic look.

Lansius was stunned, Audrey had never looked so beautiful. The stiffness in his face was mistakenly seen as nervousness, so the bride smiled, making the scene even more perfect.

“Well?” Audrey blushed and looked aside. Today, there was no pouting, just a genuine smile on her lips.

“May I take your hands, My Lady?” asked Lansius still bewitched.

Audrey nodded. “Certainly, My lord.”

The couple flanked by their smiling and grinning entourage continued the procession held at the Great Hall.

In Lowlandia, it was local custom for noblemen to wear armor at their weddings. Lansius wore richly decorated black ceremonial armor, a gift from the Black Knights.

The bride's ensemble was a combination of heirlooms from three different knight families: the dress from one, the tiara from another, and the golden accessories from a third. Lady Felicity had generously financed the arrangements to ensure everything went smoothly.

There in the decorated halls, filled with flowers that emitted a gentle, pleasing fragrance, Lord Robert, who had just arrived two days ago, and Lord Jorge, who was supposed to officiate the marriage, stood side by side on the elevated platform.

Lansius had made a mistake in thinking that Lord Robert wouldn’t trouble himself, but the old man was spirited. In reality, the two Viscounts wouldn’t let this honorable opportunity slip through their grasp, even going so far as to agree to officiate the marriage together. It was a situation never heard of before.

At the guest table sat representatives from Galdia and Salcesia, attending in place of their masters. Lansius had picked a later date for his marriage to accommodate possible guests, and his optimism paid off.

The Marshal, already healed from his hip injury, walked with a perfect gait as honor guard for his charge. The couple ascended a finely carpeted, decorated dais where two Viscounts awaited them, dressed in their regal attire.

Lord Lansius and Lady Audrey respectfully knelt, awaiting their blessings. The Viscounts then offered their most eloquent words of well-wishes, each trying to outdo the other.

Lord Jorge wished for the couple’s pursuit of happiness and harmony, while Lord Robert hoped for luck, wealth, peace, and a multitude of children to guarantee easy succession. Overwhelmed by the flood of well wishes, the couple could only blush.

For the two Viscounts, this moment was more than just ceremonial; it offered a chance to redefine their Houses' legacies, to redeem past defeats. From this day forward, if anyone dared question their honor by invoking past failures, they could proudly counter that they were the ones who blessed Lord Lansius' marriage.

Lansius' plans for Lowlandia made the event so enticing that representatives from the other two baronies attended once they learned of both the plans and the wedding.

Looking back, this turn of events was shocking for all of Lowlandia. The transformation of a major siege into a sudden triumph, the marriage of the victor to a commoner, and whispers of a new alliance—it was all simply unbelievable.

The fact that Lansius didn't marry Lord Robert's daughter or Lord Jorge's cousins only added to the mystique surrounding him. Politically, it cemented his role as a mediator between East and West Lowlandia. Meanwhile, the commoners rooted for Lansius as their champion.

When the brief but lively ceremony was over, music was played, and the couple shared a customary mead from a golden chalice to seal their marriage. The guests held their goblets and cheered to congratulate the Lord and his consort.

Afterward, the newlyweds descended the dais and greeted the guests on their way to the carriage. All of their peers in the Great Hall watched the couple with joy and hope. Lady Felicity, who had been given the top seat alongside the two representatives, was the first to rise and clap her hands to celebrate the couple.

Following her lead, the row of knights, led by Sir Harold, Dietrich, and Carla, began to clap their hands. Next, Calub and Cecile greeted the couple; behind them were the senior castle staff, lieutenants, and the top men-at-arms of the army.

Snacks and more drinks were finally served to the guests while the newlyweds were escorted to the carriage for the grand parade around town.


Korelia Town

An old man with a rounded belly and dressed in richly colored clothing jogged into the center of the town’s plaza. His face was reddened from all the running, but he was happy.

Years had passed since the old man last represented Lord Jorge or any Lord. He had fallen into poverty, but last week, Lord Jorge recognized him during a visit and recommended him to Lord Lansius as his herald for this special occasion.

“Hear ye, hear ye!” the man joyfully exclaimed in a loud, yet charismatic and clear voice.

His voice brought smiles to the faces of the old Korelians. The herald was a reminder of happier years long gone, and his return was seen as a good omen.

The herald continued, “The Viscount of Three Hills and the Viscount of White Lake have decreed that the marriage between Lansius, the Lord of Korelia, and Lady Audrey is officially recognized. As such, it cannot be challenged or annulled. In honor of this joyous occasion, today is hereby declared a holiday.”

Some cheered at the declaration, but most held back, knowing the herald had more to say.

“The Lord wishes for the people of Korelia to begin the festivities and participate in the merriment immediately. Three cheers for the newlyweds! May peace and prosperity bless their union, their domains, and all the good people of Korelia,” the herald read aloud in the town’s plaza.

Upon hearing this, the crowd cheered emotionally. Sporadic music and dances started around the town’s plaza. Wildflowers adorned every street corner, either hung up or placed in vases. Townsfolk brought tables outside and began banquets with their neighbors.

The mood was joyous, especially when the newlyweds' carriage parade passed through. Parties erupted everywhere.

The wedding did not surprise anyone. Their Lord was young and single, and two blondes had come to live in the castle.

But everyone had been ecstatic since Audrey was announced as the partner. The brunette was the town’s champion. Her humble background and war exploits made her well-loved.

The townsfolk were also thrilled when Lord Jorge and Lord Robert agreed to officiate the marriage. Many of the older generations still remembered Lord Jorge’s father fondly. The Coalition attack had tarnished that sentiment, but the repaired relationship was welcomed with open arms.

As for Lord Robert, his just rule in Korelia and his actions in eradicating corrupt practices had earned him the trust of the community before Lord Lansius’ reign.

Today offered an opportunity to mend relations and forge stronger bonds anew. Now, for the first time, a Korelian could speak of a peaceful future in the region without anyone correcting them for their naivety.


Lord Omin

At least I still got that bastard‘s baggage train.

Omin convinced himself that the venture wasn’t a total loss. The amount of gold and precious trinkets was enough to rebuild his army. However, devoid of essential supplies from Three Hills, their situation grew increasingly dire.

Their only respite was the river that ran beside the city, where the convoy replenished their water supply. It was the first water source they had found in three days. With their thirst quenched but still hungry, the convoy trudged lifelessly toward Korimor.

In a desperate move, Omin ordered his men to scout for any nearby villages to raid for supplies. While they had carts filled with valuables, none were filled with consumables. Just yesterday, they had been forced to slaughter two horses for food.

The hot midday turned cooler, and they had yet to reach the place where they used to make camp. Then suddenly, an unknown cavalry unit appeared on the horizon.

“My lord, it’s the nomads,” his bodyguard called out.

Omin couldn’t believe what he saw. He had assumed the nomads wouldn’t dare pursue them this close to Three Hills City. Panic rippled through his convoy, plunging it into disarray.

With no other options, Omin quickly turned his horse and spurred it into a faster gallop.

I’m not going to be captured by this Lansius‘ dogs! I will never-

Omin chanted the mantra to himself, pushing his horse to its limits. Meanwhile, the last of his escorts, many of whom hadn’t even donned their armor, dispersed in the chaos.

He was reduced to only his bodyguard, having abandoned all others in the chaos.

“Lord Lansius invites you all for a drink,” taunted one of the riders in pursuit.

After a short but desperate chase, his bodyguard veered off, his horse too spent to continue. An arrow found its mark, striking the man’s back and sending him tumbling to the ground.

“Not that one! Get him, get him!” the remaining raiders shouted, redirecting their chase toward Omin.

Omin urged his horse to even greater speeds, but abruptly, his world flipped upside down. He lost sight of the horizon, glimpsing only the blue sky before falling from his mount. He screamed as he crashed into the ground, tumbling multiple times and kicking up a cloud of orange dust.


Batu, the leader of the nomads, pulled back the reins of his horse and dismounted. Despite limping from a duel that took place four days earlier, he approached Omin. His band had dwindled to fewer than a hundred members, all of whom were exhausted and tasked with guarding their numerous captives. However, after Lord Lansius' remarkable victory, Batu was able to persuade other tribes to join them, bolstering their manpower.

Finding Baron Omin had proved challenging due to the size of the Coalition. Batu had encountered too many groups of stragglers across the great plains. That was why he had decided to gamble on a different approach, setting up an ambush between Three Hills and Korimor.

As it turned out, his keen insight had paid off. Batu unsheathed his sword and kicked Omin’s body to flip him over. Recognizing the exquisite clothing and the golden signet ring, a broad smile spread across Batu’s face.

“We’ve got him,” Batu declared.

Upon hearing their leader’s words, hundreds of riders erupted in cheers of victory.


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