Harem Reborn

Chapter 218: Did You Fix It?

Chapter 218: Did You Fix It?

I ended up getting my bath, and it was glorious. I know I was in the water, or at least the game would like me to think that, but this was Warm water that made me wet...this game was either trying too hard or it really just didn't care. Regardless of the mechanics or the idiot that designed them, I had a great soak, and I needed it.

After letting Kyrin go, and coming back, I had started to think about the others, Tyson, Cindy, and Irellia. The girls all laughed as I pulled all their favorite meals from under the bed in the room; I figured I might as well have fun with this, but even as I handed the meals out and then got my own I was stuck thinking. Were they really bad people, or was it MainFrame the entire time? How was I supposed to know the difference?

The girls didn't bother me, they knew I had a lot on my mind and were fine with giving me some alone time. I got up head to the bathroom, but I stopped and wrapped my arms around a startled Sandra. She had finished eating and was talking with Aquina, but I just wanted to know that I hadn't forgotten about her. So many things happened today, it would be easy just to push this off to the side.

"Hey, I am really tired, and just not really feeling like getting physical, but you and Aquina can sleep in bed with me in my room? The girls can share this room, and tomorrow we will get more rooms, okay?"

"You don't have to treat me special, you know? I can see you're tired and you have done a lot today. We can bunk in here tonight to give you some space," Sandra said, putting a hand onto my arms that were wrapped around her waist, pushed her face into mine.

"No, I would prefer that you two came and slept with me if you two want to, but I'm going for a bath."

That brings me back to me soaking into the bathtub. trying to let the world around me slip away, but these thoughts were still gnawing at me. Even while relaxing, my mind was still racing, trying to reason out everything.

What if they weren't bad people? Did it matter? I sunk deep into the water and blew bubbles letting out a long breath. I was over-stressing myself about this, but I couldn't help but wonder. 

Was this all just because of what Hyde did? Like, what the hell could he have done to earn me such a hunting? I needed to find out what he did.

'And that's the real bitch of it all.' -Dansei.


'This point has been a hot debate between us, MainFrames got its ass kicked by Hyde, but it was just a good old ass-kicking that ended. I don't get what MainFrame has against your brother, but it had to be something that happened in another reset, even Mom had no clue. I know Mainframe was on Hyde right off the hop when he came back from AIhalla, but I also think he was on you before you had to reset.' -Dansei.

'What about the others? Was it the same for them?'

'No, MainFrame was part of their games when they joined your brother. So, it has to be something to do with you two, what that is, we can't figure out.' -Dansei.

'So then, what is your opinion on the turned ones? Are they just being used, or were they chosen for that reason?'

'I think they are good people, but I have nothing to back up that statement other than my own personal opinion. I think that they are just like the rest of us, but I can't say what their personalities were before they were adjusted by MainFrame. I would say to keep your distance for now, at least until we figure out what MainFrame is trying to do.' -Dansei.

That was good, I really needed that, not someone telling me it would be all alright. Hearing that Dansei was just as wary of them as I was good to hear. I finished in the bathroom, drying off and then grabbing a pair of perfectly fitting underwear from one of the drawers in the sink. That really never got old, I really wondered what kind of person this Bhan was, probably a comedian, but wasn't we all?

I walked out of the bathroom and saw that both girls were fast asleep in the bed already. Sandra was in the middle and had left room for me to squeeze in. I crawled into the bed after turning off the light and cuddled into Sandra's back. I closed my eyes and slowly let myself drift off.


There's a face, shaved hair, and an excited expression on his face. My brother, but, where are we?

"Did you fix it?"

"I think so," I said.

Did I fix what? That was Hyde? 


I woke up, I could still see his face, but what did I fix? Or did I fix it? That was a strange dream, and considering how I didn't have them, it must be important. Sandra stirred in front of me, and I kissed the back of her neck before getting out of bed. I needed to find answers, there was something important being hidden underneath all the layers of deception.

I grabbed my clothes and got dressed, thinking about what needed to be done. Find the pervert, and the last dungeons, then If each girl was in a tower I could get to the next one faster. There was still the matter of Irellia, the Unlife infecting her must be causing her to fight or it was her natural personality. Regardless, I couldn't leave that world unfinished, I started it and it would feel like I was failing the people that trusted me. 

One step at a time, Dave, you will get it. I just needed to keep telling myself that, there had to be a purpose in all this. Though, after that dream, I was feeling less sure about myself; what if I was the one that got us all locked in this game, and there wasn't actually a purpose? 

"Dave? Are you okay? You seem to have been quiet lately," Aquina said, taking my hand just as I heard the bathroom door close. "Is there something going on that you're not telling us?"

"I am just having trouble trying to understand the purpose of all of this. The games, us losing our memories, and MainFrame, I just don't get the connection. Other than Aegis and MainFrame trying to stop us and make our infinite lives hell, I just don't get why we are fighting in the first place. It's like being in a war that's pushed by invisible hands, we just fight because that's what we are supposed to do."

"Wow, you really have been thinking about this too much. Let's go get the other girls and we will go find this pervert, don't worry. From what I know, we still have a long way to go before we really need to know the answers. So, stressing about this now will get you nowhere."

She was right, there was more than enough to worry about in our daily lives without me adding more to the pile. Sandra came out of the bathroom with a yellow skirt and a white top, just putting her dirty blonde hair up in a bun. She looked great and her chest bulged out in just the right way, a very nice fit.

"Are two ready?" She asked after getting her hair tied up.

"Yes! Let's go get the girls, but first," I took off my shoe, a red sneaker, and shook out a pair of bananas and an orange. "I guess neither of you wanted this orange? No? I didn't think so."

The girls both smiled and grabbed the bananas and walked out of the room with me, also finishing the ENTIRE banana before we had left the room. Each of them tossed the spent casing in the trash on the way out, leaving me holding the door with my mouth open. Maybe I would need to save my deep introspection for the bathtubs and other alone time, not while in the company of such...hungry women. 

I checked my pocket and found the card before locking the door. They turned to see the other girls coming out of the room, Carly was doing a big yawn stretch with Kierra, and Latisha, while Grace was holding a paper coffee cup that was steaming, so I walked over to her. It turned out that there was an Earl Grey teabag from the tag hanging off the other side. Feeling a bit envious, I reached out to the side and grabbed a triple triple from nowhere in particular. 

"That looks a lot easier than waiting for the kettle to boil. How was your sleep? Did you get any last night?" Grace asked before taking a sip of her steaming tea. 

"I had a dream last night."

"Was I in it?" Grace asked with a smile.

"No, it was very short. I think I saw my brother, Hyde, and he asked me If I fixed it."


"I said I think so"

"Really? That doesn't sound good, but at the same time, this could be really good, maybe you are getting close to the answers."

"But what if I caused this all?"

"Then you need to fix it," Grace said with a smile.

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