Harem Reborn

Chapter 217: Boiling Blood

Chapter 217: Boiling Blood

"Where are we going?" Tenten asked after Grace had tossed me the key card, and I had closed the door.

"Well, you don't need to be in there while the girls are attacking Carly."

"Attacking? Are they going to hurt her like you were?" Tenten asked with a worried expression.

"Hurt her? No! Tenten, I wasn't hurting her!"

"Could have fooled me and anyone else that was close enough to hear!" 

"No, she was just really enjoying herself."

"Boy, I would hate to hear what she sounded like if someone did hurt her!"

"No one will ever make her make those sounds but me, don't worry!"

"That isn't very reassuring, but what are we going to do now?" Tenten asked.

"We are going to get food ready for the girls and I am going to run a bath"


That was a familiar voice that I did not like. My blood started to pump, I knew that voice, one game wasn't long enough to make me forget. I reached into the Armory, pulling out Rip, as I turned.

Kyrin was standing in the hall by the elevator, and the door was open. I didn't wait, I leveled the shotgun in a hip fire position and pulled the trigger and he dove in the elevator. The door closed before the shell went off, and I dropped the gun rushing forward, but the elevator had fallen with him in it.

I turned and equipped the Earth Armor along with my living shield and the new R-Type sword, which looked like a basic normal sword. 

"Dave?!" The girls called from the open door.

"Stay in that room, and don't come out, that's an order!"

"Dave, you can't order us to" Grace tried to say, but I cut her off.

"Kyrin is here, you will all stay together and safe, do you understand me? Tenten, stay with the girls and make sure that they listen. I will not lose another one of you."

With that, I turned and ran down the hall, to the very end of it, and then through the window. I burst into the air five stories above the ground and then plummeted. I turned to steel when I hit the ground, destroying the area, but I dashed after Kyrin, who was already running away. I grabbed the jet hammer out with my free hand and rocketed toward the fleeing coward.

"Quit running you piece of shit! We have a score to settle! MainFrame isn't here to protect you this time!"

Right before impact, Kyrin turned, pulling out a black sword to meet my downward stroke. Sparks flew up from the blades, but Kyrin was pushed back. I didn't hesitate, I was beyond mad, I slashed again, and again, augmenting my attack with earthen chain strikes. 

Kyrin was able to barely fend off my attacks, but he was holding his ground. This made me even madder, causing me to start to lose control of myself; I reach into Armory for something more. I grabbed for the most deadly item I could think of, the Longinus Spear. 

Kyrin tried to block my attack, but the whirling spear cut through his blade like it was paper, causing him to jump back in fear.

"You can't be serious? You're going to use that one me? Do you know what will happen to me?"

"You crossed the line when you killed Maxine, now you will pay. You're just another one of MainFrames Avatar offspring, and if I don't kill you now, you will just keep being a thorn in my side. No, I have had enough of MainFrames games!"

"Wait! Dave, don't use that!"

The sound of Grace's voice broke through my rage, making me hold back from ending Kyrin. My mind was still in kill first and ask questions later, but I held back. I kept the spear held to strike and my eyes on him, but I waited to see what Grace had to say.

"Don't use that weapon, there are only three other weapons like that in the game, and if you use it to kill him, he is dead. The spear will delete him completely from the game, you don't want to do that! He might have done some despicable things, but Maxine is still alive, we are still all here! Don't do something that can't be undone!"

Delete him? Part of me wondered if that was so bad? Still, Grace was right, what he did was horrible, but then what would I be? There was still so much about this game that I didn't understand; should I just get rid of him? If I don't, he will be back, but did he have a choice?

"What was your plan? In the hotel? Why were you there? Are you still working for Mainframe to cause me trouble?"

"I had just come from my room and I was waiting for the elevator. I had no plans to do anything to you, I didn't even know you were in the city. I have no directive from MainFrame now, I was to find you before and cause you trouble, but now the force that pushed me is gone and MainFrame is no longer in my head."

Could I trust his word? Should I? I went back to how easy it would be just to end it all, but Grace was right. 

"So what happens now, if I let you go? I don't like looking over my shoulder, and I don't like that I can't leave the girls alone without worrying. So, how do I know you will mind your own business?"

"You can kill me, just don't use that. Your right, I am to blame, but know that I didn't want to do those things, and I wanted to tell you about Irellia, but I couldn't. You don't have any reason to trust me, and if MainFrame comes back, I will be forced to cause you trouble again," Kyrin explained.

I let the spear go, all the fire had left me. I was ready to kill him without quarter not even two minutes ago, but now I wasn't sure. I did believe that MainFrame would make him do those things, but was it worth the risk? I could just kill him right now as he said, but I just didn't have the same kind of killing intent coursing through my veins, and this wasn't like with Greg, who wanted out of the game.

I turned around, taking my eyes off Kyrin for the first time that the girls had shown up. I looked at the group of them, and they all looked worried and scared, but that was because of me, not him. I had screamed at them to stay behind, and I had almost made a mistake that couldn't be undone. I was the real monster here.

"Go, and don't bother us, or I won't go easy on you. I don't want to end you, but what you and the others MainFrame has been forcing to bother me, and hurt my girls ends today. You now know that I can get rid of you, so remember that when Mainframe tries to force you again, fight it."

"I will try, but I will also remember this. You spared me when you had every reason not to; I will not forget this. I will fight the power, or I will die trying. I will become better, and next time we meet I hope it isn't quite as exciting."

With that, Kyrin turned and walked away, but I was still feeling on edge. I didn't want to turn back around again. I was scared to face the girls, I had turned into a monster, ready to kill another person without thought. This game made me forget that it really was all just a game, but after so many lifetimes, the lines of the game really were starting to blur harder and harder. 

I was starting to worry about myself; was I really so quick to kill? Or was this the way I was supposed to be? Maybe I really was meant to be groomed into a heartless killer to win this game, but I wasn't going to let that happen. I would push myself to be better than that.

"Dave? Are you okay?" Kierra asked, putting a hand on my shoulder as she walked up behind me.

"I think so, but I am"

"Don't, you don't need to be sorry," Aquina said, coming up on my other side with Sandra.

"We don't all know why you hate him so much, but we couldn't let you destroy him. You would have had to live with killing him. This game makes killing easy because we can always come back to the next game, but that weapon isn't meant to be used on Avatars. Even Grismald is gone forever now, he will never be revived in his game of the random world. We don't want you to have to live with something like that," Grace explained, coming to stand in front of me.

"Now, that we're done here, can we go get something to eat? Both our newest member and I are hungry, and from what I heard from her, she hasn't had a decent meal in quite a while, hehe," Latisha said from behind me, and I turned to look at Carly, who was tucked into Latisha's side where I cute pink dress with her hair pulled back into a bun.

"Yes, food, I will get to that. I think I need to go fix the hotel as well."

"Don't forget the road outside!" Kierra joked.

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