Harem Reborn

Chapter 198: Undead Gansta

Chapter 198: Undead Gansta

I caught up with Aquina, and she gave me a wan smile, before pointing up to a crevice up in the wall, ahead of us. I looked up to see a chocolate bar stuck up there, so I cracked my knuckle and grabbed the FN FAL out of the air as It appeared, and lined up the shot. Holding my breath and squeezing the trigger landed me the results I was looking for.

[NRG Drink Machine Coin Collector]

One more to go! I would have to pay attention in this next room, but at the same time, I had other things to do. Aquina is a big girl and she will find it, but I will keep my eyes open for it just in case she doesn't find it. I wasn't sure if it would still be around at the end of the round, but it was logical to think that it would be.


"Always," Aquina said with a smirk.

I leaned in to steal a kiss and was rewarded this time when she turned her head to meet mine. After that, we both cracked knuckles, and advanced with the plan of thinning the lesser zombies down before attempting to steal the booze. The plan was simple, but I have found that the more complicated a plan is, the more things that could go wrong.

We both stepped into the cave and the wall sealed behind us, as soon as we were completely through. Ahead were eight of the normal zombies all crowded around a taller but weird looking zombie. He was wearing shades, a straight billed ball cap, and a large gold chain.

What the hell was this? Thug zombie? Wait a minute...as I looked closer, I could finally see what was actually going on. The zombies were all getting...MY BOOZE!

"Wait, Dave!" 

Nope, that fucker was wasting my booze on those monsters! I wasn't all Rambo here, and I cracked my knuckle again to switch the new shotgun for the SMG. I sprayed bullets at the group even though it was out of range, but that only meant that my bullets would no longer be that accurate, but I didn't need accuracy right now.

Some of the hail of bullets found their mark and I cracked my knuckle to switch back, catching Rip, as I closed in. The dots didn't work as well against such large foes, but I just needed them to stay together when they broke away. Just as I thought, the thug zombie was backing off and the other eight were rushing me head-on. 

I stopped just before they were in range and planted my feet, bringing up the iron sights. The first shot hit the zombie on the left, the second from the end. I had the space of a breath to panic about it not working, but then the bullet lodged in the zombie's chest exploded. The zombies on either side were knocked from their feet, and the one on the right crashed into the other five zombies, completely stopping the group.

I watched Aquina run wide to circle around to the thug as I pumped the gun automatically, discharging a spent shell, then pushing up the next loaded one. I aimed directly into the five in a pile and unloaded another shot into them, pumped, then fired another shot into the one that had barreled into the other five. As the explosions went off, I cracked the only knuckle I hadn't touched yet, and the machete fell into my hand.

It was like waking up in the morning in summer and taking a step out into the cool and crisp morning, after a good night's sleep. I felt great! I dashed forward almost twice as fast as normal and rushed the three survivors from the pile-up. I could see the last zombie that was on the outside of the first shot slowly getting up, as I hacked the three mostly dead ones to bits.


The zombie rushed me, but I didn't wait. Cracking a knuckle produced Rip, but I still had to pump it as I ran at the thug zombie Aquina was harassing while going through the motions. Once a fresh shell was in the chamber, I whipped around and fired a slug into the last remaining zombie that was rushing me. I dropped the gun, letting it disappear, and then cracked a knuckle to get out the machete.

The thug zombie moved a bit faster, but its real skill seemed to be in the drunken way it was able to avoid most of Aquina's burst fire. I turned on the speed, which turned out to be a real thing because I started moving fast, but slowed down just before reaching the zombie as it was about to drink more of the vodka.

"Oh no, you don't!"

I leapt at the bottle and brought my weapon around to sever the hand at the wrist. The zombie howled out in pain and rage as I darted away. Aquina was now unloading clips on the zombie, and it wasn't able to dodge as well, now that it was distracted by me and the loss of a hand. That part was probably frustration since zombies should feel pain. 

Once I was far enough away, I set the one-meter tall bottle of vodka in the sand and switched to Rip, Pumping and unloading the last two shells into it as it rushed me. The thug was knocked off its feet, but not dead, and it was starting to get back up, but Aquina was on him. So, while she finished gangster zombie, I started to look around.

It didn't take me long to find the exit sign stuck to the wall, and I switched to my FN FAL. A quick shot and the sign exploded into a rainbow of multi-colored sparkling fragments. 

[NRG Drink Machine Sprocket]

I switched back to Rip and started to reload it while turning back to see how Aquina was doing, but the sounds of bullets firing had stopped. 

Aquina was bent on the pile of spoils left over, but then she stood up, holding a single, but massive western style pistol. It had a blue glow surrounding it, so it would be a good gun, and she deserved it. I jogged over to the piles where the zombies had died and picked up the ammo and three more grenades.

"You didn't die! Again! You are on a roll, Mr. Dave!" Tenten cheered.

After I turned back and jogged up to Aquina as she finished picking up the rest of the items. As I did, the points screen popped up and then I could see the Green outline of the machine through the wall appear. I must be around the corner of the next room of the cave, and I could see the entrance for it on the other side of Aquina.

I made a quick trip over to the bottle of booze and waved to Aquina as I sprinted back to the drop pod tube. Once it got there I slammed the bottle into the area that held the shotgun, Rip before. The door closed and it shot back into the air, and I waited patiently with Tenten who had followed me.

Soon, Tenten's digital face changed and I was greeted by a smiling Ivan. He was already holding the massive bottle, and he took a deep drink out of it with two hands. After he was done, he slammed the vodka down and let out a whoop.

"So, shit stain, you aren't that half bad. A deal is a deal, you get your extra time with your lady, but don't think we are all buddy-buddy with the discounts!" 

Then Tenten's digital face was back like he had eaten a lemon.

"Oh boy! I don't like that grease ball in my head!" Tenten said with excitement.

Poor guy, he didn't have any other tones but excited, maybe I would be able to fix that in the future if I could get him out of this game. I wonder if that was even possible? I pondered the question as I jogged back to Aquina, smiling and waving once I got close enough. 

"So, how did you do? I saw you pick up that big honking pistol!"

"Oh? This little thing?" Aquina asked as she held her arm out to the side, and cracked a knuckle, letting the pistol fall into her hand.

Unfortunately, it didn't have the desired effect, and I had to rush forward to catch her as she was pulled over sideways. I guess only just getting the gun, Aquina had forgotten about the weight and wanted to show off her new toy. The gun was nice, but since the Harem System gave her a body boost, I had been dying to try out her!

Aquina let go of the pistol, causing it to disappear, and I cradled her into my arms. I used my free hand to push blue hair out of her face, and then kissed her forehead, helping her up. Once we both stood up, I grabbed her hand and started walking into the next room of the cave.

This cave was much like the last one, only a smaller version of it. At the end of it was another tunnel, but as I looked closer, I could see that there was a door at the end of it that was off. As we walked closer to the glowing green NRG drink machine, I was able to see that it was some type of barn door made from brown pressure treated wood, like my parent's deck.

"So are you excited to fix the machine?" Tenten asked excitedly.

Oh, I was excited, but not about fixing this damn machine!

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