Harem Reborn

Chapter 197: Brushka

Chapter 197: Brushka


"Yeah, I hear it, but let's go grab the stuff those skeletons dropped first, I don't think the tiger can come this far. The zombies seem fine to wait, so maybe the tiger will be the same. I only hear it and I can't see it yet, so hopefully, that means it will be in the"

But that was when I saw the shimmer in the air and tried to roll out of the way, but these avatars don't roll! I ran sideways but was clipped by a paw, as the barely visible clear tiger sailed past me. I was hit by the same sting as before, like when the skeleton grabbed me, so I was about to keep my focus.

At least the pain was all the same, and now with the Hammer Sandwich in me, I could take more hits like that. I yell for Aquina to watch out, but she was already raising her gun and shooting before I finished speaking, good girl! I raised my guy and started to run at the Tiger that was now visible because of the bullets hitting it.

The thing wasn't terribly different from the form Kyrina first had when I found her on that mining asteroid. The difference was that this one was trying to kill me and not the snu snu to death kind of kill! 

"Aim for its head!" Aquina shouted as I came in range.

I released a spray of bullets, dumping an entire clip into the tiger's face as it leapt at me, then turned once the tiger was in the air. I dodge the mecha-kitty and grabbed some of the ammo on the ground, reloading a new clip. This gun was good, but it used a lot of bullets and didn't do that much damage, the Russian and I would be having words.

Aquina was now the target, but she was moving in erratic patterns and looping back to me, the cavernous valley run left more than enough room to maneuver. I ran to the side and sprayed the cat, making it change focus once again, but it was too late for it. Aquina had turned and emptied both guns into the Mechanized Tiger, causing it to explode into black fragments.

"Woah! Look at you guys go! Dave! I thought you were going to be a chew toy!" Tenten said with excitement.

"He almost would have," Aquina said as she walked over the pile of stuff the tiger had left behind.

"Sorry, I was dealing with the twenty-odd skeletons behind us, remember? What were you doing? You called my name twice instead of telling me a tiger was coming for me?!"

"Everyone makes mistakes! But look at...you should throw that thing away!"

I walked over to see what the arrow on Tenten's screen was pointing at, and it was a handheld radio of some sort. There were two more grenades with the label and a very big knife, which I took and then reached for the radio.

"Weren't you listening to me! Don't touch it! OR!"

Too late, I touched it and the item disappeared. I looked back up at Tenten, who had flown very close to my face. I was surprised to find that it wasn't Tenten's digital cheerful face staring back at me.

"Hehehe, What do you think of my aim, Shit Brick?"

The drunken cosmonaut Ivan stared back at me, or at least I assumed there weren't any other Russian that would be calling me to ask if he had killed me or not. 

"Twat, what do you want?"

"Do you talk to your mother with that mother, Brushka? I will make you a deal, tit for tat, ah? You like?"

"You still haven't said anything yet. Cough up the details, Ivona!"

"I will hit you next time! Listen, you little shit stain, There is a monster up ahead, a drunken fucking zombie; he has a bottle of vodka in his hand. I want you to get that bottle from him before he dies."

"Not that that doesn't sound impossible, but what do I get if I get that bottle from the zombie?"

"Twenty extra minutes."


"Wow, that was easy! You're like my last girlfriend!"

"But, I need a new weapon, this one was shit! It's an uncommon weapon!"

"How you get an uncommon gun? What did it send you? I told it to send an eclectic nail gun!" 

"An SMG called the Ripperess, and what do you mean you told it to send an electric nail gun?!"

"IT SENT WHAT? Wait a minute!"

Ivan had yelled at me through Tenten, and I heard Aquina laugh behind me as Ivan stormed off-screen to yell at a computer in the background. I turned to find Aquina directly behind me, what is with everyone, and standing right behind me? I ended up moving into a kiss with her; I held it and then let her go, thinking about the extra time I was going to get with her.

"What are you smiling about?" Aquina asked.

"He is thinking about the extra time he is going to be spending on your ass!" Ivan chimed in from behind. 

I had to restrain myself from turning around and shooting Tenten. 

"Give me a new gun and take all my points, but if you want that goddamn bottle, you had better send something better than an elastic band shooter!"

"Fine, but if that bottle doesn't make it back to this pod I'm sending, then no sexy time for you, okay shit stain?"

"Try not to hit me this time. I can't bring the bottle to you if I am dead, and I don't think she will have my motivations."

Tenten's screen became his digital face again, but he spun in circles for a bit, until finally stopping.

"I hate when he does that!"

"What deal did you make with him, Dave?" Aquina asked with a suspicious tone.

"Just for more time at the end of the round."

"Why would...oh!"

"Oh yeah!"

"And what do you have to do to get this time?" Aquina asked with even more suspicion.

"Not a lot, just get a bottle of vodka from a zombie before killing it."

"That's it, just steal booze from a monster while you have no dodging abilities?" Aquina asked in exasperation now.

"Yes! But I got this Machete, so we will see."

"If you die trying to get more time to"

"Aquina, I would risk my life every time you!" And that soaking wet pussy!

"You better not die, or I'll kill you next round!"

I smiled and turned to look at the two massive zombies, but they were gone. Oh, great don't tell me they are invisible to now! Aquina must have seen the distressed look on my face and patted my arm.

"They went into the cave at the end of the canyon, don't worry. They didn't turn invisible or anything like that." Aquina reassured me.




The pod broke the atmosphere and came crashing down up ahead of us. I looked at Aquina with a smile and leaned in to give her a kiss, but she sidestepped me, causing me to almost trip. 


"You will have lots of time after, right? So there is no point in rushing right? Let's go see what your new friend sent you since you two are becoming such buddy buddies!"

"I did it for you!" And that ass!

"Ha Ha, I bet it was just to hold my hand and whisper sweet nothings into my ear the entire time? Or maybe you want to hold each other for the entire time? I kind of like the sound of that, so maybe that's what we will do!" 

"Well, I mean we can if you want, but you know"

"Oh I know, Brushka!"

Ooo, damn, well, nothing left but to be a rockstar and push on! I was going to have her over my knee the second that bottle of vodka was in orbit! I jogged past her and grabbed her ass as I passed, dodging a swing at me, not all the violence was created by their Dere stat then!

I reached the silver tube with the glowing blue lines and the door opened. I reached inside and found a large gun inside with a pump slide attached under to a thick tube. I let it go to my inventory and then open that up to take a look at the stats. I also set it and the knife into my middle and ring finger on my right hand, before I opened it up.

Type: Shotgun

Rarity: Rare

Name: Rip

Clip size:6

Reload Speed:5.5s

Enhancements: Explody Slug Shot

Explody Slug Shot? I hoped that was what I thought it was, but I wasn't able to put a stock on it until I saw the gun in action. Oof! I received a kick in the behind, as Aquina walked up behind me. I turned with a scowl while rubbing my ass cheeks, and Aquina just shrugged her shoulders with an innocent look on her face.

"You touch mine, so I touched your back!"

"You know, when I get that bottle of vodka for that stupid cosmonaut, I will be doing a lot more than just touching!"

"That's only if I let you!" Aquina joked as she continued to walk towards the cave.

Yup, that settles it. This woman is going to bed a soaking mess with a red ass when I am done with her! I left the pod with a smile and chased to catch up with my little squirt.

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