Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 133: death prayer

  Chapter 133 Death Prayer

   "Lord Caesar, it's an honor to meet you. I am the illegitimate daughter of Prison Gate Castle, Ellaria Sand."

  The woman greeted Samwell while wearing her clothes as if no one else was there.

   "Hello, Mrs. Ellaria." Samwell turned sideways, avoided looking, and responded politely.

  He knew that this woman was the most favored among Prince Oberyn's many lovers, and she also bore her four illegitimate daughters.

  Under the circumstances that Prince Oberyn has never married, Ellaria is basically equivalent to the prince's wife.

"You are more shy than I imagined." Ellaria put on her clothes, walked slowly to Samwell, and said with a smile, "You dare to charge the Dorne army with tens of thousands of people, why not?" Dare to face a woman's naked body?"

   Are these two the same thing?

  Samwell curled his lips quietly, really speechless to these bohemian Dornish women.

   "Well, it seems that Lord Caesar doesn't want to waste his words with my illegitimate daughter. In that case, let's talk." After speaking, Ellaria walked out.

   Until the woman disappeared outside the door, Samwell was still a little embarrassed.

   And the strange smell in the room made him very uncomfortable.

   "Come in and sit down." Prince Oberyn was not embarrassed at all.

  Thinking of his purpose, Samwell walked in and closed the door behind him.

   "His Royal Highness, I heard that you have been praying devoutly in the Baylor Cathedral these days. I didn't expect it to be so devout."

   "Otherwise?" Prince Oberyn smiled frivolously, "Do you still expect me to kneel before the altar of the Seven Gods and weep bitterly?"

That's true.

   How could "Red Viper" repent.

   What's more, he is really innocent in this matter.

   "I thought you would at least put on a little appearance, so that Your Majesty and the nobles of King's Landing can see your piety." Samwell looked around the room and found seven oil paintings hanging on the wall, each depicting the images of the Seven Gods.

  Prince Oberyn happened to be standing under the portrait of the Father.

  The bearded, holding a scale, a symbol of the **** of justice, seems to be looking at the man in front of him with scrutiny.

"I'm already doing my best." Prince Oberyn spread his hands, "you know, I didn't poison Jon Arryn at all, the old duke knew this and admitted it himself. To be honest, if it wasn't for I promised him peace, and I will ignore this so-called **** trial.

  If Robert Baratheon wants to attack Dorne, come here. Back then Aegon Targaryen the Conqueror paid the price of tens of thousands of soldiers and a giant dragon. I want to see how many men the stag is going to die this time. "

   "I can feel your sincerity for peace." Samwell walked to the second oil painting and looked at the Madonna on the painting. His smile was full of compassion and love, which made people feel endless warmth and kindness.

   "I also understand the sacrifice you made for this." Samwell said sincerely.

   Unfortunately, Prince Oberyn didn't appreciate it: "Okay, Sam, don't pretend to be with me. You are not a friend of the Martell family. Tell me, what can you do with me?"

  I'm here to remind you of the rumors about Petyr Baelish "Littlefinger" and Lady Lysa.

  Of course, Samwell can't say that directly.

  He knew that for safety, it was better to hide in the shadows, so that no one could easily discover his existence.

   Otherwise, if he didn't kill Littlefinger this time, wouldn't he have to meet the other party's crazy revenge.

  When spreading rumors in King's Landing before, he was extremely cautious and restrained, only choosing to expose the ambiguous relationship between Littlefinger and Lady Lysa, not daring to reveal too much.

   In fact, there is no way to disclose more. If it is directly said that Jon Arryn was poisoned by Littlefinger and his wife, not many people will believe it, and the rumors will not spread.

   But caution and restraint also brought about a problem—

  This rumor is not "popular" enough, so it is still spreading in a small area and has not attracted much attention.

  Samwell worried that the rumor would disappear before anyone noticed.

   Or wait until someone finally notices Littlefinger, only to find out that Prince Oberyn's trial is over and that Duke Jon's death is sealed.

   Then his efforts were wasted.

  That's why he wanted to directly disclose this rumor to Prince Oberyn.

  But definitely can’t say it directly, but reveal it in a natural and casual way, so as to hide your true purpose…

"Your Highness, I came this time to tell you. Don't continue the idea of ​​Starfall City!" Samwell walked to the third oil painting at this time. The warrior in the painting was holding a sharp long sword, just like him. The sonorous and cold words at this moment.

"Heh!" Prince Oberyn smiled contemptuously, "Starfall City is originally Dorne's territory, you, a man from the Reach, have no right to dictate. But don't worry, since I promised Jon Arryn, I will not You will use force to take it by force. Instead of warning me, you should go back and take good care of that little girl. Don't act recklessly and provoke the resistance of the vassals of the Dane family. Otherwise, we may have to clean her up when the time comes. Mess."

  Prince Oberyn saw Samwell walking to the fourth oil painting at this time, which was the image of a young girl. He was a symbol of purity, beauty, and innocence, and was also the patron saint of all noble ladies.

"Of course I will protect Miss Natalie." Samwell said with strong confidence, "I will never let any troubles arise in Starfall City. I am here to remind you this time, in fact, with peace and sincerity , I don’t want to see the conflict between Reach Bend and Dorne break out again because of this. Things like Ser Gerold Dayne, it’s best not to happen again.”

  Prince Oberyn curled his lips in disdain, but thought of his brother's plan, but did not refute:

"Peace is our common pursuit. To be honest, I really don't know about Geraldine, and I don't even know about his mess with the kid from the Redwing family. .If I knew this guy was so impulsive and stupid, I would never have brought him to King's Landing."

   "With your promise, I feel relieved." Samwell said with a smile, as if the purpose of this trip had finally been achieved.

  He continued to turn around the room, just in front of the fifth oil painting.

  The blacksmith in the painting is wielding a sledgehammer, concentrating on forging his weapon.

   And Samwell is also carefully crafting his weapon—a poisonous halberd.

   "By the way, Your Royal Highness. Is the trial time for Duke Jon's death set?"

"Not yet." Prince Oberyn yelled a little irritably, "Lysa Tully is still hiding in the Eyrie, and I heard that Renly Baratheon refused to come to King's Landing even if he personally invited her. Heh! This woman is really cowardly, is she still afraid that I will kill her in full view?"

   "You didn't kill her husband in full view."

   "I didn't kill Jon Arryn!" Prince Oberyn paused, obviously suppressing his anger.

   "Okay, okay, okay." Samwell spread his hands, and then seemed to suggest casually, "Actually, I think Lord Petyr should invite Lady Lysa to King's Landing."

   "Petyr Baelish?"

   "Yes. I heard he has a good relationship with Lady Lysa."

   "Really?" Prince Oberyn frowned, as if he didn't agree with Samwell's point of view.

"That's right. Isn't Lord Petyr the adopted son of Duke Tully? He and Lady Lysa grew up together, and I heard that they were childhood sweethearts. Lord Tyr is still angrily going to duel with her fiancé."

"You remember wrong, boy." Prince Oberyn sneered, "That's Lysa's sister Catelyn, the wife of the wolf king in Winterfell, Petyr Baelish liked her, and she was with her at the beginning. Human duels are also for her."

   "Really?" Samwell revealed lack of confidence and doubts in his tone, "Then how did I hear that after the death of Duke Jon, Lord Petyr is planning to marry Lady Lysa?"

   "Who did you listen to?"

   "Oh, it's at the market in Flea Nest. Of course, it could be those sparrows talking nonsense."

  At this time, Samwell came to the sixth oil painting. The old woman in the painting was holding a lantern, and her eyes revealed the wisdom of all the vicissitudes of life.

  Although Samwell didn't believe in gods in his heart, he couldn't help praying devoutly to the old woman at this moment, hoping that she would give Prince Oberyn wisdom so that he could discover the strangeness in his own words.

   "It is estimated that the untouchables are talking nonsense..." Prince Oberyn stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking.

  A thought suddenly appeared in his mind, almost making him unable to breathe.

   Petyr Baelish... Lysa Tully...

   Petyr Baelish! Lysa Tully!

   Yes, yes!

  Petyr likes her sister, why can't she empathize with her sister who looks similar?

  If Petyr has always maintained a secret lover relationship with Lysa, could it be that these two guys teamed up to murder Jon Arryn?

  Before going to Dorne, Lysa Tully was by Jon Arryn's side, and there were plenty of opportunities to strike!

  Prince Oberyn's eyes lit up with a raging fire.

  Samwell, who turned his back to the prince, couldn't see the situation, but he had already obtained the desired result from the prince's reaction.

  He continued to turn his back on Prince Oberyn, preventing him from seeing the strange expression on his face.

   "I suddenly remembered something, so I'm leaving first." Prince Oberyn hurriedly said, and then ran out without waiting for Samwell's response.


  If it weren't for the fear of Prince Oberyn's sudden return, Samwell would almost jump up and cheer.

  Holding the joy in his heart, he walked to the last oil painting.

In the painting is the image of a **** riding a pale mare, neither male nor female, neither human nor human, unknown and unknowable, with an oval black face, only a pair of star-like eyes, but always hidden behind the hood Down.

  He is the Stranger, the symbol of death and destruction.

  No one in Westeros sings praises to the Stranger, but at this time Samwell prayed devoutly to his portrait—

  Dear God of Death, please bring my gift to Petyr Baelish.

  I believe he will like it.

  (end of this chapter)

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