Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 132: panic

  Chapter 132 Panic

  The rain has stopped.

  But the sky is even more gloomy, and the thick dark clouds are like a huge curtain, as if they will fall down at any time and cover the entire King's Landing.

   Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish stepped out of the bronze gates of the Red Keep, filled with rage and panic.

who is it? !

  Who is spreading rumors about him and Lady Lysa? !

  Petyr knew that he had become someone's prey.

   What he did to Jon Arryn was actually spotted by someone!

How can this be!

  Petyr couldn't figure it out, he had already hidden so well, why would anyone still focus on him?

   Shouldn't you all be trying Oberyn Martell!

  Petyr searched for names in his mind, looked at faces, and wanted to know who would be spreading the rumors.

  Varys told him that the rumor had begun to circulate in the city in the last two weeks.

  This allowed Petyr to first rule out Ed Stark, the Hand of the King who had just arrived, and turn his suspicious eyes to the group of Riverbend and Dorne nobles who arrived in King's Landing recently.

   Yes, it must be one of them!

  Jon Arryn died, they were all there, maybe they saw something.

   But Petyr couldn't continue to narrow down the target. The opponent was very cautious and left no traces. Even Varys' little birds couldn't find the source of the rumors.

   This is also because King's Landing is too big and the population is too large. Even if the "octospider" has thousands of claws, it is impossible to weave a web to monitor everyone, especially in the slums where dragons and snakes are mixed.

   And spreading ambiguous rumors about a noble lord and his wife is so simple.

Most people may think that this rumor is not a big deal. Almost every master has similar lace rumors, and some are even worse. But to Petyr, this seemingly harmless rumor is extremely deadly. .

  Because this rumor connected him with Lady Lysa!

   And also vaguely pointed out a heart-wrenching fact—

  He will benefit from the death of Lord Jon Arryn!

  After all, if the duke's widow marries him as the rumors say, then he and Lady Lysa will jointly rule the Eagle's Nest City.

   With such a huge benefit, then he has the motive to kill!

   For a long time, the reason why Petyr was able to hide behind the scenes and complete one conspiracy after another without being discovered was because he hid his purpose well.

   Sometimes, he will deliberately do things that are not directly beneficial to him, just to prevent being discovered.

   But now, Petyr only felt as if he had been stripped naked and exposed to the sun.

   This feeling made him extremely panicked and terrified.

no! The spread of this rumor must be stopped!

   Petyr thought.

   But soon, he realized his stupidity.

   Rumors, the harder you try to ban them, the faster they will spread, and the more people will believe their truth—

  It’s not true, why are you so eager to deny it?

  Petyr took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

  He knows that there is no way to stop the spread of rumors now.

   To get rid of the suspicion, the best way is to convict Prince Oberyn!

   This poisonous snake of Dorn was originally a scapegoat he had prepared for himself, but if he wanted to be convicted, a trial must be held as soon as possible.

   And the king has been reluctant to hold a trial for a long time, insisting on waiting for Lady Lysa to come to King's Landing.

   And Lady Lysa...that stupid and weak woman dared not come.

  She was afraid.

  Petyr cursed secretly, but had to admit, if this woman wasn't stupid and weak, how could she be controlled by him.

   This becomes a deadlock.

   Lady Lysa dared not come to King's Landing, so she would not be able to convict Prince Oberyn. The longer the delay, the wider the spread of the rumors, and the easier it would be for interested people to notice.

  Petyr thought for a long time, and finally thought of another method, which is also the method he is best at—

Create confusion!

  As long as there is more chaos in King's Landing, no one will pay attention to this little rumor.

  Petyr's gray-green eyes flickered with madness, and a mocking smile climbed up the corner of his mouth again.


  In the twilight of the morning light, Samwell slowly climbed up the hills of Visennia.

   "Sam, is the Great Sept of Baylor in front?" Natalie held the baron's left hand and looked at the magnificent building at the top of the hill.

   "Yes." Samwell lowered his voice slightly, "You will also come to worship the Seven Gods regularly in the future, otherwise your subjects will have doubts about you."

   "But I serve the old gods..." Natalie felt aggrieved.

"Who made your people all believers of the Seven Gods?" Samwell persuaded patiently, "Especially now that your prestige is not enough, you have to use this method to win people's hearts. It's actually a show. This kind of performance, even if you still worship the old gods in private, but in public, you have to bow to the seven gods."

   "But like this... Will the old gods blame me..."

   "No." Samwell began to flicker, "The gods are benevolent, they can understand your difficulties, and they will only pay attention to the true belief in your heart."

   "I will always serve the old gods in my heart!" Natalie quickly vowed.

   "The old gods will definitely see your piety." Samwell seemed to be declaring on behalf of the gods.

   "Hmm!" After the psychological barrier was lifted, a smile appeared on Natalie's face again, "Sam, does the head bishop of the Church of the Seven Gods live in this church?"


   "I heard people say that the archbishop has no name. Is this true?"

   "They used to exist, but after becoming the archbishop and wearing the crystal crown, they had to give up their names. From then on, they are the spokespersons of the Seven Gods, and they can no longer use the names of mortals."

   "Then how to distinguish the various archbishops?"

   "This... is indeed a bit difficult. Fortunately, there will not be two archbishops at the same time."

  Samwell casually answered all kinds of strange questions from the girl, and saw the white marble dome of the sanctuary and the seven towering crystal towers.

   "Look, there are a lot of people over there!" Natalie suddenly pointed at the square in front of the church and shouted.

   Indeed a lot of people.

   But they all look like homeless people, they are dressed in brown coarse clothes, and they are very dirty. It seems that they should come to receive the church's alms.

  These vagrants crowded the square in front of the Baylor Cathedral, and Samwell was going to take Natalie around the back door of the church.

   But within a few steps, he found a guard with a golden rose on his chest—how could the Tyrell family be here?

  Samwell stepped forward to inquire, only to learn that it was not the church that was organizing the charity, but the eldest lady of the Tyrell family.

   "Miss Margery is so kind!" Natalie said with emotion, "I also want to give alms to the poor, so that I can be worthy of the name of 'generous' Natalie."

  Your title really doesn’t mean that…

  Samwell secretly laughed, but did not tell the little girl the truth:

   "Then you go to Miss Margaery, I will enter the church."

   "Huh? Then I'll go with you." Natalie hesitated for a while, but decided to follow Samwell.

   "No, you can go to Miss Margaret, I need a little longer to pray to the Seven Gods, you can come to me later."

   "Oh, well. So you are so religious, Sam."

   "Yes." Samwell nodded with a smile, "I can't finish talking every time I see the Seven Gods."

  After the two separated, Samwell walked into the Hall of Lights alone. There were countless colorful glass **** hanging on this long corridor, and several monks were scrubbing the marble floor along the way.

   At the end of the hall of lights is a double door, through the door, is the prayer hall.

  Colorful rainbow light slanted in through the glazed windows on the dome, countless dusts were flying in the light beams, and the air was filled with the smell of incense. Right in front of the main hall were seven altars dedicated to the seven gods—

  Father, Mother, Warrior, Blacksmith, Maiden, Crone, Stranger.

A dozen rude mercenaries kneel in front of the altar of the warriors, imploring the gods to bless the long swords at their feet; in front of the altar of the Virgin, a monk leads hundreds of children to chant hymns; in front of the altar of the maiden , naturally many young ladies gathered, and one of them came up to meet Samwell after seeing him.

   This is a sweet-looking Dornish girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a pure white silk dress, and the coat of arms of the Fiery Sun's Halberd is embroidered on her chest.

  Looks like the person I'm looking for.

  Samwell thought to himself, but he was a little puzzled that the other party seemed to be looking for him too.

   "Excuse me, is this the Baron of Yingzuiyu, Lord Caesar?"

   "Yes, you are?"

   "My name is Tyene Sand, and Prince Oberyn is my father."

  It turned out to be a "Sand Snake", Samwell knew it in his heart: "Miss Terene, do you know me?"

   "Of course." Tyene showed a sweet smile, "Master Caesar, your current name has been spread throughout Dorne. Of course I know you."

   Probably not a good reputation.

   "I didn't expect that I would have such an honor." Samwell smiled slightly, and then asked, "Is Prince Oberyn there?"

   "Father is praying in the small hall at the other end of the corridor. I'll take you there."

   "Then I will trouble you, Miss Terene."

  Following Tyene, Samwell left from the side door of the prayer hall, walked through a long corridor, and finally stopped in front of a small door.

   "Lord Caesar, father is inside, please."

  Samwell thanked again, then opened the door and entered.

   Then he froze.

  Because, Prince Oberyn is not alone.

  He was riding another man.

   a woman,

  A naked woman...

   This **** is praying?

  Samwell turned his head and found that the girl who led the way just now had disappeared.

  He immediately realized that he had been tricked by that sweet-looking girl just now.

  Prince Oberyn also saw Samwell at the door, he was not angry, and said in a flat tone:

   "Samwell Caesar, are you looking for me?"

   "Uh...sorry, I'll come back later..."

   "It's okay." Prince Oberyn patted the woman's buttocks, motioning for her to stand up, "Come in, we're done too."

  (end of this chapter)

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