Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 226: Escape!

Chapter 226: Escape!

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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[Adam C. POV.]

[The Muken.]

Trapped, and without an escape.

It's funny how the mind wanders in the darkest of times. Locked away in the Muken, chained and powerless, I had plenty of time to reflect on past choices, on potential outcomes that could have been different.

I was going to die.

I had let others use me.

And for what?

Aizen was right, Urahara would never return me home, not until I did what he needed me to do. And, in a way, that was okay, it made things easier, because it meant he wans't my friend.

That being said, this didn't mean Aizen was to be trusted. But I was tired of dancing to someone else's tune. I am Adam of Fairy Tail, and I do whatever the fuck I want!

I sighed, the weight of the chains a constant reminder of my mistakes.

At least, that's what it felt like at first. But as the hours and days wore on, something shifted. I started to become acutely aware of my surroundings, every little sound echoing in the oppressive silence.

The Muken was designed to break spirits, to keep its prisoners in a constant state of despair and isolation. But in that desolation, something stirred.

It began as a distant whisper, barely perceptible, like a gentle wind rustling the leaves. I recognized the sensation, something I hadn't felt since my last time in Fiore, long before I became immersed in the complexities of Soul Society.

My magic.

Through this feeling, the memories flooded back, I remembered the first time I stumbled upon my magical abilities, how they felt so natural, so intuitive, as though they were an extension of my very being. And now, in the deepest recesses of the Muken, when my reiatsu was suppressed, my magic began to reawaken deep within the core of my soul.

Using spiritual power in the Muken was impossible, every attempt I made resulted in nothing, as if my very essence was being strangled. But magic was different. It came from a different place, a source untapped and unchained.

Meaning, it wasn't bound by the same rules as reiatsu.

With a newfound hope, I concentrated, reaching into the depths of my being, pulling on that familiar magical energy. I envisioned the chains shattering, freeing me from their grip, their sealing spell breaking.

"Dispel," I whispered.

For a split second, nothing happened. But then, with a sound like the crack of a whip, the chains around me shattered, pieces flying in all directions.

My heart raced.

"You gotta be fucking me, that worked?" I laughed incredulously.

Now, I just had to escape this hellhole, heavily injured, missing an arm, and with most of my body with fourth degree burns.

Based on what I knew about this place, The Muken was a maze, a vast underground prison designed to trap the most dangerous of souls. Meaning they had contigencies for these kinds of situations.

Taking a deep breath, I started to formulate a plan. After all, I'd been in tight spots before. How much different could this be from, say, dodging an angry Exceed who'd caught you eating their fish?

As I began to slowly feel my way around the dark labyrinth, my fingers brushed against a wall. It was cold, damp, and...sticky?

I recoiled. "Ew! What in the seven hells is this?!" I whispered loudly. Taking a closer look, I realized I'd touched a strange, gooey substance that was clinging to the walls. With a grimace, I wiped my hands on my already ragged clothes, promising myself a long hot shower as soon as I got out.

Well, after I recovered the pieces of my body that were missing. Like my arm, and part of my…. Feet? I can't really see how much I'm missing, they just hurt.

I shook my head. I had to get my head back in the game, I would count my piggies later. As much as daydreaming helped the overall pain I felt, every second counted if I was going to get out of here.

So, without wasting any more time, I pushed forward.

Though the path was convoluted, my magic seemed to intuitively know which way to go. As I walked, it felt like an invisible force was gently nudging me in the right direction, guiding me through the maze. Occasionally, I'd hit a dead end, but I'd just blow up the wall with a burst of magic and keep going.

"Subtlety is overrated anyway!" I exclaimed as rubble flew everywhere from another exploded barrier.


[Three minutes later.]

Dispel was proving to be quite the useful tool, I was literally speedrunning my way out of the muken with it. To think I never really used it in combat before. I guess it had to do with the fact no one really forced me to be creative.

"I feel like I'm getting closer to the exit," I muttered, when suddenly, a giant boulder started rolling down the corridor towards me, reminiscent of those old adventure movies.

Really? The ol' Indiana Jones tactic?

Wait, that's not a rock. It just looks like a rock, it's a trap packed to the brim with Kidos!

Taking a deep breath, I flexed my fingers, the magical energy pulsating at the ready. With a cheeky burnt grin, I moved my hand forward using some minor telekinesis, to propel the boulder upwards, crashing it into the ceiling.

If I had been hit by that, I would've been done for.

Shaking my head, I continued navigating the maze. Until, unexpectedly, I felt a cold breeze and saw a faint light up ahead.

Hope surged through me. Could that be the exit?

As I neared the light, it became clear that it was, in fact, the entrance of the Muken, guarded by two menacing-looking figures.

One of the guards squinted, trying to recognize the approaching figure. "Isn't that...the prisoner?"

The other one slapped his companion's helmet, "Of course it's him, genius! Sound the alarm!"

Before they could react, I used shunpo, moving behind them, knocking them out. Now, I just had to escape the Gotei 13, heavily injured.

I chuckled.

Piece of cake.

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