Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 225: The Muken Part 2.

Chapter 225: The Muken Part 2.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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[Third Person. POV.]

[The Muken.]

The silence of the Muken was overwhelming, in every meaning of the word, a prison of darkness, and nothingness designed to keep monsters away forever. But that silence was suddenly disrupted by a soft, yet eerie hum of reiatsu, a power signature Adam had yet to meet.

As this reiatsu approached, the darkness receded, revealing a figure draped in a white haori. Sosuke Aizen. His brown hair perfectly combed, his glasses perched in their usual spot, but his eyes... they held a gleam of something unique, a glint of a dangerous intelligence. He stood just out of Adam's reach, observing the chained, broken form before him.

"We finally meet," Aizen began, his voice dripping with faux sympathy, "Such a promising soul, reduced to this pitiable state. The Muken is no place for someone of your...talents."

Adam glared at the man, refusing to let him see his pain or vulnerability. "What do you want?"

Aizen chuckled, "Quite direct, aren't you? Very well. I've come to chat, to offer my condolences for your... misfortunes."

Despite his situation, Adam snorted. "Condolences? From you? I know enough about you to know that's bullshit, heck, I'd sooner expect a hug from Kenpachi."

Aizen tilted his head, amusement playing on his features. "Honesty… huh, who would've thought, it's refreshing." He began to pace slowly, his every movement calculated. "Tell me, Adam, how does it feel to be cast into the abyss for having the audacity to think for yourself?"

Adam's eyes bore into Aizen's. "Why are you really here?"

Aizen paused, regarding him carefully. "You have something I want. In exchange, I offer you something that Kisuke Urahara will never truly deliver, a way back home."

The chained man laughed, a humorless sound echoing in the vast emptiness. "You think I'd ever trust you? I'd rather die in this pit."

Aizen's gaze hardened slightly. "Is that so? Think about it. What has loyalty to them given you? You are broken, bound, missing an arm, and waiting for the executioner's blade. Meanwhile, Urahara hides in the World of the Living, sending others to do his bidding."

Adam's voice grew cold. "I'll admit I don't like the guy, but you're wasting your time. You can offer me the world, Aizen, but I'll never align with you."

Aizen stopped pacing and leaned in, his face mere inches from Adam's. "You mistake my offer for mere alliance. I don't seek a partner. I seek a tool. If you won't join willingly, there are...other ways."

Adam spat in Aizen's face, his defiance clear. "Do what you want. You won't break me."

For a moment, a flash of genuine surprise crossed Aizen's face before being replaced by that infuriatingly calm demeanor he was known for. He wiped away the spit, his expression unreadable. "Very well. Remember this moment, Adam. Remember the choice you made. When the time comes, don't blame me for the consequences."

Adam struggled against his chains, the suppressed reiatsu making him weaker than he'd like to admit. "Fuck off."

Aizen straightened up, his gaze lingering on Adam a moment longer. "I will leave you to your thoughts. But remember, every moment you spend here, every drop of blood you lose, is a reminder of the choices you made." And with that, he vanished, leaving Adam alone once more.


[Third Person. POV.]

[Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto.]

The old shinigami sat in his dimly lit chamber, alone, his stern face shadowed by the flickering flames that danced in the hearth before him. The room was otherwise quiet, save for the sound of a brush stroking parchment as he reviewed official reports, but his thoughts were elsewhere. They were occupied by the recent events, the altercation that had shaken the very foundations of the Gotei 13, his fight with Adam.

His grip tightened involuntarily on the brush, ink splattering across the paper like droplets of rain. He felt a knot of discomfort, of disquiet, that he hadn't felt in over a thousand years. A traitor, one who had bested a captain and posed a potential threat to the very structure of Soul Society, had fought against him. And had survived.

It wasn't the young man's power that bothered him; he had faced foes of great power before. It wasn't even his will; the fiery spirit that resided within many young warriors. It was something else, something deeper that churned within him.

He frowned.

Adam's abilities were like nothing he'd seen before, something that defied the very fabric of their reality. The manipulation of space, an almost sacrilegious bending of universal laws. It had been a long time since Yamamoto had been genuinely surprised on a battlefield. And Adam, wounded and poisoned, had still managed to land blows, to endure, to challenge him, even if only for a short time.

As he stood there, staring into the roaring fire, Yamamoto felt the first stirrings of a rare emotion — doubt. Was Adam truly a threat to the Soul Society, deserving of the harshest punishment, or was he a resource, albeit a complex one, that they were now about to squander?

Was his decision to fight and capture him driven by his responsibility to protect Soul Society, or by the threat Adam posed to his understanding of the world?

The flames before him crackled and leapt, as if in response to his turbulent thoughts. The fire, an element he had always felt at home with, felt suddenly alien to him, its flickering shadows resembling demons taunting his mind. What had always been a symbol of purity and destruction now seemed to murmur of complexities and gray areas he didn't want to acknowledge.

He suspected something else was at play, but what exactly, the old shinigami couldn't tell.

Had they been wrong to label Adam a traitor so quickly, to imprison him without fully understanding the motivations behind his actions? And even if they were correct, what would it cost them, not just in terms of the young man's wasted potential, but in the greater scheme of things?

As the flames continued to dance, Yamamoto leaned back, his eyes narrowing. Adam's execution was already scheduled, a message to all who would dare defy the Soul Society.

His thoughts of the matter were irrelevant.

That being said, for the first time in a long time, Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto wondered if he had made a mistake.

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