Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 431 - 430 Revenge(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Prato Cichudde


"Get up. Did you not hear what I said? I'm far from done with you, you rotten bastard," I stated coldly, as I pierced his right shoulder with another beam of heat, eliciting a tortured scream of pain from him.

"S-stop it, please-...ahhhh!" He screeched in agony, as I blinded his left eye with a small, rapid fireball.

"Stop? Tell me, when you massacred all those innocent people, how many of them begged you to stop?" I responded, as I then shot towards him and swung a kick up at his face, breaking his jaw and sending him flying back, his back slamming onto the ground as he let out a sharp gasp of pain.

I leapt forward towards him and stomped down as I landed on his midsection, above the hole I'd torn through him using my spear, an excruciating scream bursting out of his mouth, before I raised my right foot and slammed it down onto his face.

My foot struck him with immense force, breaking his nose and knocking several of his teeth in. I then raised my foot again, and dropped it back down onto his face...before doing it again...and again...

I didn't stop till he had completely stopped screaming, his cries of agony reduced to weak whimpers, as blood pooled around his head. He managed to stay conscious the whole time, his eyes look a bit dim, but even now, he's still conscious.

He began to try and say something, but his jaws were too badly broken to speak, and even if that wasn't the case, he probably couldn't say anything comprehensible with all his teeth knocked out.

"What, are you trying to beg for your life again or something? Don't bother...you're going to die here, no matter what. I'll make sure of it," I stated as I looked down at him.

"N-no...," He whimpered, blood sputtering out of his mouth as he was only able to muster the strength to utter a single word.

"Okay, then...that'll be your last word," I remarked, before swinging my arm across with my index finger extended, firing out a heat beam as I did...and decapitating him in an instant.

I...I did it. I finally killed him. I remember the frustration and feeling of powerlessness around me back then, when Lusk and I came across him too late, after he'd massacred all the civilians hiding in the underground shelter...I hope I was able to make him feel a similar feeling before he died.

"Damn, that was pretty brutal. Your boots are soaked in blood, it actually looks pretty cool," Said Belia, as she appeared through a portal.

She's the one who enabled Hacte to do what he did back then...but while I do feel a sense of disdain towards her, I don't feel anything like hatred or murderous intent towards her. After all, Hacte clearly did what he did of his own free will, he wasn't forced to do so.

"Yo, way to go! You sure took your time killing him, didn't you?" Grinned Rion, as he flew down from his seat.

Hm? What is he talking about? What good would it have been if I'd just killed him instantly? He didn't deserve such a mercy.

"Of course, I did. There wouldn't have been a point if he died a painless death..."


Point-of-View: Rai Rumel


"Okay, but why should I go with you? Can't you ask one of your friends?" I sighed in exasperation.

"They're all, uh, busy right now! So that means I need you to take me!" Came the indignant reply.

"That makes no sense! Just wait till a day when they're free, problem solved!" I responded objectively.

"That's not-...ughhh, you're such an idiot, big brother!" She snapped, before headbutting me in the chest...hard.

"Ow, that hurt...you little-...!" I began with a glare, as I rubbed the spot she struck with a grimace.

"Come on, Rai, there's no need to be so harsh. I think it'll be good for you to spend some time with your little sister," Chimed in Key, who'd been staying out of it till now.

Today's the 10th of May, and I was currently relaxing at home, having had a busy few days recently. I was helping with new ideas for stores, restaurants and other attractions, along with how to implement them in this world.

Gotta say, it was pretty fun work, thought also very tiring. Having gotten a day off today, my plan was to laze about all day, but a few minutes ago, my sister approached me and demanded that I take her shopping. And, you know, I really didn't want to...

"Wait, that's it...why don't you go with Key?" I suggested, as the idea occurred to me.

"But, I-...," She frowned, trailing off as she averted her gaze.

"You idiot, don't make her spell it out for you...she just wants to spend some time with you," Sighed Key, as she lightly smacked the top of my head.

Huh? There's no way, we hardly ever spend time together at all, so-...

"Th-that's not it! It's just...it's just that it's been so long since my last appearance, I've barely had five scenes in total, and that's including this one!" She protested indignantly.

"H-hey, you're not supposed to-...alright, fine, I give! But only for an hour, and then we're turning back, got it?" I remarked firmly, as I stood up, reluctantly leaving the couch's embrace.

"Okay, an hour is plenty! Let's go!" She responded as her eyes lit up.

"See you two later," Waved Key, as she munched on some chips while reading a book.

"Come on, big brother, hurry up!" Urged Rilia impatiently.

"Don't rush me," I sighed as I rubbed my head.

"Okay, but you're too slow...come on!"

I guess this is alright once in a while, I suppose. But...

"Hey, next time, tell me in advance when you want to do something like this. Don't just spring it on me last minute, 'kay?" I said as we left the house and shut the door.

"Next ti-...okay!" She responded with a nod.

As she led me through the streets and towards a bunch of stores, I realized that it really had been a while since I last spent a significant amount of time with her.

She's taller than before, I'm pretty sure the top of her head used to be lower in my eye line. It was a bit above my elbow before, but it's almost at my shoulder now...excluding the extra height that her bunny ears give her.

She's cut her hair shorter lately too, it used to be long enough to tie up in a ponytail, but now it only went down to her shoulders. When we were still living in the Rustlands, I didn't really spend any time with her outside of bumping into her at home every now and then.

And after she survived that massacre in the underground safe zone, I did spend a few days with her to try and calm her down, but once she started getting back to normal, we went back to hardly ever spending time with each other, despite living in the same house.

I'm pretty sure that Key has spent more time with her lately than I have. It's a little hard to imagine that she's right about Rilia just wanting to spend time with me, makes me feel kinda awkward, but if that's really the case then...I should probably try to be a better big brother.

"Okay, so where do you wanna go first?" I asked her, as I walked beside her.

"I want to get some new clothes, shoes and accessories, there are some stores up ahead with a lot of options...but they're a bit expensive, is that okay?" She asked me sheepishly.

"Well, I've got plenty of money to spend, so sure, it's okay. But don't get used to it, so go all out today," I replied with a thumbs up.

"Wow, I-...thanks, big brother. Guess you don't suck all the time, huh?" She responded with a smile.

"Did you have to add that last bit, you little brat?" I sighed with a wry smile, as I lightly smacked the back of her head.

"Ow, that hurt...ohh, let's start with that store, it's supposed to have some really nice clothes!" She exclaimed, as she giddily bounded over towards a nearby building.

Well...I guess this isn't so bad once in a while...


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