Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 430 - 429 Revenge(Part 1)

Point-of-View: Belia Lasmodeus


"So, you finally willing to be reasonable?" I inquired with a smile, as I sat on a chair across the prison cell I was standing in front of.

"I am being perfectly reasonable! I refuse to be restrained by the insignificant worms of this pathetic nation!" Came the stubborn reply from inside the cell.

"Look, I've tried to help you since you served me reasonably well and all, but if you keep resisting my help, then there'll soon be nothing I can do for you," I responded bluntly.

"Hah, if you truly wanted to help me, you would free me from this prison and-!"

"Yeah, no, I'm not gonna do that. Face it, you're far too insignificant to generate any worthwhile chaos, and besides, I'm going to be playing along with this whole peace thing for a while, so yeah," I shrugged with a smirk.

"I...I refuse to give in, I cannot let everything that my lord worked for simply die out like this! I am the only one who is carrying on his will, do you not understand that!?" He yelled furiously, his eyes bulging.

"It's not a matter of whether I understand or not, I just don't care about the will of a maniac like Tirayze Valaque...that's all there is to it," I replied indifferently.

"Wh-wha...how dare you!?" He screamed in indignation.

Today's the 8th of May, in the year 1677, and I was currently in the Rustlands' prison, where Hacte was being held at the moment. Why, you ask? Because as soon as he heard that the Rustlands was forming a non-aggression pact and setting up trade with Abyss, he began protesting and declaring his intent to destroy Abyss.

He was also trying to incite others into joining his cause, and so Cusana had him thrown in jail...on that note, she's definitely got a lot more authority than 'King' Rustlands does now. Officially, he's still at the top of the chain of command, of course, but everyone seems a lot more willing to listen to Cusana instead, she certainly commands a lot more respect than he does.

Anyway, Abyss was informed of Hacte's outburst, and Kuro's response was to just kill him off, pointing out that he's been involved in the majority of conflicts in recent years. But mostly, I think it was just that Kuro really doesn't like the guy.

And, I mean, that's perfectly understandable. Even now, his maniacal devotion to Tirayze Valaque remains steadfast, it's kinda creepy. Plus, you know, he's spiteful and vicious, but at the same time, he's a major, cowardly, soy boy, beta male.

This morning, Abyss responded again, saying that there's someone with a major grudge against Hacte and wants him dead...along with a proposal to have this person fight Hacte for the chance to kill him.

And, well, not a single person spoke up in Hacte's favor, so Cusana told me to take one more crack at trying to talk some sense into that idiot, and if he still refuses, then we'll go ahead and have him killed. I mean, it's not like he has anyone that actually gives a shit about him, so it's not big loss.

"You need to relax, you've always been way too-," I began with my final attempt to try and talk him down.

"Shut up! I-I must carry on Lord Valaque's will! Damn it, if only I could break out of here, I would be able to kill all those that get in my way!"

He's been restrained using Mana-disrupting chains and shackles, so he can't use any magic. Ironic, considering that these shackles were invented by The Valaque Empire, and are now being used to restrain the last remaining loyal member of that organization.

"Valaque is gone, dumbass, and he was so insignificant that he didn't even make it past the Vampire Arc! And besides, the world as you knew it a few years ago has been destroyed, so technically, his goal has already been accomplished," I pointed out, even though it was becoming more and more apparent that this was a waste of effort.

"That is not for you to decide, you bitch-!"

"Okay, and with that, I am officially done trying to help you. This evening, you'll be taken to the stadium to fight someone who has a grudge against you, without a safety barrier...in case I have to spell it out for you, they'll be doing their best to try and kill you. Oh, but if you manage to kill them instead, you'll be allowed to leave to Rustlands and do as you please," I informed him...yeah, I made up that last part, he's so gonna die today...and for calling me a bitch, I'll give him false hope.

Heh, I can't wait to see the look on his face right before he dies.

"Ah, how perfect, I shall kill them and whoever else may stand in my way, and then, I shall avenge Lord Valaque!" He smirked confidently.

Poor, pathetic dumbass. Well, guess I'm done here. Soon enough, he'll be dead and gone, unless he really does manage to kill everyone present. But, then, he's way, way too weak for that.

As he began muttering to himself in delusion, I let out a quiet sigh as I stood up and headed for the exit...


"Oh, so you're the one who wants to take a crack at Hacte, are you?" I greeted them with a sense of intrigue, "I remember, you're the one who used highly compressed beams of heat, right?"

"What do you want? You instigated most of the recent conflicts, I have nothing to say to you," He huffed in response.

Aw, so cold. His name is Prato Cichudde, if I remember right...I haven't seen that much of him, but I do remember him leaving an impression that he's fairly skilled. Dunno about his power level, but he's probably more than a match against Hacte.

It was a few hours later, around 5 PM in the evening. A few minutes ago, a small group from Abyss showed up, in order to deal with this issue. There was Prato, of course, the person in question with the grudge.

In addition to him, there was also Rion Xester and Azeria Folix, the other two surviving members of The Valaque Empire, along with Lusk Cotuid, one of Kuro's clones, and a couple of Vampires and Demons.

Cusana, Agatha and a few of the Rustlands' top Adventurers were also here, though the king wasn't here...mainly because Kuro was, and the king was kinda nervous that he might kill him. Sure, it's not actually Kuro, just a clone, but still...if he really wants to kill someone, there's pretty much no one in this world that can stop him...and the few that might stand a chance of doing so, are all on his side.

Anyway, some Adventurers had headed out to bring Hacte to the stadium a little while ago, where we all currently were at, up in the VIP seating area. The regular seats were all empty, because this fight wasn't going to be shown to the public...which is understandable. Probably shouldn't get your citizens used to watching death matches for the sake of entertainment.

Anyway, I had to admit, I was pretty interested to see how this fight was going to go...yeah, I'm sticking with peace for the foreseeable future, but hey, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a little bit of violence every now and then.

"It sounds like they're almost here, we'll be ready to start the match any minute now," One of the guards then informed us

"Good, my wait is finally over," Remarked Prato, standing up with a dark look in his eyes.

"Hey, good luck, and make sure not to get careless," Kuro's clone advised him.

I don't think that's gonna be a problem, that kid looks focused as fuck.

"That's some intensity he's got going on," Said Rion, as Prato headed down to the arena, before adding, "Gotta say, kinda got mixed feelings about this...I never really liked Hacte, but we were on the same side at one point."

"I do not care either way, I only came because you asked me to," Spoke up Azeria, who was sitting next to him.

Prato then entered the arena, clear murderous intent emanating from him.

"Hey, looks like he's here," Remarked Cusnai, one of the Rustlands' Adventurers that was here.

"I know he's a major dick and all, but he's pretty strong...can the pink haired guy really beat him?" Responded Minise curiously.

She was here despite Shiro staying away, since he didn't want to run into Kuro either, clone or not. As Hacte was led onto the arena, freed of his shackles before a barrier was activated around him and Prato, I used a spell to boost my hearing, so that I could hear what they were saying down there...

"Huh? Am I supposed to know you?" Inquired Hacte disdainfully.

"You don't remember, do you? That's fine...it doesn't matter, because you're about to die," Responded Prato icily, as the signal to start the fight went off.

"Such insolence, do you not know who I-...ahhhh!!!" Began Hacte, before screaming in pain as, in an instant, his left arm was severed.

In just a fraction of a second, Prato simply waved his right index finger across, firing out a pinprick-narrow, and insanely fast, beam of heat, cutting off Hacte's left arm before he even knew what had happened.

As Hacte stumbled back in shock, Prato drew out his short-spear, and in a swift, fluid motion, flung it straight at Hacte like an arrow. It pierced through his midsection, tearing through his stomach and bursting out through his back, his screams picking up again as blood poured out of the hole in his stomach.

"You better not die just yet...I'm far from done with you...," Remarked Prato coldly, a murderous look on his face...


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