Devil’s Music

Chapter 141: Stalker, Orchestra, and Zoo

Chapter 141: Stalker, Orchestra, and Zoo

The next day, the Juilliard School officially canceled this year's free orchestra performance. The decision was difficult but necessary, as Kay's prominence and the spread of stories from attendees of the party made it impossible to proceed with the performance. The unfortunate incident committed by the conductor, intended to benefit the underprivileged, rippled far and wide, constantly bringing Kay's name into public discourse.

Even after the resolution of the incident, the swarm of journalists gathered outside his home to report on the stalker case prevented Geon from returning home, leading him to stay longer at the accommodations provided by the Bronx Zoo. Concern for Geon brought Sean to his doorstep early in the morning, where he sat on the living room sofa, visibly bored, prompting Geon to express his regrets.

"Sean, I'm sorry about the performance we prepared for an entire year, all because of me."

Sean waved off the apology.

"No, no, don't say that. You had a serious issue to deal with. The performance isn't what's important right now. I'm just a bit bored, don't worry about it."

As Geon sighed and looked out the window, Sean inquired.

"How's Hailey? Have you heard from her?"

Leaning on the windowsill, Geon responded.

"Yeah, I talked with Eminem this morning. She's stabilizing, but still just looking out the window without saying much."

"That's worrying. I hope she's okay."

"Yeah... I feel guilty since it all happened because of me."

"What do you mean 'because of you'? You were attacked by a crazy woman. You're a victim too. Eminem doesn't blame you, does he?"

"No... But I can't help feeling responsible."

"Don't. Both you and Hailey are victims here."

Geon remained silent, staring out the window, then softly added.

"Honestly, it's disappointing, isn't it? The performance, I mean."

Sean looked straight at Geon and agreed.

"Yeah, it is disappointing."

Geon nodded, understandingly.

"I would be too. After all, it was a year's worth of preparation."

Sean sighed before speaking again.

"Still, if you hadn't helped, I might have been the first to drop out of the performance. If I were alone, I would've given up on it. So, it's okay. There will be other opportunities."

As they shared their regrets, a knock on the door interrupted them.

"Knock knock"

Geon got up and opened the door to find Olivia, Alisa, and Taylor standing there. Surprised, Geon asked.

"Is the zoo closed already?"

The three smiled at Geon, who checked his watch in confusion.

"It's not time yet?"

Alisa put her hand on her hip and smiled brightly.

"Did you see the news, Kay? Heard you've been through a lot?"

Geon replied with a forced laugh.

"Ah.. yeah.. ha ha"

Taylor leaned in and suggested.

"How about a party to change the mood? Maybe another barbecue?"

Geon, puzzled, asked.

"A party? Another barbecue party?"

Olivia grabbed Geon's hand, pulling him along.

"No, come this way. Sean, you too. Oh, and Kay, bring your guitar!"

Confused, Geon grabbed his Gibson J-200 while Sean, noticing the cue, slung an electronic keyboard case over his shoulder. Led by Olivia, Geon and Sean boarded a truck parked in front of the accommodation. Seated in the truck's cargo area, Geon turned to Alisa.

"Alisa, what kind of party is this?"

Alisa replied with a fresh smile.

"A party only possible at the zoo. It'll definitely lift your spirits, just trust us, Kay. It's almost closing time, so we can have the party to ourselves."

The truck stopped in front of a large building after about three minutes. Alisa jumped out first, followed by Geon and Sean looking at the building.

"Huh? This is the maternity section, isn't it? Where Shihwa is?"

Alisa ran ahead and gestured from the building's entrance, leading Geon and Sean inside. Passing several doors, Alisa stopped in front of a large, thick metal door, turned back, and asked.

"Kay, you've visited the germ-free room to see Shihwa quite often, haven't you?"

As Geon nodded, Alisa opened the door, exclaiming.

"Ta-da! Welcome to the special nursery for baby animals!"

The thick metal door opened to reveal a room decorated with colorful wallpapers and low wooden fences, where baby animals frolicked. Geon, smiling broadly, hesitated before exclaiming.

"Wow!! So cute!! But are we allowed in here?"

Alisa crossed her arms and nodded.

"Yes, with the director's permission, we've brought in animals older than

5 months. Just use the hand sanitizer provided at the entrance, and there'll be no problem, Kay."

Geon quickly used the sanitizer and washed his hands, while Sean, standing awkwardly, was nudged forward by Alisa. Sean protested as he was pushed.

"Hey! I'm not really fond of animals!"

As Alisa tilted her head, Sean scratched the back of his head.

"I had a dog fur allergy when I was young.. I'm fine now, but still, I guess I have a bit of an aversion... Sorry, I'll just watch from outside the fence."

Geon, having sanitized his hands, leaped over the fence.

"That's right, Sean! You stay there! You're missing out! Hehe"

As Geon made eye contact with the baby animals on the floor, they toddled over, licking and gently pawing at him with curiosity in their eyes. Seeing Geon sprawled on the floor, laughing as if he were cleaning it with his entire body, elicited from Sean a murmur.

"There... that's where the animals have peed and pooped..."

Geon spent more than two hours joyfully interacting with the baby animals, like a child. When he started singing with his guitar out, the baby animals gathered around him, tilting their heads and listening intently to the sounds he made. The small enclosure filled with joyful music as Sean joined in with his electronic keyboard.

The fun continued until Olivia came in to suggest they go for a meal.

"Kay, it's time for the babies to rest. Let's go have dinner. Director Emma invited us to join her."

Even as they were led to the dining room by Olivia, Geon kept looking back at the baby animals with a longing gaze. Upon reaching the staff-only dining room, they found it empty except for a central table laden with food, where Alisa, Taylor, and Emma were seated. Emma greeted Geon with a smile.

"Kay, welcome."

"Ah! Emma, it's been a while."

"It has. Funny how we live in the same zoo but hardly see each other, ho ho."

As Geon and Sean took their seats, the meal officially began. Everyone, apparently famished, eagerly dug into the food and soon started chatting over after-dinner tea. Emma watched Geon playing with Alisa for a while before broaching the subject.

"The performance... I heard it was canceled?"

The mention of the performance quieted the lively conversation among the keepers. Geon nodded with a wry smile.

"Yes, it was canceled."

"Was it the school's decision?"

"Yes, given the main conductor was arrested for an unfortunate incident, it would have been difficult to proceed. They officially announced the cancellation of this year's performance this morning."

"That's unfortunate. Not just for you and Sean but for all the orchestra members who practiced so hard."


Emma paused, sipping her tea, then spoke.

"Um... Kay."

"Yes, Emma?"

"Well... I might sound a bit silly asking this, but I heard from Olivia that you've been singing to the animals every night during your stay. Is that true?"

"Um, yes, that's right. I sang while walking around the zoo at night. Why?"

"Well... It might be hard to believe, but the health indicators of the animals you've sung to have been improving."

"Health indicators?"

"Yes, it's a graph that quantifies the animals' health. Even the sick animals are showing improvement."

Sean interjected with a surprised look.

"Really? You think that's because Kay sang to them?"

Emma laughed awkwardly.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure, Mr. Lennon. But we haven't changed the treatment methods or the environment. The only new factor is Kay's singing. And according to other keepers, many animals have been sleeping better through the morning since Kay started living here."

Sean looked incredulous.

"That sounds a bit... speculative, doesn't it?"

Emma responded with a smile.

"Speculative or not, we're just grateful the animals are healthier."

Sean scratched the back of his head in agreement.

"Ah... well, I suppose..."

Emma leaned forward, looking intently at Kay.

"So, Kay."

Geon waited for her to continue.

"About that orchestra performance. Would you consider doing even just one piece here at the zoo?"

Geon looked surprised, and Sean chimed in.

"Really? A performance here? Do we have a suitable space?"

Emma glanced between Sean and Kay.

"Of course, we do. It's been three years since the last one, but we have an outdoor stage capable of hosting small concerts right in the middle of the Bronx Zoo."

Geon, still surprised, remained speechless, prompting Sean to ask.

"If we ask the orchestra members, do you think they'd perform here?"

Geon shrugged, looking at Sean.

"We'd have to talk to them. What do you think, Sean? Want to do it?"

Sean tapped the table lightly.

"Of course! We've prepared for a year for this!"

Geon looked at Emma gratefully.

"Thank you for considering it, Emma."

Emma raised her hands enthusiastically.

"Thank me? I truly believe your singing provides the animals with comforting rest. If anything, I'm the one who should be asking you."

Geon nodded with a smile, then turned to Sean.

"Sean, Damian hasn't left yet, right?"

Sean grinned.

"He got caught up drinking with Snoop last night and is probably still sleeping it off in his hotel."

Geon laughed.

"Ha, for once, I'm thankful for Snoop's hospitality. Shall we give him a call?"


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