Devil’s Music

Chapter 140: Stalker, Orchestra, and Zoo

Chapter 140: Stalker, Orchestra, and Zoo

The scene unfolded slowly, like a slow-motion video.

Sabrina, holding a knife, turned around and grabbed Hailey's shoulder, pulling her towards herself while Hailey, startled, dropped the phone in her hand and looked at Sabrina with a surprised expression as she was forcibly turned around. Her sky-blue dress shimmered, revealing her white calves.

Jeffrey, standing next to Geon, quickly drew a gun from his holster, and the officers close to Sabrina also drew their guns, aiming at Sabrina.


"What, what's happening!!!"

*Bam bam!!!*

In an instant, the joyful party turned into chaos, and Sabrina, with Hailey held in front of her at gunpoint by the officers, brought the knife towards her neck. A drop of blood trickled from the tip of the knife on Hailey's neck.

"Everyone step back!! If you come closer, I'll slice her!"

Sabrina shouted sharply. Although the officers gradually stepped back from Sabrina, they did not lower their guns, surrounding her. Hailey, terrified and unable to speak, looked at the officers with pitiful eyes, but everyone hesitated to move for her safety.

With a gun aimed at Sabrina, Jeffrey approached her slowly, shouting, "Sabrina Molly! Drop the knife! You're under arrest for stalking Kay, illegal filming, wiretapping, and attempted murder! I warn you again, drop the knife!"

Hiding her face behind Hailey's head, Sabrina pressed the knife deeper into her neck.


As Hailey, with her neck slightly cut, whimpered softly, Jeffrey fired his gun into the air.




Again, aiming at Sabrina without taking his eyes off her, Jeffrey slowly lowered his gun to the ground.

"Last warning, Sabrina Molly! Drop the knife!"

With tears in her eyes, Hailey pleaded, "Please, please let me go... Please."

Sabrina, shaking Hailey by the hair, shouted, "I'm finished anyway! If I'm caught, I'll kill this fox-like woman myself, so do as you please!"

Shocked by Sabrina's aggressive behavior, the officers looked at each other. Jeffrey, who had been aiming at Sabrina for a while, raised the gun towards the sky and raised both hands.

"Alright, let's hear you out. What's your reason?"

As Sabrina continued to shake Hailey from side to side, she screamed, "Kay is mine! Mine!"

Jeffrey, holding the gun with one hand and aiming it, showed the palm of the other hand without raising the gun.

"Sabrina Molly! Okay, I get it! But that woman is innocent, right? Let her go."

"Don't joke! I've seen this woman flirting! With my Kay! How dare she touch my Kay?!"

Sabrina shouted into Hailey's ear, who was terrified and looked at the officers with tearful eyes, but none of them moved easily for her safety.

Jeffrey, keeping his eyes on Sabrina, slowly lowered the gun to the ground and said, "Calm down, calm down, Sabrina Molly. Don't torment the innocent lady and come talk to me. Okay?"

With a distorted expression, Sabrina said, "What do you know about me! I have nothing to say to a cop like you! Get out of here!"


A low voice spread quietly among the people quietly watching Jeffrey and Sabrina. As soon as Sabrina heard Geon's voice, she felt her strength leave her hands. As Geon, who had been quietly watching Jeffrey and Sabrina, approached her side, he looked at Sabrina with sad eyes. As Geon, without saying a word, just looked at Sabrina for a while, Sabrina, with a trembling voice, said, "Why... why are you looking at me with such sad eyes.."

With a trembling voice, Geon said, "Liking someone is not a sin, Sabrina."

Sabrina's expression momentarily turned fierce.

"Do you, too! Do you think it's not a sin for that woman to flirt with my Kay?"

Geon shook his head slowly and said, "No, Sabrina. I said liking me isn't a sin."

Sabrina's eyes widened. As Geon took a step closer and said, "Love among people is something you can't hide, especially. It can't be a sin to like someone. There was just a problem with the way, Sabrina."

As Sabrina, holding onto Hailey, stepped back, Geon took another step closer and said, "You didn't have to do this, Sabrina. You could have come to me and just said you liked me."

As Sabrina tried to step back further, the table with food on it hit her waist. As Geon approached again, the officers around tried to stop him. Seeing them, Jeffrey raised his fist and stopped the officers. When Jeffrey signaled to watch him, the officers aiming their guns took another step back.

In the center of the party venue, with a knife pointed at Hailey's neck and Sabrina standing behind her, except for Geon, who was standing a few steps ahead, everyone else was gathered in a circle, watching from a distance. Geon took another step forward and spoke.

"Sabrina, your first impression on me wasn't that bad. We clearly had a chance. The discord in love isn't about two hearts being out of sync, but about two timelines being out of sync. We had a chance, Sabrina."

Sabrina's eyes trembled thinly, gradually showing signs of a spasm on her face. Her hand trembled, causing the knife around Hailey's neck to slightly shift. Geon took another step closer. Standing within reaching distance of Hailey, Geon said,

"Was it difficult to say you liked me? If you had told me, you would have had at least a 50% chance, Sabrina. But now, even that chance is gone. Why did you do that, Sabrina?"

A large tear formed in Sabrina's eyes. Tears that had been trickling down her cheeks one by one turned into a waterfall. Sabrina, using her other hand that wasn't holding the knife, wiped her face with her sleeve. Just as Hailey, who had been waiting for that moment, bowed her head and began to fall forward, Sabrina, in a panic, tried to catch her, but the bystanders aimed their guns and shouted,

"Don't move! Any step and we'll open fire!"

Sabrina looked around with tears streaming down her face. Seeing people looking at her with disdainful eyes, Sabrina lowered the hand holding the knife. As the guards rushed towards her, Geon raised a hand. When the guards momentarily stopped and looked at Jeffrey, who nodded slowly, Geon remained in place and said,


Sabrina, whose head was drooping weakly, looked up.

"W-What... what do you want me to say?"

Geon took another step closer. The guards tensed even more, aiming their guns at Sabrina. Geon grabbed her shoulder as she reached out. As soon as Sabrina felt Geon's hand, her body seemed to lose strength, and she dropped the knife to the ground. Geon, holding her shoulder tightly, said,

"Say it. This is your last chance, Sabrina."

Sabrina's pupils shook violently as she looked at Geon. The expression on Sabrina's face, which had been silently waiting for Sabrina's answer, gradually crumbled. With thick tears streaming down her face and trembling all over, Sabrina collapsed in front of Geon, sitting on the ground hesitantly.

Geon looked down at the collapsed Sabrina with sad eyes. Sabrina, who had her hands on the ground and was sobbing, said softly,

"S-Sorry... I love you."

Geon looked down at her, saying,

"I can't hear you, Sabrina."

Sabrina looked up at Geon with a face covered in tear-streaked, and said,

"I love you, Geon."

Geon knelt down, facing Sabrina's eyes.

"I've heard your heart. Sabrina."

Sabrina looked at Geon with eyes that seemed to suck him in, giving a faint sad smile. After staring at Geon for a while as if she would never forget his appearance, Sabrina said,

"I love you, Kay."

Geon knelt down on one knee, looking into Sabrina's eyes.

"I've received your heart well. Sabrina."

As Sabrina looked at Geon with eyes that seemed to suck him in, a group of large guards rushed in and handcuffed Sabrina, who was sitting on the ground. They lifted her up, handcuffed, and as the ambulance arrived, Geon approached Hailey, who was sitting in a chair, and knelt down, putting his hand on her shoulder.


Hailey shivered and slapped Geon's hand away, causing her to fall to the ground, knocking over the chair. Just as Geon tried to approach the fallen Hailey, the rescue workers who had come down from the ambulance stopped him.

"Don't approach! She's in a sensitive state due to shock!"

With a regretful look, Geon could only watch as Hailey, supported by the rescue workers, was taken into the ambulance. As he was staring at the departing ambulance with concern, Snoop, who had called Eminem to inform him that Hailey was safe, approached him.

"She'll be fine. It's probably just temporary shock, so she'll get better little by little if she rests. Kay, it's better not to contact her until Hailey contacts you first. Hearing your voice might trigger her memories and cause her pain."

As Snoop spoke, Damien, who had been standing aside, sighed.

"Well, at least it ended here. But, what about the concert tomorrow without a conductor? Isn't it going to be canceled? With this much of an incident, wouldn't the school cancel it? I'm fine, but it's a shame for Shaun, who has been preparing for a year."

Shaun shook his head and said,

"That's the problem right now. The concert can be postponed. Hailey needs to be safe first."

Snoop looked at Geon with concern.

"Are you okay? You must have been surprised too. Anyway, the party is over for today, so go home early and rest. I'm sure the school will make some announcement about the concert tomorrow in the morning. It's not like an immediate decision will be made here. Let's all go back and rest. Come on, you guys too."

Although Snoop clapped his hands to air out the room, Geon's steps didn't come easily. Shaun and Damien also couldn't leave. They were the four people watching the ambulance rushing away into the distance with worried eyes.


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