Devil’s Music

Chapter 105: Return to PANTERA

Chapter 105: Return to PANTERA

At the front, Lynn remained seated, constantly assessing the situation through the radio.

"Lynn, what's the situation in front of the hotel?"

"The fans keep gathering! Currently, there are over ten thousand, and they keep coming in!"

"Can we enter? What does the hotel say?"

"Yes, the hotel staff is trying to secure the entrance, but if more people gather, it seems uncontrollable with just the staff here!"

"Contact the public security police. See if we can get some help."

"Yes, understood."

Lynn sighed as she put down the radio. Through Geon's interpretation, Phillip received the real-time translation of the Chinese coming from the radio. Rex, who had been listening to the translated story, spoke with a puzzled expression.

"Are we not able to enter our hotel at this rate?"

Vinnie, looking at the Beijing cityscape outside the window, pointed outside.

"Look. Those people in the taxis taking pictures in this direction. Are they following us?"

Rex, leaning against the window, looked outside, and women in the back seat of a taxi, closely following the bus, opened the window and pointed their cameras. Rex drew a 'V' in the air, and a woman in the taxi gestured as if to say, "Vinnie, look at me." Vinnie burst into laughter.

"Hahaha!! Did you just see that? Gesturing 'V' with an annoying face? Hahaha."

Rex puffed up his cheeks with a disgruntled expression, and Phillip and Geon joined in the laughter. With a push from Geon, Phillip moved to the window and opened it. When Geon leaned out, not only the taxi next to them but also cars around them opened their windows, and cameras came out, flashing. As Geon waved and smiled, Lynn rushed over, closing the window.

"No, it's not allowed. It's dangerous. Please don't open the window."

At that moment, an urgent voice came from the radio hanging on Lynn's waist.

"Boss! Fans are pouring in on a large scale!"

Startled, Lynn pulled out the radio and spoke.

"How many?"

"I-I don't know! An enormous crowd is rushing in!"

"What does the public security police say?"

"They say they can't deploy police for hotel security, especially after the airport incident!"

"Alright. We still have about 30 minutes to arrive, so keep updating the situation."

"No, Boss! It's still out of control!"

"Understood. We'll discuss and get back to you."

After Lynn sighed, she looked at Geon.

"What should we do? It seems like we can't go to the hotel."

Geon asked with a puzzled expression.

"What about you, Boss? The concert is tomorrow. Should we stay on the bus today?"

Phillip, hitting the front seat, said.

"Ah! Can't we even go to buy beer?"

Lynn shook her head.

"There's everything you need in the fridge. If you need anything else, tell the security team."

After Phillip dropped his hand, Geon and Lynn exchanged glances.

"What now? It seems we can't go to the hotel."

Vinnie chuckled and said, "It can't be helped. As long as it's not the bus, anywhere is fine. Let's go to a motel."

Lynn nodded.

"Hotels may also face security issues, and motels are not an option. Let me check elsewhere and get back to you."

While Lynn was back at her seat, exchanging information on the radio, the bus passed by the hotel they originally intended to go to. Looking out the window, Rex commented.

"We would have been in big trouble if we tried to go in there."

Surprised by Rex's words, Phillip turned to the window.

"Well, isn't it more crowded than the airport?"

Vinnie, widening her eyes, said.

"We can't even get a car in, let alone a bus. Hey, this country's no joke."

As the bus passed the hotel and went on for about ten more minutes, Lynn approached and said.

"We're heading to Chairman Wang Hao's villa of Fantasio. It's about 30 more minutes from here, but the problem is it's not a standalone villa; it's an apartment. Since it's a residential area, other residents live there. Please be especially careful about security and cover your faces with hats or masks."

The group put on hats and masks provided by Lynn. After about 30 minutes, the team arrived at an underground parking lot of a high-rise apartment building with over 30 floors. After getting off the bus, the group stood in front of an empty elevator in the underground area. Lynn instructed the security team, who came with them on the bus, to go to the lobby on the 1st floor, and they ran up to control the elevator.

Fortunately, it wasn't a busy time, and only a few residents were on the 1st floor of the apartment building. They watched in surprise as the security guards suddenly rushed in. The group, entering the elevator, finally arrived at the penthouse on the top floor and unpacked their luggage. Lynn assigned rooms.

"Phillip, use this room. Vinnie, here. Rex, use this room. K, take the innermost room, and never pull the curtain on the window. If pictures are taken from outside, we'll have to move again."

After raising his hand, Phillip said.

"Can't we even go out to buy beer?"

Lynn shook her head.

"There's everything you need in the fridge. If you require anything else, just inform the security team."

After lowering his hand, Phillip shouted, swinging open the large fridge in the distance.

"Heya~ Is this the lifestyle of a Chinese tycoon I've only heard about? Is this a fridge or a convenience store?"

Digging through the fridge, Phillip retrieved three beers, tossed them to Vinnie and Rex, and remarked, "There are different types of beer too. What do you want, K?"

Geon gestured as if saying, 'Whatever you like,' and the group enjoyed their beers while carrying their luggage to their assigned rooms. In the living room, only Geon and Lynn remained, exchanging glances.

"I usually call you K in front of people, but it's more comfortable to call you Geon when we're alone."

"Haha, I don't care what you call me. Call me whatever you're comfortable with."

Lynn walked to the fridge, fetched a soda, sat on the sofa, and took a sip. Glancing at Geon, she said, "Now you've gained worldwide attention as Pantera's guitarist. You keep surprising us with different appearances like peeling an onion."

Geon, sitting comfortably on the sofa with both hands up, laughed, and Lynn continued, "What's your plan for the future? You seem like you've already become a star living an ordinary life."

Geon replied with a smile, "I'll continue going to school. I've built many connections here, and I don't plan to live solely as a guitarist."

Lynn nodded, "Well, it's a shame to waste your singing talent. Are you considering becoming a pop singer and singing your own songs?" Geon raised his head and said, "I haven't specified a genre. I don't have a definite plan to sing either. There are still many instruments to learn, and a lot of theory to cover. I also want to explore the producing side."

Lynn asked Geon with a serious look, "How far do you want to go? It might be better to focus on one genre."

Geon laughed and crossed his legs. "Well, I haven't chosen a specific genre yet. Until then, I want to absorb various genres of music."

Lynn, with a curious expression, asked, "Various genres? Like what?"

After Geon clenched his fist and thought for a moment, he said, "Hmm... I'd like to further explore film music, which I've done before, and maybe try my hand at hip-hop."

"Hip-hop? You want to rap?" Lynn asked with wide eyes.

Geon shook his head, laughing. "No, not exactly. I tried it alone, but it turns out I don't have the talent for rapping. If I ever do it, it would probably be in producing or featuring."

Nodding with a fist raised, Lynn said, "To produce, you need to have some recognition in the industry. You're not known in hip-hop. How will you manage that?"

Geon raised his hands behind his head, holding his neck. "I don't know yet. But if I have the will to do it, and if there are people willing to help, I think I can make it happen. Haha."

Lynn nodded in agreement. "It seems like strange connections gather around Geon. It doesn't seem impossible, especially considering how you met Phil in Seattle by chance. Seeing that such connections lead to a tour, someone else might appear as a new connection, regardless of the genre you choose. It's like the god of music is helping you."

Geon burst into laughter. "The god of music? Haha. Do you think such a god really exists?"

Lynn shrugged and said, "Whether it's a god or a devil, without something like that, these many connections wouldn't be possible."

Geon, still smiling, said, "Really? Haha. Well, I guess it could be."

Lynn unfolded a stack of papers she held in her hand. "After tomorrow's performance and the day after tomorrow's show in Guangzhou, we have to go to Europe. Are you aware of that?"

Geon nodded, and Lynn continued, "If you can capture even the proud fans in the UK, Pantera will experience a complete revival. If that happens, do you think the members will stay quiet if you decide to return to school?"

Looking at the door of the room where the members were, Geon said, "I already told Phil and Vinnie. Just participating in the tour. From what I know, they're thinking of recruiting the former guitarist of Phil's old band 'Down.'"

Lynn raised her eyebrows and asked, "Down? Is it a famous band? I've never heard of it."

Geon laughed, "It's somewhat known, but not as much as Pantera. The activity period was too short. Still, I'm sure the musician is talented. Have you listened to their music?"

Nodding, Lynn said, "Yes, that's somewhat relieving, at least for Pantera."

Lynn got up from her seat and said, "We have to rehearse from tomorrow morning, and after the evening performance, we need to fly immediately. It's going to be a tiring day. Geon, get some rest. Managing your condition is the most important."

Geon shook hands with a smile as Lynn left the office. Looking out of the window through the curtains, Geon picked up the phone and made a call.

"Hyung, it's Geon. I'm in China now, haha."

"Oh, really? I saw the news. Did you manage to check into the hotel?"

"No, I couldn't get in. I came to the villa. It seems to be your company president's villa."

"Oh, really? It's close to our house."

"Is it? I really want to see you, hyung."

"Do you? Then I'll come. I'll bring Yeongseok and Sangmi with me."

"Great. Come quickly, hyung."

After ending the call, Geon approached the window, peeked through the curtains at the outside scenery, and then abruptly closed the gap in the curtains.


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