Devil’s Music

Chapter 104: Return to PANTERA

Chapter 104: Return to PANTERA

Inside the airplane heading to China.

Watching Vinnie and Rex playing around in first class, Phillip, who was sitting next to Geon, reading a book, spoke.

"Don't you feel a bit sad leaving Korea? Not being able to see your family for a while."

Geon closed the book he was reading and smiled.

"Well, it was still enjoyable. Having Pantera come to our house for lunch, when will I ever experience something like that again?"

Phillip, regaining his appetite, replied, "What was that dish your mother made, the slightly spicy meat? Can you find that in the U.S.?"

Geon nodded, saying, "Bulgogi? Yes, you can find it in almost any Korean restaurant in the U.S."

Phillip swallowed and said, "I could have eaten like crazy if only I knew how to use chopsticks. Do they give forks in American restaurants?"

Geon laughed, "Probably. Haha."

Geon noticed Phillip searching for a Korean restaurant in the U.S. on his smartphone.

"How was the Korean audience, Phillip?"

Phillip put away his smartphone and replied, "Surprising. The sing-along? I didn't know what that was, but I found out properly this time. Seeing 60,000 people singing along to our songs, I was amazed. Rex even missed a note because he was so shocked."

Rex, who was listening nearby, interjected, "You're not surprised? You were surprised too! It's not even a title track, but everyone keeps singing along from start to finish. Knowing all the songs! I've never seen that in the U.S., our main stage."

Vinnie, sipping on cola, added, "Yeah, definitely a country worth visiting again, Korea. Did you see the girls crying when Daryl's video came out? It seems like a country with sensitive emotions. In contrast, the performances in Japan were too quiet. It was awkward, a rock concert but shaking balloons silently without screams."

Phillip, looking at Rex and Vinnie, turned to Geon and said, "But aren't you regretful? We received a bigger cheer than you, K. In your own country."

Geon, seemingly indifferent, smiled and replied, "No, not at all. It's an honor to be with such a great band like Pantera, even for a short while. The guerrilla tour was fun too."

Phillip slapped his knee, laughing. "Right! And that Lin Isa person, really smart. How did he even think of announcing the location just two hours before on SNS? Without any explanation, too."

Geon, looking at Lin sitting at the front, commented, "Yeah. He thought people might not understand the meaning at first, but after the Busan performance, everyone caught on without me having to explain. It became a more powerful message than writing a detailed explanation."

Rex, with an excited expression, interjected, "It was really fun! But did you do a guerrilla tour in China too?"

Vinnie, elbowing Rex, said, "Hey! Korea is small, so it was possible. To do that in China, you'd have to travel by private jet."

Phillip chimed in, "Even with a private jet, it's impossible. Maybe in some regions, but doing it in only certain areas would lead to the resentment of fans in other regions. It's better not to do it."

While the band members continued their conversation, Lin approached them. Seeing Lin's figure walking towards them, Rex swallowed hard, and Vinnie elbowed Rex again.

"Ugh! Why?"

"Shh, hey, you might get hit by that girl, not an ordinary girl."

Lin, standing between the seats, looked around at the group.

"We will arrive at 'Beijing Capital International Airport' in about 20 minutes. I received a message in advance that fans seem to be gathering at the airport, so please be especially careful for safety. The first performance will be held at 'Beijing National Stadium,' and the capacity is about 80,000. We've arranged the stage in the center so that everyone can watch from every seat."

"The second performance will take place at 'Guangdong Olympic Stadium' in Guangzhou. The capacity is similar, and right after the Beijing performance, we'll move by plane. The destination is 'Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport.'"

Phillip raised his hand slightly, and Lin signaled him to speak.

"Are there fans gathering at the airport because of us? Why? Because of us?"

Lin smiled and looked at Geon, sitting next to Phillip.

"More for K's popularity than Pantera itself, I suppose?"

Rex raised his eyebrows and said, "K? Is K popular in China?"

Lin, looking at Geon, widened her eyes in surprise.

"Didn't I tell you?"

Geon, silently smiling, shrugged as he replied, "No, not really. It's just as much an honor to be with Pantera as it is to be popular. Guerrilla tours were fun too."

Phillip, Vinnie, and Rex exchanged curious glances, and Geon continued to talk, unfazed.

"Back in high school, I once sang an OST for a drama that became a hit in China. Thanks to that, I had the chance to attend an event there. That's about it. It happened only once."

Philip raised his index finger, expressing disbelief as he spoke.

"Just once? You only went there once, and it wasn't even for activities in China? Yet you're considered one of the most popular Korean stars?"

Geon chuckled, tilting his head.

"Director Lee is just exaggerating. I did gain some popularity, but that's it."

After Lin applauded and got everyone's attention, he spoke.

"You'll understand when you get down. Anyway, please be cautious about safety. We've arranged for Chinese police escort in advance, so it should be fine, but still, be careful, everyone."

As Lin received instructions to return to their seats through the in-flight announcement, their plane descended at Beijing Capital International Airport. After a brief immigration check, Lin turned to the group at the exit of the departure hall.

"Kay has experience, so she knows, but for the rest of you, it's your first time in China. When you go out to the departure hall, fans will gather. The police will maintain a safety line, so just walk through the middle. The car will be waiting right at the end of the line; just get in immediately. It's okay to interact with fans, but don't overly excite them."

Philip, with an expectant expression, nodded as Lin began asking questions in Chinese through the radio.

"Chief, 一名警?. ?准?好了 ? ? ?在退出. (Security team, are you ready? We're exiting now.)"

" 是的, 我准?好了. (Yes, we're ready.)"

As the departure gate opened, Philip, standing at the front of the group, wore a bewildered expression.


" 我?? Kay!!!(Love you, Kay!)"

"Uaaahhh!!!! Wowww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Feeling the ground shake from the tremendous cheers, Vinnie and Rex were startled and peeked out.

"What's, what's happening?"

"How many are these? Wow, this country is truly amazing."

Lin looked at the group and said, "Inside the airport, there are twenty thousand, and outside, there are thirty thousand fans. We need to get out as quickly as possible."

After Lin gave instructions to the waiting security guards, they rushed out, and there were security lines set up by the police. While Lin's team ran towards them, guards were stationed in between, and Lin shouted to the group.

"Let's go! We need to run."

Philip and Rex were the first to dash out. With only enough space for three people, Philip and Rex extended their hands, pushing away fans trying to grab them. When Vinnie followed with his large body, Lin, seeing the remaining members, said to the security guards,

"Four guards! Stick close to Kay and escort her out! Now!"

Four guards surrounded Geon, one in front, one on each side, and one at the back, advancing. As they reached the entrance, Philip, Rex, and Vinnie had just managed to secure some space, and they quickly ran out of the airport.

Sighing, Vinnie looked at the overly excited fans outside. Lin turned to the group and said, "There are about twenty thousand inside the airport and an additional thirty thousand outside. We need to get out as quickly as possible."

After Lin issued instructions to the security team, they rushed out, and the police and security guards formed a line, pushing fans away. As Lin saw that the guards had taken their positions, he shouted to the group,

"Let's go! We need to run."

Philip and Rex were the first to dash out. With only enough space for three people, Philip and Rex extended their hands, pushing away fans trying to grab them. When Vinnie followed with his large body, Lin, seeing the remaining members, said to the security guards,

"Four guards! Stick close to Kay and escort her out! Now!"

Four guards surrounded Geon, one in front, one on each side, and one at the back, advancing. As they reached the entrance, Philip, Rex, and Vinnie had just managed to secure some space, and they quickly ran out of the airport.

Sighing, Vinnie looked at the overly excited fans outside. Lin turned to the group and said, "There are about twenty thousand inside the airport and an additional thirty thousand outside. We need to get out as quickly as possible."

Philip and Rex were the first to dash out. With only enough space for three people, Philip and Rex extended their hands, pushing away fans trying to grab them. When Vinnie followed with his large body, Lin, seeing the remaining members, said to the security guards,

"Four guards! Stick close to Kay and escort her out! Now!"

Four guards surrounded Geon, one in front, one on each side, and one at the back, advancing. As they reached the entrance, Philip, Rex, and Vinnie had just managed to secure some space, and they quickly ran out of the airport.

Sighing, Vinnie looked at the overly excited fans outside. Lin turned to the group and said, "There are about twenty thousand inside the airport and an additional thirty thousand outside. We need to get out as quickly as possible."

Philip and Rex were the first to dash out. With only enough space for three people, Philip and Rex extended their hands, pushing away fans trying to grab them. When Vinnie followed with his large body, Lin, seeing the remaining members, said to the security guards,

"Four guards! Stick close to Kay and escort her out! Now!"

Four guards surrounded Geon, one in front, one on each side, and one at the back, advancing. As they reached the entrance, Philip, Rex, and Vinnie had just managed to secure some space, and they quickly ran out of the airport.

Sighing, Vinnie looked at the overly excited fans outside. Lin turned to the group and said, "There are about twenty thousand inside the airport and an additional thirty thousand outside. We need to get out as quickly as possible."

As Philip and Rex expressed their agreement, Lin, looking worried, said, "I hope we can safely reach the hotel, without any trouble."

At that moment, Lin, seated in the front, raised his head and exclaimed,

"Big problem! Fans are blocking the way in front of the hotel!"

Philip stood up in alarm and said, "What? How many are there?"

Lin, massaging his forehead as if in pain, replied, "Fans from inside the airport are also moving. It's hard to estimate, but it might be tens of thousands."

Rex and Vinnie exchanged glances, both looking uneasy.


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